Chapter 29: Critical

"Hey, is everything alright over there? Do you want me to come and get you?" Lucas asked over the phone. It is past the hour that we planned to meet and I decided to call him to keep him informed of what happened in here.

"Everything is fine. Just some mild complications that was solved quickly." I replied, chuckling softy. "Anyway, I'm on my way home now so lets just meet up at my unit, is that alright?"

"Sure, baby. As long as you're okay. If something happens, just call me."

"Okay, I will see you later." I didn't noticed that I was smiling like a kid.

"I love you." damn, his voice is enough to make my knees weak.

I bit down my lip to stop myself from grinning because I'm really shivering in delight here. Nate is not too far from me but it is enough for him to see me blushing and he made a fake disgusting look to tease me.

"I love you too, Lucas. Bye." I placed my phone back inside my pocket only to be greeted by teasing smirk from my own brother. "You are so weird." I rolled my eyes at him then went back down to sit on the couch.

I am still at the hotel and Mom and I had a very serious talk earlier where she just dropped a bomb to me which really gave me the shock that I wasn't expecting. Actually, I never ever imagine that this would happen even before because of how I see this family has been running ever since.


"Mom, what's going on?" I asked, confused. Nate appears beside me and told me to take a sit before they can proceed.

Nate sits down but I'm pretty sure he already knows about what's happening here. But he remained beside me and somehow he is the one trying to keep me calm.

" Remember when I told you that something is wrong between Mom and Dad." Nate started, crossing his leg and stared at me.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Talia, honey. Things aren't working well already between me and your Dad." Mom went straight to the point without even trying to make those silly lines before they go dropping the big news.

My mouth dropped for a second before clearing things up. "Wait, you meant that two aren't together anymore?"

Mom sigh and sat down in front of me, on the opposite side of the couch that I'm on. "Technically yes, but we are still married."

Oh crap. So my parents are not together all this time? "Wait, but you still live here?" I asked.

She shakes her head.

"And how long have this been going on? I mean, since when did you two really broke up?"

"Years ago, Talia. Your Father and I decided not to include you two in our problem but it cannot be avoided especially at time like this." Mom replied, sadness is very evident in her voice. There are still more of the story that aren't told yet. "It may not work out for us but don't let this affect your life. We love you both very much and we want what is best for you two. I'm sorry that I became a horrible mother."

"Mom, we know that and I know you are just scared of Dad that's why this family never worked out still manages to help us in anyway you can." Nate replies, soothing her and trying to lift her spirit up.

I sigh and bit down my lower lip, fighting not to cry. "You may have followed Dad's orders all the time but you were never a horrible mother. Without you, I don't think I can survive giving birth to Ezekiel while I was in Paris. You were the only one there for me, Mom and that alone, made me really happy that I still have you."

Surprise with my own words, this is the first time I said something meaningful to my Mom. We never had a chance to have these kinds of conversation and I'm happy that we are having one right now.

Mom tried not to cry but failed at the end. She hugged me really tightly while whispering how apologetic she is for the past years she let Dad control me.

"Wait, Mom. Why did you even broke up with Dad?" I realized.

Mom doesn't want to say anything bad about Dad and it was obvious that she is going to keep it from us. She smiles at us sadly and painfully before caressing my cheek. "Never lose respect to your Dad, Talia. I know he's rough on you and...evil not forget all the good things he did for you."


I don't know what's the reason of the break up but even Nate doesn't know aboht it. Mom is very serious to keep it a secret upto her grave but I don't think that's even fair. A of us deserves to know what's the cause and who made the mistake? Did dad even tried to fix it or he wanted this in the first place?

"You two can go home now, let me take care it from here." Mom told us. "Drive safe, Talia. It's already night and the road might be dark."

I laugh at her worries. "Take care too, Mom." I hugged her one last time before walking towards the elevator with Nate. We made sure that everything is working well with Dad too before we relax. Mom is going to stay beside him until he cools and relaxes down a bit even though I told her to go home already but she said it was her obligation to help her husband.

My mom loves my dad very much, obviously and I don't think falling out love is the reason of their breakup. They are old enough to talk about this but we decided to just respect their decision. I might come back again to visit Dad to check how he's been improving or not, this is kinda my fault too so I feel guilty about it already. It all sinks in to me now.

Nate and I parted ways as he drives home to his man while I drive home to my man too.

We both have a man waiting for us at home and I admit, it was one of the best feeling ever. You are always looking forward to come home and see what's exciting things might happen there.

Jeez, I don't know what's waiting for me.

Arriving at my own unit, I unlocked my front door and Lucas was already there, waiting for me at the couch. He raised to his feet and greeted me with a very tight hug and deep kiss. "Welcome home." he whispered.

Then a huge grin forms on my lips while I got lost in those beautiful eyes. "It's good to be home then." I dreamingly replied as I wrap my arms around his neck and kissed him one more, deeper and more passionate. His hands roamed down to cup my ass cheeks and gave it a pinch making me squeal.

"Hey!" I pushed him away which made him exploding in laughter.

