Real or Fake?
The nice night air blew into the office were everything was nice and quiet, until a figure came into the ray of the moonlight spilling into from the door. They were dressed like the same person, only this time they had a darker aura around their self...
Their footsteps creaked quietly along the wooden floor, making its way to a desk in the back. It shuffled something inside its cloak and pulled out a fang, the size and shape of a snake. The figured laughed quietly as a single drop was added to the tea on the desk.
"I wonder how she will fair against this... That princess will see I don't play nice anymore..."
The night air began to chill down around the person as they walked away, but the tea itself was mixing along with the single drop, making it light brown...
(y/n) P.O.V
Warm light spilled through the window and hit my face. I winced at the bright fall morning light. It was beautiful too see, but horrible to be suddenly waken up by. A note was on Ichigo's bed side table, saying he was sorry and had to go into work early.
"Awww man... now I have to make breakfast..."
I dressed up and when into the kitchen, only to find breakfast made for me. I smiled and happily ate it before running to work.
Aiko was already at his desk working on paperwork while I ran in, panting was I sat down in my seat. "Thank god... I made it..."
"What took you so long?"
"I woke up late... I hate alarms..."
"Why didn't the head captain wake you up?"
"Ichigo had to go somewhere... I'm thinking maybe he had an early meeting."
I could have sworn I heard Aiko smirking under his breath, but when I look towards him he was working on his paperwork with a calm face. To break the ice I thought about playing a game. "Hey Aiko, what do you like?"
He stopped working and thoughts about it. "Ummm... I like training, cooking, collecting bugs, reading, and go to the human world to look around."
"Oh nice! Maybe I can take you their some time!"
"That's alright I just go their when I have missions."
"I see. I wonder how Kon and Nok are doing."
"Who are they?"
"They're the mod-souls Ichigo and I used when we needed to hunt for hollows. Nok is my soul pill while Kon was this. Ichigo had let them use are body's while we live up here, but if we ever want to come to the human world we could always go back into are body."
"Wow!" Aiko sounded facinated, "That's really cool! I've always wanted to go around the human world and buy things, but I didn't know about mod-souls."
"I'm sure division twelfth makes them."
"I'll go talk to them after I deliver this paperwork." He lunged the huge stack of paperwork in his arms, his muscles showing through his soul reaper outfit. "See you later."
"See ya!"
After some time working on the paperwork I noticed to my right a tea cup with a note on it. It read Ichigo had given it to me and it was a new flavor he thought I would like. "He's so sweet." I dreamily smiled before taking a slip.
It felt like fire going down my throat before I started coughing very badly. Blood came from my mouth as I coughed it up, I could feel it dribbling down my chin. The tea traveled down my throat and into my stomach quickly, making everything go hazy and blurry.
The spot on my neck was burning along with the tea, making everything impossible to concentrate on anything. The phone was close as I reached out, but my arm when dead as I fell hard to the ground.
The last thing I saw was my own blood pooling around me...
"Mama why do people stare at me weird...?"
The mother who was cooking dinner looked down at her young daughter who was covered in dirt. "Sweetie what are you talking about?"
"I can travel in shadows and it feels weird... I did that in front of some kids passing by are house and freaked out when I came out.... they screamed and ran away, calling me freaks and other names..."
"Don't mind them." The mother bend down and wiped away her daughter tears, "You're different than the other kids, like a soul reaper. Both your father and I are one and your powers are just coming early."
"Can you two travel through shadows...?"
"No, but that's because everyone's power is different. I can make things grow around me while your father can control the air around him. I believe your powers are dark, but that doesn't mean you evil."
"But mama... didn't you say the person I should be looking out for was evil... and he had a dark sword with him?"
"Yes... but that's just him. (y/n), remember that if someone has an evil power around them doesn't mean their evil. A fire zanpakuto may cause a village to burn down, but that depends on the zanpaktuo's master. Someone with a good heart and control their powers while the evil ones abuse it."
Suddenly, the young girl broke out into a smile. "I get it mama. When will dad come home?"
"He should be coming soon."
A knock on the door came as the young girl looked up and could barely make out her mother's face. But she could see her hair was (h/c), the same shade her daughter had. The door slammed shut as the mother ran to her daughter, picked her up, and charged outside.
The young girl was scared because chasing them was a man with a mask on him, but it was white and broken on the side of his face. It rose in small fangs as his eyes were a color she never had seen someone with, but were white and pale.
"I wasn't through with you..." His voice again sounded familiar, like as if the girl heard it before.
The ground around them shook as a spirit pressure was rising and rising with each step the mother took. The young girl wanted to die with the pain she was feeling, she could barely breathe as she saw something moving quickly in the grass.
It was skinny and white, but it gleamed in the sunlight. In the blink of an eye all she saw was fangs and a mouth before hearing her mother scream her name in bloody murder...
"Damn it I'm asking you to save her!"
"We will try are best. The poison hasn't gone into her heart yet."
"I trust you to save her... please, I can't lose someone else I loved..."
The voiced seem to be Ichigo, but why did he seem so sad...? I felt people putting needles inside me while kido was being used on me. The other last thing I saw was a pretty woman with long braided black hair before passing out again... I was starting to hate this...
"Let me inside! I'm the head captain!"
