Chapter 5: Eye Smile
A/N: See that picture? That's Tiffany with her signature smile! Her eye smile! Cute, right??
Tiffany's POV
"Ugh." I groaned while writing something that i cant tell you.
"Fany, we're at a restaurant, stop writing things." Sooyoung said. I closed my notebook.
"Sorry." I said and smiled at them. You know, eye smile.
"Will you stop eye smiling?" Taeyeon asked.
"I cant help it. It's my signature smile." I said.
"It is? How cute." Sunny said.
"Food's here. Be quiet." Jessica said. Sooyoung was the one who ate first.
"I think you meant this." Yoona said and wrote something on Seohyun's notebook. Is she her tutor? Again, i placed my eatphones on my ear and ate. Also, turning the volume almost in max.
Taeyeon's POV
"Good. She cant hear us anymore." Yuri said.
"What do you think of her eye smile, Tae?" Sunny asked.
"Her eye smile? It's cute and beautiful. I like it." I said.
"Ohhhh. I like her eye smile too." Seohyun said.
"It kills me! She's so cute." I added.
"Ooooh, Taeyeon's developing some feelings to Tiffany i see." Jessica teased.
"No, i wasn't! I was saying that her eye smile is cute." I said.
"Ohhh. We're getting the wrong idea, unnies." Seohyun said.
"I think so. TIFFANY!!" Sooyoung yelled at Tiffany. Tiffany removed her earphones and raised an eyebrow.
"Eat your food or i will take it." Sooyoung said.
"Just take it if you want. Im not hungry." Tiffany said. Sooyoung happily took the food.
"Anyways, i was wondering..." Yuri said.
"Wondering what?" Hyoyeon asked.
"Do you guys wanna go out to the mall tommorow?" Yuri asked.
"Of course." We said.
"Yay! We'll meet there at 8 in the morning." Yuri said.
"Im not even awake yet in that time." Jessica said.
"Then, i'll come to your house and wake you up." Yuri said.
"Fine, whatever." Jessica said.
Tiffany's POV
"Boy, you ain't cooler than me now~..." I quietly sang while the other girls are talking. (A: That's GG's new song, 'You Think'.)
"Tiffany-unnie!" Seohyun yelled. I looked at her and cocked up an eyebrow.
"Look." Seohyun pointed behind me. I looked behind me and saw a BUG!
"Kill it!" I yelled. Taeyeon immediately smacked it with her hand.
"Ewww." Taeyeon said in disgust and went to the washroom to wash her hand.
"That was gross. I didn't knew you hate bugs, Tiffany." Taeyeon said when she came back.
"......." I stayed silent.
"Let's go home guys." Sunny said.
"Whyyy?" Yoona whined.
"Im tired. Let's go home, Yoona-unnie." Seohyun said. I stood up and grabbed my bag. Yoona nodded slowly.
"Let's go." Yuri said and we walked out of the restaurant. I was reading my book while, well, still listening to music. (A: This is totally me.)
"Tiffany. Tiffany!" Taeyeon yelled. I stopped walking and turned to her.
"We were asking you if you wanna go to the park right now." Jessica said.
"Oh, sure." I said and we walked to the park.
"It's still hot. It's afternoon." Hyoyeon whined.
"Oh, to be a kill joy." Yoona said and we sat on a huge bench.
"..........." Silence filled the empty park while im happily reading here.
"Oh, look!" Seohyun squealed. We followed where she's pointing at saw that she's pointing at a ice cream stand.
"Since it's hot, let's go with that." Jessica said.
"Oh, you dont need one. You're already cold." Yuri joked.
"Shut up." Jessica said and we went to the ice cream stand and im still reading.
"Tiffany, watch where you're going." Taeyeon said as she gently pushes me aside because im gonna bump into Hyoyeon.
"Sure. Thanks for reminding." I said and closed my book. A few minutes after getting the ice cream, we sat back on the bench.
"Sooyoung, stop doing that. We're being GM." Sunny said. GM??
"G-- what?" Taeyeon asked.
"Green Minded. You know, getting the wrong idea." Seohyun said. Ohhhh, WAIT. How did they got the wrong idea?
"Pervs." Me and Sooyoung said. They chuckled and looked away.
