Chapter 8

I like this chapter :) Also, sorry for not posting the past 2 weeks but I've been busy with midterms!

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D

Enjoy !

Louis steps away from Harry who can't even move because he knows he's in a lot of trouble. The dean looks at them, then at the cat, and then back at Harry.

"Is that your cat Mr. Styles?"

"Uh...yeah it is."

"Actually, it's mine." Louis quickly says, scratching the back of his head.

Harry shoots him a confused look, not sure what is happening right now.

"I thought you lived in one of the fraternity houses? What is the cat doing here then? It's against the rules to even bring an animal in the building."

"Oh, come on-" Louis starts but he's being interrupted.

"Regardless of who's animal belongs to, it is against the rules to keep one here. So I'm going to ask you to gather your stuff and find another place to stay until you reapply for a dormitory once again."

"What? Are you making me leave because of a cat?" Harry asks, not believing what he's hearing.

"You will be able to apply for housing 30 days after your eviction. According to the rules, you have 48 hours to gather your things and leave. Also, you can thank Mr. Tomlinson for this since it's his cat. Maybe you can room with him until you get another place."

The dean's voice is dripping with sarcasm and Harry wants to bash his face in. He's never been angrier in his life than he is right now.

The dean leaves them alone after that so he can go and continue his monthly surprise checkup with the rest of the people in the building.

"Well shit." Harry sighs and slumps back against the wall. "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"

"You could, you know."

"Could what?"

"Come live in the uh-frat house."

"Are you seriously inviting me to come and live with you for a month because you feel sorry for me?"

"Yeah, I am. Also, I feel bad and I don't want another person hating me. Even though it's you."

"I'm surprised and shocked at the same time. Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Because this definitely doesn't sound like you."

"It is me, feeling guilty for what just happened to you, offering you a warm place to stay for the next thirty days."

Harry looks at him weirdly, but doesn't say anything else. "Where will I sleep?"

"We can put an extra bed in your room or something, it won't be that hard."

Harry leans back against the wall, suddenly becoming very aware that they're alone once again with nothing stopping them from kissing or doing anything else.

" probably won't be." Harry says, not really remembering what they are supposed to be talking about.

He's staring maybe a bit too obvious at Louis' lips, but sue him. He's somewhat horny and his anger isn't helping at all.

"So um...I better get going before something else happens." Louis stutters, although he doesn't move from his spot.

"Sure. I'll pack up tonight and bring my stuff over tomorrow after classes. But, are you sure about this?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know...I'm just asking." Harry sighs, wondering how his life will probably change once he temporarily moves in with Louis.

Louis leaves after that with a simple goodbye and nothing more. Harry watches him leave without saying anything, feeling something building up in the pit of his stomach that he doesn't quite like.


The next day is incredibly hectic for Harry. He has to get back to his dorm in-between classes, pack up a few boxes that he then carries together with Liam to the frat house. Louis is never there, so Harry has to ask Zayn where his room is.

There's already a twin bed shoved in the corner of the room, so Harry figures that is going to be his for the next thirty days.

It's half past eight when Louis comes back with the rest of the footie guys, all sweaty and panting with a grin on his face. He stops in the doorway when he sees Harry on his own bed in the corner, with a laptop in his lap.

"Styles, didn't think you'd so quick and eager to move in with me."

"Well...yeah. Thanks again for letting me stay."

"No problem. But I hope you're away that we sort of party five days out of seven, so if you thought you were actually going to get some studying done you were highly mistaken."

"Finals are starting tomorrow, I don't know what exactly you're planning on arranging, but I can guarantee you that people won't show up." Harry tells him, not looking up from his laptop.

"Shit, finals start tomorrow?"

"Um, yeah?"

Louis swears and Harry hears some rustling, before Louis is out the door, probably on his way to the nearest clean shower.

He kinds of needs one though, Harry thinks. He made the entire room stink of sweat, great.

He sighs and gets up to open a window in order to let some fresh air in. When Louis comes back, he's dressed in a pair of sweats and a Nike shirt.

"Alright Styles, teach me some psychology." He tells him and sits down against the wall of Harry's bed.

"Uh, what?"

"What do you mean what? We have an exam tomorrow right? Let's revise together. I know the basics."

Harry frowns at the unusual and uncharacteristic request, but obliges anyway. He sits down on the bed next to Louis. It's a tight fit, so their thighs and arms are touching, but it just perfect for Harry to prop the laptop on both their laps (and also smell Louis' cologne but that's not the point of this).

They go through all the notes Harry gathered on his laptop and notebook, quizzing each other, with Harry usually getting all the answers right and Louis a bit over sixty percent.