"Too steamy, my love. I don't think I can handle it." He joked, pulling me to him again. Jesus, is this what they called not good for me? To be happy? Damn, being with this man is ecstatic more than anything. "Anyways, let's eat? I cooked something for us and I'm sure you are going to love it."

"Goody, I'm starving." I stated and following towards my our dining area. "So, what did you cook?"

"A lemon ricotta pasta." He answered, serving me on my plate and serving one on his.

Wow, it really smells heaven. The lemony scent fills my nostrils and I can't help but salvitate at the sight of it. And not just the food though, my husband looks more delicious than the pasta. Man, not all men can pull of an outfit he's wearing, an oversized tank top and some khaki shorts.

Damn this thoughts. I became a horny wife because of this man and I always have this dirty thoughts. Does that mean I'm bad?

"Looks like I'm in danger tonight." Lucas teased. "Let's have dinner first and I will be your slave in your bedroom, okay? You don't need to look at me hungry as I'm the prey here."

I laughed at him and shake my head. "Anyways, thanks for cooking for us. I'm sure it tastes wonderful. I love the lemon scent."

"Then that makes me want to cook for you even more." He bended down to place a quick peck on my lips before sitting down and have his own meal. We enjoyed our dinner together as always and I just love moments like this with him. Makes it so precious each passing second. Now, how can I not disobey my father when it comes to something like this? Something so amazing.

I wouldn't trade this for anything too. This is my life and I will live it the way I wanted. And this is what I choose, wherever my man is and whatever he wants.

Later that night...actually, it was already pass midnight when we finished our usual live routine. We were lying in bed underneath my sheets and I'm just on top if him. He doesn't seem to bother that I'm practically heavy here he doesn't care. His one arm is crossed behind is head while the other one is resting on my bare back and it is a soothing feeling that sends shivers through my whole body.

"I don't know what to do anymore with my Dad. He doesn't want to change and Mom is there saying she already accepts us." I told him, recalling the events earlier.

Lucas smiled softly while his fingers are now combing my hair. "Well, maybe he needs more time. He will understand it, belive me."

I rolled eyes. "More time, my ass. He's almost died earlier because of it."

"Well, you can never force someone to like someone just have to respect it." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. "He is an old man, Talia. And men like him, no one can change their mind unless it's themselves who they are fighting."

"So, you are just going to respect that part and let Dad hate you?"

"I'm not saying that I will just let it pass. I am still thinking of some ways how to talk to your Dad but I'm afraid that he will have a heart attack the moment he sees me." Lucas explains, his eyes are very solemn as if his soul is the one talking. This is what he really feels in the depth of his heart. "Talia, I was never good to your family and they hate me obviously. Well, I don't blame them because I took you away from them. I married you without their concent while every wife dreams to have his daddy walk her down the aisle while I didn't gave you that chance. I just married you in a very poorly way and you deserved so much more. What more can I do? I didn't even think what kind of a life I would give you when I took you from them. A very poor one."

My heart tightens at what I'm hearing. It's not usual for Lucas to tell his pain because he keeps them to himself mostly. Now, hearing them from him, I just can't help but feel his pain as well. A man in love who only wanted to be with his family. That's what he is. He wanted to have a family with me and we didn't have that chance because we are not good enough. We are married but we don't have anything but ourselves. I thought love was enough but in the reality, it's not.

Life is tough and I'm glad that we are trying to survive it. Even at this state.

"What I'm seeing in your eyes right now is enough for them to understand how amazing and what a beautiful soul you are. Your love for me is unconditional and they can't see that because they are too blinded of their own selfish dreams. You already proved to me how much you love me and I'm very sorry for leaving and doubting you. I will never do that again." I kissed him, pouring all of my heart in that one.

"That's all that I want." He whispered back. "I will never let you leave my side again, you hear that?"

"Never." I replied cheekily with a huge grin.

Lucas drops his handsome grin that can lift my heart out of my ribcage. "Rest now. We have a big day tomorrow." he let me drop to his side but he never lets me go.


The next morning, Lucas and I had a breakfast together with so much fun. We were jumping around the kitchen because we just can't keep our hands off each other the whole time. Starting from the cooking upto the eating, we are keeping each other censored at what happened.

So right now, we took a shower and Lucas said he has a surprise to me.

I don't know what it is but it feels really exciting though. We are in his car and on the road towards somewhere in the city. Not too far but not too near from the main highway. But it seems like we entered this very high security subdivision and by the looks of it, they knew who Lucas is.

"Mr. Saavedra, long time no see." The security enforcer bowed his head slightly as a greeting.

Lucas leaned one elbow on the window and the enforcer sees me with him.

"Madam." they are greeted me as well and I just smiled as a reply.

Lucas closes the window and starts to drive off. I let my eyes roam around the area and Im at awe. Everything here is structurally amazing and they are all well built and designed. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He smirked as his back shades sparkle when the sun hits it.

Okay, I guess I need to wait patiently here.

Wait, I think I know where this is heading. And I started to sit up from my seat and Lucas grins seeing the excitement in my eyes. Not too long, he stopped in front of a wonderfully structured modern mansion. My mouth dropped in suprise and Lucas steps out of the car and waited for me outside.

