
A couple hours later

Keith's POV

It's been a while and Allura still wasn't able to find the red lion's location. But I guess that's good in my situation. Because a sleeping (Y/n) is right beside me, just sleeping comfortable on my shoulder. I never imagined this would have such a toll on him. I look to my side and I see his face, which is incredibly cute when he's asleep. I hid my feelings, so no one would get suspicious on how I feel. But (Y/n)... was the first and maybe the only person who accepts me and understands me. He's the only person who brought me out of my shell.

"Mmm..." His slowly begin to open his eyes. "Good morning." I said and his head shot up. "Morning? I was asleep for and entire day?!" He said surprised. "No no. You were only asleep for a couple of hours." I said calmly. "Geez Keith don't scare me like that!" He said while pouting. "Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Keith the others have returned!" Allura said as two lions came into view. Yellow and green were the colors of the Lions. "I also managed to get the coordinates of the Red Lion." She said. "Well that's great! Where is it?" (Y/n) asked very excited. "On... the Galra battleship...". Then suddenly the ship comes into view and is near the planet. Oh no.

Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Lance came into the bridge and we were stuck on this problem. "Guys how are we going to get the Red Lion back from the Galra ship?" (Y/n) asks, but he seems really worried. "I might have an idea." Shiro says. "The Galra don't know we have the yellow, and green lions. We can use that to our advantage. We can bait them using the blue lion and we can use the green lion to get inside the ship." Shiro's plan sounds like it will work. "But before you can do that..." we all turn to Allura. "You are all going to need your weapons and armor."

(Y/n)'s POV

Allura guided us to the armory, where there was suits of armor. There were black, red, green, blue, and yellow suits of armor. Keith took red, Pidge with green, Hunk with yellow, Lance with blue, and Shiro with black. I didn't have armor as there was only five suits, but that didn't bother me. Then I see some strange looking objects. "Those are bayards. When held by a life form a weapon will materialize based on the beings personality." Allura said to me. Everyone went to get their own bayard.

Lance grabbed the blue bayard and a gun materialized, and Lance was awestruck. Hunk grabbed the yellow bayard and another gun materialized, but it looked like a Gatling gun. Keith grabbed the red bayard and a sword materialized into his hand. Pidge grabbed the green bayard and what materialized was something small like a knife or a dagger. "Aw you got a cute little bayard." Lance said all smug and Pidge responds by hitting Lance with his bayard and Lance screams in pain. "Heh. Yeah cute."

I look back at the container that held the bayards, and I tried to find the black one, but I didn't see it. "I see you must be looking for the black bayard." Allura said to me. I nod and she motions Shiro to come to her. "I'm sorry Shiro but your bayard was lost along with its original paladin." "It won't matter. This is a stealth mission. Hopefully no violence will be needed." Shiro said. After they all geared up, the plan went into motion.

Narrator's POV

Commander Sendak is now only a few doboshes away from Arus. "Prepare the Ion Cannon." He said with a firm tone. The Ion Cannon began to charge. "Attention paladins of Voltron. Surrender the Blue Lion at once, or we will blast you all into oblivion. You have ten ticks to respond." And he begins to count. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9-" "Alright we surrender we are giving you the Blue Lion." Said a certain blue cladded paladin.

The Ion Cannon stops charging and the blue lion gets closer, but while that is in motion the green lion lands on the undercarriage of the ship. Those who came out were Shiro, Keith, and Pidge. (Y/n) is left behind at the castle as he does not have armor or a weapon. Pidge burns a hole into the ship and the three enter.

They began to search for the red lion, however they are forced to split up due to prisoners being held here on the ship. Pidge and Shiro investigate while Keith continues looking for the Red Lion.

Pidge and Shiro encounter a Galra drone which immediately was disabled by Pidge so they won't get caught. It was then reprogrammed and named "Rover", so it can help the paladins of Voltron. Soon they reached the cells and Rover opened it releasing the prisoners. However Pidge seemed upset for some reason.

Meanwhile Keith continued to search for the Red Lion and eventually found it it some sort of cargo hold. He went close to the lion and tried to enter, but the force field surrounding it did not let him through. He was then caught by Galran sentinels and they began to fire on Keith. While being fired at he continues to try to awaken his lion, however he was unsuccessful. More sentinels came and Keith was heavily outnumbered and outgunned. He then found a hatch controller and pressed the button which sucked all the sentinels and even Keith himself into space. However before anything else, the Red Lion came in and saved Keith.

Back with Shiro and Pidge they managed to reach the escape pods and put the prisoners inside so they can escape, but then sentinels appeared and began to fire. Shiro's right hand which contained some odd technology began to glow and Shiro's fighting instincts began to kick in. He began to destroy the sentinels one by one and once the last one was destroyed Shiro, Pidge, and the prisoners escaped.