"Well, you're a lot better than you were a couple of months ago." Harry tells him right before they're about to start revising the last chapter.

"Yeah well, I've been sober more than I've been drunk recently so." Louis mumbles and stares at the screen maybe a bit too hard than necessary.

"That's a good thing." Harry tells him and looks at Louis through his lashes, in a way that isn't supposed to be flirty, but yet it is.

Louis turns his head to stare at him, and for a split of a second everything stops, before Harry leans in. Louis doesn't pull his head away, so it's a clear sign that what Harry is currently about to do isn't unwelcome.

Their lips meet halfway and after a short hesitation, Harry pushes forward, properly kissing him. It doesn't take long for Louis to open his mouth so they can deepen the kiss.

The laptop somehow ends up falling to the floor but Harry couldn't care less, because Louis is properly straddling him now, and he's

sober. Harry's head is spinning for some reason he doesn't really like to think about, and he grabs Louis' waist in a moment of weakness.

He feels Louis smile against his lips but not saying anything, so Harry feels the right to slip his fingers under his shirt to feel his burning skin.

Harry is about to completely take Louis' shirt off, when the door bursts open and Louis is off Harry in a blink of an eye.

Zayn stares at them weirdly, but not surprised in the slightest. Louis stands up from the bed and walks over to him with an innocent look on his face.

"What's up mate?" Louis asks and places his hands on his hips.

"I came over to ask if you lads want some pizza? We're ordering so...but I can see that your mouths are already occupied."

Harry looks down at his lap, feeling a bit ashamed because he's been kissing Louis only for a couple of minutes, and yet he's already sporting a semi.

"Well I'd like a Canadian pizza." Louis tells Zayn and then turns to sit down at the desk, apparently with no intention of going back to sit on the bed with Harry.

"And I'd like a Barbeque pizza please." Harry says and gets up from the bed to close his MacBook and clean up his things. Zayn nods and leaves after that, but not before throwing Louis a knowing look that Harry can't decipher.

Silence settles in the room after Zayn leaves, and although Harry wants to say something, he doesn't.

"So um...nice study session." is what Louis finally says to interrupt the awkward silence.


They leave it at that, and thankfully someone from downstairs calls Harry's name so he can escape from the room.

The pizza comes twenty minutes later, when Harry is talking to Dave, one of the frat boys, and Louis is playing Fifa. Harry thinks it might be in his head, but Louis is throwing glances he thinks of as being discrete at the two of them from time to time.

They all settle throughout the giant living room with pizzas in their laps and the porn channel on the plasma TV.

"Those reactions aren't even real." Niall says with his mouth full, pointing to the TV, where a busty blonde is currently screaming while being eaten out.

"I know right? No woman does those sounds ever." Zayn agrees. "It's so fake."

"I've heard a girl scream so loud once." Bryan says, a smirk playing on his face.

"Don't flatter yourself this way." Louis snorts, and then licks his lips.

"I wasn't talking about one of my experiences with girls. I was talking about spring break two years ago in Cancun? Last night at the hotel-"

Harry can see recognition almost on everyone's face as they cheer and laugh at a memory. Louis is the only one who isn't cheering, but has a proud expression nonetheless.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asks and Bryan continues the story.

"So Louis' been after this really hot brunette ever since we got there, and we all bet ten bucks he won't fuck her by the end of the break. Man, I don't know how he did it, but on our last night-well, quite early in the morning, we heard these really loud moans that seemed anything but fake, and an hour later we saw the chick leaving Louis' room."

Louis smirks and leans back on his palms, satisfied.

"I got two hundred dollars out of it, and the best shag of my life by far."

"But he won't tell us what he did to her that made her scream like that."

Harry stares at Louis with a weird feeling in his chest that is definitely NOT jealousy.

"And I still won't give away my secret." Louis tells them, not making eye contact with Harry in a way that seems almost on purpose.

They eat pizza and watch the porn channel in almost silence after that, but Harry can obviously feel Louis' eyes on him throughout the rest of the night.

They talk about the upcoming party that marks the end of the exam period and the beginning of winter vacation.

It's going to take place this Friday, right after Harry's last exam. Around 100 people are supposed to attend as per usual, and Harry wonders where everyone will fit in and thinks about that chaos that will probably erupt due to so many people attending.

Everyone goes back to their rooms around 11, so Harry is already in his bed when Louis comes in, and chatters dies out on the hall.

Louis leaves the room in darkness while he's changing and getting into bed, without saying a word.

"Are you mad at me?" Harry can't help but ask as he stares at the ceiling.

"No. Why would I be mad?"