Soon I followed and let my eyes get full.

"Is this your house?"

"Our house, Mrs. Saavedra." He pulls my waist to his side as he gazed at this gorgeous mansion in front of us. "I had this built perfectly for us and designed by yours truly."

My mouth hanged open and I was lost of words. I didn't know what to say or do. "Wow, Lucas. This...God! I can't believe it...this is our house?" I stumbled.

Lucas laughed at my reaction. "Yes, baby. This is is ours. The interior is still not done so we will be able to live here in a few weeks."

My hand cupped my mouth which is still hanged open. "We are really going to be a family now, huh?"

His face looked down on me and genuinely smiled. "Yes, baby."

"Jeez, you are the best." I blurted out. "It's not finished yet?"

"Unfortunately, yes. But it will be soon. I badly want to show what it looks like inside but I want you to see when it is finally done." He replied and kissed the tip of my nose.

My eyes sparkle as I look at his creation. We are really going to start a family, something that we never got the chance because of some circumstances. And now, I hope nothing can bother us anymore. But all of a sudden, something flashes inside my mind. Something that makes my smile to withdraw.

"I know you are still considering going back to Paris, but having this house doesn't mean you can't go back there. I just want us to have our own house here." He stated, smiling gently.

My eyebrows touched in confusion. "Wait, you are ready to leave everything here just to be with me?" I asked with a slight surprise. I mean, once he made up his mind to live with me in Paris then that means, he is going to leave all his hard work here and start over there with me. That's a huge change in his life and I don't know if that's a good idea.

"I am ready to live wherever you want, baby. Even if we need to live under a cave then so be it. As long as I will wake up and die right next to you." He replied so much affection and love. His eyes were enough to say how much he is dedicated to do this and I'm afraid that I became too toxic for him. He worked hard for this and now it will just gave it up easily? I don't think I will be okay with that in the first place.

"But Lucas, you can't just give everything up?"

Lucas shakes his head and stared down at me with seriousness. "It is worth it rather than giving you up instead."

"What if I quit my job in Paris? I'm just part of the art gallery there and I do some lectures at a university." I replied. "I can move back here."

Lucas blinked and thought about it before replying with a small hesitation. "Let's talk about it when we get back to the aparment. For now, let us wait until your Dad gets well, okay?"

I let out a heavy sigh before nodding my head. He has a point there though, I still need to check up on my Dad before I go out there and start my new life with Lucas. He is not going to like it but, I'm old enough to decide for myself anyway so I know how to live with this.

I need to prove to him that I can live with my own decision and Lucas has always been my source of strength ever since. That our love has always been true unlike how he and Mom ended up because of his horrible personality.

But as soon as my Dad lives, I will never lose my respect for him. Besides, he is still my father and just like he said, he is doing all of this for a reason.

We went back to my aparment a few hours later after a few drinks at a jazz bar where we had a wonderful and delicious dinner. It's nice to go out with Lucas on some dates even if we are married though. We still need some time alone and have some bond outside our bedroom once in a while. Just some moment to talk or meet new people.

It is actually funny because we are currently talking about babies. Weird but he seems quite interested about it.

"Wait, you want us to have twins?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, most couple usually pray to give birth to some twins because it is pure delight." His smile really creeps up to his ear. Somehow the topic really excites him more than the usual topic we walk about.

"Well, it really does seems to be fun to have twins but...that is very hard to handle. One baby is over here while the other baby is jumping up and down the bed." I laughed at the thought. But I have to admit, it really is exciting.

"Imagine that both of us taking care of a twin, isn't it fun?" Lucas laughed while finishing his glass of wine.

"I think the appropriate word is stressful." I corrected them him.

Lucas keeps on disagreeing with me. "Come on, if we had a child I will take care of it. Let's try until we have a twin."

My jaw dropped. "You can't be serious, Lucas. Do you think giving birth is just like...the baby will easily slip out of me? Jesus, do you have any idea how painful it is to give birth?"

Lucas laughed at my reaction and playfully caressed my hand as if he is calming me down. "Alright, alright" He grinned, fighting not to chuckle more. "But you are still considering to have a baby with me, right?" hopeful in those adorable eyes.

How can I even say no?

"Of course, Lucas. Who doesn't want to have children with the person they love." I wrinkled my nose and dropped small kisses on his lips.

Lucas purred huskily after the kiss before giving me one of his sexy panty dropping smile. "So, we are still going to try for a twin, right?"

I rolled my eyes before finishing my drink.

Later at midnight, Lucas ravished my body until dawn. I think it was already two in the morning when we decided to fall asleep already but he is still begging for more though. He never gets satisfied and doesn't even want to stop until I tell him that I'm tired. I guess he is really proving to me how badly he wants to have a twin.

Five am in the morning, I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing.

I couldn't quite read the name of the caller but I'm certain it is Nate because of the photo registered there. It was him with his tongue out like a maniac. He puts it there and I don't have any idea how he got my phone in his hands.

"Hello?" my voice is husky.

"Dad is in critical."

To be continued...

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