Chapter 7

I like this chapter :) Also, sorry for not posting it yesterday, but I had my midterm deadline this week so I was quite busy !

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D

Enjoy !


Harry grips harder into the microphone as he presents the first twenty frat boys, who bring in from 60 to 100 dollars.

"Next up is Zayn Malik. He's twenty, single, and gender isn't important for him. His perfect date would be a walk on the beach, then dinner at sunset and maybe drinks back at his place. He doesn't like close-minded people and loves pizza. The bidding will start at ten dollars."

Immediately, three different girls raise their number palettes.




They begin arguing, shouting out numbers higher than the one before, until one of them yells 'two hundred' and everyone else goes silent.

"Two hundred going once...going twice...sold! To number 45."

Zayn smiles and throws a wink in the girls' direction before walking off the stage.

"Next up is..." Harry looks down at his board. Two more to go. "Niall Horan."

Niall steps forward with a giant grin on his face.

"Niall is twenty, taken, and straight, but open-minded for anything that could be fun. His perfect date involves a lot of eating and laughing, but he hates awkward silences. The bidding will start at ten dollars."

Barbara raises her palette and shouts out for fifty dollars. The steaks rise to seventy, and in the end Liam ends up buying him for $110. Harry frowns and Barbara gives him a thumbs up.

"Last but not least, we have Louis Tomlinson, president of the ABZ fraternity and captain of the foot-soccer team." Harry stutters as he reads off the sheet. "He's twenty turning twenty one, single, and prefers...women. His ideal date would be an amusement park, or a dinner and a movie. Louis likes people he can have long, amusing conversations with, and hates it when someone is dishonest. The auction will start at ten dollars."

Someone in the back yells twenty, then two more people raise the cost to fifty-five.

"One hundred!" Someone screams and Louis is horrified to find out that the person is Eleanor.

"One hundred and ten!" Barbara yells.

"Two hundred!"

"Two hundred fifty!"

"Two hundred seventy!" Eleanor tries to win, but fails.

"Three hundred!"

The room grows quiet, and Louis thankfully smiles at Barbara.

"Three hundred going once...twice...sold! To number thirty-two!"

Louis beams as he walks off stage, and Harry follows suit.

"Three fucking hundred for a date with you?" Harry incredulously tells Louis as the next frat house steps on stage.

"I knew Barbara had a crush on me." Louis jokes and Niall pokes his arm as Harry reads through the numbers and the prices on his list, before he hands the sheet over to the student council president.

"So when are we supposed to go on the date?" Louis asks Harry as they make their way out of the auditorium to meet up with Barbara.

"Whenever she wants. As far as the student council knows and cares, she paid. The rest is up to the two of you."

"And what if someone doesn't want to go on the date?"

"Then that's not our problem. You should sort it out with her. And why wouldn't you want to go on a date with her?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying. It was a hypothetical question." Louis says.

"Well, it was a stupid one."

They reach Barbara, who's waiting on a bench outside, and as soon as she kisses Niall hello, they call a taxi to take them to a restaurant so they can have dinner with the rest of their group and celebrate a successful charity auction.

Zayn is supposed to go on a date with a girl named Mary later tonight, Niall has a date tomorrow with Liam, and so do Barbara and Louis.

Harry knows something isn't right, but he doesn't mention anything about it for the rest of the night.


It's not until he gets back to his dorm that Harry gets a phone call from Niall. Liam is sitting on the bed, reading out of a book he's supposed to write a report on when Harry answers.


"Hi, Harry! It's Niall."

"I know." Harry laughs. "Got caller ID and all."

He watches Blue blink her eyes open at him in a confused state. She jumps down from Harry's bed and walks over to him so she can rub against his legs.

"Yeah well. I was wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow? Since Barbara is out on her date with Louis I thought we could hang out together."

"But aren't you supposed to go on a date with Liam?"

"You can come along. We can have a lad's day, the four of us."


"Zayn's gonna join us too."

"Alright, I guess? Where?"

"Liam suggested the festival? It's going to be around for two more weeks so why not?"


Harry has no idea what's going on, since Niall has never called him to ask him out on a 'lad's day' that didn't involve a club or strippers.

"Well then, it's settled. See you tomorrow! G'night mate."


Harry hangs up and stares at Liam, who's already looking at him.


"What's this about an amusement park?"

Blue jumps on Liam's bed now since Harry doesn't pay attention to her, and snuggles up against his chest.

Liam shrugs, places a free hand on her back and begins to stroke her. "Thought it'd be fun to go there before exams."

Harry looks at him suspiciously, but then thinks that he may be getting ahead of himself. After all, the guys may just want to hang out with him, even though it's the first time.

He sits down on his bed and pulls out his laptop to watch a movie, his suspicious thoughts pushed to the back of his mind.