"Because of what happened earlier. The kiss and Zayn walking in and-"

"I'm not mad about that Harry. It takes two people to kiss."

Harry feels better at that and smiles, even though Louis probably can't see it through the darkness.

"But about the kiss was something in the moment okay? It didn't mean anything."

"Right. Just two dude bro pals kissing." Harry agrees.


They stay silent after that, and Harry falls asleep long before Louis' breaths get even.


The next week is filled with exams and stress, at least on Harry's part. Louis doesn't seem to stress too much about it, but Harry can see that he's worried before they take one.

When Friday finally comes, the entire student body is already buzzing with excitement for the upcoming parties and the winter break.

Harry arrives at the frat house around 5 in the afternoon, and everyone in the house is already putting out drinks, pushing the breakable items to the side or stacking them in the cramp basement.

Louis is in their shared room, going through his closet with nothing but boxers on.

"Hi." Harry greets and sets his backpack down on his bed. "Excited for tonight?"

Louis turns around from the closet and nods, not missing how Harry's eyes immediately fall down to his tattooed chest.

"Of course. I haven't gotten drunk in so long."

"And I haven't taken care of you in so long either."

"Exactly." Louis winks.

He takes out a pair of tight jeans and a white shirt with something drawn on it, before pulling out a new pair of briefs. Harry takes it as a sign to turn around and go shower so Louis can change and he can also get ready for the party.

His shower takes a bit longer than usual, maybe because he fits a very well-deserved, long due, wank in there. He then dresses up with a long sleeved grey shirt that he unbuttons all the way to his chest, a pair of black skinny jeans and his usual white converse.

It's half past seven when the boys are all gathered downstairs, so Harry joins them for pre-drinks. He engages in a conversation with Dave, and there's something in the back of Harry's head that's telling him he might hook up with this guy later tonight.

Harry is already tipsy a couple of hours later, when people are finally starting to show up at the party with loud cheers and yells.

Louis climbs up on the ping-pong table they're going to play beer pong on a bit later, and raises a red cup in the air with a giant smile. Harry can tell he's the very least extremely tipsy.

"To the end of the exam period! And to winter break!" he yells, wobbling as he takes the cup to his mouth.

Everyone yells and raises their cups, Harry included. There's some whiskey and maybe a lot of coke to cover up the taste in Harry's cup, but he doesn't mind.

He knows Dave's been watching him quite intently for the entire, but his eyes are glued to Louis, who looks so good in that white shirt and those extremely tight jeans that show off his muscular thighs and incredible ass that Harry wouldn't mind biting into.

Zayn helps Louis get down from the table, and Louis thanks him with a giant, sloppy kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"I think you should go to Harry for that." Zayn tells him, loud enough so Harry hears him from a few feet away.

"Shh!!! Harry isn't supposed to know I want to kiss him, remember?" Louis slurs and laughs.

Harry makes eye contact with Zayn, who looks at him knowingly.

"Well, I'm sure that the desire to hook up is mutual, so you should find him and maybe hook up with him. But please stop clinging to me because I'm trying to find this girl I've been chatting up for the past month-"

"Bros before hoes bro...but I see how it is. Farewell."

Louis is so incredibly pissed, Harry thinks as he walks over to Louis who has a bit of trouble standing straight.

"Harrryyyy Styyyleees the one and only. My who blew me in the library. Incredible. Good job by the way. You had a gag reflex though. I don't. Do you know? I mean...I think I don't have a gag reflex. Tried it with a banana once. Didn't gag. Amazing right?" Louis quickly talks with no brain to mouth filter apparently.

"Alright...well you need to lay down for a bit, or else my head will explode from your blabbering."

"It wouldn't be a great loss...well...depends on which head you're referring to." Louis says and puts an arm around Harry's neck to stabilize himself. "I got an idea!"

"What now?"

"Hookah! We've got some outside by the pool! Come on! I want you to show me your smoke tricks. That is, if you know any."

"Fine, let's go." Harry determinedly agrees, because he's always been a sucker for challenges, especially if it means that he'll get to see Louis letting smoke out of his mouth up close and personal.

Harry sits down on a lounge chair by the pool, and watches Louis as he walks over to the hookah stand, grabs the last one with everything he needs, and returns.

Louis sits down across from him so that their knees are touching, and the hookah is placed at their feet next to the lounger. Louis fiddles with the charcoal to get it as concentrated as possible, before he takes the hose to his lips and takes a long drag.

The smoke that smells like cherry hits Harry right in the face once Louis exhales it with a small smirk playing on his face.

"Your turn Styles."

Harry takes the hose out of Louis' hand.

