Work hard Play hard


I thought maybe the doctor made a mistake so i went to buy pregnancy tests and here I was sitting in the bathroom with four different test that all confirmed I was indeed pregnant. I sent my mom a text earlier telling her that I was pregnant she responded in the happiest way. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my stomach

"Damn I know I'm about to gain some weight" I mumbled to myself

Ryan banged on the door "Are you done I need to get in there them tacos fucked me up man"

I washed my hands, grabbed the tests and boxes and wrapped them in a big towel then opened the door

"You got the bubble guts huh"
"Shit I don't know but whatever it is I ain't eating it again" he went in the bathroom and shut the door.

I went downstairs and put the tests in the garbage and let out a sigh "what am I going to do"

"About what"

I forgot Jayden was here

"I'm just thinking out loud you know"

He looked at me suspiciously, his ass was just like his father nosy and determined to know what's going on.

"Are you done with your homework let me see it" he brought over a math worksheet with some shit I barely knew how to do

"Is it correct" he smirked

"Give me a second I'm checking.. you know when I was in school the problems wasn't this hard"

He laughed

"I trust you though"

Ryan came downstairs dressed in sweats and a white tee "I had to shower after that"

"Eww nobody wanna hear that.. But there is something I wanted to tell y'all"

Just then his phone started to ring "Hold on... yeah wassup? How much? Damn okay I'll be on my way" he hung up

He had me fucked up.

"Can it wait till later or in the morning"

"No it can't wait till later for once you can make their ass wait and listen to what I have to say"

"Alright fine what is it"

I sat down "Well I'm pregnant, for sure this time I just found out in Miami"

"Ohhh yes finally I'll have a sibling" Jayden was more excited then Ryan was

"Damn forreal" he said nonchalantly

"What do you mean damn forreal. Are you not happy" I stood up because now he was about to make me snap

"I'm very happy I just know we got so much going on and.."

"You know what it's fine go ahead and enjoy your night" I went upstairs and just laid in the bed and started to cry. I feel like my life is moving too fast. I'm not even married yet nor do I think he wants this baby. Sometimes I wished I could start over but I remember the same advice I gave London everything happens for a reason, maybe this baby will bring us closer in a way.

Jayden came in the room "I didn't want to bother you I just want you to know I'm happy you're giving me a sibling. I want to be very close with him or her especially since my dad is always working that's why I'm always glad to see you because you're always here, and you like anime and cartoons like me"

I wiped my eyes and smiled "How are you so young and know just what words to say to cheer someone up and I'm glad to see you as well and that's what I'm here to do bring this family closer together"

"Good don't cry"

"I'm good Jay it's past your bed time and you have summer camp in the morning you better get to bed"

"Okay" he ran off into his room

I turned on my side and drifted off to sleep. In the middle of the night I felt Ryan get in the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I wanted to move but I was so comfortable

"I'm sorry, I'll be gone for a while so I didn't know how to accept it but regardless I'm here for my family"

I turned around to face him " gone where"

"I need to turn myself in once I can prove I'm innocent I promise I'll be back home and once I'm home I'm done with this shit I'll only be Ryan the tattoo shop owner none of that other shit"

I let his words sink in if that's what it takes for him to be out the game then that's what needs to happen


3 months later
"Ouu my big boy" Malachi was trying so hard to hold his own bottle it was the cutest thing ever. I picked him up and went downstairs to Phor's studio. I'm so proud of him since I pushed him to drop his song chi-town he's been getting so much attention from different music producers, labels and artists wanting to collab. I thanked god everyday for getting him to this point where he actually followed one of his dreams.

I walked in the studio and sat down Phor was in the booth recording his last verse to his song this would finish up his mixtape. This song was called "Letter to my son" it was my favorite. Once he came out the booth he came and grabbed Malachi "damn lil man you think you grown huh" Malachi babbled and smiled he was always over excited to see his dad I guess he forgot he was in MY stomach for 9 months.

"I have two shows in Las Vegas and LA next week, I'll be opening for a few rappers I want you to come with me"

"Your first shows of course I'm coming"

"Then on the way back ima stop in Dallas and visit Ryan, make sure he cool and see what's going on with the case"

"Ohh okay that's fine I'll still go you know I just hate the whole jail thing and especially how it's effecting Malayah speaking of Malayah I'm going to go check on her so I'll be back and you two be good" I kissed him and left out. Once I got in my car I looked at my phone I had three missed calls from Jay. I decided to call back and see was everything okay

"Yo, wassup"

"Hey I was just returning your call"

"Yeah I been calling you hella times these past few weeks wassup with that we not cool or something"

"Yeah I been busy with my family and I told you to only call me if it's something important. You can't be my friend and try to keep coming on to me and texting me wild shit all the time"

"Damn I understand then my bad I was just seeing"

"Good I'll talk to you later" I hung up and pulled up to Malayah's shop.

"Hey London" Trish her receptionist greeted me

"Hey hun where is my friend"
"She's in the back getting a new booth installed since we are hiring more artists"

"Okay look at y'all business is booming so love it" I walked to the back and seen her directing people around

"Hey my favorite mommy"

"Hey love, what's going on"

"I just wanted to drop by and check on you I know everyone had been so busy but I also wanted to let you know that Phor is having two shows next week and I'll be going with him would you mind watching Malachi please"

"Girl you know I will keep him forever"

"Good also" I paused "phor wants to stop in Dallas and visit Ryan"

"I figured"

"How are you holding up? Are they saying anything about his case?"

