Chapter 5
I really like this chapter ;)
Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D
Enjoy !
Harry wakes up cold and sweaty at the same time, and with a not-so-small problem in his briefs. He turns on his side to see Louis on his stomach with the back of his head facing Harry. The whole blanket is tangled around his feet and waist, and he's lightly snoring.
Harry mumbles something under his breath and gets out of bed to go to the bathroom so he can get rid of his nagging problem.
When he comes out of the bathroom, with brushed teeth and a big smile, Louis is sitting up and drinking the rest of the water that was in the glass from the night before.
"Does your head hurt?" Harry asks and sits down on the bed next to Louis.
"Just a bit. Oh God, we're both almost naked. Did we do anything last night? Did anything happen?"
Harry looks at him, and then he sees the scared look in Louis' eyes, even though he's trying not to show any emotion.
"Then how did I end up in your bed half naked?"
"You came here after you said that Niall and Barbara were having sex, then you got undressed, hopped into bed, and passed out. That's it."
"Oh. Well. Thanks for letting me sleep here. I didn't throw up did I?"
"Not that I know of."
"Good. I should probably get back to my room now and pack my stuff. We're leaving at ten."
Louis gets up from the bed and Harry watches him pull on his jeans.
"What time is it?"
Harry looks at the clock on his phone.
"Half past nine."
And with that, Louis leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. Harry watches it for a second, before he finally gathers his thoughts and gets up from the bed to pack his suitcase.
The entire team meets in the lobby at ten, and they all have to wait for Louis in the bus, as per usual, since he's late.
"Hey did Louis come to your room last night?" Niall asks Harry once they're in their seats in the bus.
"Yeah. He seemed pretty outraged about the two of you fucking on the bed right next to him."
"What are you talking about?"
"What do you mean? He came by my room last night, complaining that he couldn't sleep where the two of you were fucking."
"We didn't shag last night, what the fuck? We literally cuddled and fell asleep with Louis next to us."
Niall smirks. "Maybe he just wanted an excuse to come and sleep with you."
"Well we didn't sleep-I mean-technically we didn't."
"Well did you do anything else?" Niall asks, and Harry sighs.
"Well, we kissed but that was it. Oh, and he doesn't know so I'd appreciate it if it stayed that way."
"Of course. Did he say anything else?"
"No." Harry quickly responds, because he knows that it's not his place to tell someone (even though that someone is one of Louis' closest friends) about what Louis admitted the night before.
Their conversation is cut short when Louis hops on the bus, apologizes to Coach, and then walks all the way to the back where they're seated.
"Tough wank?" Bryan questions before a friendly banter about dicks and dirty dreams begins, which has Harry thinking that college students are five year olds after all.
On Monday, Mr. Winston asks them how their paper is goning - which is due the following day - and of course, Louis looks as confused as ever.
He leans over his seat to whisper into Harry's ear.
"What paper?"
Harry's shoulders jump and he turns his head, startled.
"He assigned it to us over a week ago."
"Well I didn't know about it," Louis replies.
"Maybe because you're apparently too busy doing nothing to actually study."
"Jesus, you're worse than a parent."
There's a short pause, and then Louis speaks again:
"So how long does it have to be?"
"Two pages long, about why people often lie to protect others."
"That's stupid," Louis mumbles but sits back and chews on his lip.
By the end of the lecture, he follows Harry out the door and catches up to him.
"Hey. Wait up!"
Harry stops and turns around with a surprised look on his face.
"Can we up later? So you can help me with my paper? Since you probably don't want to write it for me...right? Or do you?"
"No I don't," Harry replies, annoyed. "Where do you want to meet up?"
"Well definitely not the frat house because there's a victory party tonight."
"And you'd skip out on drinking to study?"
"I have plenty of time to drink once we're done with my essay."
"Alright. How about the library? Maybe we can convince them to let you in even though you're banned. Liam is probably at our dorm with Sophia so I don't want to bother them. So...the library."
"Alright. At eight?"
"I finish my shift at nine, so let's say nine thirty in front of the library? It closes at eleven so we have one hour and thirty minutes."
"I can do the math."
"There's no need to be bitchy when I'm trying to help you."
"Speaking of, why are you trying to help me?"
"I like helping people because I know what it's like to need help but not receive it."
Louis looks at him weirdly, but doesn't question him about his statement. It makes him uncomfortable when people start to open up or try to start a deep conversation with him.
"You know where the library is, right?" Harry asks, and Louis smiles, relieved that the subject has been changed.
"I think I can find it, thanks."