"Smoke rings, five of them. I dare you." Louis tells him with a mischievous, drunken grin.

Harry tries to do as told, but he miserably fails at the third one that comes out with a choke. Louis snorts and takes the hose back.

"Watch and learn."

Louis takes a long drag, and lets ten perfect smoke rings one after the other, right into Harry's face.

"Well, I can't say I've had too much experience with this." Harry says in his defense.

"There's a first time for everything right?"


They pass the hose from one to the other after that, without saying much else.

"So I heard you talking to Zayn about kissing me earlier." are Harry's chosen words to interrupt the silence.

"Pff. Where did you hear that?"

"I just told you, you were talking to Zayn."

"You've been severely misinformed."

"I heard it coming out of your mouth."

"How about you come in my mouth." Louis says and smirks, eyes lazily looking over at Harry through his eyelashes.

Harry is speechless for a couple of seconds, not believing that those words just came out of Louis' mouth.


"What?" Louis pretends as if he hadn't said anything just a few seconds ago.

"Well, you're clearly drunk."

"But not drunk enough. C'mon, let's go get something to drink."

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Harry asks when he sees Louis trying to get up but falling back on the lounger due to lack of balance.

"Nope. I'm going to have enough when I'm dead."

"That's the motto."

"See? You're not that stupid Styles."

"I was being sarcastic, just so you know."

Louis shushes him and grabs a hold of Harry's wrist, before he pulls him towards the door that leads back inside.

They — unsurprisingly- end up back in the kitchen, where Louis grabs a tequila bottle from the counter, one of the last bottles standing. He stares at Harry for a moment, before he suddenly jumps on the island counter with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"What?" Harry asks, confused.

"Body shots."

Harry's eyes widen, and he bites his lip in interest. This might be the best idea Louis' ever had.


Louis then proceeds to lay down on his back, but not before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Pass me a slice of lemon and some salt."

Harry does as asked. He places the lemon between Louis' teeth and licks a fat stripe along Louis' neck, where he peppers the salt.

"Now pour it into my belly."

"I know what to do." Harry hisses and crouches down to reach Louis delicious belly better.

He pours the drink in his belly, licks it up just as quickly, and then advances to Louis' neck where he licks up all the salt. He sucks the lemon out of his mouth (they are out of lime apparently), and then spits it out.

"Your turn." Louis excitedly says as he gets up.

Harry takes his place on the counter, the shirt already on the floor. Louis does the exact same ritual of putting a slice of lemon between his teeth and sprinkling salt on his neck.

"Nice tattoos." He compliments as he spills some tequila on Harry's belly.

"I'm pretty sure you've already told me-" the words die in Harry's throat when Louis takes the lemon out of his mouth, spits it out, and then goes back in for another kiss.

Harry's hand comes to the back of Louis' head to hold him close, just in case he decides to escape. He doesn't, because their tongues are in too deep and one of Louis' hands is travelling up and down Harry's torso, fingers poking under his pants occasionally.

"Whoa, whoa, get a fuckin' room." Niall says when he comes into a kitchen with an empty beer bottle in hand.

"Fuck off." Louis mumbles, but pulls away from a very disappointed and turned on Harry.

"Hey do you-"

"I think I'm gonna-oh God. I need to go throw up." Louis says and places his palm over his mouth, before running out of the room, probably not wanting to throw up in the full sink.

Harry pulls on his shirt, avoids Niall's smirk as he exits the room, and goes to find Louis.

"He went upstairs." Zayn tells him when Harry passes him on his way to the hallway. He's pressing a girl into the wall, and she's currently sucking on his neck as he makes eye contact with Harry.

He finds Louis in his bathroom (surprisingly, his bedroom is unoccupied), hunched over the toilet, but not throwing up.

"You okay?"

"I wanted to throw up, but I'm okay now. Weird."

"Wanted to throw up because you were kissing me?" Harry asks, leaning against the doorframe.

"Don't be stupid."

"Well, you've never really expressed your wish to kiss me."

"Only when I'm drunk." Louis agrees, and Harry mentions that one time after their 'date', when they soberly kissed.

Louis doesn't say anything, but grabs a glass from above the sink to fill it with water so he can drink and make his headache go away.

"Oh fucking shit," he swears when the glass slides between his wet fingers and crashes at his feet.

"Great. Get on the counter and I'll grab a broom to clean it up. Try not to cut yourself."

"I'll try."

After hearing his slurred voice, Harry knows he needs to hurry up with finding the said broom before Louis hurts himself. He finds one in the storage closet at the end of the hall, and walks back quickly, almost stepping over a couple that is literally making out on the floor.

"What did you do?" Harry asks as soon as he sees blood in the sink.

