No ones POV (over with the Dragon slayers!)
Everyone except for Lucy sat on the couch in Lucy's apartment in complete silence, everyone was healed enough to get moving and join up with the Fairy fighters but we need to wait for Lucy to get back.
Levy twiddled her thumbs with worry, she shouldn't have asked her to deliver that letter to Natsu but...hopefully it gives him some hope to grasp onto until they rescue him.
The door opened and they all jumped up as Lucy came back almost unscratched lifting a mountain of stress off Levys shoulders as Lucy sat down on a nearby chair, taking deep and well deserved breaths.
"Well?" Gajeel spoke up, "any news? How did it go?"
Lucy sat up strainer as we all leaned in to listen
"Well, Taurus did a good job at defending me but things were made a lot more difficult when I couldn't find Natsu, he wasn't anywhere to be found so I made my escape but then I saw him from the courtyard...he was in Prince Grays bedroom and was at the window with him and Natsu was coated in bandages. I shot the letter at them before summoning Virgo and getting out of there."
When Lucy stopped talking she looked up at them again and frowned with concern when she saw Levy, her face was ghostly white and her eyes were as wide as saucers,
"Hey...Levy are you ok?" She asked and everyone turned their attention to Levy.
Gajeel took her hand and tried to figure out what was wrong,
"H-he had new b-bandages...t-that means new w-wounds...h-he went back to the dungeon!" By the time Levy finished tears were flooding out of her eyes so Gajeel and Wendy quickly wrapped her in a comforting hug,
"It was all my fault!" She sobbed.
"You know that it wasn't your fault it was Cobras fault." Gajeel said strongly and after a few minutes Levy finally calmed down and sat in silence, cuddling tightly into Gajeel while the others packed and got ready to leave.
"C'mon Shrimp, we're leaving now." Gajeel said and rubbed her shoulder, Levy nodded and they stood up before Wendy handed her a cloak and she slowly put it on.
They all carried a back pack (Gajeel carried his and Levys) and soon head out, they walked through the backstreets that had led through the alleyways of Magnolia and soon came to an old building.
By the time they got to the doors Levy was on Gajeel back and held both the backpacks because her injured leg had started to flare up again, Wendy walked up and slowly pushed the door open but to their surprise...the inside was empty.
They wandered in together as a close bunch, their eyes darting nervously around the inside of the building, these guys were powerful and there was supposed to be a lot of them,
"So, you're the Dragon slayers?" a voice asked
"yeah we are! oh and Levy and Lucy are here too!" Gajeel called out
suddenly a small old man appeared up on a high railing on the second floor so he was over looking him, he had two people standing behind him, a woman with long brown hair with a blue bikini like top on and another woman with long spiky pink hair and a pink dress.
The three jumped down and appeared in front of us,
"I am in fact the head of the Fairy fighters, my name is Master Makarov and I am indeed the true ruler of this land. If you tell anyone about us I will kill you all without a second doubt, got it?" Makarov said dangerously and they nodded, slightly scared.
Makarov turned on his heel and the Dragon slayers were escorted towards a wall in the middle of the room, the woman with pink hair swatted her hand through the air and the wall became deformed, as if it was melting and revealed a dark staircase behind it.
The Dragon slayers exchanged nervousness glances and Levy held onto Gajeel tighter as they started their descent into the dimly lit corridor of stairs, Sting placed a hand on Rouges shoulder with the worry that he was somehow going to lose him in the dark and Rouge chuckled slightly.
Makarov opened a door at the end and they squinted as they walked through before their eyes widened, on the other side was a massive underground town like ecosystem (picture it as the inside of the guild) with people walking around.
Makarov began to lead them towards his office and Levy whispered to Gajeel,
"Natsu would love it here."
Gajeel smiled "Natsu will love it here." Levy smiled hopefully at him with a slight bit of sadness in her eyes.
They travelled up a fleet of stairs, into a building, through a few corridors and entered a room with a group couches, Makarov and the two girls with him sat on one and the Dragon slayers spread out across the others.
They all sat in silence until Wendy spoke up,
"It's a very lovely place out there." She said quietly and Makarov nodded
"The Fairy fighters have been together for a while now, ever since that bastard king forced me into hiding I've been planning to take him down. To be honest, one of the first of us was someone you'd never believe...the prince."
They all gave him a confused look,
"Prince Gray?" Levy asked,
Makarov shook his head
"No, no, no, prince...Lyon." None of them except for Levy reacted, she gasped and put her hands over her mouth,
"Levy what is it? Who is he?" Gajeel asked,
"When I was only a few months into becoming a maid, when I was quite young, I was assigned to serve the Kings and Queens eldest son, Prince Lyon...but one day I was told that Prince Lyon and Queen Ur had been murdered by an unknown wizard, after that I was assigned to Prince Gray."
When she finished Makarov erupted into a cackling laugh,
"Is that really how he covered it up?! Ha!" His eyes suddenly turned ice cold
"I found Lyon while I was scouting the castle, he was hidden in a forest not far from the walls. He was injured and shaking like a leaf so I took him back with me. When he calmed down he told me what really happened: The King and Ur had gotten into a fight so of course Lyon ran to her defence, the bastard King sent the guards to kill them both, Lyon got hurt bad and she realised she wasn't gonna win so she...used a gungnir spell and got Lyon out of there, the last thing he saw was a sword go through her heart...Ur was an amazing woman, Mage, mentor and mother..."
Everyone stared at the floor and Laxus grunted,
"Wow, another reason for me to kill him!" He yelled and Makarov frowned
"Did he do something to you?"
"He took our leader, tortured him and turned him into Prince Grays private servant. Levy was a maid working in the kingdom that would deliver information to us but Cobra became a traitor and so Levy got attacked and was forced to leave."
Makarov nodded along and opened his mouth to talk when Levy suddenly started speaking,
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to tell you something! The king has a way of containing magic, he puts a device into you and that's what kept my magic restrained for years. That's also why Natsu can't fight back." She said quickly.
Makarov let out a soft chuckle,
"I knew that he had a way of doing it... We will take him down Dragon slayers,"
"And miss Levy, and Lucy..." He added
"...especially now that your all here." He said boldly and a strong grin spread across his face along with a confident smile on the others.
Natsu, we'll save you soon.
Hehe sorry I left the last chapter on a cliffhanger.
I'm also suuuuper sorry that I haven't updated in absolutely AGES! I got serious writers block ease forgive me! T^T
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