Doesn't feel like love!
I went down the stairs as I heard someone breaking glass in the front room. Running to the small table by our door I reached under it for the gun ryan kept right there but tonight it was gone. I slowly peeked around the corner trying to get a look at the person going through our stuff. I backed away from the corner of the room and bumped into someone, turning around slowly I seen Trev.
"Hey beautiful, I told you I'll come and find you" He held the gun up to me and pulled the trigger.
"Ahhhhh" I sat up in the bed, looking down at my body I was drenched in sweat. Ryan came out the bathroom "What??"
I sat there staring ahead as I held my hand over my heart, trying to calm down. "Ryan I know I said not to worry about it but I think Trev is still out to get me". He came and sat on the bed next to me. "This is the second time this week I've had a nightmare about him" Ryan pulled out his phone as he listened to me talk.
"Calm down Im handling that nigga as soon as he touch down in again don't worry" I shook my head "No you told me you were done with the game once you got out of jail. I'm just traumatized I will see someone for it. Please just don't do anything else stupid I can't let you be dangerous anymore you have us to think about" I sighed and got out of bed going in to the bathroom I splashed cold water on my face.Today was my day back into my office and I wasn't even excited anymore. I heard Ryan leave out while I was getting ready.I went into the living room to get Imani, she was in her swing smiling and babbling at Jayden.
"You got all of your things for camp?"
"Yeah i put it all in my bag last night"
"Okay go get your shoes on" He ran to his room as I put Imani in her carseat, and headed to the front door as Jayden ran downstairs and out the door. After setting the alarm and getting the kids strapped in the car we were finally ready to go.I dropped Jayden off at day camp and headed to Ryan's shop before going over to mine.Once I arrived I attached Imani's carseat to her stroller and went inside, Hello Malayah, some girl i've never seen before said,She must have seen the confusion in my face.
She stood up and held her hand out "Sorry I should've introduced myself first im Mayah the new receptionist. Ryan has told me non stop about you and this little cutie right here as well" I shook her hand
"Nice to have you working with us"
"Thanks, Mr.Henry is in his office"
I nodded and walked through the lobby Tammy squealed and ran over to hug me "Oh my godness if it isn't my two favorite people"
"Hey Tam how is everything"
"Good girl" she walked with me to Ryan's office "Hey baby girl" she waved at Imani who sucked on her pacifier and batted her long eyelashes, definitely got that from mommy. "She's precious you know It's crazy I never thought I'd see my cousin this far in love, thanks for changing him" His nosy ass opened the door "Yall talking about me?"
I pushed past him "No"
"What's up big girl" He looked in Imani's carseat as he closed the door."Im surprised you here what do you want, some dick?"
I started laughing loudly "Noo, im not a sex addict. Imani wanted to come check on her daddy that's all"
"Nah you wanted to come check on daddy" He sat in his chair behind his desk, pulling me onto his lap "Nothing wrong with admitting it"
"Boy bye but are we still on for this trip im excited we get another family trip"
"No doubt, I had everything set up already"
"Okay cool" I kissed him, He started to put his hand up the dress I had on but I smacked it away
"No , save that for later learn to control yourself like me" I was lying if Imani's carseat wasn't in this room I would be riding my life away right now.
I looked at Imani who was trying her hardest to sit up and look at us. "She is so nosy, she gets that from your side of the family" I got up from his lap"But we have to go I need to go work hopefully she acts good and go to sleep while I sort through paperwork I hired two more artists"
"I love a business woman, go do your thing if you need me to come get her I'll stop by on my break" he walked me to the door and kissed me as I left out.
I shot Phor a text as Malayah left out.
Me: We all set for tonight?
Phor: Hell Yeah I just gotta go to dinner with London because I promised her then after that I'll be ready. I already tracked his location so it won't be hard to find him
Me: Good shit bro, iight I'll call you once I'm ready.
I had a lot of revenge to hand out I just been really lowkey about everything lately because I wanted to spend a little time with my family and give phor some time to focus on his career but today was the day that the old Ryan returned. I closed my office door and pulled up some records on a few people in Dallas I had to make a stop there soon to check on my trap houses. A few hours went by as I was in my office I decided to close early and go home before Malayah so she wouldn't question me as a I left out.