Again I heard Ichigo's voice... but where was he? I feel like lead, I couldn't move my head or breathe very well. Everything around me was white but Japanese styled as I looked to see I was laying down in a unknown bed.
"I know you are, head captain Kurosaki, but (y/n) needs her rest."
"I promise I won't wake her up, just let me see her... please."
The voice of a woman before sighed deeply before the Japanese door in front of me opened. "You have thirty minutes before you must leave."
"Thank you."
Orange spiky hair came into my view of vision as I felt a strong hand hold mine. It was wet as the other hand was, but not as much as the first one while it was stroking my hair. "I'm going to kill whoever did this too you..."
"I-Ichigo..." My voice was quiet and raspy.
His hand jumped as his face was finally in my view of vision. "(y/n) you're awake... D-Don't ever scare me like that again..."
He held onto a joyful smile as around his eyes they were dry and his brown eyes were very dark brown colored, the same color they turned when he cried. I remembered because of him crying when I couldn't wake up from my injury...
"(y/n) please tell me who did this too you..."
"Y-You did..." I feel a stab of hurt when I said that.
His face rose up in confusion. "What are you talking about? I rescued you when I found you on the office floor passed out with blood around you..."
"T-The tea... there was... a-a note... saying... I-I would... l-like it..."
"(y/n) I didn't make you tea, but I did make you breakfast. You know I don't give out notes to surprise you."
That true, so then was someone trying to blame Ichigo and cover up their tracks? But why? It's only been two months since I've been here. Everyone was nice to me and I had no problem with them... so why only me?
"T-Then... I don't.... k-know..."
A splitting headache and cough raged through me as Ichigo helped me swallow medicine. "T-Thanks..."
He rubbed my back while thinking in his thoughts. "They say you were poison with a deadly venom and would have you killed in the thirty minutes. I was lucky enough to find you within the ten minutes you had left before the poison reached your heart. I was so scared... I thought I would lose you again."
He had his head down but I could tell he was crying. I smiled weakly and pat his head with the strongest strength I had. "D-Don't.... worry... a-about... it..."
Ichigo sighed and grabbed my hand. "I promise not to worry about it for you. I'm to take care of you for three weeks at most until you feel better."
An idea popped into my head. It was a shot, but it could also ruin my image around the society. "I-Ichigo... I-I think... Aiko... d-did this... t-too me..."
"How do you know it was Aiko?"
"I-I just... had a-a... feeling... a-about him... i-it is... s-scaring me..."
Tears escaped my eyes as Ichigo's grip on my hand tightened slightly. I was scared about this. Why was someone trying to kill me when I haven't done anything wrong? Maybe this was as sign that the soul society wasn't for me.
"I'll question him, alright? Just try to get some rest before I take you back home."
I nodded with the best strength I had. It hurt because of my dry throat, but I needed to be strong here. Ichigo kissed my forehead lightly before leaving the room. Soon the medical team came in, I passed out from lack of energy used to talk with Ichigo...
Ichigo's P.O.V
(y/n) never lied to me when it came to things serious like this. If Aiko did poison (y/n) I would just punish him, but not kill him. I know I said kill earlier, but I wasn't in the best mood. It's wasn't in my nature to kill, but it was to give him a chance to change. The office was cleaned up well by the cleaning squad. I had to give them a raise when I get the chance...
The tea cup was smashed as dry tea sainted the carpet. It look to pose as a special tea off just fine. It pained my heart to think someone was trying to kill (y/n). I don't want to lose her, but if someone is trying to kill her I would want them to kill me.
After looking over (y/n)'s desk I when over to Aiko's desk, looking through it and found nothing but junk. "Damn it... there has to be something."
"Head Captain... what are you doing?" Aiko was standing at the door, his silver eyes wide at me raiding his stuff. "That is my desk."
"I know. I'm just looking for something."
"What is it? I think I can help you."
This face tightened. "Pardon?"
I felt my own face hardened as I took a step forward. "You heard me. It states in the report someone saw you carrying paperwork to my office around the same time (y/n) got poisoned. They said you smelled funny too, but they didn't want to be rude about it and said nothing about it. What makes a soul reaper like you smell funny when you didn't train at all that morning?"
"I-I was trying on some new cologne! It's from the human world!"
He when up to his desk and looked through it, pulling out cologne. He spread it as it smelled just what the soul reaper descripted it as. "Alright I can't put that against you. But, Aiko, if (y/n) is almost killed against like this time I'll make sure to have soul reapers watching your every move and back, each and every hour."
Aiko bit his lip, looking he was trying not to growl. "You can't do that. I have rights to protect myself!"
"But you were the only person left with (y/n) around. That makes you a target along with (y/n) saying she doesn't trust you."
"But you're close to her too!"
"They'll never question me because I have the power over this conversion, order, and rights. Just watch your back Aiko."
"Yes, Head Captain."
He bowed to me and sharply when away. I was starting to think (y/n) was right, but I had no proof and if I didn't want the old man to say I'm not fit for the job. The way he growled or looked away him I said (y/n)... he must have something against her.
I returned back to her healing camber and picked her up. Her head rolled and rested onto my shoulder while she weakly breathed up and down. Renji said he would help with the paperwork with Aiko. I just hope Renji can catch him better than I.
Hoping we can catch to see if Aiko really is what he says is real, or a fake lie to hind behind that mask of his...
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