"He's fine a few people that work for him are also in there so I guess no one fucks with him so I'm glad i atleast know he safe but what about me. Every night it's just me and Jayden I've took on a full mother role considering the fact we still don't know where his real mother is, and then I've been lonely at my doctors appointments so I'm really trying to hold it together for the sake of our family but when you do go I want you to tell him to hurry his ass back home"

I laughed and hugged her "I'm proud of you. So strong and smart not to mention you're still running the first shop plus this one girl Boss moves"


Trish walked over to us holding flowers "Hey someone delivered this and said it was for you"

"Umm I didn't know they can send flowers from jail"

Malayah looked at the tag and looked up at me "These aren't from Ryan they are from Trev" She looked like she was about to throw up

I grabbed the flowers and read the tag 'To the most beautiful girl in the world just know I'm watching you and will always be there when you need a real one on your side -Trev'

What is up with these creepy as dudes


"So when are you going to come back home Bri, I miss you and jr."

It's been 3 months and I still haven't forgiven Josiah, I agreed to let him take me out to this dinner so he would stop asking

"I'm fine where I'm at Josiah, you obviously need to continue working on yourself. I heard you been drinking a lot as well what's up with that?"

"I been stressed the fuck out Bri, I need you by my side. What else do you want me to prove to you I've already proven it was nothing between me and Nicki so just needed her to help me find Trell"

"Yeah you really think I'm supposed to forgive you for that. He was my brother"

"Y'all weren't ever really related besides he went against the grain he had a price tag on all of our heads what did you expect I did it for all of us"

I shook my head "I still need some Time alone Josiah I just got Jr. into a nice daycare I've upgraded my shop I am really in a good place right now"

He sat back in his chair and finished his drink
"I hope you don't think you're taking me home either you've had two cups of jack since we've been here"

"You talking to me like I'm a fucking alcoholic or something" he was loud enough for the people around us to hear

I leaned in "Lower your voice and yes you are a alcoholic" I pushed my chair back and stood up " and for the record we aren't coming home until you get some help"

Walking away from the table really broke my heart into pieces the man I love is battling a tough time and I have to force myself to be away from him in order for him to get his life together. Once I got home Tae was ready to hear what happened

"Ouuu what did he say"

I took my heels off and sat on the couch "He is still begging me to come home"

"Well do you want to go home"

"I do I miss him so much tae but I have to let him fix himself if I give in on that type of behavior he Will never change"

"Do what's best for you If you just want to help him in the slightest ways that will make him probably feel better but if you feel like that's going to result in you wanting to go home and nothing changes then don't do it"

I weighed out my options in my head "I don't want to be a burden by staying in your house so long"

"Stop it you know you and jr. are always welcome, that's what best friends are for"

Jr. came running out the room "Mommy" with my iPad in his hand

"What's wrong"

"Mommy look" I grabbed the iPad and his little ass somehow got on ft was Josiah

"I'm not trying to cause any trouble or anything I was just calling to check on little man since you wont let me see him"

I gave jr. the iPad back and he walked over to his toys and showed Off each toy to Josiah.

"He really tryna win you back" Tae whispered to me


I tip toed back into the living room I just put Malachi to sleep and Jayden was sleep from the summer camp. Now I could finally have a little me time before I cook dinner. I sat at the table and pulled out my work information I set some money aside for the bills and counted what else I needed and planned on putting the Rest in the bank first thing in the morning.

I got a call from London I answered on the first ring "Hello"

"Hey is everything going good?"

"Yes He is sleep finally, I'm just getting some things done for the shop"

"That's Good well we went to go visit him but he mostly talked to Phor you know about business, I was very ready to leave being in that place scares me but anyways he said they don't have any evidence and his lawyer will most likely get it dismissed. I just wanted to update you also he said he knows you are sending money but why aren't you answering his calls?"

"London you seen how I was just from Dallas, I could barely get out of bed so imagine me pregnant and raising another child, running a business and being sad it just doesn't mix. Did you show him the pictures"

"Yes he loved them, well we will be home tomorrow afternoon I'm exhausted just from running around with phor for two shows but just call if you need anything tonight we're having a kid free night if you know what I mean"

"Oop y'all starting in the next one huh"

"Oh god no I need some time until the next one comes"

I heard the door bell ring.when I went to open it no one was there but flowers were on my door step and another tag "The most beautiful girl in the world-T"

"London he sent me flowers again" just then a parked car sped off.

" He knows where I live"
"Layah get the kids and get out of there. Stay on the phone I'm having phor call Tammy she can meet you and take you guys to our house since you have a spare key"

"No I don't want them to know where you guys live"

"Don't worry about that the security in that building is strict he will never be able to get to you" I kept London on speaker as I hurried and got Malachi dressed. I woke up Jayden and had him pack a few clothes. I then put the money from the tables into a duffel bag and hurried to the car. I looked around paranoid and making sure any cars wasn't watching or following me. In the rush of me getting ready I grabbed one of Ryan's guns he always told me there would be a day I would have to use one to protect myself and I felt like this was that day.

I parked in their garage and went into the back door to their apartment. London stayed on the phone with me the whole time I walked past the security guard and he greeted me "Hey were you here earlier a guy was looking for you or Either your friend that lives here" I stopped in my tracks

"What's does he mean" London screamed I took her off speaker so I could hear

"Yes he dropped off some flowers earlier for the both of you"


Trev and Jay are weird as hell now😭
Malayah goes through so much
And Josiah better get himself together fast!

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