Miss Me


"This feels weird" Bri shook her head. I decided to come with Bri to let Nadia see Jr. Bri only wanted her to be around jr. if we are there, something about she didn't trust her but I don't blame her she showed up to my moms house which we still aren't sure how she knew we were there.

"Relax for now, when she comes if you not liking the vibe then we leaving"

She nodded "okay"

"Hey y'all, sorry I'm late traffic was crazy getting here" Nadia sat at the table across from us and I'm guessing her son decided to come too. I couldn't remember where I knew him from but it was at the top of my head.

"Oh I'm sorry this is Nas, Nas this is Bri, you know of her already and this is her boyfr.."

"Her Husband.. you can call me J" I corrected her. Put some respect on my name.

She gave me a fake smile "Alright now Husband"

I just looked at her ass.

"He is so handsome" She looked over at jr. "It's makes me sad just to know my son won't be able to see his kids"

"Kids?" Bri asked

"Yes Jr. has a little sister about one month younger than him. You didn't know"

Here she go finna start some mess.

Bri cocked her head to the side "No I had no clue. I didn't even know he was sleeping around on me but that's the past. Do you have a picture of her"

Nadia nodded and looked in her bag pulling out her phone and showing her a picture of a little girl that looked exactly like Jr. damn near twins.

Bri sat back in her chair her whole mood changed. "Yeah she's adorable"

The waiter came to our table and took everyone's order.

I pulled out my phone as Nadia had small talk with Bri and Jr. I got a text from Ryan asking if I wanted a mission to go on. Code for a kill. I texted back "possibility, out with the fam I'll hit your line later for details and shit" he responded back "Okay" I must say it has been a while since I had to do a mission but fuck it. My internship was over and I started work as a executive director for the same company next month so I had a little time to spare. I broke out of my thoughts when I heard Bri getting loud.

"I'm just saying back the you guys never checked on me" she looked between Nadia and Nas. "I was by myself in that relationship and it wasn't healthy at all, come on you both know that. I've seen messages of you telling him that I was a whore because I worked at the club"

Nodded let a tear fall. Fake ass. "I know Briana I'm sorry I didn't believe it I thought you were lying on my son. Plus I didn't know you that good in the beginning of y'all relationship, I hope we can get past this"

"Maybe" she said nonchalantly then looked over at me "I'm ready to go"

I signaled for the server to come give us the check.

"When can I see him again I want him to meet his sister"

"After we get back from our next trip, I will let you know"
The server came over with the bill. I counted the money and sat it on the table and stood up grabbing jr. the whole time I felt Nadia's eyes on me. As me and Bri walked out the restaurant.

"I always get weird vibes from Nas, it's something about him that is off"

"I know him from somewhere at just can't remember where"

"He might of worked for Ryan"


I downed the rest of the water I had. This workout was a usual thing to me now I now built up more muscle than I had before. Malayah left me 1 months ago and hasn't tried to communicate with me since. We only talk when we dropping off or picking up the kids. I felt real bad but she really expressed to me a few days later that she needed a break. I had to respect her space and give her a little time but damn a month is more than enough time. It was time she came back home. She's been staying at a rental home I refused to let her pay for it I also told P to lay low on watching her.

"I'll catch y'all later" I said to a few trainers at the gym as a I left out. Tonight was Phor's album release party and I knew Malayah was coming because London convinced her to. I hopped in my car and pulled off I drove by her shop and seen her car wasn't there then I made my way home. As soon as I stepped foot in the door my phone notified me I go a message from someone on Instagram it was Britt begging me for her job back. I ignored it and hopped in the shower. I dried off and got dressed in a black and red nine mag shirt, balmain jeans, and my all red balenciaga's. I been growing my hair out more lately so  I just put it in a ponytail and put my watch and chains on. Checking the time I was running late I put on my cologne and grabbed my keys and wallet, locking the door I hopped in my car and started it up before pulling off I looked on Instagram and see London posted a video of her and Malayah 5 minutes ago. I let the top down on my Benz before pulling off , yeah it was one of those nights. I played the new Quality Control Album the whole way there. Once I got to the club I gave the valet driver my keys and walked to the front, I don't stand in lines.

"What's up Ryan" P stood walked up to me as the security guard let me in.