Barbara invited Louis to the festival yesterday for their date. When asked why she big $300 on him, she just told him that she wanted to get to know him better because he looked like a funny guy. Louis took the compliment and agreed to the idea.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon and he's supposed to meet her in front of the ice cream parlor right after the entrance. He bought his own ticket, since he feels too weird letting her pay for their 'date', even though she's the one who technically asked him out. She assured him that she was going to pay for food and drinks, but agreed when Louis pestered her about letting him pay for his ticket.

And the ticket isn't that cheap anyway. Fifty dollars for a VIP pass isn't Louis' cup of tea, although he hasn't been to one of these parks in a long time.

Louis glances at the clock on his phone. Barbara is already ten minutes late, so he texts her.

Barbara: sorry, stuck in traffic! The cab hasn't moved in 5 mins. Be there soon :)

Louis sighs and looks around as he taps his foot repeatedly.


He turns around at the familiar voice, to see Harry walking towards him with a confused expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" he asks Harry.

"Me? I'm supposed to meet the guys in front of the ice cream parlor. Liam just left for the bathroom."

"Well I have a date with Barbara so."

Harry stares at him. "How long have you been waiting for her?"

"About ten minutes now."

"You don't think they did this on purpose, do you?"

"Did what on purpose?"

"Set us up."

Louis laughs, although it's obvious that it's a fake, quite nervous laughter. "Set us up? Why would they spend so much money just to get us together? And why would they want us to get together since we can barely stand each other?"

"Maybe they were tired of us arguing all the time and always ruining the mood when we're out as a group."



There is one question going through Harry's head as they patiently wait for the guys and Barbara to show up: If this really is a set up, is it for a friendly bonding time or a date?

He pulls his phone out when another ten minutes pass to text Liam.

Where the fuck are you??? Been waiting for 10 mins

Liam's response comes almost instantly.

Liam: srry mate theres a long queue nd only 1 universal bathroom. have fun nd ill txt u when im done :)

"So Liam's in the bathroom." Harry announces.

"Great. Thanks for the information." Louis sarcastically replies. "Barbara is still stuck in traffic because it's rush hour."

"Well I for one am tired of sitting in one place and kind of bored."

"Yeah, me too."

It's the first time they ever actually agreed on something.

"Let's get some ice cream first and then we'll see." Harry suggests and turns around to enter the parlor.

"Wait, I have no money on me."

"How did you get in then?"

"Well, I had fifty bucks but I didn't think the ticket would be that much."

"I'll pay for you, s'alright."

"I'll pay you back."

Harry nods as they get in line for ice cream. It's a bit weird, because neither of them is talking, just staring at the ice cream flavors aligned in the window.

They're both relieved when it's finally their turn to order, because they can finally get distracted from the awkward, obvious silence that has settled between them.

"I'd like a strawberry ice cream." Harry tells the lady behind the counter.

"And I'll take a chocolate and grape one." Louis says after Harry places his order, shamelessly ordering whatever he feels like because Harry is paying.

And for some odd reason, Harry doesn't really mind.

They walk towards the rides with ice cream cones in hand, talking about an upcoming game, and Harry finds himself actually taking part in a discussion that isn't as boring as expected.

"You must really like it." Louis tells him as they get in line for at a roller coaster.

"Like what?"

"Taking pictures of fit sweaty men playing footie."

"You know that just because I'm gay I'm attracted to every single guy, right?"

"Right." Louis responds and looks at him with a knowing expression.

"Are you attracted to every single guy you see?"

"I'm not gay."

"Right." Harry mocks Louis' previous response with a smug look on his face.

"Oh fuck off. You told me I shouldn't put a label on myself."

"And you shouldn't. But you also shouldn't assume that a gay man is attracted to every living male he sees."

Louis rolls his eyes. "It was just a way getting you to admit that I'm the hottest on the team."

Harry bursts out laughing, almost choking on his own tongue. "That's the worst thing I've ever heard oh my God."

"Hey." Louis crosses his arms. "Admit it."

"Why would I admit that you're the hottest on the team?"

"Because it's true."

"I was thought not to lie you know."

Louis lets out an exasperated sigh.

"And you're not the hottest. Liam is. Or Niall." Harry lies.

"Oh really? And why is that?"

"Well, for one, I can actually look and admire how hot they are without having to crouch down."

Louis pushes against his chest with an angry scowl. "Stop making jokes about my height! I may be short, but my cock is big and my ass even bigger."


Louis looks at him surprised, because he obviously didn't expect Harry to agree with him, but before they can say anything else, they're already next in line to get on the roller coaster.

"You know, I used to fear roller coasters." Harry tells him once they're in their seats, waiting for the protection bars to lock in on them. "But then Niall took me to Orlando Studios and cured me of it. Well, after I threw up like three times."

