Chapter Nine

"The adrenal system reacts to stress by releasing hormones that make us alert and reactive. The problem is, the adrenal system can't tell what's a regular case of nerves, and what's a real impending disaster. The body doesn't know the difference between nerves and excitement, panic and doubt, the beginning and the end. The body just tells you to get the hell out. Sometimes you ignore it... That's the reasonable thing to do. But sometimes you listen; you're supposed to trust your gut. Right? When your body says run... Run!"

"every time you give yourself away, it comes back to haunt you"

Alex, Aurora and Jo were in a patient's room, examining him. "Yo, Lefkowitz", Alex greeted him. "Did you bring it?" the boy asked. Alex handed him the device. "That's the whole thing?", the father said.

"Yep. Sloan?"

"Lefkowitz has gastroparesis so he can't digest his food", Aurora explained. "He was on an epic puker for a long time, and now he can't really eat at all. So we're gonna give you a gastric neurostimulator. This thing, it's gonna zap your stomach so it remembers to push the food down your system. Get you back on burgers and fries". "That's amazing", his mother commented. "Yeah, well, the guys at the airport x-ray are gonna go nuts", Alex said. "That's sick", Lefkowitz said.

"And this is Dr Wilson who is also gonna be operating with us. You've got a crack team, Iron Man"

Bailey found Callie and Lucy at the nurses station. "Hey", she greeted them. Callie started singing the wedding march.


She continued and Lucy joined in.

Bailey started to walk away.

"Alright, alright, alright. We'll stop. We'll stop. Jeez"

"When you two and Arizona get to the wedding tomorrow... Don't sit down"

"What do you mean, don't sit down?" Lucy questioned.

"Just find a place and stand there"

"You want us to stand in the back? We won't be able to hear anything", Callie pointed out.

"Stand in the damn front"

"And block everybody's view? I mean, if we're... I don't..."

"Just pick a spot. You know, it's not complicated. You know, people allow you to open them up with a knife. If they knew you couldn't follow a simple instruction, they would run like the wind from this place"

"Are you... Are you trying to say, "Would you do me the honour of being my bridesmaids?"

"Does the whole thing have to be about you? Just put on a dress and don't sit down"

"We're bridesmaids"

"Oh, don't even..."

Callie hugged her and pulled Lucy in.

"This is what I was trying to avoid"

Lucy was explaining to Liz how they were planning to operate. "Now once Dr Avery removes the sural nerve from your leg, Dr Torres and I will graft it on to Derek's median nerve", Lucy explained. "You'll likely experience some discomfort in your leg for a few weeks...". "Months. Months. And when she says "discomfort", it's gonna hurt like hell", Derek interjected. "Well, you're a bag of sunshine, aren't you?" Liz retorted.

"I don't want to hear six months from now that you can't move and that the ibuprofen hurts your stomach"

"He makes me sound like I'm a 90-year-old man. Have you noticed that?"

"Because I've heard for decades how I ruined your life..."

"Because you did"

"And that Mom doesn't love you"

"Because she doesn't"

"I don't want to hear about this"

"I think what you're trying to say is "Thank you, Lizzie, for cutting off a leg and giving it to me"

"Ah. Here it is. This is how it's gonna go down in history. It is a nerve. It is not the entire leg"

"Okay, enough", Lucy snapped. "Derek, you're mean. Liz, you're whiny. Can we get back to it? Derek is right though. If you're unsure, we...". "Oh, come on", Liz said. "I'm just winding him up because it is so easy. You know that. Just give me the form".


She signed the form. "Now can I go hang out with Zola and Mia in daycare?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. They don't let the adults come and go because it's harder on the kids", Meredith said. "I can bring them to you later", Derek offered.

Aurora was at the nurses station when Owen came over to her. "The lawyer put together the papers", he said. "They're gonna send them over tomorrow".

"Oh, I signed a bunch of stuff with them last week"

"Not the plane crash. The divorce"

"Oh. That was fast"

"I said we wanted to move quickly"


"It's all done. You just have to sign. Is that a problem?"