Commander Sendak saw everything and was furious. "ACTIVATE ION CANNON!" The cannon began to charge. Shiro who was getting close to Arus said "Hunk destroy that cannon!" And Hunk who was in the Yellow Lion began to do so. The Green Lion went back to Arus and the cannon just finished charging. "FIRE!" And just before the cannon can fire, Yellow Lion rammed into the cannon leaving it unable to fire. "The cannon is damaged. We are unable to fire until it is repaired." One of the Galra said. "Then repair it."

Eventually all the paladins and the prisoners reached the Castle of Lions, and the prisoners were sent to the pods in order to heal. And they had a moment to breath and assess the situation. During that time they decided to head under the castle which was where the Black Lion was kept. The other four lions were already in the area waiting for their paladins. Suddenly their eyes began to glow and the huge doors that were in front of them began to open and what stood was the Black Lion.

Shiro then walked to the Black Lion and went inside. It took a few moments but the lion roared as it got activated by its paladin. Everyone smiled as now they have all the lions to form Voltron. However this was not the time to relax, as Sendak is almost here. The Paladins realize this and then get into their lions and head outside.

Sendak's ship was now in full view and the lions were in front of if. The Ion Cannon was now fully repaired and began to charge. The Particle Barrier went up around the castle in order to prepare for attack. "Man they fixed that cannon fast!" Hunk said. "I know but we don't have a lot of time. Let's form Voltron!" Shiro said. But nothing happened.

The Ion Cannon was fully charged and then fired, hitting the particle barrier. "Paladins you must destroy that ship, The Particle Barrier can't take more of a fully charged attack!" Allura said. The Paladins nod and head straight on to the ship which began firing on them. Multiple lasers shot from the side of the ship and Galra fighter ships began to leave the ship and began to follow the lions and began to fire.

The Ion Cannon fired again and this time it was stronger, and it broke the barrier leaving the castle defenseless. The Paladins kept dodging the fighters and managed to destroy some, but when the barrier was destroyed they decided to head back to protect it. However before they could reach it, they got trapped in a tractor beam and were slowly being taken into the ship.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Oh no! They're stuck! Allura, Coran we have to do something!" I yell to both Allura and Coran. "We can't the blasters aren't working and with out the Particle Barrier we're defenseless!" Coran says back to me. "We can't just sit here like sitting ducks! We have to do something!" I yell back but what can we do? The blasters are offline wand another attack from that cannon and we're done for! There has to be something I can do!

I then felt a sudden surge of power flow through me and six symbols appear in front of the castle.

"Those symbols... I know those symbols! Those are my birthmarks! How is this possible?!"

Suddenly more fighter ships came out of the huge battleship. "Now's not the time for questioning. Now's the time for fighting!" I concentrated hard and I saw huge blasts come from the marks. They were hitting the ships and destroying them! "Alright!" I kept concentrating and more blasts came from the marks. Then the Ion Cannon was about to fire again. "Uh oh!" I said and I began to concentrate on how to defend the castle from the blast. Then the brown mark glowed and a huge wall of rocks surrounded the castle like a shield. The cannon fired and hit the wall, it was strong, but I used my strength to hold through till the cannon ran out of energy. However after that attack I was almost completely drained and I fell to the floor.

"(Y/n)!" Allura said as ran to pick me up. "Are you alright?" She asks as she picks me up. "I-I'm fine... but I have to stop that ship." I said. "No! You're completely exhausted! If you keep this up you'll pass out!" She exclaimed. "I don't care! You said it yourself that they are the universe's only hope right?! If they are defeated now, then there is no hope left! You have faith in them, please have faith in me!" I yell.

She gave me a concerned look, she didn't want me to do this, but I have to. To protect Voltron, the team, the universe! But... mainly him! I stood up and began to focus my remaining energy on hitting the tractor beam generator. If I can hit that then they can be free! I focus hard and I can feel all the marks glow. I felt the power flow through me and I move my hand outward, focusing that power in one area. Then the marks combined themselves together and I released that power."HAAAAAAAAAH!" I yelled and it formed into a massive laser and shot fast, hitting the generator leaving the tractor beam offline and the lions were free.

"Nice one (Y/n)!" Shiro praised. "Now team we can do this. Now focus your power! Now let's form Voltron!" Shiro said and I saw the lions combine into a huge gigantic robot. They went towards the ship and shot lasers from their hands. The ship kept taking damage from Voltron and soon it was no more.

Everyone screamed full of joy and they began to head back to the castle. Soon the five paladins came into the bridge, and began to walk toward me. "Thanks (Y/n). If it wasn't for you we would still be stuck in that tractor beam." Shiro said. "Thanks Shiro I'm glad I could help..." I said. "You were amazing (Y/n)! You saved us all! Thank you!" Keith said with a smile.

That made my heart flutter, seeing Keith so happy and smiling. "No problem Keith. I'm glad I was good part to the..." I felt incredibly weak, I could barely stand and I began to sway out of balance. I saw the looks of worry on their faces before all I could only see black.


Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been active. School had just started up again, so i won't be able to post as much as I could. I'm sorry, but thank you for being patient. Anyway share, comment, and vote. See y'all later.

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