Hawaii part 1🏝


I sat quietly next to my lawyer and manager. They read over the contract making sure I fully understood everything because these labels are known to play you when it comes to you work and money. "It looks good " he spoke up my lawyer removed his glasses and nodded "yes it's good but remember whenever they start talking about anything not included in your contract contact me asap" I nodded and rubbed my hands together.

"So we have a deal?"

I smiled "Yes it's a deal". I printed my name on the contract and sat back. "Wowww, I'm really signed to Capitol Records"

"Congratulations, we will have a rooftop party set up tomorrow night. Right after that we will jump straight into business" the A&R Josh shook my hand

"Alright man thanks so much"

My lawyer and manager shook hands with him and then we left the office. I hopped in the all black suv and we headed to the airport, I was excited to go home and tell London some good news like this. I was thinking about my future during the ride, being a boy from the hood who never thought that he would be here. Now I'll be able to provide for my son comfortably he won't have to go through the struggle like I did.I got to the airport and the driver took my bag from out the bag "Thanks chief, I'll be sure to have you drive for me the next time im back in LA" he nodded "No problem and congratulations, Im all for the young people chasing their dreams"

"I appreciate it" I walked into the airport and checked in. A nigga was flying first class, Can't nobody tell me nothing. I texted London and told her I was on my way home as people in low class or whatever it was boarded. She texted me back "I just seen OMG Congrats baby, im so proud of you me and Malachi are waiting for you right now to get home"

Damn news travels quick. I checked my instagram and seen so many people were posting me and commenting on my pictures, not to mention I just gained thousands of followers. I put in my airpods and let the instrumental play as I thought of verses in my head. Yeah it's no more ordinary lifestyle.


I was so happy for Phor, I sat on the balcony with London as we finished a blunt. The wind blew through my hair and I can say I finally feel relaxed.

"I really needed this little break, just too much with my mom, family and you know"

"Yeah I know you needed it, We both did but..." she trailed off

"I want to take another trip, not just a girls trip I want all of us to go to Hawaii."

"Uhhh, Im not too sure about that"

"I figured you would say that but look" she sat up. "You can have your own room "

"Hmm I'll have to see when are you trying to go?"

"Well next week it's kinda already paid for"

"London, what the hell?"

"Phor and Ryan planned it I just needed to tell you"

I rolled my eyes and sat back in the chair "Fine, but just know if something goes wrong im beating his ass, i dont care if it wasn't his fault. If the flight is delayed I wanna fight, If I get a bogus room I wanna fight"

She laughed "Just say you wanna fight him Malayah"

"I do, but I've been taking boxing classes in Dallas, it's been helping me relive some stress so much"My phone vibrated on the glass table I looked at it and sighed


"Yes his ass act like he doesn't know how to take care of kids, Imani cries he has to call me, they won't go to sleep he has to call me, like this is the reason I dropped them off to him in the first place he needed to know how to do these things but Let me go and see what's wrong" London followed me to the door and hugged me "Alright call me when you get back to the room, dont forget"

"I will"

I hopped in my car and sat there for a minute, something felt off I didn't know what it was . I shook off the feeling as I pulled up to Ryan's house all of the lights were on, I laughed that means they were running him crazy. I parked and walked up to the door using my key to get in Toys were all over the floor. Imani was screaming and yelling from I don't know where and Jayden was watching tv eating a big ass bag of candy.

"Aww hell nah" I stormed upstairs to find Ryan. The bedroom door was closed and locked I leaned my ear against the door to hear what was going on

"Yeah that's cool, I had fun with yall too, Our kids love each other we have to do that more often" it was silent before he wrapped up the conversation "Well let me go, I need to go check on the kids" After a few more words I had my arms crossed as I stood in the doorway when he swung the door open.

"Sooo, who was that on the phone and what do yall have to do more often"

"My business, what you doing here anyways"

"Nigga you called me the fuck"

He started stroking his beard. "I took the kids to go play with Aubrei's kids it wasn't nothing.." Before he could finish I drew my arm back and punched him in the jaw.

"You brought her around our kids? Whew the disrespect!"

He looked at me shocked but then anger took over his face. He walked up to me hovering over my little frame "You must be drunk if you think ima let you just punch me"

I drew my hand back again getting ready to punch him but he grabbed my wrists "You need to stop, what's wrong with you"

"What do you mean what's wrong with me, you brought that bitch around our kids, cant you see that she want you!" I was beyond pissed.