"Nope. Tomorrow, with a pen"

Beck, Lucy, Cristina, Aurora and Meredith were eating lunch. "God, I really don't wanna go to this wedding", Beck sighed. "I can't stand seeing him right now". "You're going to be fine. Don't worry about it", Aurora reassured her. "Oh, come on. Don't tell her she's gonna be fine", Cristina said. "You're gonna be looking all pretty, little bit of lipgloss on your pouty little mouth. Jackson will spot her across the room. Try to look away, but he can't. You're irresistible in your dress. One drink, and you're doing the hippity-dippity in the coat room". "You're an asshole", Beck replied.

Jackson, Callie, Lucy, Meredith and Derek were discussing the nerve procedure. "Lizzie's calves are a little shorter than we anticipated", Jackson explained. "Tall girl, short calves", Lucy commented. "So is that gonna be a problem?" Meredith asked. "No, not if we just get a little more nerve from the other leg", Jackson said. "Are you saying to...", Derek questioned. "No". "Derek", Lucy tried.

"Absolutely not. No, I never liked this idea in the first place. We find another donour or we don't do it"

"Well, we couldn't find another donor. That's why we..."

"Well, then we're out of luck"

"Can't we just..."

"No, we can't. We're not gonna talk about this. We're not gonna float this past Lizzie. We're not cutting both her legs to remove pieces. Cancel the procedure"

Beck approached Jackson at the nurses station. "I think you should bring a date to Dr Bailey's wedding", she said. "That way you'll have a good time and we don't have to really cross paths at all. If possible".

"You are really going out of your way to make me feel like dirt. Did you notice that?"

"I'm not trying to. I just want to keep some space between us right now"

"How am I supposed to find a date with one day's notice?"

She looked around and noticed Stephanie at the other side of the nurses station. "Stephanie. Hey. Would you like to go to Dr Bailey's wedding?"

"Oh, what?"

"Dr Avery would love for you to go with him"

"That's not true"

"He thinks that you'd be embarrassed, but you're not embarrassed, are you?"

"Of course she's embarrassed"

"She'll get over it"

"Look, I don't want to..."

"Jackson, please"

"I will pick you at 1 tomorrow in the locker room"

Stephanie nodded nervously and walked off.

"What about you? You get to pick mine, so I get to pick yours, right?"

"Oh, that's not...", Beck began.

"Oh. What about Shane? He's a good-looking piece of man, huh?"

Lucy was talking to Liz about her legs. "They're that short?" Liz asked, looking at them.

"No, they're perfectly respectable calves, Liz. Don't worry. It's just that we're not gonna get quite enough nerve from just the one"


"I know it's a lot to ask"

"No, it's fine. Do what you need to do"

"Derek thinks it's too much to ask, but he really needs this, so if he comes to you and tries to talk you out of it, you have to push. But don't tell him that I'm the one that came to you, because he won't like that. You know how he is"

"You've got some nerve, don't you?"

"You know, if it's too much, we can call the whole thing off"

"You know we're family, right? Where was my invitation to your wedding? You had a baby and I never got so much as a text about it from you. You never call me back. You never want to come see us. All we have is a couple of pictures Derek sent us. You know, my kids don't even remember you. They don't even know who you are. When I started talking about their Aunt Lucy, they were so confused. They kind think I made you up at this point"

"I'm sorry, okay? There's been a lot going on with me..."

"No, I get that we're all busy, but you're not shy about asking me for a couple of body parts, and now you want me to cover your tracks with Derek?"

"It's a nerve, Liz. Not a body part, a nerve. This is exactly why I don't come and see you. Because every time I talk to any of you, I can see that look on your faces. The disappointment. That you wish I was something different. That you wish I was better. So every time there's a milestone and I think about picking up the phone or catching a flight, I think about the fact that I can't stand to see that look on your face"

Jo, Aurora and Alex were in surgery. "You ready?" Alex asked Jo. "Yep", she replied. "Bovie, please. Thank you. Okay, here".

