Special treatment (short chapter)
"Yes this is perfect" we were having a holiday special for deals on tattoos and the amount of money we've brought in just from the first week was amazing. I put the money in the deposit bag and closed the safe.
"I'm about to head out Layah, I'm so tired" London peeped her head into the office.
"Thanks fine, I'll be leaving too in a minute, gotta go make dinner for them" Imani and Jayden were chilling on the couch in my office on their iPads.
London came in and kissed their foreheads. "Okay I love y'all just text me when you get in"
"Alright" I closed out the tabs on my computer and walked to the door "you two stay right here" I hit the lights and went to the front to lock the door, there was a tall guy standing at the desk. "Hello, we are closed you can come early in the morning"
"No thanks I came to collect my money"
"What money?"
He pulled out a gun pointed it towards me "the money in the safe"
He walked closer to me "where is it!"
I turned around and he followed me towards the office.
"Can you put your gun away my kids are in my office"
I kneed him and tried to run but he caught my leg which made me trip. Jayden came running out of the office, screaming my name.
"Go back in the office and lock the door" he did as I said. I struggled trying to kick away from the guy but he was too heavy. He hovered over me and wrapped his hands around my neck and I slid down more and more until I was able to reach the gun he dropped on the floor. I quickly pulled the trigger and shot him right in the chest. He gripped around my neck loosened and he fell onto of me. My body was trembling with all of my force I pushed him off of me and used my key to unlock my office door. Jayden had his arms wrapped around Imani as she cried. I looked down at my shirt and seen the blood that dropped on it. I quickly grabbed their hands and went out the front door, I locked it so no one would be able to get in and we got in the car. I sped off heading to the other shop and calling Ryan while I was driving. "Hello"
"Ryan!" My voice was full of fear.
"What! What happened"
"Somebody came in and tried to attack me while the kids were there"
"What, who"
"I don't know.." my phone died right In the middle of our conversation.
"Cut the cameras" I stood up and tried dialing Malayah's number again but it went straight to voicemail.
"What happened cousin" Tammy asked watching me call Malayah.
I pulled her to the side "Malayah got attacked at the other shop"
"What who did it?"
"I don't know her phone died"
"I'm about to head over there" I put on my jacket.
"I'm going too" Tammy followed me outside. Malayah's truck pulled up. She hopped out and ran to me. I seen the blood on her shirt and immediately was furious. "I don't know who he was Ryan, I thought he was a customer, I had to fight him off of me and"
"And what"
"I killed him" she started to break down in my arms.
"Where is the body"
"In the shop, I locked it so no one could go in or out"
I ran my hand over my face.
Tammy came over to us "y'all go handle everything I can bring to kids to my house for the night"
I nodded "thanks Tam" I unlocked the door to my car so Malayah could get in and then went over to her car where the kids were Imani had dried up tears on her face and Jayden was sleep. Knowing the fact that somebody was close enough to killing Malayah and my kids meant I was out for blood.
"Come on y'all go to Tammy" After I parked Malayah's car in the back and came back to my car I noticed she wasn't crying anymore.
"You good?" I pulled off as we made our way back to the shop
She slowly looked over at me "am I good? I could've died tonight, the kids could've got hurt, literally scared for my life. No I'm not good"
"Damn I didn't attack you just was asking a question, chill out"
"Chill out? I don't know if you've noticed but I'm nothing like you I can't just kill someone and go on. about my day"
I shook my head because she don't even know how much worse it could've been. "You right Malayah ima get it handled"
"Yeah I hope so, I'm tired of living like this can't live a normal life" she crossed her arms over her chest
I decided to leave the conversation alone as we pulled up to the shop. I pulled to the back and we got out. I used my spare key and unlocked it the. Hit the lights. We walked to the office area and the body was still there.
"I think ima be sick" Malayah ran to the bathroom.
"How you sick from some shit you did" I checked his pockets and found a phone. I grabbed the gun that was on the floor and hit the front lights so nobody could see we were in here. I pulled out my phone and called two of my youngins in Chicago I ordered them to come get rid of the body and clean up the blood. After about a hour Malayah came out the bathroom.
"Are they done?"
"Yup lets go" I checked the rest of the shop and we headed out. I spent the rest of the night comforting Malayah she had her head laid on my chest and I could finally hear her snores. I slid from under her and went to the bathroom to check my phone. I scanned over the paper Kiara sent me.
"You gotta be kidding me"
I called her and she let the phone ring the first time but she ending up picking up the second time.
"Don't what me, you sure those results is correct"
"Duh Ryan why would the doctor lie?"
"It's not the doctor I'm worried about"
It was quiet on her end of the line for a minute.
"Well it says you my child's father so you need to go break it to ya wife"
"I'm not telling her shit"
She laughed "So you're gonna keep this baby a secret"
"Yup until the day I die"
Sometimes I feel like I make Ryan day some harsh ass things 😂😂 but Kiara deserves to be treated bad
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