Four years ago
(Y/n)'s POV
"Who is that guy?"
"Ugh the freak."
"Why is he here?"
"Get out of here weirdo!"
"Stay away from him. We wouldn't watch to catch a disease."
"Why? Why do they keep saying these things? I can't walk through the halls without being made fun of. What did I do to make these people hate me so much? What did I do to deserve all of this hate?"
Another day another problem. I can't seem to escape from this. All these hurtful comments, they pierce me like a sword. And with so many of them ganging up on me... I don't think it will stop. I just wish all of this can stop.
The final class of the day and the bell finally rung. Once it did I grabbed my stuff from class and immediately went for the front door. I just want this day to be over with. I just want to go home and just forget today. I'm only a few steps away from freedom.
"Where do you think you're going freak?"
"Ugh no! I was so close!" The voice was familiar. I turn around and I see my bully, my worst enemy, Sam Punch, who many call him 'Sucker punch'. "What do you want Sam?" I ask politely. "You've been getting too cocky lately (Y/n) and that's a huge no in my book." He says menacingly. "Please Sam if you just let me go I'll be out of your hair faster." I say with my voice being a bit shakey. "Uh what's that? I couldn't hear your sorry excuse for a voice." His comments were so terrible, why am I waiting I can just leave.
With that I turned around and tried to leave. "I didn't say you can leave!" Sam yelled as he pulled me back leaving me on the ground. "Do you know what I do to cocky pieces of shit like you?" Sam said with his voice dark. I began to shake as he inched closer to me. "I break them until they are so crippled they can't move at all." He says moving closer. I scoot back as fast as I can and Sam follows faster.
While moving I hit a hard surface. I look back and see a wall. I'm cornered! "Looks like you got nowhere to go freak. This is going to be fun." Sam says as he begins to raise his fist to hit me. I raise my arms up for defense and closed my eyes as I waited for his attack. "GUH!"
I open my eyes and I see someone who punched Sam in the face and Sam fell to the ground. I lower my arms and I can see the person who punched Sam. He wore red and black from head to toe and he has incredible black hair, and has steel cobalt colored eyes. "Are you okay?" The boy asks. I could only stare at him and nod in response. "Well that's good. Sam Punch was on my list for awhile now, and now he's good and done." He then extends his hand to me. "Need a hand?" He asks. I nod in response and take his hand, to which he pulled me up from the ground. "Um... he's not dead is he?" I ask as I move to Sam's unconscious body. I reach for his wrist and began to check his pulse. "Ah good he's still breathing." I said as I sigh in relief.
I turn to the boy and smile at him. "Thank you for saving me. I'm glad to know that at least one person doesn't hate me here." I said with a small smile on my face. "Hate you? Why would I hate you? You did nothing that I have seen that makes you worth hating?" The boy said, and then my eyes began to water. "H-Hey are you okay?" He asks. I sniffle as I dry my eyes from the tears that were building up. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just happy to know someone doesn't hate me." I smile brightly as I spoke.
"Uh oh Sam's coming to." I said as fear began to build up inside me. I then feel a hand holding mine and I see the boy holding it. "Come on let's get out of here." He says as we both walk out of the school. "Hey I never caught your name?" The boy asks me. "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). What's you're name?" I ask. "Keith Kogane." He said. "Well it's nice to meet you Keith. I hope you and me can become great friends." I smile and Keith smiles back at me. "Yeah... me too."
Three years later
"KEITH! HEY KEITH!" I yell as I ran toward Keith. "Hey (Y/n). What's going on?" Keith asks me. "Oh nothing, except that the fact that I have found the perfect place for us to go!" I say proudly. "Really and where is that?" Keith asks. "The Garrison! You've always wanted to be a fighter pilot right? I heard that the Garrison makes even the most rookie flyer into the most experienced one in a matter of months!" I exclaim. "Yeah that sounds great but what about you?" Keith asks. "Me? Well I want to be a pilot too! I want to see the vastness of space and see so many cool things!"
"That's awesome (Y/n)! So when do you plan to enroll?" "I want to enroll as soon as possible! Once this year is over I'll be in the Garrison. Training to be the best pilot around!" I yell in enthusiasm. "Wow I don't think I ever seen you this pumped up. You really want to be a pilot?" Keith asks. "Yeah! Without a doubt!" I smile brightly at Keith who gives me a small one in return.
"Hey Keith..." I say softly. "Yeah (Y/n)?" Keith responds. I take in a deep breath. "Can you promise me something?" I ask. "Umm... yeah sure?" "Promise me that we'll both reach our dreams. No matter what." I said. "Alright I promise." Keith says. "Pinky promise?" I ask. "We're not kids anymore, but yeah I pinky promise." We then both extend out pinky's and they both cross each other which seals our promise.
Present day
I look at the board and tried to find my name and Keith's on the board. I looked around but I didn't see Keith's name anywhere, but I did find my name and it said I was a "co-captain". The captain was named Lance, the communication officer was named Pidge, and the engineer was named Hunk.
"Hmm... how come Keith isn't on here?" I said out loud. "Oh you didn't hear?" I turn to the person who spoke. "Hear what?" I ask. "The person you spoke of... Keith Kogane has been kicked out of the Garrrison, for his reckless behavior and attitude." I felt my heart ache terribly. "W-What?" The pain was getting deeper and the person just nodded and walked away. I fell to my knees and I felt the pain get deeper.
"Keith... you promised..."
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't watched Voltron I highly recommend you watch it. I hope this story will be great to read. Anyway be sure to Comment, Vote, and Share. See y'all later!
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