"Is that why you're nervously rambling? Because you're not afraid at all?"

"Oh shut up."

Harry grips into the handles once the protection is automatically lowered over their chests and crosses his ankles.

"If I die, just promise me you'll take care of Blue."

"The illegal pet you keep in your dorm? Sure."

Harry doesn't get to say anything else, because suddenly they're moving forwards and his palms get all sweaty.

"I think I'm going to vomit what I had for lunch today."

"If you ruin my fuckin' hair I swear to God." Louis tells him in a serious voice as they distance themselves farther and farther from the ground.

Harry closes his eyes when they reach the top, and doesn't stop screaming nor opening them until they're back down safely. He didn't throw up, so he's proud of himself.

"Never again." he tells Louis as they walk towards the next ride that involves water. They decide to skip that and go straight to an octopus that's more for teenagers rather than over 20's, but Harry insists they try it out.

"Is this what the world has come to." Louis complains once they're off the octopus and walking towards a giant drop tower.

It's already getting dark when they get off the tower ride and head towards the prize booths.

"What?" Harry asks when he feels Louis' insistent gaze on the left side of his face.

"Aren't you going to pay and try to win me a prize?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Is this how all your dates go? You make them walk a lot, accompany you everywhere you feel like going, and then no single reward?"

"I wasn't aware this was a date." Harry tells him, surprised.

"Well, it's in unofficial one, since, you know, but just for the sake of it, win me a giant stuffed animal."

"I'm horrible at throwing and aiming."

"Just do it."

Harry sighs and pays the man behind the counter two dollars, before grabbing four rings and throwing them one after another towards the bottles aligned in front of them. He misses every single throw.

"You're useless." Louis mumbles and looks through his back pocket for some change. He finds three dollars in his jeans, and the man hands him six rings.

"Watch and learn." He tells Harry and throws the first two one after another, missing.

"I am watching, but I'm definitely not learning."

"Which one do you want?"

"The giant bear." Harry says, and points to a stuffed teddy bear.

"How much for the bear?"

"Four rings around the neck of a bottle."

"Fuck it." Louis hoists himself up on the counter. The man throws him an annoyed look but doesn't say anything.

He gets the first three around three different bottles, but he misses the fourth. Harry crosses his arms impatiently, trying not to stare at Louis' ass while he leans over to throw the last ring.

"Yes!" Louis yells, maybe a little too excited than necessary. "Gimme the bear."

The man sighs but hands him the giant teddy bear nonetheless.

"This is how you do it Styles." Louis tells him when they walk away from the booth, and head towards the last ride of the evening: the Ferris wheel.

"Why are you giving it to me?" Harry asks when Louis presses the teddy bear into his chest.

"Because I won it, therefore you're supposed to keep it."

"Oh. Alright."

They climb into a seat and Louis makes sure the door is closed and they're safe.

"So I didn't know this was a date." Harry says as they're slowly moving towards the sky.

"Oh, get over it. Wait, have you ever been on a date?"

"Not recently, no."

Louis stifles a laugh. "So you've never had a boyfriend?"

"I've had boyfriends. And don't tell me you've ever been on a date that's left you speechless."

"Well, I haven't been on a date that impressed me per se, but the girls I've taken out on dates usually gave me amazing feedback."

"Oh God." Harry laughs.

"What, you don't believe me?"

"No, I do. It's just...I can't picture you as a wooer. Especially with a girl."

"Oh please. If I gave you the entire Tommo Treatment you would've asked to go back to my place a long time ago."

"Excuse me, but Tommo Treatment? What the actual fuck?" Harry is laughing, almost out of air.

"You're laughing, but you have no idea what you're missing out on."

"Alright. Tell me about this 'Tommo Treatment' then. But change the name please, it's ridiculous."

"Shut up. So. First of all, I always pay for my dates because I'm a gentleman."

"That's a bit sexist, innit?"

"No, I like paying for people I like."

Harry nods, urging him to continue. "And then?"

"Well, I talk to my date about herself, and make sure I don't interrupt them because if there's one type girls like, that's a nice, good listener. Then of course, I crack a few jokes here and there to make her laugh. By then, they either want to go back to my place or continue the date for a bit more."


"When the night comes to a close and I'm walking her home, I get a bit touchy feely to test the waters and see how comfortable she is with me. They all usually invite me in after I kiss them against their door."

Harry looks at him, not even paying attention to the fact that they're quite far away from the ground, almost at the top of the wheel.

"I don't believe you."

Louis makes a face. "Why not?"

"Because you don't seem the charming type."

"Well, the night isn't over. I'll prove it to you."

"Is your ego that threatened?"

"Well, wooing a guy is the ultimate task for me, definitely."