"That's so gross." Sooyoung said. Taeyeon was drown in her thoughts. Now i that get a pretty close look at her face, she's really cute.
"What?" Taeyeon asked while blushing a bit. I eye-smiled her and said, "Nothing. Im just admiring how cute you are in a close view." and everyone looked at me.
"Dont get the wrong idea." Taeyeon said. Everyone quickly looked away, quite disappointed from us. I think.
"Guys..." Taeyeon called. We landed our eyes on her.
"Have you fallen inlove before?" She suddenly asked.
"Yes." Everyone said except me and Hyoyeon.
"Ooooh." Taeyeon cooed. I never thought they could fall inlove. Yuri and Jessica had a relationship but that was a long time ago. They still have feelings for each other im sure.
"Sica, sorry to ask this but..." Hyoyeon said.
"What is it?" Jessica asked.
"D-Do you still l-like Yuri?" Hyoyeon whispered to Jessica but i heard it.
"What are you saying? Of course i do. I didn't mean to break our relationship and such." Jessica said. I smiled a bit, knowing that Jessica still have feelings for Yuri.
"Are you thinking of something right now, Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked. I eye smiled again and shooked my head.
"Nope." I said.
"Dont eye smile me, Tiffany." Taeyeon said.
"I told you, i cant help it." I said. Taeyeon looked away or so i thought. She looked at Jessica and Yuri then nudged my shoulder. I looked at Jessica and Yuri and saw that they're holding hands, secretly. I giggled and held in my laughter.
"What are you giggling about, Fany-ah?" Yoona asked.
"Nothing." I said and giggled again.
"Come on, tell us." Seohyun said.
"It's nothing really important." I said, glancing at Yuri and Jessica. They blushed and looked away, releasing both of their hands.
"Suit for yourself." Hyoyeon said.
"Hey, guys. Let's go to Taeyeon's house!" Sooyoung yelled.
"Mine?" Taeyeon asked. Sooyoung nodded.
"Fine. Let's go." Taeyeon said. We stood up and walked to her house...which is beside mine.
"Our houses are really near from each other." Sunny said.
"It is? Anyways, let's go in." Taeyeon said. We entered her house which is a little mess.
"I guess you were in a hurry." Yuri said.
"You cant blame me. When im alone, im pretty much a procastinator." Taeyeon said and threw her bag to her couch. I placed my bag beside hers and sat on the floor.
"So, what now?" Jessica asked. They all sat on the floor and shrugged. An awkward silence followed until Taeyeon face palmed.
"Do you guys wanna play games? Video games?" Taeyeon asked.
"OF COURSE WE DO!" Everyone yelled except me. I just stared at Taeyeon who's looking at everyone.
"How about...movies?" Taeyeon asked.
"Sure." I said and shot another eye smile. Taeyeon placed the CD. It's a horror one.
"Is that an Anime?" Yuri asked. Taeyeon nodded.
"A movie?" Jessica asked. Taeyeon nodded and sat beside me. Sooyoung turned the lights off which made me shiver.
Taeyeon's POV
Hihihihi~! I knew Tiffany is a scaredy-cat. The movie started which made Tiffany shiver again. Actually, everyone was scared, except me. Let me tell you a cute thing, Yuri and Jessica are secretly holding hands. Seohyun's head was on Yoona's shoulder. Sunny's head was also on Sooyoung's shoulder while Hyoyeon's hand was clutching the pillow tigtly. Tiffany was, well, holding my arm now.
"Stop the movie." She whispered.
"Nope. We need to finish it." I said.
"B-But im scared now. Please, stop." Tiffany begged with those puppy eyes.
"Yeah, Taeyeon-unnie, stop it." Seohyun said. I sighed in defeat and stopped the movie.
"Hey! I was enjoying the scene!" Hyoyeon yelled.
"Because they were kissing?" Sunny asked. Hyoyeon nodded slowly. I glanced ar Jessica and Yuri who was staring at Tiffany. I followed their gaze and saw the shivering-to-death Tiffany.
"Are you okay?" Sooyoung asked.
"A-Absolutely not." Tiffany stuttered.
"Taeyeon-unnie." Seohyun nudged me on my shoulder.
"What?" I asked.
"Comfort her." She said. I sighed in defeat and slowly hugged Tiffany. Seohyun squealed like a kid while everyone, well, they're speechless.
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