Leonardo Lionheart sits in his office with his head in his hands. From offscreen, Arthur Watts opens the door to the room.
Watts: "Are we ready?"
Lionheart lifts his head to look at Watts as he closes the door behind him and steps into the room. A brief exchange of looks is made as Lionheart turns his head away from Watts who smirks in response. The two soon enter a secret hallway adjacent to the office. At the end of the curved hallway is a circular room containing a Seer Grimm.
Watts: "After you."
Watts pushes Lionheart closer to the Seer Grimm.
Lionheart: "Your Grace, are... you there?"
The red smoke-like substance contained in the head of the Seer Grimm shifts to form an image of Salem and Cinder Fall at their location in the Land of Darkness.
Salem: "Hello, Leonardo. Do you have something to report?"
Salem and Cinder are also looking through a Seer Grimm to communicate with Lionheart and Watts.
Lionheart: "Of course, ma'am. I would not waste your time, if not."
Watts: "I'm still just so fascinated by this creature. Mercury sir, are we coming through? Can you see us clearly? Well, as clearly as you can."
Mercury looked annoyed, before speaking out with frustration.
"Shit up. If you come back, I will plant a piercing weapon to your face.
Salem: Your report. What is it?
Lionheart: I've... I've found the Spring Maiden.
Salem: Is that so? Well done. Arthur, had I known how useful you'd be in expediting this process, I would've sent you long, long ago.
Watts: As much as I'd love to take credit, ma'am, I can't say that either of us are to thank for this development. I guess you could say, a little birdie told us.
Salem: Explain.
Lionheart: You see, ma'am, Qrow Branwen arrived at Haven Academy earlier today. He believes Spring has taken residence with his sister's tribe.
Cinder: Is... the girl... with him?
Watts: Yes, Miss Rose was in attendance.
Salem: And you know of the tribe's location?
Lionheart: "Yes ma'am! But you have to hurry! Qrow is already at odds with my--"
Salem makes a face of annoyed concentration and in response one of the Seer Grimm's tentacles shoots out to wrap around Lionheart's throat and choke him.
Salem: "Leonardo, do you remember the first time we met? I remember. I remember your fear. But, since that day, you've been extraordinarily brave. I won't forget all that you've done for me. Do not forget everything that I can do to you."
The Seer Grimm slowly brings the point of another tentacle close to the face of Lionheart before drawing it back. Within the orb of the Seer Grimm, Salem makes a gesture, and the tentacle simultaneously releases him from the chokehold. Lionheart coughs and gasps for breath.
Mercury, you and your team will meet with Doctor Watts, and together, convince Raven Branwen that the survival of her people depends on her cooperation. Once you have Spring under control, escort her to the Relic and contact Hazel. The White Fang was promised the destruction of Haven, and they'll have it once we have what we need.
Watts: "Understood."
Salem: "Not you, Arthur. You will need to make more of our armies here."
Watts: "What about Tyrian?"
Mercury: "can you guess what happened?"
Watts: "The silver-eyes girl?"
Mercury: "And some guy named Mecha."
Watts: "It will be done."
Salem: "Good."
The image of Salem disappears from the Seer Grimm to show the connection has ended.
Watts: "Seems Qrow was right, Lionheart. The students aren't pushovers."
In the Land of Darkness, Mercury is clearly unhappy.
Salem: "You're free to speak your mind."
Mercury: "This is so frustrating. We have one relic lost, the pathetic Rose is not captured, and we had lost 2 of our allies. How are we going to succeed if we lose more allies quickly?"
Salem: "Never underestimate the usefulness of others. Take Leonardo; he was one of Ozpin's most trusted, and yet now... (chuckles) We will have the power I promised you, when the time is right. But remember that it comes with a cost. If Ruby Rose has learned to harness her gift, then you must take care to protect yours. There's only so much I can do to aid you."
Mercury bowed, before going out of the room. Salem than looked behind her as she sees someone.
"It seems your plan is working well."
Salem spoke to the person behind her. The person than spoke calmly.
"Yes, and your Ambition as well."
The person is than revealed to have a mask.
"But if Sans were to understand his power, even I will not be able to stop it, we need to get him killed, so that he is out of the way."
