Chapter 6-Preperations

Ravager's Base

I could barely believe what I was seeing. I didn't want to believe it, but I had no other choice. Ravager, Clay and I were all looking up at a large screen connected to the main computer of the base and had a birds eye view as my home burned curtsy of a satellite Clay had hacked into. The video didn't have any audio, but I could still hear the roar of fire and bloody screaming here at the bottom of the ocean.

Nearly half of Gotham City was in flames, with wrecked cars and collapsing buildings dotting the screen. Almost all of the Supervillans along with their goons and gangs were tearing each other apart in the streets, and I didn't want to know what was going on in those dark alleys we couldn't see.

I wanted to speak. To say something, to say anything. But I couldn't find the strength, and as I felt a bead of cold sweat run down the back of my neck Clay began to speak.

"Oh...........oh my god"

Her voice was barely above a whisper but in the eerie silence of the room her words rung like church bells on Sunday morning.

"This........what the fuck is going on?!" Ravager mumbled, disbelief practically dripping from her voice as we all continued to watch the screen. "You said all the big shots in the city meet up at the Iceberg Lounge right? Well is this their big plan? Because it doesn't make any damn sense! Bane and Penguin want to rule Gotham and it's underworld not be kings of the ashes left behind. Hell even those sick fucks like Scarecrow need test subjects! So why the fuck are they all tearing the city and each other down?!"

By the end of her rant she was nearly yelling and held her helmet in the crook of her elbow as both of them turned to me, and all I could do was stand there and shrug as another bead of sweat ran down my neck and then my back.

Shaking my head I closed my eyes and tried to force out all the horrible images that began to assault my mind thanks to watching Gotham burn. But I failed miserably.

There was a man half in the doorway of an apartment complex, desperately trying to crawl out as the building burned and shook around him. Hot ash fell into his clothes while the smoke and air burned his skin, all while his screams were drowned out by the choir of misery and suffering around him.

Then I saw a women slumped over against the side of a car. Her face unmoving, wide eyes starring out into nothing as more and more blood leaked from a stab wound in her side. All while a hooded figure dumped out the contents of the woman's purse onto the pavement.

And then...........

And Then



"Ah fuck what was that for?!" I yelled, grabbing the side of my head someone smacked before I looked up and saw both Ravager and Clay looking at me funny.

"We tried saying your name at least ten times, you spaced out and were mumbling incoherently to yourself" Clay said as she walked around Ravager and put her hands on her hips. "You alright?"

"I'm fine. I just do that sometimes"

"What? Space out and talk to yourself like a lunatic?"

"I guess so?"

Hearing my answer Ravager sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose while Clay shut off the monitor. "Well I think we've all seen a enough of that" She said before glancing over my way. "So when you were working for Penguin he never mentioned what his big plan was or why he was getting all the big players in Gotham together?"

"No" I said as I sat down on nearby chair and adjusted the straps of my mask. "I didn't even know he was inviting the other criminals until I got back to the lounge. Then he sent me after Professor Pyg, who I killed only to then be attacked by the same mercenary who shot at me when I meet Batgirl. I managed to kill the guy only after he told me that someone out a bounty on my head. I don't know who want me dead that much, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on in Gotham"

Clay just nodded while Ravager leaned against the computer terminal. "Soooo, to change subjects and to get out minds off Gotham dying what was that job Luther wanted to talk with you about?" Clay asked.

"Basically a glorified treasure hunt. He has his people searching the globe for some kind of crystal or gem that he wants. And whenever he finds it he'll contact us again and promised to pay for us to go retrieve it"

"So until then what do we do?" I asked

"Well" Ravager began, setting her helmet down before she crossed her arms. "Luther was kind enough to offer a second job as he tries to track now his precious little rock. There was a research facility on the Atlantic Sea floor, but the people in charge decided that they're rather be their own bosses. Now Luther once us to break in and retrieve some kind of research data that was being done there"

"So what your telling me is that he wants to break into this under sea base, fight through the armed guards that are sure to be there, and bring back some kind of data or science experiment that's probably illegal or inhuman?" Clay asked as she adjusted her goggles.

"More or less"

"Say no more, he give us the coordinates? Oh and how much is this job paying?" She asked as she got up and began to walk out of the room.

"I'll send them to you, and. Around 10 million if we bring back all of the data he's looking for" Ravager replied as Clay left the room with a nod. Then the cyclops looked over at me and picked up her helmet. "What caliber is that revolver of yours?"

"That's a good question" Pulling out my revolver I opened the cylinder and took out of the of bullets to read the shell casing. ".357, oh so I guess it's a magnum"

Snatching it from my hand Ravager looked my gun for a few seconds before she flipped it around to hold it by the barrel and offered it back to me. "Smith and Wesson 586"

"You certainly know your guns" I told her as I took my gun back and holstered it. She just shrugged before heading for another door which opened for her. "What waist size are you?" She asked as she looked back over her shoulder"

"Around 30, 31. Why?"

"Grabbing something real quick. Don't go anywhere Pipsqueak"

With that she left me alone with my thoughts, and once she was out of sight I found myself thinking of Gotham. Why did Penguin bring all of those villains and their goons together if they just started slaughtering each other? Was so one else behind all this? Pulling strings behind the scene?

Would those poor cops and the Justice League be able to stop all of them? I mean use Superman would probably be able to handle it all himself but that would still be a lot for one man........all powerful alien.

If I never left would I have been killed already? Gunned down in a shootout with another gang? Taken down by the cops or slaughtered by one of the numerous villains? Maybe I'd be trying to get out of the city, steal a car or a boat? Maybe I'd do none of that and seek shelter in that small church not far from the lounge. Church...........haven't gone in a few years, haven't prayed in a long time too. Sorry God.

Ravager walking back in snapped me out of my thoughts, and in her hand was a belt that she tossed over to me.

Catching and holding it up I saw it was covered in little loops, all of them holding a single round of 357, so needless to say I wouldn't run out of ammo any time soon. "Thanks Boss" I told her, putting on the belt before we started ti hear Clay's voice over the intercom system.

"I got the coordinates Luther sent us, looks like it'll take around an hour or so to get there. And that's if we're not delayed by currents or massive sea monsters or the Atlanteans"

"Atlanteans? Who the hell are they?" I asked, following Ravager as she grabbed her gear and started to head for the hanger bay.

"You know the story about Atlantis don't you? Whole sunk into the sea?"

"Wait that actually happened?!" I asked dumbfounded, slowly following after her. By the time we got there I saw the same ship Ravager and I had come here in fired up and ready for take off.

"Yep, and now there's a race of people living on the ocean floor who can breath underwater and talk to fish"

"Do they like to wear ridiculous orange and green outfits too?"

"No, just their kings if Aquaman is anything to go by" She said with a chuckle.

I made her chuckle! Maybe a raise in in my future? Fine to think of it what's my hourly wage looking like? Is there some kind of super villain or henchmen insurance I can get?

Following my new boss up onto the ship she took the seat next to Clay, both of them pushing a bunch of random buttons and dodads while I sat down on a bench built into the wall and buckled up. "Buckled up back there Pipsqueak?" Ravager asked, earning a shit eating grin from Clay that I could see from here.

"Ready" Was all I said in reply, checking the seal of my mask one last time before I pulled my hood up and sat back in my seat. Here's hoping the way to this secret underway base/lab won't be difficult or life threatening.

Crap I just jinxed us didn't I? Way to go Y/N.

The ship lifting off the ground tore me from my self pity, and as I looked out the windshield I wasted as Clay drove us out of the hangar bay and into the endless blue sea. Would this be a bad time to tell them I can't swim?

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