"Yep. Take your time"


"Watch out for the blood vessels. Wow. Look at you, all grown-up"

"Up in the skills lab, I was doing..."

The monitor started beeping. "You put a hole in his stomach", Aurora stated. "I haven't even...", Jo tried. "Move, now. Move", Alex ordered. "Alright. Clamp".

"There's still some spillage", Aurora said. "Give me some lap pads...", Alex said. "And some 2-0 silk. Get over here and grab the retractor so we can put the device back in. Wilson". "I can't get my hands to stay still", she said.

"Well, shake it off and get over here. The kid's gonna be fine, just grab the damn retractor. Get out. Go! Sloan, grab the retractor and stop looking at me like that"

The next day, Jo approached Aurora at the nurses station. "Have you seen Dr Robbins?" she asked her.

"No, I haven't. Sorry. Is everything okay?"

"It's about the surgery yesterday with Dr Karev"

"Yeah, I'm sorry it didn't go the way you wanted and about the yelling"

"I don't think he had any business having an intern do that kind of move. Dr Robbins was pretty shocked to hear that I was doing it. He threw me in the deep end, probably because..."

"Okay, hang on. What exactly are you saying about your attending?"

Aurora approached Beck at the OR board. "Owen wants to sign our divorce papers today", she said. "I guess we're being mature and moving on".

"Whoa, wait a minute. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't bring it up. Not with what you've been going through"

"That doesn't matter. There is never anything that you can't tell me. No matter what is going on. Okay?"


"It's weird, though"

"What is?"

"That he wants to get the divorce over with so quickly"

"Why is that weird?"

"Do you think it's about the plane crash lawsuit?"

Aurora went over to Alex at the nurses station. "Alex, did you tell Wilson that she'd be fired for screwing up the gastric implant?" she asked him.

"What? No, I haven't talked to her since the surgery. What the hell did she tell you?"

"She thinks that you set her up to take the fall on a risky OR procedure, and it kind of seems like you did"

"It would've been risky no matter who did it. And I was standing right there. The second it got hairy, I took over"

"She was in over her head"

"And where do you think I got the idea to do something like that?"

"Who, Robbins?"

"Yeah. I'm trying to be like she was with me. She let me try crap so I got confidence in myself. That's what I was trying to do... Not treat the stupid morons like stupid morons that I think they are"

"Dr Robbins gave you opportunities. She also gave you tons of encouragement and support. Two things that were not present in that OR when you yelled at a scared intern who thought she killed somebody's kid and then you kicked her out"

Derek was about to be put under. "Is Grey gonna be in the gallery?" Callie asked him. "No. She didn't wanna make you nervous", he replied. "I told her you don't get nervous".

"You're right. I don't"

"Alright. Close your eyes. Enjoy your nap, old man", Lucy said. "Old man?" he questioned.

"You've got nothing to worry about"



"You've got nothing to worry about, baby blue"

She smiled and nodded at the anesthesiologist. He was put to sleep.

Jackson entered the OR with Stephanie and the nerve. "50 centimetres of prime nerve", he announced. "Great", Callie said. "Alright". "Forceps, please. Thank you", Lucy said. "Okay. Is no one making small talk because this is Derek Shepherd on the table?"

"This is intricate work. Small talk is what keeps us awake"

"Well...", Shane began. "A couple of days ago, I helped Dr Kepner extract a malignant mass from the gluteal area of a female patient. It was an impressively sized mass". "Who's gonna tell my brother that he'll never operate again because Ross' idea of gossip is, he April Kepner take a lump off an ass?" Lucy said.

Aurora approached Owen just after he had finished surgery. "We're getting divorced because of the lawsuit?" she questioned him.

"It will significantly increase your chances..."

"You didn't want to mention it?"

"I want you to get the money"

"It's not my money, I wasn't even there!"

"I want all of you to get the money, and I knew there was a very real chance that you would reject the idea simply because I suggested it"

"Oh, right. Because I'm so simple-minded and petulant"

"You've been known to..."

"Where do you get off making some kind of unilateral decision about our marriage?"