Salem: "I know, which is why I had Watts gave a bounty hunter to hunt down the pathetic little bird."
Back at the Mantle Kingdom...
Sans is looking around, cautiously. He sensed that someone is here to try and kill him. As he looks around, he reacts and ducks down, as he almost got hit by whatever tried attacking him. He looks and sees the person that tried killing him.
The female is a young woman with long back length wavy auburn hair with a single silver streak. She also has golden eyes, freckles and a black stylish tattoo on her right side to her upper leg. She wears a dark navy cropped long-sleeved shirt with a metal chain-like top attached, a white cape with crimson trimmed and her emblem on it, crimson torn off booty shorts that match her tatter scarf and thigh-length black leather boots.
In addition, she wears goggles on top of her head, black belts with sheaths for her Sai weapons, a single belt on the right sleeve and her left leg. She also wears worn bandages wrapped around her wrists.
The Emblem looks like a viper with a gem on the forehead. Sans narrowed his eyes, as he prepares for a fight.
"You hear to kill me?"
He spoke to the female. The lady smiled, as she readies her Sais.
"The person who put me to hunter you says you are special. Well, I, Carmine Esclados, will kill your for me to pay on!"
The female, now called Carmine Esclados, charges are him, and Sans begins to fight. He jumps over the female, and than launches his Abyss Chains directly at her. She than suddenly used her Sais to block it. It than gets more difficult, as he than puts her Sais together, and the weapon begins to extend.
The weapon it resembles a double-sided trident. Sans grunted , as he saw that this was rather expected.
"Well, 2 can play at that game."
He than made a crystal spear, and charges at the bounty hunter, fast. He than pushed he back, and summoned his powerful attacks.
The attacks than launched towards her at a fast pace. She immediately dodged many of them, and did another unexpected move. She made a hang gesture do paining, and lifts her hand up. The caused her to lift Sans off the ground, stopping his attack, and launched him into a building, thick thankfully didn't break.
'So, she had telekinesis. I should be more careful now.'
He thought, as he lifts himself off the ground. He than looks and sees that Carmine is up in the air, and tried to stab him with her Trident. Sans than reveals his wings and flies up to avoid it.
The female only hits the ground, and snarls that Sans has dodged the attack. But than she got surprised as she was lifted into the air, and she is than sent flying into a building, which also didn't get damaged. As the Bounty Hunter stood, Sans than came flying to her, and prepare to punched her, but she jumps away, only punching the ground, which cause a little crater forming.
Carmine than jumped and tried to attack his head, but Sans reacted and Carmine stabbed the ground instead of Sans. She than looked up and spoke out to him, angrily.
"Grrrr...no wonder he said ya would not be easy, it's like you're already away of what I am about to do to you completely!"
Carmine Escaldos than used her semblance: Telekinesis, to summon an even worse snowstorm on sans to freeze him, while her hand brings out a Rich Golden Mist. But sans is so used to the cold that he has gained a tolerance from getting a frostbite. Sans smiled and spoke out.
"Well, unfortunately for you...YOU ARE ALREADY OUT OF THE RING."
He than launches a telekinesis of his own, make her float, and sent her flying out of the city.
Sans than looked at where she had been landed on, before going back to the military, and resumed his work.
But Carmine wasn't easy to give up. After getting up from the sand, she looked at the city and spoke out.
"I am not giving up on killing ya yet! When I get back...I will gut ya like all the other I had hunted!"
She turns and runs back, while using Telekinesis to make a tunnel to run safely. Sans, however, is aware that he was given a bounty. Which is why he has a plan to flip the entire situation to his favor.
Base of the White Fang...
Inside the White Fang headquarters, Adam Taurus kneels before Sienna Khan, who is sitting on a throne flanked by two guards on either side of her.
Sienna: "Adam. I'm not going to repeat myself, so I want you to listen when I tell you that the White Fang will not attack Haven Academy."
Adam: "High Leader Khan, I am begging you."
Sienna: "You should beg for forgiveness and nothing else! The assault you led on Beacon was not the great victory you clearly think it was, and you should be more grateful your punishment was not more severe. You are a symbol for many in our organization, but that doesn't make you infallible."
Adam: "I was merely trying to follow your example, High Leader."