I hopped in my G wagon and headed home. I pulled up to Malayah's shop just to make sure her car was there, indeed it was knowing her ass she was happy to be back at the shop. I peeled off and hopped on the expressway heading home. The whole drive there I thought about how I had to transition soon from being dangerous to calming shit down. I had a family to look after now, I owe Jayden so much time since he was born in my prime years I wasn't around much but I made sure he had whatever he wanted. I arrived at the house and showered. I changed into all black. I checked the time it was 8:30 which mean Malayah was on her way home I hurried and locked the door and went into the garage to get in my car. Taking the back way I headed towards phor house.
Once I pulled up he was already sitting in his parking garage on his phone. I walked up to his window "POW" he looked at me mad as hell "Damn man you lacking you don't know who I could've been" he shook his head "You know I'm not that dumb I seen you pull up." He think he know it all. "Yeah iight come on let's go" I parked my car in his guest spot and hopped in the car with him. He left the parking lot and we headed to the south side. The whole ride his phone kept ringing "Damn man you turned into a real celebrity out here, don't even really hear from you no more" He shrugged. "It's not even like that I'm actually coming back this week to my booth and doing a couple of tattoos. These back to back shows been having me busy as hell. Then on top of that London got me going out with her looking at homes and expensive ass daycares for Malachi. I'm really out here tryna balance being a tattoo artist, a dad, being with London, my music and this lifestyle but I'm built for it" I nodded in agreement. "Shit I understand you I recently got a call from Vh1 asking to film what we do in the shop I don't know how I feel about that, you know I'm a personal type of person. Don't need them people in my face" Phor parked in a alley behind the address we received. I looked around the neighborhood making sure no one was visible and outside to see us. "We good" we got out the car and walked through the back of the yard. There was music playing so I know whoever was in there wasn't paying attention. I peeked through the back window which gave me a view of the kitchen and living room. Trev was playing the game. Childish ass nigga. I signaled so Phor could pick the lock but the door was already unlocked, he had to be dumb as hell.
"LET'S GO!" He yelled at the Tv. I walked up behind him and aimed my gun to the back of his head making his body freeze up. "Turn that shit off" Phor said as I walked around so I could face him . He grabbed his phone and turned it off then put it down on the ground. "You thought we wasn't gone catch up with you" he chuckled "Took y'all long enough. That y'all don't went soft in the game" I punched him in the mouth making him lean over and spit blood out. "You should've knew better ain't shit about me soft" We heard something fall upstairs and so had Phor go check on it. A few minutes later he came downstairs "Looks clear didn't see anyone". Trev looked between me and Phor "I mean shit it took for me to fuck with y'all bitches to make you do something. Especially yours the prettiest little thing I ever seen, should've been my baby in her" I shot him in his knee cap as he screamed in pain. "Get him up" Phor tied his hands together and grabbed his arm making him stand up.Phor pushed him into the basement of his house. "Let's see what you got around here" I looked around "Okay a chainsaw, a crowbar, you got hella rope seems a little crazy don't you think" I shook my head "Nah I think my own technique will work Phor" I grabbed the crowbar "I should've been handled this a while ago" Trev spit blood at me "Really disrespectful" I swung the crowbar at him knocking him out on the first hit. I continued to hit him until I could see his brain. I stopped at that point and looked over at Phor "Damn man you don't play about your girl huh?" I looked at my hands that were covered in blood "Nah not at all cut him up and have P drop him in the lake" P was our guard while in Chicago only needed him for things like this. I heard Phor cut the chainsaw on as I went upstairs. I heard something fall again and I pulled my gun back up making my way to the bedrooms I heard light cries and talking the room door was cracked and I peeked through it. There were three kids sitting hugged up crying "Oh shit" I hurried and went downstairs and seen P helping Phor pull the bag of remaining out the backdoor. "I thought you said no one was upstairs" He looked at me sideways "when I went upstairs no body was up there" "Well you must didn't look good I went back up there and he had kids in the room crying" "Fuck you think they seen us" P put the body in his car and drove off. I hopped in the car with Phor and checked my phone Malayah called me like a maniac probably even put out a search party for me. I felt bad driving away from that house knowing those kids were in there. I felt even more bad because I knew Trev had kids and I knew he had a crazy ass baby mamas usually I didn't care about stuff like this but thinking about My kids and Malayah had me all fucked up about it. Once Phor parked his car I got out and walked over to mine. "Aye bro you better hope your girl sleep because you definitely look like a killer right now" I looked at my hands which still had slight blood stains on them and my face. I hopped in my car and prayed she was sleep. I pulled into the driveway and seen that the lights were off. Thank god. I parked in the garage and quietly walked through the door. I walked past the living room and headed towards the stairs.