"How about the fact that you told me you were leaving me and pretended I didn't exist and didn't have the courage to do what I did and simply ask for a divorce?"

"Oh, God. So this is ballsy, you hiding behind the lawsuit that has almost nothing to do with me? You couldn't just admit to me, or God sake, yourself, that you wanted out. You have to let this stupid plane crash make the decision for you"

"I chose the airline! You like it better when I decide? I chose the airline! We had to make a budget cut of 4%... And we had a line item of emergency transportation. We never used it, and we had a... Fancy charter company, and I chose a... Cheaper one. You want to know why it was cheaper?"

"You didn't build the plane"

"Your best friend is dead"

"Or fly it"

"Your brother is dead"

"You're not responsible"

"Someone has to be. I mean, it takes a lot of small mistakes to destroy something, and it's really easy for everybody involved just to say, "I just did this one small thing". A bunch of people made it possible... For a bad plane to take off with your brother, your best friend, Lexie, Cristina, Meredith, and Derek, and Arizona, and Beck and... And I am one of those people"

Alex, Lucy, Jackson, Beck, Meredith, Cristina and April were getting ready for the wedding in the attendings lounge. Aurora, already ready, was sitting at the table, staring into space. Jackson and Beck locked eyes and smiled softly at each other. Lucy tied Alex's tye and fixed his collar.

Lucy visited Derek in his room. "Hey", he greeted groggily.

"Hey, it went really well. Callie said it could not have gone better. How's your pain?"

"It's fine. How's Lizzie?"

"She's doing well. She was still sleeping last time I checked. I'm gonna check on her again on my way out. We kinda had a fight before the surgery"

"About me?"

"No, egomaniac. Not everything's about you. It was about the fact that I don't call and tell her stuff or visit"

"She just doesn't understand"

"I know and I just have to make my peace with that. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Hey. It may have worked"

She smiled.

Lucy entered Liz's room. "Everything went smoothly. Your vitals look great", she said. "And Derek is awake, and he's in good shape".

"Lucy, I'm pushy. I get that. But the one thing I did not want you to think was that I don't love you exactly as you are. You are not a disappointment. The opposite. You're a hotshot orthopaedic surgeon who just saved our brother's hand. You have a husband who loves you and a beautiful baby girl. I'm proud to call you my baby sister"

"I guess I've spent so much time trying to distance myself from who I was, I forgot that not everybody in the family has bad intentions when they want to see me. I'm sorry, Lizzie. And my life isn't perfect. I'm kinda drowning right now with the whole baby thing"

"I want you to call me every time you feel like you can't handle it, okay? 'Cause I will talk you down or fly here and take her off your hands for a day or two"

"You'd do that for me?"

"All I want is for you to be okay"

Aurora met Owen, who was getting dressed for the wedding. "Was the lawsuit the only reason you asked for a divorce?" she asked him.

"There are many reasons. You were... Done a long time ago"

"I'm asking about you. Okay, let me put it another way. I wanted to try again. I was gonna ask you if we could try again, and you said, "I want a divorce"

He walked over to her and kissed her, pushing her against the door.

All the guests were seated in the beautifully decorated wedding venue. Beck and Shane looked at each other awkwardly and forced smiles. She looked back at Jackson who was talking to Stephanie and she was smiling. Alex checked his watch. "Wasn't this stupid supposed to start already?" he asked.

Callie, Lucy, Meredith and Arizona were sitting together in their bridesmaids dresses. "It's possible that I may have, by mistake, said that if she had any doubts, she should flee", Callie revealed to them. "What?" Lucy asked. "Why?" Arizona added. "Well, I kind of said that marriage is like a dance of death and that leaving him at the altar would be a painful but efficient out", Callie explained.

"Oh, that's nice"

"I was joking... And she was nervous, okay? And she wasn't sure if it was the wedding or the whole thing"

"The marriage?" Meredith questioned.

"She was nervous"

"How nervous?" Ben questioned from the doorway. "How nervous was she, Callie?"

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is run, baby, run by garbage

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