"I dropped my phone and now my hand hurts like fuck."

Harry cleans the shards quickly and then steps closer to Louis, who's sitting on the counter with a bloody hand over the sink.

"Shit, that's pretty serious. You should see a doctor about that."

"Nah, I'm fine. Can you put a bandage over it? It's in the cupboard over there."

Harry does exactly as Louis tells him, and soon enough, Louis' hand is wrapped in a tight bandage that won't hold for long, and even though the cut is on his thumb.

"Do you want to lay down? You're kind of zoning out on me. I can see it in your eyes."

"I thought you wanted to kiss me." Louis pouts and honestly, how can Harry resist him?

Harry lunges forward, gets between Louis' legs, and kisses him while placing his hands on his muscular thighs.

Louis wraps his legs and arms around Harry like a koala to bring him closer into him, too eager to be kissed. Harry turns his head to the right to let Louis in even more, and before he knows it, Louis' shirt is coming off.

"You like to get me naked huh?" Louis mumbles against Harry's lips with a smile.

"Don't pretend like you don't like it."


They kiss more after that, until Louis fiddles with the hem of Louis' shirt.

"You know, it's only fair for you to be naked too."

"Is it?" Harry smiles and lets him take his shirt off.

Once Louis starts kissing his neck, Harry finds it mandatory to grip into the back of his thighs and walk out of the bathroom, towards the bed.

He gets on top of Louis as soon as they hit the mattress and fits his hand into his jeans, only to find out that he's not even hard.

"Is this not doing anything for you?"

"It's the alcohol, sorry."

Louis' apology seems genuine, so Harry sighs and rolls off of him, realizing that he's also only sporting a semi, in spite of the circumstances.

"Are we ever actually going to hook up properly?" Harry asks after a few moments of silence.

"What do you mean under properly?"

"I mean...I don't know. Something that makes us both get off."

" long as one of us is drunk chances are quite slim."

"Then stop kissing me when you're drunk." Harry says, burying his face in his hands. "Why can't you kiss me when you're sober?"

"I don't know. Hey, speaking of sobriety, someone from this rehab facility called you last week."


Harry feels an empty feeling in his stomach, exactly like the feeling you get when you dream about falling right before you suddenly wake up. If that makes sense.

"You were downstairs with the rest of the guys and your phone rang like three times, so I finally answered, and there was someone asking me if I wished to take a call."

"Did you take it?"

"Of course not. I'm not one for privacy invasion."

The following silence tells Harry that Louis wants to know why a rehab facility was trying to contact him.

"You want to know the story am I right?"

"Yeah. I mean, you don't have to tell me, but you've had my cock in your mouth and I probably won't remember it in the morning. And besides, it's easier to tell the truth in the dark."

Harry shakes his head but starts talking anyway.

"'s my mom. She's been in and out of rehab for the past four years, ever since I was year 12."

"Oh. What's she in for? Depression? Eating disorder? Drug-"

"She's an alcoholic."

Louis goes dead silent, and Harry can see his expression change even though the darkness. Harry takes it as a sign to continue.

"She's been drinking ever since my dad left me, when I was about eleven."

"Did she beat you?"

"No, but cleaning up after her every day she came home drunk around two in the morning and threw up everywhere wasn't my cup of tea either. I finally managed to convince her to check herself in when I threatened her to call CPS, although I wasn't going to call them."

Harry bites his lip, waiting for an answer.

"And have you talked to her in the past four years?"


Louis makes a small pause, before asking him another question.

"Do you have any other siblings?"

"A sister, but she was already in Uni when my mother got hospitalized."

"Is that why you're always helping me? Because you feel sorry for me?"

Louis turns on his side to look Harry dead in the eye.

"No, I want to help you because I don't want you to end up like her, and because I know that you also have a hidden motive that makes you drink the way you do."

"If this is a way of you asking me to tell you why I drink eight days a week, then it's not a good one. I'm not going to tell you."

"I wasn't trying to do that. You'll tell me when you feel like it."

"Thanks. Can we just like...go to sleep for now? I feel like if I'm going to talk or keep my eyes open for much longer I'm just going to throw up on you."

"Please don't do that." Harry laughs and stretches an arm out so Louis can cuddle up to him and lay his head on his chest.

But just when Harry thinks Louis has passed out, he says:

"You know Harry, I've been thinking, and I promise you that we're going to fuck once when we're both sober.

And with that, he falls asleep.



Please let me know what you like and didn't like about this chapter? Honestly is really appreciated!

Updates will be on Saturdays/Sundays @ 5pm Uk time !

Thank you so much for reading :)



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