"I'm good man hbu, everything all good"

"Yup I'm just down here patrolling, your lady upstairs" I nodded and dapped him up

"Thanks man" I made my way to phor section. This man was drinking like he don't have to perform in a minute.

"Wassup bro" he got up and dapped me up. I peeped London and Malayah coming back upstairs. She changed her hair, it was now curly and light brown. She wore a leopard dress that had her titties out and her ass looked bigger than last time.

"Damn" I said
"Ayeee man you better make sure you get right with ya girl tonight before somebody else try it"

I gave him a death stare "I'll kill everybody in here if they tried it"

He laughed "and you know I'll be right there helping" London walked up to him drunk as hell slurring her words. "Babyyy, what time are you performing" She hiccuped "I'm about to pass out"

I looked over at Malayah who was on her phone. "Who you texting?" I asked her but she ignored me. I think she likes for me to act crazy. I grabbed her phone and looked at it, she wasn't doing anything but texting the babysitter and checking on the kids. I gave it back to her.

"When you gone stop being mad at me" I said in her ear. She rolled her eyes "I'm not mad at all" she took a shot of Patron and started drinking whatever was in her cup.

I eyed her not saying anything.

"It's rude to stare at people"

I nodded "you right" I walked away and over to phor. Fuck it I'm getting drunk tonight, I had the intentions on trying to talk with her but I'm not about to be up her ass about it.

"Here man" phor gave me the bottle of Hennessy "This for you man, you been busy as hell and you know where here to Celebrate man Drink up" I opened the bottle and the smell hit me. "Damn this about to bring the old Ryan out" I laughed and started drinking straight out the bottle.

Phor went on stage and started performing his songs. I was now drunk and rapping every word with him. I caught a few eyes from some females but I shook it off, Im here for a good time not a long time. After Phor got off stage he came back into the section "It's time to black out now" He took a shot. I was halfway through the Hennessy bottle. My vision was getting blurry but I stuck through it. A girl and a few of her friends entered the section. She made her way over to me. "Don't you own the shop nine mag?". I had to get a good look at her before I answered. She had a body out this world, caramel skin, a pretty smile, and I can tell she was only wearing light makeup, I liked what I was seeing. "Yeah I do, why you trying to get tatted soon?" She smiled "Only if it's done by your fine ass" Her friends smiled and walked off. "My bad I didn't introduce myself I'm Aubrei" I nodded "Im Ryan, nice to meet you" Her friends walked up handing her a drink "Here girl drink up" one of them said. When she turned around to face them I almost fell out, she had ass for days im talking about a ghetto booty. I looked back up making sure no one saw me looking at her, but just my luck Malayah was giving me a death stare. I decided to go sit down, didn't even want to argue with her tonight. Soon Aubrei made her way to where I was sitting and I see London coming right behind her. "Umm do I know you?" Aubrei scrunched her face up "No, why?" she rolled her eyes and leaned over grabbing my phone she put her number in it"Here's my number me and my girls are heading to another club, if you wanna chill tonight or any other night call me" she smirked and walked away. I couldn't help myself but stare as she walked off. I felt the couch shift and seen London and Malayah were now sitting next to me.

"What did she say?" now she wanted to talk to me

I shrugged "I don't know the music is loud I couldnt' hear her"


It really bothered me to see the way Ryan stared at this girl that approached him. I wasn't jealous but It really hit a nerve. I went over to sit by him and London followed her ass been wanting to fight everybody allnight.

"What did she say"

He shrugged "I don't know the music is loud I couldn't hear her"

London looked over at me with 'Really bitch' face.

"Come outside and talk with me for a minute" I said

He contemplated and took a few more sips of his drink. "come on"

I whispered to London "I'll be back"

she nodded as she eyed Ryan "Better watch yourself ryan"

He ignored her and led the way out of the club. I seen the same girl that was talking to him, standing at the bar. I grabbed his hand and stared her down. Once we were outside of the club he told the valet driver to get his car. I looked at him like he was crazy "You're drunk as hell im not getting in the car with you" Once they pulled the car around, he handed me the key I stood there shocked. Out of the time we've dated he never let me drive his benz. I walked to the drivers side and waited for him to get in, once he did he let the seat all the way back "Go to the nearest liquor store" I rolled my eyes and pulled off "Ryan you don't need another drink" he was silent I thought he was sleep until I looked over and seen him just staring at me. "I told you earlier it's rude to stare" He put his hand on my thighs instantly making me a little happy, it's been a while since I had some action. "Im just admiring you, come home just for tonight" Here he go.

