Keith's POV
I yelled as he fell to the ground. I quickly ran to him and held his body. Everyone gave a worried look, but I was the most worried. "I told him this could happen, but he was very insistent to help." Allura said. "Will he be okay?" I ask very worried. "He'll be fine. He just completely exhausted himself from using all of his energy. He just needs rest." Allura said calmly.
"Alright then." I said. "I think after everything I think we all need a little rest. So let's rest up." Shiro said. "Right." We all said and I picked up (Y/n) bridal style and we all walked out of the bridge and went to find our rooms.
Allura's POV
As they all left I went to look through the database to see what those symbols were. They are very familiar, but I can't remember. "Princess are you alright?" Coran asks. "I'm fine Coran. I'm just a little worried is all." I said. "I understand that princess. Everyone here is worried about (Y/n)." He said. "That's not what I'm mean Coran. That power that (Y/n) has is unlike anything I have ever seen. No human is able to have such power."
"What are you saying princess?" Coran asks. "What if (Y/n) really isn't human? What if he's something else entirely?" Coran looks at me with a somewhat concerned expression. "If that's the case, then what is he?" He asks me. "That's what I'm going to find out."
Keith's POV
After a few minutes of searching for our rooms, each of the others found theirs. I haven't found my room yet, but I want to find (Y/n)'s room first. So I kept walking down the hallway looking through the doors to see which is his room.
Fortunately after a couple of minutes I manage to find his room and I open his door. I walk in and it was very small but there was a lot of room. I look to my left and I see a bed that looks like it could fit two people. I move toward the bed and I slowly place (Y/n) on it. After I placed him down I began to leave the room, but I felt something holding me. I look back and I see (Y/n) wrapping his arms around me.
I blush madly and thank goodness the others aren't here to see this. "Don't... go" I hear him mutter. "Don't go?" "Stay... with me..." D-Does he want me to sleep with him?!" My face is getting more red and is starting to get hot. At this rate I'll be as red as the red lion. I can't believe I'm losing my cool like this. I have to calm down.
"Keith... please...stay"
I look at (Y/n) with a shaken expression. He really wants me to stay with him. So I took off my jacket and kicked off my boots and went onto the bed and laid right beside him. I could feel his body heat, he feels so warm. I turn to my side and I look at (Y/n) who is sleeping soundly, he looks so cute.
He tightens his hold around me pulling me closer and he buries his face into my chest. I smile and I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight. Slowly I began to feel sleepy, my eyelids began to get heavy and slowly I drifted to sleep.
The next day
(Y/n)'s POV
"Where am I? What is this place?" Those two questions I didn't know. All I knew is that I was surrounded by darkness just floating with nowhere to go. It felt cold, and I felt alone. This darkness just feels off to me.
Suddenly I see a flash of light in the darkness. Curiosity struck me and I decide to head toward the light. It keeps flashing and as I got closer it kept flashing more vigorously. I got so close that the light just kept shining as it became only inches from me. I slowly reach my hand toward it and once I touched it, a huge star map appears showing me locations of planets, stars, and even galaxies.
One of these locations shined even more brightly than the others and it showed me some kind of planet. I touch the glowing location and what appears are things that seems to look like coordinates. I then felt those coordinates burn into my mind, as it's something I shouldn't forget.
Then all the lights surrounding me went out, and I was surrounded in darkness again. But then another small light appears in front of me. It gets closer to me and I can feel it's warmth. It feels... familiar...
"My shining star..."
* * *
I open my eyes and find myself inside a room, in a bed. I blink a couple of times to clear my vision and slowly move. But I noticed I was sleeping on the far side of the bed... and there was no one beside me. Maybe I just tossed around in my sleep. So I get out of bed and fix my hair and clothes and I walk out of the room.
It was weirdly quiet, kind of nerve wracking. "Keith?" I said out loud, but I heard no response. "Lance? Pidge?" I said out loud as well as I walk down the hall. I still got no response. I walk a little faster trying to find the bridge. "Hunk? Shiro? Anyone?" No response. Now I was getting worried, so I ran toward the end of the hallway, hoping that the bridge was close by.
As I reached the end of the hallway I enter a huge room. It was big and was empty as it seemed to have some kind of observation deck. "What is this room?" I ask myself. "This is the training room." I jumped and turned around and I saw Coran standing behind me. "Geez Coran don't scare me like that!" I said to Coran with a shakey voice. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to." He said sincerely. "It's fine Coran, just try to avoid that. I get scared easily." I said.
