Chapter 35: No Biggie

[ Timeskip: At The Forest ]

No One's POV

Everyone got off the bus with their bags except YoonHyun and JungLi who are asleep and Carlie and Jane who are preparing to go out.

"Shouldn't we wake them up?" Carlie asked.

"No. They're sleeping peacefully." Jane said and took a picture of Yoonhyun and JungLi.

"Cute couple i gotta say." Carlie said.

"Yup. Let's go. I bet the others don't know where the huge cabin is." Jane said. Carlie knows where the place is because she's been here soooo many times. Carlie's indeed nervous.

"Sure." Carlie said and took one last glance at the two couples and walked out of the bus.

"Carlie! We were waiting for you! Show us the way where!" Sunny yelled. Carlie slowly nodded and walked in front with her hands shaking. She looked around the area and started walking to the right.

'I believe that this is the right way.' Carlie thought.

[ At YoonHyun and JungLi ]

Krystal opened her eyes and looked up and saw Sulli sleeping. They were cuddling each other. Krystal blushed and poked Sulli's nose.

"Sulli-ah, wake up. Everyone's out." Krystal whispered. THEN, Sulli opened her eyes and leaned her face closer to Krystal. BUT this is just a hallucination of Krystal.

"Sulli, wake uuuup." Krystal said. Sulli opened her eyes and blushed.

"Hello, Soojung-ah. Where's everynody?" Sulli asked.

"Ummm, can you let go of me first?" Krystal asked. Sulli blushed harder and let go of Krystal. Krystal stretched out her arms and looked outside the window.

"Apparently, they... LEFT US!!!" Krystal yelled which woked up Yoona and Seohyun.

"WHO LEFT US?!?!" Yoona yelled.

"The others!" Krystal yelled.

"Let's get out." Seohyun said. Everyone ran out of the bus and looked around the area.

"They really are gone." Krystal saidp and shivered because of the cold wind.

"Here, wear this." Sulli handed out her jacket.

"Aren't you gonna wear that?" Krystal asked.

"Nope." Sulli said. Krystal put on the jacket and felt warm.

"Let'z go." Yoona said.

"Do you know the way where, unnie?" Seohyun asked.

"Newp." Yoona said.

"What kind of language is that?" Sulli asked.

"Nothing." Yoona said.

[ At The Others ]

"Well, we were fast reaching this huge cabin or should i say mansion." Victoria said.

"Wait, WHERE'S MY SISTER?!?!" Jessica yelled which echoed everywhere.

"They're... Um... Still back in the bus." Taeyeon said.

"What?! That's dangerous! Especially at this time!" Carlie yelled.

"Why?" Everyone asked.

"Some thugs or dangerous animals might be here." Carlie said and ran out of the mansion.

"Hey, wait!" Jane and Jessica yelled and chased after Carlie. Tiffany and Taeyeon also chased after them, of course, Yuri too!

[ At YoonHyun and JungLi ]

"OMG, it's getting darker and darker. Where are we?" Seohyun asked. It's 6:45 in the night. Their road trip was too long because of... Traffic.

"Do you guys have flashlight?" Yoona asked.

"Hey, where's Sulli?" Krystal asked.

"Right here." Sulli said and put her arm around Krystal's shoulder. Seohyun opened her flashlight and saw a big tree with a corpse leaning against it. Sulli covered Krystal mouth to prevent her from screaming.

"Is that Carlie's dad?" Yoona asked.

"It's only a bone now so yeah." Seohyun said.

"Guys!" Someone yelled and it was Carlie. Carlie was holding a candle.

"That could burn the whole forest, blow it out." Sulli said. Carlie blew the candle out and landed her eyes on the corpse.

"Dad..." Carlie mumbled.

"Soojung!" Jessica yelled and hugged Krystal also kissed her in the cheek.

"I'm okay, unnie." Krystal said.

"Why didn't you guys followed us?" Taeyeon asked.

"Oh yeah? You guys left us!" Yoona said.

"We did? Sorry." Tiffany said.

"Let's go back." Yuri said and they did walked back at the huge mansion.

"Thank God you guys are safe!" Sunny yelled. Sulli just smiled.


"AHHH!!" Someone yelled which cutted off Sooyoung.

"What was that?!" Taeyeon yelled.

"S-Sulli, is that blood on your shoulder?" Luna asked. Sulli looked over at her shoulder and her eyes widened.

"Where did this came from?!" Sulli yelled. Unknown to her that Krystal's arm is wounded.

'When did mt arm got wounded?' Krystal thought.

"Soojung, your arm is wounded!" Jessica yelled.

'Did... Someone attacked Krystal and some blood got on Sulli's shoulder?' Carlie thought.

'This is a one scary forest!!' Taeyeon thought. Will they survive? This sounds like a horror story!! Hihihi, don't worry, they'll be alive but they will be hurt. Sorry for the short chapter! Thanks for reading!! Tune in for the next chapter!!

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