"No Ryan i need to get back home to the kids, The babysitter has to leave soon" I hopped on the expressway heading home.

"Fine take me to the rental home I'll spend a night with you"

I shook my head "No"

"Here you go with this shit" I could tell he was annoyed but I didn't care

I continued driving to the house in silence. Once I pulled up I turned the car off and looked over him "We here" he got out of the car not waiting for me and went into the house. I followed him inside looking around the house it was clean, I missed it, I missed my kitchen, I missed my bed, I missed home, most importantly I missed my man.

I went upstairs to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Ryan was in the bathroom, I grabbed his phone off of the nightstand went through it, not that I didn't trust him I just wanted to know if he was talking to other females during our break. I seen a new message from Aubrei, the girl from the club she should be ashamed of herself the way she was throwing herself at him in these messages. I left the message on read and a few seconds later she called the phone. I answered


"Hey.. who is this, where is Ryan?"

"He's sleeping next to me" I lied

"Mmm honey you might want to check your man then, because he definitely invited me over while at the club"

"Bitch bye he would never say anything like that" I hung up on her and waited for him to come out of the bathroom. He opened the door and stumbled his way to the bed. Drunk ass fool. I waited until he laid down and got comfortable closing his eyes, then I slapped him making him jump up.

He grabbed my hands as I tried to hit him again "Yo chill, what's wrong with you?"

"You invited that bitch over to our house"

"What bitch, what are you talking about"

"The girl from the club"

"Wowww are you jealous? Remember you left me I didn't leave you so I don't see the problem"

"The problem is this is our house, and you are disrespecting it, how many other females you had over here?" I asked looking into his eyes.

He played with his beard "Shit about three other"

I hopped out of the bed

He got up and laughed "Damn im playing chill man"

"Stop playing with me it's not funny" He knew I was very sensitive when it came to shit like this.

"That's fine because I started talking to someone else as well"


"I'm waiting on you to say you're playing"

she just stood there "Im not playing, I met someone and we only went on one date but honestly he's cool"

I had a straight face and reached under my shirt taking out my gun "You said what"

"Ryan put that down,stop it you're drunk"

"Nah repeat what you just said"

"Just calm down It was only a date nothing more, no touching,kissing any of that"

I walked closer to her "Where does he live"

she just looked at me scared

"Hellooo, now you can't hear"

"Umm I don't know where he stays at, just put the gun away while you're talking to me"

I ignored everything she said and waved the gun at her phone "Come call him"



"Okay first of all stop talking to me like a child"

"Yeah yeah just get the phone"

I waited for her as she unlocked her phone and went to his number hitting the call button. We waited as the phone rung and it went to voicemail she hung up and looked at me "Now what"

"Send him a message about how you'll never see him again"

"Ryan you're doing too much" She walked over to the bed and kicked her heels off

I sat my gun on the nightstand "I haven't done enough obviously, who you wear this tight ass dress for"I got in bed next to her, sliding my hand up her dress

She grabbed my hand and smiled"Nooo, I need to get home to the kids, my babysitter thinks im coming back in a hour"

I kissed her neck and she tilted her head back letting out a slight moan "text her and tell her I'll pay triple of whatever you were giving her tonight"

"Triple Ryan that's too much, it's not that serious"

"Oh for your pussy it's priceless"

She smiled and grabbed her phone sending her a text. Once she was done she got on top of me unzipping her dress and tossing it to the side, I admired her body every time it was beautiful."Seems like you missed me too" she laughed as she felt how hard I was.

She put her hair in a ponytail and moved to the edge of the bed "It's my turn to take care of you"


I believe Ryan and Malayah are something else y'all arguing now in bed together 🤦🏾‍♀️😭

I think something is going on with Nadia and Nas they seem odd.

Malayah better keep him in the dog house after this because I want her to have a hot mom summer 💛

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