Its the little things

QUESTION: If I wrote a Second book would you all read it? The kids would be a little older so they can finally play a big part in the story.


I held Malachi tight in my arms as I stared at the tv hanging in our living room we were watching Phor perform at the summer bash. My phone rang which broke me out of my concentration "Hello"

"Hey Are you watching the news??" Bri said unto the phone.

"No I was watching Phor perform, what happened I grabbed the remote turning the channel catching the ending statement

"This video of the fire was caught" there was a video of my mother's house in Dallas in Flames.

I stood there with my mouth open not even moving.

"London!! London"

"I'm here, is my mom okay? Was she in the house?"

"No she's here with me" Thank god. "I think this was Nas"

"I'm coming home now!" I sat Malachi on the carpet as I sat on the couch

"No your brother is already on it, he's going to tell you when to come and what to do"

"You sure?"

"I've never been more sure before and don't worry Mama Bee is here playing with Jr. she doesn't even care about the house she said she wanted to handle the person who did it.. but I don't know what she means by handle"

I laughed her ass is really crazy. "Okay please tell her to call me when she settled in"

"Alright no problem bye"

After I got off the phone I grabbed the phone and turned back to the channel of Phor'a performance he was now done and was being interviewed.

"You killed the stage man, can I ask you what is your motivation when you're up there performing"

"My family, Moms,Wife,kid,sister and my Pops Rest In Peace to him those are the ones that keep me going with my music you know"

"Wife?? Spill the details the fans want to know when did you propose"

He smiled showing off his perfect set of teeth "I proposed a few days ago while we had dinner on the beach with a few friends, it was the perfect time for it"

"Sounds beautiful! Congratulations to you guys. Well that's it folks thanks for tuning in with us to talk to Phor live from the 2019 Summer Bash"

I went into the kitchen and started making dinner I knew Phor would be home soon. I sat Malachi in his walker and started cutting the vegetables I looked over at the couch and stared at the bag that was sitting on the couch. I exhaled and went over into the bag pulling the test out that I bought earlier. I felt Malachi walking behind me as I made my way to the bathroom he tried to bring his walker in but it was too big so he decided to stand there and watch me so much for privacy huh. I opened the test and peed on the stick.After I was done I placed it on the counter, wiped myself and flushed the toilet. After waiting for what felt like an eternity I looked at the one line that appeared.Thank God. I put the test and box in the garbage and washed my hands.

"Wow almost gave mommy a heart attack" I laughed looking at Malachi as he smiled up at me


"999,999, one mill" J one of our youngins counted the money and pushed it towards me. I signaled for Josiah to come get the money and put it in a duffel bag. Josiah,Bri and Jr. we're in Chicago Bri thought it was a trip but I needed Josiah around because he was good with this money and computer shit, actually good is a understatement he was a genius.

"Soo am I out"

I shrugged and put out the blunt. "I don't know you tell me, do you think I should just let you out like that because you brought me some money?"

"I was loyal"

"Nah see that's where you can stop, yeah you may have never turned on me but you definitely were using the product"
He eyes got big as he didn't expect for me to know that.

"But since you never turned on me, I'll let you go but only for a while"

"A while?"

"Meaning Pretty soon you'll have to face the bad part of the game"

"I.. I don't know what you mean"

"That means you better go have fun while you can" everyone at the table looked at him. He stood up slowly and walked out of the room. Phor followed behind him and a few seconds later we heard gun shots. I fired the blunt up again and laughed "Damn gone so soon" everyone at the table was now looking at me crazy.

"So back to this operation, I need everyone and I mean everyone on standby. I have new surveillance systems and more security around. If any problem comes up with this operation or they seem to be acting funny do not hesitate to pop em"
I sat out the map and went over the plan with everyone. "Everyone got it?"

They all nodded and I smiled "Well then let's get this money" I rubbed my hands together as they started leaving one by one. Phor came back into the room with a completely different outfit on.

"Man this ain't a fashion show"

He laughed "You got jokes bro but nah I blew his brains out getting blood and shit all over me, I couldn't go home with that on me I could hear London now 'What is that, oh my goddd, why are you out here sinning' He copied her voice and shook his head. "I get nagged at about enough shit with her sorry J, but man you sister complains too much"

Josiah shrugged "Don't talk shit now you marrying her" I grabbed the duffel bags as we left out the room

"Nah but bro to be honest, I need this to be your last operation" I was serious "You have a lot of shit in the media now you can't risk your life like that"

"I don't know man, I'll take this over the fame"

"What" me and Josiah said at the same time

"You tripping bro" he said

"Man living a clean lifestyle and making money from your passion.. shit I'll take it if you don't want it" We walked outside and I put the duffel bags in my car. "I must admit though after this operation I'm laying low on this lifestyle, my girl not feeling it and I definitely wanna take up that offer with Vh1 and the shop"