"Where were you" I felt like a teenager getting caught from sneaking out. I didn't even turn around I thought about my answer.
"I was handling business"
"Business all night long huh" I could hear the hurt in the voice I knew she was crying. "Is it Brittany, are you cheating on me with her" I sighed and walked into the living room where she was at.
She got up and walked towards me. "Nah you wasn't with her" she lifted up my shirt looking at my gun in my waistline. She nodded and scoffed "Wow business huh? Some things just will never change. You know I don't think you're thinking about your family at all. What would happen if you went to jail again and the way you handle things I'm sure you would be facing life. I didn't sign up for this. I had a feeling you were doing this" she walked past me and up the stairs "It's okay though I prepared myself for this" Walking into the bedroom I seen she had a suitcase packed
"Where you think you going" I pointed at the suitcase
"Back to Dallas, if you don't care about me or my babies safety then I'm gone" she zipped the suitcase and I unzipped it. "You not going back to Dallas" She looked at me like I was crazy "Ryan move! Fuck it I don't need those clothes" She left out the room and went into Imani's room loading her diaper bag. I stood at the door watching her "Why you being this difficult, I was protecting your ungrateful ass You know how many niggas I had to kill since I met you. You should be on your knees thanking you know what never mind" She took Imani out her crib and sat her in the car seat. Then she turned around to face me she shifted her weight onto one leg and put her hand on her hip. I was loving it she was so sexy and mad. "Did you really just call me ungrateful and blamed your crazy ass lifestyle on me, and begging you for what. You really have me fucked up" she grabbed the car seat and bag pushing past me "Move out my way!" I followed her into Jayden's room she was really thinking I was gonna let her go. She tapped Jayden "Hey I'm leaving do you want to stay" he shook his head no. He was really forgetting all about me it's cool. He got out of bed and started putting his clothes on. I shook my head and went to stand by the front door. I texted P a few minutes ago and told him to meet me here. After about ten minutes they came downstairs. She stood in front of me "Are we really about to do this"
"Do what, you being extra as hell I just need to shower and go to sleep but here we are"
"Okay go shower I have a flight to catch in the morning"
"Looks like we both not getting what we want"
She exhaled and sat the car seat down "That's fine" she pulled her phone out and dialed someone "911 what's your emergency" I snatched the phone out of her hand and hung up
"Are you dumb, you know you don't want me going to jail so stop it. You're being so dramatic right now making a scene for what"
She rolled her eyes "Let me go, you obviously don't give a fuck about me or these kids so we leaving." Her voice cracked as she tried to fight back tears.
I grabbed her and hugged her "You need to calm down" I felt her body get weak as she sobbed into my chest. She pushed me back "No I'm done crying over you. Please move" I looked at Jayden who was holding her hand.
"You really wanna leave me Malayah"
She nodded.
"Fine" I moved from in front of the door and she grabbed the car seat and walked out the door I walked outside as she strapped the kids in the backseat.
"Whenever you're tired of Jayden send him back." I walked over to the driver side before she could start the car I opened the door "I know you just need time to cool off and ima give it to you but you not going far with my kids Malayah I can guarantee you that you hear me?" She mugged me and pulled on the door but I didn't budge. She wiped her eyes and sniffled. I leaned into the car and kissed her cheek "I love you" She looked at me her eyes were now puffy "This doesn't feel like Love anymore" I seen P pull up behind her car I smirked and moved back so she could finally close the door.
"You good boss" I dapped him "Yeah I want you to follow my lovely wife and kids for me alright"
"FOLLOW? I'm not a kid I don't need anyone following me" I ignored her and looked at P he nodded at me "Got it" as he walked back to his car. I looked in the backseat "Jayden it's alright you can go with Malayah for a little bit then y'all will be back you got it?" He nodded "why aren't you coming with us" I shrugged "I gotta get some work done I promise once you get back we will spend a lot of time together okay" he smiled and turned his attention to his iPad. I walked back to Malayah's window she rolled her eyes and backed the car out of the driveway with P right behind her.
I went back into the house and went to take a shower. I know she needed her time alone, I know for sure she will be back or I'll have to go get her either way works.
Ryan is crazy as hell.
Y'all think Malayah is finally fed up with him? 🤭
And Trev's kids will probably be traumatized. 😭🥴
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