Sienna: "And what example might that be?"
Adam: "Strength. Strength and unwavering conviction. The humans have seen that strength now."
Sienna: "I was one of the first to suggest violence where violence was necessary. Peace bred complacency and acceptance of our place in the world. I will not allow humanity to push us down without pushing them back. But the destruction of the Huntsman Academies crosses a line! The loss of the CCT has brought global communication to a crawl! And the White Fang is more of a target now than ever before! You have justified humanity's campaign against us, and for what?! Empty promises from a group of humans? Humans we still know nothing about, and come and go as they please! These are not examples of strength, Adam. They are examples of your talents being diminished by shortsightedness!"
Adam: "If you want to know more about the humans, then why not talk to one of them yourself?"
Adam rises and turns toward the entrance to the room.
Adam: "Hazel!"
Hazel Rainart opens the doors to the large room.
Hazel: "Took you long enough."
As Hazel enters, Sienna rises from her seat and her guards all point their spears toward Hazel.
Sienna: "What is this?!"
Hazel: "Apologies. I don't aim to cause any trouble."
Sienna: "You've brought a human to this location?!"
Adam: "You should hear what he has to say
Sienna: "This is grounds for execution!"
Hazel: "Ma'am, please. Nobody needs to die today. I'm just asking for a moment of your time."
Sienna: "The longer you stay here, the less of a chance you have of leaving alive."
Hazel: "I'll take those chances, if you don't mind."
Sienna sits back down, her guards return to their neutral position and Hazel rises again before continuing to speak.
Hazel: "You don't like me. You have no reason to like me. But you don't have to like me to get the results you want."
Sienna: "I'm starting to doubt either of you fully comprehend what it is that I want. I want humanity to fear the Faunus, to know that we demand respect! I do not want to start a war with the humans that we cannot win!"
Adam: "That's where you're wrong."
Sienna and Hazel focus on Adam who begins to advance toward Sienna while continuing to speak.
Adam: "We can win a war against the humans. Not only because we have the support of Hazel's master, but because the Faunus are the dominant species of this planet. We're better than humans. We have everything humans have and more. Humans shouldn't just fear the Faunus, they should serve the Faunus."
Sienna: "I've had enough of this conversation for tonight. Guards, take them away."
The guards remain stationary.
Sienna: "I said, take them away!"
Adam: "I will admit, Sienna, you were right about my popularity. My followers in Vale already see me as the true High Leader. And many here in Mistral feel the same."
Four armed White Fang soldiers enter through the main doors and stop, pointing their weapons into the room as Sienna rises to her feet.
Hazel: "What are you doing?"
Adam: "What's right for the Faunus. From this day forward, I will be the one to lead the White Fang."
Four more soldiers reveal themselves with their weapons drawn, two on each side of the room, as Sienna's guards point their weapons at her. Sienna quickly judges the situation, though taken by surprise. Her eyes narrow darkly.
Sienna: "If you think I'll just step aside and follow beneath you, you're wrong."
As she turns toward him, Sienna is impaled by Adam's weapon.
Adam: "I know."
He lifts the blade, making it slide deeper into Sienna's body and lifting it off the ground. Fists clenched, her body shakes from the damage and Adam takes advantage of her closer proximity to rest a hand on her shoulder and speak into her ear.
Adam: Thank you, Sienna. You were there when our people needed you, but they need me now. I'm sorry you couldn't see this through to the e-"
Before he could finish speaking, a black fist appeared and attacked Adam, sending him flying, and Sienna was caught in the arms of Kage himself. Adam noticed and spoke, angrily.
"Are you going to betray me to, Obscruo?!"
Kage than lofted his head, and shows that his skin is normal.
"Obscruo...is a fake memory. My name...is Kage Gaster. I am the older twin of Sans Gaster himself."
This caught him by surprise, but got more so, when his robotic arm got priced.
"And you...are just dead meat."
After he spoke, the spike then rips off the arm, causing Adam to cry in agony. The guards than prepare to pierce Kage, but he summoned a shadowy wall, and made is shockwave, sending the White Fang members flying away, also causing Hazel to get knocked off his feet. Kage took the chance to use his powers to teleport away, and getting both himself and Sienna Kahn to safety, fast.
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