"Damn the shop about to be on Vh1 shit let me get a position, I can't tattoo good though probably some stick figures and shit" Josiah laughed

"Hell naw so you can have the shop closed down" We all each hopped in ours cars and heading our different ways home. I pulled into my driveway and hopped out,grabbing the duffel bags I went to the front door there was music playing meaning Malayah was in a good mood. "Yes" I knew I was about to get lucky tonight. I opened the door and Imani spotted me from the living room, she made her was towards me trying to speed walk. I sat the duffel bag down by the couch and picked her up I got her cleaned up then we ate dinner. After dinner we let Jayden pick a movie to watch as we chilled on the couch with the kids. In the middle of the movie Malayah looked at me "Did you really go to the shop today?" I thought about my answer "Yeah why?" She turned back around to the tv "I drove past there today and didn't see your car" I cursed under my breath "I probably was at the bank I was there for a long ass time today had a lot of deposits to do" she didn't say anything else and I was glad I could feel a argument coming on. After the movie went off I tucked Jayden and Imani in their beds then went to our room. As soon as I laid in the bed and closed my eyes "If you went to the bank today what's in those duffel bags?" Here she goes, I tried to play sleep and act as if I didnt hear her.

"Ryan I know you're woke" she hit me with the pillow


"You heard me, what's in the duffel bags"

"A surprise, now go to sleep"

"Well im going to go see" she got out of bed and went downstairs. I waited for her to come back as I stared up at the ceiling I really had a lot to do and didn't feel like sitting up arguing with her.When she came back she walked right past me and got in the bed.

"You like what you seen?"


"It's yours"

"No it's not I don't want it, you should know by now money doesn't make me happy Ryan"

"You right" I left the conversation at that and went to sleep. I had to realize what make women happy it's the little things right? The next morning I woke up to everyone in the house being gone, I guess because I woke up late Malayah usually would tap me but her mad ass wanted to be petty I didn't care there's no designated time to clock in when you're the boss. I hopped in the shower and got ready for the day. I headed out the door and headed straight to the shop I had her in charge of.Seeing her car in the driveway I parked next to it and went inside I seen her instructing her new artists so I decided to surprise her with the flowers I picked up on the way over here I left a card with the flowers saying "Date night tonight?"

She was busy talking she didn't even see me standing behind her until all of her workers were smiling and she turned around. I kissed her and gave her the flowers and card. She read it and smiled "I guesss, I mean I been needing a reason to get cute anyways" I walked with her to the office. "When you get off work call the babysitter, it's a night for us" I kissed her again "I gotta go head out though, gotta get some work done but it's all legal business so dont even trip, I love you". She laughed "Okay I love you, I'll see you later"

After leaving her shop I went to the bank. I had the make a big deposit and a big life choice.


"Alright see you all tomorrow" I waved and walked to my car as I left my security and Assistant to lock up the shop. I called London ahead of time and had her pick up Jayden and Imani so they could be with her tonight. I rushed home and took a shower,Once I got out I fixed my hair and looked in the closet at my outfit choices I chose a cute pair of dark fashion nova jeans, a cute orange and wipe crop tie shirt, and a park of white heels. I wanted to be simple yet cute you never know how date night with us go. After I finished getting ready I waited on the couch Ryan texted me and told me he stopped by the house a hour before me and got dressed he had a few errands now I opened a bottle of wine and played the waiting game. After two glasses of wine I was feeling it. I heard his car pull into the driveway I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. Hopping into the car I took in the smell of his cologne "You smell so good baby" I smiled.

"Well you know how I do" He joked we sat in the driveway for a few more seconds and I stared at him "What are we waiting on" I wanted you to look in that big bag in the back and see if my wallet in there" I got out and opened the backseat door there was a big ass bag with a bow on the top. I reached my hand down in the bag and immediately pulled it back up once I felt something furry "Ryan what is that?"

"I dont know look inside"

I peeked inside the bag and excitement flushed throughout my body "Oh my god" I pulled the puppy out.

"He's so adorable" I held his little body close to me as I walked back to the passenger seat.

"All for you"

"For me what?"

"I remember you told me a while ago how you loved dogs and I know the kids has been stressing about getting one so there you go. Just remember im not cleaning up dog shit or walking him but yeah I listen to whatever you say to me and You can have whatever you like"

I waved him off as I smiled down at my new baby "Umm we are going to name you Blu"

Ryan looked at me and shrugged "Aye whatever you wanna do, now what do you want to eat, your choice"

"Ummm I dont know"

"Typical yall women never know what yall wanna eat"

I reached over and rubbed my hand against the front of his pants "I know what I want later though"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COMMENT AND VOTE
How do you all feel about where these two are at in their relationship.

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