"No she doesn't I just didn't know what to do with the kids and she joined me"

I yanked my wrists away but he had a firm grip on me, I kneed him and he finally let my hands go. He got up and pushed me against the wall "Your ass is crazy Malayah, I don't want that bitch"

I wasn't trying to believe anything he was saying "Let me go so I can kill you"

"No, you not thinking straight right now"

The door bell rang and I sprinted past him and went to get Imani and Jayden and put them in Jayden's room with the tv on. After I went downstairs praying it was Aubrei so I can put both of them in the same casket. Ryan sat on the couch chilling as the doorbell kept ringing the door I walked past the couch and headed to the door making sure to push his head "Stupid ass" he laughed I didn't find shit funny though. I swung the door open and it was Mr and Mrs.Taylor the next door neighbors. "Hey Malayah is everything okay, I thought I heard yelling" I smiled politely

"Ohh sorry that must have been the tv you know the kids love to have the volume up"

"alright we were just making sure, how is Ryan?"

I looked behind the door and seen he was still on the couch watching tv

"Hmm he's okay"

"Alright don't wanna keep you up, tell the kids I said Hi"

"Alright goodnight" I waved and closed the door, rolling my eyes as I locked it.

"Got the neighbors all in our business"Ryan said not taking his eyes off the tv

I stood in front of the tv "It's all your fault, you probably slept with her"

He didn't say anything

I stood up straight "You did huh?" I blinked and fanned myself because now I must murder him."Okay that's fine don't answer me" I walked away and went into the kitchen looking for the biggest knife we had, I grabbed it and stood in front of the tv."Ima ask you again"

"Woah put that shit back" He stood up

"Okay so now you can hear me"

"Malayah you a special type of crazy, if you cut me, i'll have to shoot you"

"Well we will be two killing motherfuckers in here" I said rolling my neck.

He walked up to me slowly "You know damn well I didn't sleep with that girl"

"Fire her, and If I catch you around her again with her.."

"Okay okay im finna fire her"

"Im still beating her ass on sight" I put the knife back in the kitchen

He walked up behind me and kissed on my neck "You know I love that crazy shit"

I turned around "Ryan, what do you want from me? Is it attention, love, sex, what?"

"I want all of that plus more with you, why?"

"You give off so many mixed emotions and then the shit that you pull, I've had to confront you multiple times about different women"

"Have I ever slept with any of them?"

I was quiet for a moment "No"

"Exactly, im only worried and committed to you"

"Couldn't be because you should've known better to go bring her around our kids"

I sighed "I know that was stupid, Im sorry, Please just forgive me"

I didn't say anything. He grabbed my face making me look him in the eyes "Im serious, please forgive me, you know im not even the type to beg"

"I don't know Ryan, everytime I take you back you get too comfortable and something dumb happens. I can't take you back until I've seen progress and you know im still not over your other lifestyle"

He kissed me on the lips and I closed my eyes getting engaged in the kiss. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I pulled back from the kiss "I should go" I tried to move out of his grip

"Do you still love me Malayah"

I nodded "I guess"

"Good" He let me go and I went into the kids room getting their bags together. Imani started to have a tantrum as I changed her and got her dressed. "I think she wants to stay here" I laughed and sat her on the floor as I continued packing her bag. I stopped moving when I seen Imani standing and beginning to take her first steps towards Ryan.

I smiled as we watched her take her time once she got to him she hugged his leg and smiled up at him.

"Oh my god mommy's big girl"


A week later.

Phor and I waited on London to finish getting ready and Malayah to pull up as we sat on the balcony and smoked.

"Mann are you serious"

"Yeah came in punching me, pulled a knife out on me all of that"

Phor laughed "Damnnn aye you met your match. Finally got you a crazy woman"

"I know I couldn't take her serious though she looked good as fuck"

"That's usually how they look when yall broke up or on a break. They start looking even better but when yall together they wanna wear sweats all day and chill"

London opened the balcony door "We ready yall come on".

We made our way to the airport and was thankful to catch our flight on time.

Once we arrived we were greeted by our drivers. "Hello Welcome to Hawaii" They walked us out to the suvs. London went up to Malayah "You want us to ride together and the men can ride together" she shook her head "Nah go enjoy your man" London smiled "Ohh trust me I will" We gave her bags to the drivers and hopped in. Once we pulled off I looked over at her "We're gonna make another baby on this trip huh?" I placed my hand on her thigh.She removed her shades "Uhh no" she popped my hand and put her shades back on. I laughed

"That's fine I like my girls stubborn anyways, I'll make sure this trip will be very special for you" I smirked




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