"Okay, you're on."

"But you can't resist me on purpose just to prove me wrong."

"I won't."

Silence settles after that. Harry grips into the teddy bear when they reach the top and the wheel stops for a few seconds to they can look around.

"So these boyfriends...tell me about them."

Harry looks at Louis weirdly, but begins telling him about Kyle. "We were in sixth form, and I was sixteen so of course I fell in love with the first guy that paid attention to me. He was one year older-"

"Did you have sex with him?"

"I did."

"Is this the type of story where he breaks your heart?"

"Oh, no. Not at all. We broke up on common agreement because he had to leave for Uni."

"So uh...were you the one who, you know-"

"Did the fucking?"


"Sometimes. We were versatile."

Their ride comes to an end, so they go out of their seats and decide to head towards the exit because it's almost ten and it's going to be really hard to find a cab.

Louis calls for a taxi, and lights a cigarette while they wait in front of the park entrance.

"They said five minutes."

"So ten minutes at least." Harry says and sits down on a bench close to them. Louis follows him there. "What are you doing when you get to this part of the date?"

"I usually get touchy feely like I said."

"What does that mean exactly?"

"It means I touch her thigh, arm, place my hand on her back, that sort of thing."

"And she falls for that?"

"Mhm." Louis proudly says. "They always do. I mean, look at me."

"I am. I don't feel anything."

"Fuck off."

Louis flicks his cigarette once he's finished, just in time because their cab pulls up in front of them.

"This is too much." Harry says when Louis holds the door of a taxi open for him to get in first.

"Shut up and go along with it. I can be a gentleman when I want."

Louis gets in the car after him, gives the driver Harry's address, and then leans back into his seat so that their knees are obviously touching.

"You're walking me all the way up to my dorm? Incredible." Harry says when they're stuck in traffic.

"Either Tommo Treatment or nothing."

"Does this treatment also involve me paying for everything including the taxi?"

"Eh, the money was a slight glitch. Other than that, you can't tell me you didn't enjoy yourself."

"I actually did. You're not half as bad as I thought Louis."

"First name basis, we're getting there." Louis laughs and Harry holds the teddy bear closer to his chest.

The taxi pulls up in front of Harry's building a bit after ten. He pays the driver the exact amount and they pile out of the car.

"It's been a while since I was in this building." Louis says as they're walking towards the elevator.

"What did you do last time?"

"I'm pretty sure I fucked a girl on the second floor last year."

Harry shakes his head and they stop in front of his dorm.

"Well, this is it."

He unlocks the door and pushes it open. The room is dark, which means that Liam isn't home.

Speaking of Liam, where the fuck is he? Harry thinks. He hasn't texted him because he'd been too occupied with Louis.

"Liam isn't here." Harry says and turns around to look at Louis, who's also looking up at him.

"So did you enjoy spending time with me?"

"I may have. Why does it matter?"

"Strokes my ego if I'm being honest. I mean, if I can woo the Harry Styles, I can bag anyone."

"You didn't 'bag' me. And I thought you weren't gay."

"I'm not gay."

"So is this how you usually end a night?" Harry asks, not sure if he wants Louis to understand what he's hinting at.

"Not really."

"There's more?"

"Yeah." Louis answers in a reluctant tone.


Harry's voice dies at the end.

"Well...I usually put my hand on their arm." Louis starts and does everything he talks about. "Then I stroke their arm...and ask them about the date."

"And then?"

"And then I lean in."

Harry stares at Louis lips as he leans in slowly. Their noses bump together and Louis smirks, not even fazed.

"And then I ki-"

Harry doesn't wait for Louis to finish the sentence before he presses their lips together. They completely skip over the pecking part and get straight to the tongue rubbing. Louis places a hand behind his neck to bring him closer.

The teddy bear drops down at their feet and Harry kicks it out of the way so he can place a hand on Louis' waist. Kissing drunken Louis is great, but sober Louis' kisses are way better. They aren't as sloppy and they're way deeper and concentrated, just the way Harry likes it.

Louis lets out a soft moan against Harry's lips, standing on his tiptoes to reach him better.

"You've never kissed me when you were sober." Harry says against his lips when they finally part for a bit of air.

"Mhm." Louis' eyes are hazy and he hasn't done anything to get away from Harry yet.

Someone clears their voice next to them, and Harry is relaxed at first, thinking it's just Liam, but to their horror, it's the dean.

"Uh...hello." Harry awkwardly says.

"What's that?" Mr. Perkins asks. They're both confused at first, but then they look to where the man is pointing, to find Blue staring up at them with innocent eyes.

"Oh fuck."



Please let me know what you like and didn't like about this chapter? Honestly is really appreciated!

Updates will be on Saturdays @ 5pm Uk time !

Thank you so much for reading :)



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