

I moved back and adored the kitchen decoration I finally finished. It took me all day to find the perfect color I wanted the kitchen to be. I was in the store from 7am till 1 pm and then came home to put everything together. I felt like I was becoming a old woman because things like this were making me happy. I wanted to decorate the basement now, just a few chairs and a tv downstairs because this house was huge and now Ryan would have more space down there. I made my way downstairs and looked around his ass hadn't put up any of his boxes. It was driving me crazy because he know i hated to have everything just laying around.

I started to move some of his boxes and then I decided to sit down and take a break. I sat at his desk and decided I can look up some chairs and tv prices while im sitting here. I logged into the computer and he still had his tabs open. I started closing each tab until I stopped at one. It looks like a scanned paper from a clinic. I squinted my eyes to read it and then sat back in the chair.

"What the fuck"

I printed out the paper because I really couldn't believe his ass right now. I was furious yet not surprised for the fact that I've been putting so many clues together. I called London as I stared at the printed out paper and walked upstairs

"Hey layah what's going on"


"Aww shit hold on let me go somewhere quiet"

I waited a while on the phone until I heard a door close in her background "Okay im alone now"

"Soo, remember I told you I felt like some shit was going on with Ryan preferably a baby"

"Yess and?"

"This bitch Kiara was pregnant this whole time"

London did a dramatic ass gasp "Noo way Malayah"

"Yes way London, im looking at the dna test now, luckily Ryan isn't the father but still why wouldn't he tell me?"

"Maybe he was trying to wait and actually see if he was the father you know Kiara got around but that still isn't an excuse as to why he isn't discussing shit like this with you im sure it happened before the shit in vegas went down"

"I know and that's why I have mixed emotions I feel like if he did get her pregnant before Las Vegas, why wouldn't he let me know as soon as he found out. I would've been more understanding" I went into the kitchen and poured me a glass of wine and then went to sit on the couch.

"Well in good news it's not his baby malayah"

"Yeah I know, I just hate when he keeps shit from me"

"You know how men are, they aren't too good with confrontation and shit"

I nodded and took a big sip of wine.

"Anyways I heard you were going to a mother and son dance"

"Yeah Im actually so honored that Jayden even asked me I feel so bad knowing that he won't have his real mother"

"But you know he looks at you as his own so that's a good thing. I can't wait till Malachi is older"

"Nope don't rush it" I laughed "I think we need to cherish every moment while they are so young because we are going to have a lot on our hands once they are older and im not ready for it.."

I heard the front door close and open then Ryan appeared in the living room. I looked at him and looked away continuing my conversation with london.He came over and tried to kiss me but I moved my head.

"What's your problem?"

I ignored him

"Is that ryan?" London said

"Yeah it's him" I rolled my eyes.

He took my phone and hung up on London.

"Why would you do that?" I snatched my phone back from him.

"You didn't hear me talking to you, what's wrong?"

I patted the spot next to me "Come sit down we need to talk" I finished the rest of the wine in my glasses.

"Sooo over the past few weeks I've been feeling a little weird because I thought maybe I was tripping" I nodded "But not I wasn't tripping at all" I sat the printed out results in his lap and put my hand up "Before you even say anything I want you to just answer one question.. why would you not tell me even before you found out you wasn't the father"

He stared at the paper as if he never seen it before "I didn't want to hurt your feelings Malayah, I didn't sleep with her or speak to her after the everything that went down plus I knew this wasn't my baby too be honest"

He stared at him "Okay and.."

"I knew it wasn't my baby because I was always protected with her Malayah im not a fucking dummy"

"So what was your purpose what are you planning on doing with this?" I held up the paper

"Once she gives birth im killing her malayah, just gotta act like I give a fuck" he laughed "Then she fucking with that nigga Jay, so it'll be a two for one"

I hit his arm "That's not funny ryan what about her baby"

"Has nothing to do with me"

I decided to change the subject and continue on with the night, she better have that baby real soon because im ready to get he myself.


After having this long ass discussion with Malayah we started to drink and talk for the rest of the night. She was in my arms just rambling about what she plans to do within the next year.

"Im done"

She looked up at me confused "Huh?"

"Im done with the game, I mean i'll still be handling my own personal business and shit but as far as the other shit im done with it. My cousin in Dallas been helping me run my operations im handing it over to him, of course it comes with a big price and alot of responsibility but I know he'll handle it."

She smiled "Are you serious right now"

"Yeah if ima be on tv and have to think about not only my future but all of our future then I have to do thing right. I got the two shops plus we were clear for a new season of the show. Im ready to live a regular life"

She played with her ring and nodded "Me too"

In my head I really meant everything I said, After I get revenge on Kiara and Jay i'm out I had to think about making everything right for my family, im tired of Malayah being scared for her and the kids lives. I need to fully be here for my kids Jayden is getting older and Imani doesn't get to see me a lot because im always busy. It should never be that way.

My phone vibrated and I answered the call.


"I got a hit out on Jay, should I go?"

"Nah I know someone better who would want to do it"




Jay has done some messed up things in the past especially to London and now it's time for payback

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