Then they split up without as much as a goodbye, since Harry is heading towards his next class, and Louis is just going back to the frat house to sleep, since he didn't get much last night.
"Where are you rushing off to?" Zayn asks with a smirk on his face a few hours later, when Harry is in the changing room.
"I need to get to the library."
"You tutoring Louis again?"
Harry nods, not saying anything about it. A few minutes later he's all packed up and ready to leave, so he says goodbye to Zayn and the rest of his coworkers as he exits.
"Oh fuck."
It's raining, and that's the last thing he needs right now, since he doesn't have anything to cover his head with. He's rushing down the street to the bus station that would take him to the library (he usually walks there if he wants to study a bit after work but it's raining so he's really not in the mood).
As Harry waits for the bus, he hears some desperate meows coming from somewhere really close to him, so he looks around until he sees a small cat hiding under the bench he's currently sitting on.
She's drenched and the thing that Harry notices about her first are her blue eyes. He struggles to get her out from under the bench and places her in his lap, trying to dry her off with his coat.
"Jesus Christ."
The bus that's supposed to take him to the library arrives not even one minute later, and before Harry has any time to contemplate on what to do with the cat, he hops on the bus with her in his arms.
He definitely knows what the policy clearly states about keeping pets in the dorms, but by the time he gets off the bus to enter the library, he's already named her Blue and is hiding her in his laptop bag.
To his surprise, he finds Louis inside right by the staircase, dressed in a colorful jacket with a beanie over his hair.
"Did you wait long?" Harry asks as they walk up the stairs together.
"Not really. Five minutes or so."
They find a table on the third floor where they sit down and take out their working utensils.
"So before I start writing an essay I usually brainstorm a few main points and ideas that fit the theme and write them down, so I can expand them later."
Louis nods, and Harry is not sure if he's actually listening or not. His mind seems somewhere else entirely.
"Are you listening?" Harry asks annoyed.
"Yeah, go on."
"Okay, so...tell me a few motives why people would lie to protect others. Ideas, sentences, anything. I'll write them down as you do."
"Why is there a cat in your bag?"
"Great! Why is there-wait what?"
Harry puts the pen down and looks at his laptop bag that's hanging off his chair. Blue is peaking her head out and looking curiously at Louis.
"Why is there a cat in your bag?" Louis repeats, and moves closer to the table, leaning his elbows on it.
"She was under the bench at the bus station and I couldn't just leave her there to freeze or drown to death."
"Yeah but keeping pets in dorms is illegal. They'll kick you out and it's going to take a few months before you will be able to move back in."
"I know, but they won't find out unless someone rats on me. Liam definitely won' I hope you won't either."
"I won't. Your life is none of my business. And she's...kind of cute."
Blue hops out of the bag and right onto the table.
"Did you name her?"
Louis doesn't say anything after that.
"So, back to your essay that's due in two days," Harry says and Louis focuses his attention on him.
"A few ideas?"
"Well...not wanting to see them hurt. Not wanting them to feel embarrassed. Wanting them to feel good," Louis trails off.
Harry scribbles all of it down in Louis' notebook, surprised by the outcome.
"Good, now open your laptop and start a new document. Each idea should be one or two paragraphs long, and that would probably fill a page and something."
Louis does as Harry asks, and while he writes on his paper, Harry caresses Blue until she falls asleep next to his laptop.
"So what do you have so far?" Harry asks a few minutes later, when Louis' writing comes to a halt.
"My name. The introduction."
"That's it."
"That's it?!" Harry exclaims and gets up from his chair to go and look over Louis' shoulder. "It's already half past ten and you barely have one hundred words? You're never going to pass this class if you keep going at this rate!"
"I'm a man of few words Styles."
"Don't try to be fuckin' wise with me. Finishing this essay is for your own good."
Louis sighs and begins to elaborate the first idea they've written down, so Harry sits back into his chair and takes his phone out to go through his Twitter feed while he waits.
"Okay so the first two paragraphs are done, and I have...five hundred thirty two words. Almost an entire page."
Harry doesn't ask about how big he actually made the font, and he's about to get up and check on what Louis wrote, but then he realizes that the cat is missing.
"Where's Blue?"
"The fucking cat, Louis."
"Oh...shit. I didn't see her leave the table."
Harry gets up from his seat and begins looking for her silently, since calling her name probably won't lead her back to him.
"You know that we can get arrested for bringing a living animal into the library right?" Louis asks as he joins Harry in browsing through the aisles.
"No shit Sherlock. Now is not the time for you to recite the rules from the front desk to me."
"Alright alright, calm down. Christ. I never knew you could be so cranky."