"Well at least your reflexes are great. That shows that you're feeling better." Coran said with a smile. "Yeah now that you mention it, I feel much better. I guess all I needed was a good nights rest." I said with a smile. "So how do you start training here?" I ask. "This room contains invisible walls which will need to be navigated by a group of two, and we have robots that will initiate combat and there are around 10 levels of difficulty." Coran says.
"So how do you start the training?" I ask. "Just say 'initiate training level' and then your level of difficulty." He said. I nod. "Hey Coran where are Keith and the others?" I ask. "Oh they're outside trying to form Voltron again." He says. "Hmm... I see. Well while they're doing that, I'll be training in here." I said. "Alright then (Y/n)." And Coran starts walking away. "Oh and before I forget if you're in the middle of training and find that it's too difficult then just say 'end training sequence' that way they won't keep attacking and kill you." He says. "Okay thanks Coran. Wait what was that about-" "Good luck!" Then Coran left.
I was still confused on what hurt happened but I decide to shrug it off and begin training. Given I just discovered this new power I want to try to use it to the best of my abilities. So I concentrated deeply on using my powers, trying to focus that energy to my right hand. I felt power flow through it, but then one of my marks appeared in my hand.
It was the red one, and if I remember correctly this one shot out fire. I then thought of the blue mark and it appears in my hand as well, replacing the red mark. I kept going with my marks going to the brown, gray, yellow, and purple marks, and I kept a mental note of what they attack with. Red means fire, blue means water, brown means earth, gray means wind, yellow means light, and purple means darkness.
After that I then thought back to the red mark, which lead me to think that I can control my power with just my thoughts. However my power is only good at long distance, I would be done for if I was in close combat. Then I felt power surge through my hand and what appeared was a sword that was made of flames. This sword didn't burn me, but it felt like it was a part of me. "So I can make weapons as well..."
This is perfect! Now I can be of more use to the team! "Hmm... I wonder what other weapons I can make?" I went through my mind to think of weapons. My sword transformed into a lance, axe, bow, dagger, and even a whip, then it went back to the sword. "Nice! But this still seems to be fire, can I change it to other elements as well?" So I though of the blue mark which was water, and red sword transformed from a fire sword to a water sword. "SO COOL!"
Now it's time I start my training! "INITIATE TRAINING LEVEL 2!" I yelled and a robot materialized to what seems to be a staff and immediately began to charge at me. I readied myself for the attack and it rose its staff above me head. I moved my sword towards the staff in order to parry, and I prepared for the blow. Our weapons clash and the robot went in for more attacks. I keep reacting and parrying it's attacks and I slowly move back in the process. I then slash my sword on the robot which blocked it and I ran past it in order to gain distance, but then it began to chase me and it was fast! It came close for a rushing blow and I did a spin with my sword and sliced off one of its arms, but it wasn't down yet!
It was able to use its staff with one hand so I decided to even the playing field. I transform my sword into a lance and focus on the element of water. The robot then charged at me and I began to spin my lance ready for the attack. It swung right, so I swung left to parry. Then it swung left so I swung right and parried again. It kept going until it was about to stab me and I pointed my lance down and focused on water, then a huge blast of water came out of the tip and I was in the air. I continued to focus and slashed my lance in all directions which water slashes came out and hit the robot, cutting it up into small pieces.
I smiled big, but then realized I'm around 15 feet in the air, and I don't know how to land! "AAAAAH!" I fell down fast and I was about to hit the ground and so I braced myself for impact by crossing my arms in front of my face and closed my eyes.
I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm only a few inches away from the ground! But... I'm not moving. I look at my body and I found that I somehow grew wings! "No freaking way!" This is so cool, but how did I do that? I look at my wings and see the gray mark on both of the wings. "So I can make wings using the wind mark? That's great! Now I'll be a real force to be reckoned with!"
I manage to turn myself around and land on my own two feet. "Maybe I should do some flight training? That might make me a better fighter!" I give my wings a couple of flaps, and I focus my attention on my back. I imagine there of some kind of muscles that help me move my wings, so I have to focus. I give my wings a few more flaps and I felt ready that I could take off. I jump and my wings began to flap rapidly. I then found myself flying through the air. It felt amazing as I flew through the air.
Eventually after a few minutes I decide to land and rest for a bit. I sit down and think of my new abilities. "How come I can use them now and not before? How am I able to use these powers?" Then a thought came to my mind which I was unprepared for.
"A-Am I even human?"
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This one was a little longer than others. Over 2100 words, and some chapters will be even longer (I think). Anyway Share, Comment, and Vote! See y'all later!
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