They reach the Science section when Harry finally finds Blue, hiding on a shelf between two books.
"Here you are," he says in an affective tone, and just as he takes her into his arms, the lights go off.
"What the-" Louis starts but Harry interrupts him.
"What's the time?"
Louis checks his phone.
"Ten past eleven. Oh God."
"They locked us in."
That's then they run to the door and start yelling for someone to come open it and let them out, but five minutes later it turns out that yelling won't solve anything.
"This is the worst," Louis huffs as he sits back down.
Harry has placed Blue back into his bag so she could sleep, and is now lighting up the room with the flash on his phone.
"Should I call the police?"
"Why would you call the police?"
"I don't know? So they could come get us out of here?" Harry sarcastically replies.
"Don't bother."
"Oh, so you're planning on actually spending the night here?"
"Why not? It'll be fun."
"Since when can you have fun around me?"
"Since I got a bottle of Gin in my bag and a serious list of questions I want to ask you."
"Okay, first of all, why do you carry a bottle of Gin in your bag?"
"Because I was planning on bringing it to the party but as it turns out I'm not going."
"And second, I'm definitely not drinking that. And I'm definitely not playing any drinking game with you at eleven o'clock at night in the public library."
Louis pouts. "If there is ever a time for you to actually prove to me that you're not all made of shit, then this would be it."
"I'm not trying to prove anything to you," Harry tells him, but finds himself debating it. He knows that Gin tastes as Vodka does-sort of, but he's really got nothing better to do so he finally agrees.
"Oh, Harry Styles actually being wild for once. Amazing, I'm flattered."
"Shut up already before I change my mind."
Louis gets the bottle out, and as soon as he unscrews the cap Harry already smells the heavy alcohol.
"So truth or dare or never have I ever first?"
"Alright. Let's say...never have I ever because then we'll get drunk easier."
"How does it work?"
"You don't know how one of the most popular drinking games work?"
Harry shakes his head and then Louis proceeds to explain to him how their supposed to take a gulp if they've done whatever the other person said they never did.
"I mean, of course you can say you never did something but have actually done it so, you know, you can get drunk easier."
"But will it work without shot glasses? Your gulps are definitely bigger than mine." Harry protests.
"Yeah but I also have a bigger alcohol tolerance than you do so it balances out."
"So I'll start," Louis says and grips into the neck of the bottle. "Never have I ever...fucked a girl."
He takes a swig and then hands the bottle to Harry, who doesn't do anything.
"Wait seriously? You've never fucked a girl?"
"I'm gay." Harry tells him like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Okay...your turn."
"Never have I ever fucked or been fucked by a boy."
"Oh come on, I thought you didn't want to get drunk." Louis whines.
"Two can play this game."
"Fair enough."
It's Louis' turn again, and now he's saying that he's never been in love. He's also the only one who drinks. Harry decides not to question him about it, and thinks back to that time he had the biggest crush on his boyfriend in sixth form; Kyle. Or that time he was in love with Nick last year but how he got over it eventually.
"Never have I ever...kissed a boy," he says, careful not to give his intentions away as he drinks. He hasn't said anything to Louis about the other night, and he definitely won't, but he's also not sure whether Louis actually remembers it or not.
"Are you trying to get yourself drunk?" Louis asks, and doesn't reach out for the bottle after a few seconds of silence, so Harry lets him continue.
"Never have I ever...gone skinny dipping."
This time, neither of them drink.
"Alright, so we're both losers," Louis concludes.
After they find out that the both of them had threesomes and only Louis sixty-nined, they decide to switch over to Truth or Dare because they're both tipsy enough to do something reckless. Well, Louis is at least.
Blue wakes up before they start the game, and decides to go and cuddle into Louis' lap, where she goes to sleep again.
"It's settled, she's my cat from now on."
"Yeah right."
"Well she apparently loves me more so."
"Truth or dare?" Louis changes the subject.
"Hey Blue might get offended."
"Who were you in love with?" Louis asks, completely ignoring Harry's remark.
"It's not that important."
"Oh come on Styles you've made me curious now."
"Well the first guy I fell in love with was Kyle, which was kind of stupid because we were both sixteen and he was straight."
"Ooh. That sucks."
"I know. So I eventually moved on when I left for college, and then I fell in love with-well, Nick. But I got over that too."
"You were in love with Nick Grimshaw?"
"Just because you don't like him, it doesn't mean that others can't. Speaking of, why don't you like him?"
Louis shrugs and fiddles with the neck of the bottle.
"I don't know...he's one of those people that I just want to punch whenever I see their face."
"Am I that category too?" Harry asks.
There's a hesitant pause after that, so Harry continues the game to avoid an awkward situation. As if the circumstances aren't weird enough.
They continue the game with two more rounds and drink without a reason, so it's safe to say that they're both tipsy, on the way to being completely drunk.
"Dare," Louis says when they're leaning against the table, sitting on the floor with Blue at their feet.
"I dare you..." Harry glances at the bottle that's three-quarters gone. "To run around the library three times which means go through each...each aisle. Naked."
Louis lazily turns his head to him and uncrosses his legs.
"You know," he slurs as he's trying to get up. "If you want to see me naked you just have to ask."
Harry looks up at him through his lashes.
"I don't need to...see all that. Thanks.
Harry is proud that he can still keep a serious façade, despite his state of drunkenness.
"I know you do so I'm just going to-" Louis starts and places the bottle between Harry legs before finally stands up, facing him.
"You're what?"
Louis shushes him and then giggles as he slowly zips down his jacket, then takes it off and swings it over his head so it falls at the ground at his feet.
"Are you trying to strip?" Harry asks incredulously.
"Don't interrupt my show."
"You're so fucking drunk," Harry laughs but keeps his eyes on Louis' body.
"You love it."
Louis takes off his shirt next and runs his hands down his chest in a way that would be sexy if he weren't drunk and giggling through the whole thing. But Harry still stares at him like it's the most interesting thing he's ever seen, until Louis proceeds to climb up on the table. He almost steps over Harry's phone that's still providing them light, and makes a twirl.
"Okay I think it's time come down," Harry says and stumbles as he tries to get up.
"But I thought you wanted to see me naked." Louis pouts.
"Well not when you're drunk and about to fall off a table."
"So you're saying that you'd like to see me naked when we're both sober?"
"I'm not saying anything."
Harry holds his arm out for Louis and tries not to stare at his naked, defined chest. Louis begins to hum a song Harry doesn't recognize as he dances on the table and takes off his belt.
"Bend over for me Harry," He says in a seductive tone that would be really sexy if he didn't slur the words.
"I can't remember the last time you called me Harry."
Louis throws his belt over Harry's head and unbuttons his jeans.
"Wait! I've got an idea! Turn around and make two steps forward."
Harry looks at him confused but does as asked. He hears Louis yell out and then a loud thump.
"Shit-what the fuck are you doing?" he asks and turns back around to see Louis on his ass on the floor.
"I wanted to jump on your back so you could give me a piggy back ride around the room but I slipped and now my ass hurts."
"You get used to it."
"To my ass hurting?"
"Well I think that our asses usually hurt from different motives. And I'm definitely not planning on it hurting for the same reason yours does."
Louis lies back so he's under the table, and pats the place beside him. Harry lies down next to him so they're both staring at the underside of the table with their thighs touching.
Blue jumps on Louis' stomach and sits down there for a second, before she begins to lick his chin.
"Ew, get off me," Louis says but doesn't do anything to push her away.
Then he turns his head to look at Harry. "This cat will get you in trouble."
Harry shrugs and tries not to think about how good Louis smells. Because it's creepy. And he hates him. Although he'd really like to fuck or be fucked by him.
"Who do you think is the hottest guy in college?" Louis asks after a few minutes of silence.
"Is this the part where I'm supposed to say you?"
"No. I'm just curious."
"You first," Harry says and turns on his side so he can pet Blue (but to also stare at Louis' chest-although that's not important and no one has no know).
"Zayn, definitely. God, those cheekbones and tattoos and hair."
"Got a little crush hm?" Harry asks, tickling Blue behind her ears.
"No. I just think he's hot. Can't a straight guy appreciate another guy's looks?"
"Now you go. Wait, where' the bottle?"
"I think you've had enough to drink," Harry says. "And it's illegal for you to move when you have a pet sitting on you."
Louis pouts and tickles Blue's stomach, before he places her on Harry's thighs and sits up. He hits his head against the table, which causes Harry to laugh so hard that Blue jumps off of him.
"Okay, that's enough," Harry says when Louis takes a gulp and then goes in for another.
"You're so full of shit."
"And you're full of alcohol so you should stop."
"You're like my mother."
Harry places the bottle on the table even though Louis could probably get to it if he wanted to. And he does. He stands up quickly, grabs the bottle and runs away with it like a child.
Harry follows him, even though he can barely see anything. He finds him when he hears a yelp and a shattering noise.
"I think I just twisted my ankle," Louis whines from his spot on the floor as he holds his ankle.
"You're half naked, drunk, and you just twisted your ankle. Great."
Harry squats down and picks Louis up bridal style, before they return to the table and he sits him down on it.
"Does it hurt?"
"A bit."
He takes out a bottle of water and holds it against it.
"Thanks. Do you have something to eat?"
"I think I might have some biscuits."
He looks through his bag and finally pulls out a pack of biscuits that he hands to Louis.
"Ew, what the fuck are these?"
"Raisin biscuits."
"Why would anyone eat these?"
"They're healthy, that's why."
"You're so weird," Louis says but eats some nonetheless. Once they've finished the pack, Louis decides it's time for a smoke so he limps over to the closest window.
"Maybe smoking right now isn't the best idea," Harry tells him but Louis does it anyway. He never listens to Harry anyway.
Blue plays with Harry for a while until she finally goes to sleep again and Louis comes back.
"I'm really bored and I can't sleep. Entertain me," he tells Harry as they sit against a bookshelf, going through a book about sex with the help of Harry's flashlight.
"Isn't this book entertaining enough for you?"
"Nah. Too many vaginas."
"I thought you liked vaginas?"
"Not when I've had this much to drink."
Harry gets an unsettling sense of déjà vu.
"How does that work?"
"I don't know, you tell me," Louis says and pats Harry on the chest, letting his hand linger on the collar of his shirt for too long.
"Tell you...what?"
Harry's last words fade out as he stares at Louis' lips.
"Or you can just-shut up. I like you the most when you don't speak."
They both lean in at the same time to attach their lips in a quite violent kiss. Louis opens his mouth to tangle their tongues and then suddenly turns to straddle Harry, knocking the book on the floor.
It's so sudden that Harry doesn't even time to contemplate before he trails his hands up Louis' thighs, all the way up until they come rest on Louis' ass.
Louis cups Harry's face and tilts his head to deepen the kiss.
Harry's words get caught in his throat as Louis kisses and bites the side of his neck, while running his hands through his hair. His mind is foggy and all he can feel is the throbbing in his jeans and Louis' obvious erection that's poking him in the stomach.
"Don't leave marks-" Harry tries to tell Louis between hasty kisses and lip bites.
"Too late babe."
Louis pulls back smirking as he grabs the wrist of Harry's right hand and guides it to his chest, and then lower, until Harry's fingers graze the outline of his boxers.
"What are you doing?"
"Help me get rid of it?" Louis pouts and it's unfair. Really, really unfair because his cheekbones are even more defined from the light that's coming from the floor and his eyes sparkle from the alcohol.
Right, the alcohol.
"Louis, you're drunk and I'm tipsy...I don't think-"
"Don't think. For once, just do what you feel like without fucking thinking everything through."
"What do you want?" Harry asks, looking into his eyes.
"Whatever you're willing to give me," Louis whispers against his lips and then kneels up so he's towering a bit over him. Harry gets the message, and pulls Louis' jeans, together with his briefs, all the way down to his knees.
Louis' cock is definitely thicker than expected, and it's right there, poking Harry in the stomach, even as Louis sits back down on his thighs.
Harry wraps his hand around it at the same time as Louis locks their lips back together in a desperate kiss. Louis moaning into Harry's mouth while he's getting a handjob is the hottest thing Harry's ever witnessed so far.
"I've got an idea," Louis whispers into his ear after a minute, making every single hair on Harry's back stand up.
Louis then gets up so that his dick is right in Harry's face, and he's smiling as he looks down.
"You want me to blow you?" Harry asks but gets his mouth on him right after he shuffles to his knees.
Louis' hands come down to tangle in his hair and guide him through it.
"This feels so good even though I'm smashed, fuck."
Harry smiles at the praises and moans that come out from above his head, so he continues the best he can without choking on it-Louis probably wouldn't like him throwing up all over his boner.
"I'm so close-where do you want me to-"
"My mouth."
It's probably not the wisest decision but Harry has swallowed while being drunk before, so he knows he's going to be alright.
Louis begins fucking his mouth at some point and all Harry can do is take it, until Louis finally comes down his throat with a load moan and fingers gripping his hair.
"How was it?" Harry asks when Louis sits back down next to him, briefs and pants pulled back up.
"Really good," Louis trails off and shuffles to the left so he can lean down and place his head on Harry's lap.
Harry, of course, doesn't mention anything about his raging erection, mainly because Louis doesn't even seem to notice he's resting his head right on it.
"I can't believe you're going to fall back asleep again."
"What do you mean again?" Louis mumbles, looking up at him.
Harry closes his eyes and rests his head back against the shelf, trying to go to sleep. He eventually does, while running his fingers through a sleepy Louis' hair.
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