Chapter 2
Hope you enjoy this part as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Please leave comments throughout the chapter because they always make my day :)
The external link is the playlist for this fic!
When Harry gets downstairs it looks like Zayn took care of the cop situation without needing to bring the police in to see how many underage people were drinking. (Over 75% of them were.)
“How’s Louis?” Niall asks when Harry joins them on the porch. Liam and Eleanor are there too now, but Harry doesn’t even acknowledge them.
“Good. Resting.” I guess. I don’t know. I don’t even care.
“Well Nick’s been looking for you. He finished the joint and I think he wants to hook up. Looked pretty horny.”
“If you see him will you just tell him that I went home? It’s past midnight and I’m not really feeling it.”
“I’ll come with.” Liam says.
Once they say goodbye to almost everyone they know they walk out of the house. It’s not that cold outside, so Harry takes out his cigarette pack and lights one up. Liam does the same, surprised to see Harry smoking.
Harry only smokes occasionally, when he’s either stressed or bored or sad. He doesn’t even know which case it is right now but he smokes it anyway.
“Did he… you know. Say anything about Eleanor and I?”
“Just that he knew she was cheating on him. And that he doesn’t care about her anyway. Not that she loves him or anything.”
“I hope you didn’t change your opinion about me.”
“I didn’t. It’s none of my business anyway.”
“You don’t have to thank me for anything. It’s your life.” Harry shrugs and takes a drag.
They finish their cigarettes as soon as they reach their dorm building. They take the elevator up to their floor and Liam unlocks the door.
Harry showers and gets into bed, and when he checks his phone it’s already past one in the morning. The frat parties usually last longer than that because people don’t get drunk so soon, but with the victory and all that everyone was too excited to think coherently. Or even think at all.
Harry isn’t really a big fan of football. Or ‘soccer’, as the Americans on the team call it. He isn’t a fan at all, actually. Or of sports in general.
He’s about to go to sleep when his phone buzzes. He knows it’s from Louis.
Louis Tomlinson: thanks for leaving :)
Harry doesn’t know whether Louis is sarcastic or genuine, so he slides the phone back under his pillow without responding.
That’s the thing he absolutely hates about texting; the fact that he can’t really figure out what the person means. If he talks to someone face to face, he immediately knows what the person is thinking based on their actions, words, and intonation. But it’s so much harder through text.
He decides to sleep on it and not think about Louis too much, because in the end he’s just a prick who graduates this year and doesn’t give a shit about anything.
Surprisingly enough, Louis doesn’t wake up in his own vomit as per usual. He wakes up to the sun shining so bright he thinks he went blind, and a towel crumbled up beside his head.
He rubs his eyes and sits up with a pounding head.
Before he gets out of bed he checks his phone to see if Harry responded to his text. He didn’t.
After he takes a shower he goes downstairs into the kitchen and sits down at the bar, where Zayn and Niall are eating breakfast, even though it’s past noon.
“Did I do anything last night?” he asks them while a pledge makes him a sandwich as usual.
“You wanted to kick Grimshaw’s ass, but then Harry took you upstairs.”
“What’s the deal with you two? I never understood why he keeps taking care of you when you’re drunk. You guys hate each other.”, Niall says with his mouth full.
“Well, he can’t stand me because I have too much fun annoying and pranking him.”
“Don’t you think that’s a bit childish?” Zayn asks.
“Why do you like annoying him anyway? He’s a good lad.”
“Because he thinks he’s better than everybody else. Standing in his fancy dress shirts and writing everything down during lectures. And then he actually has the nerve to tell me during the third week of his freshman year that I drink too much and that it’s embarrassing.”
“He told you that?”
“Yeah, he did. I didn’t even ask him anything. If there’s one thing I don’t like, that’s people who stick their noses where they don’t belong. Who the fuck does he think he is?”
“And you actually hate him because of something that happened a year ago?”
“I don’t hate him per se, I just can’t stand him. When I’m sober, at least.”
With that, Louis takes his sandwich and heads back to his room to take a nap so his headache would subside.
Harry is early to his lecture on Monday, and to say that he’s surprised to see Louis Tomlinson already there with an annoyed expression on his face is an understatement.
“What’s wrong? Did you pass out in here last night?”
“Fuck you, Styles.”
“You wish, Tomlinson.”
Harry sits down in front of him and opens his laptop, preparing for Mr. Winton’s lecture.
Ninety minutes later, the professor dismisses them.
“Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson could you please come here for a second? I need to speak to you.”
“Great.” Harry mutters and stands up once the room starts clearing out. “What did you do?”
“What did I do? You keep yelling at me during lectures.”
“Because you won’t fucking stop with those legs of yours. You keep kicking my seat or propping your feet up like you’re three years old!” Harry protests as they walk down to the professor’s desk.
“Jesus, do you ever stop talking?”
Before Harry can reply, Mr. Winston interrupts them.
“I didn’t hold you back after the lecture because you’re fighting during class or because you’re not paying attention. I asked you to stay a few minutes to discuss the fact that Louis-“
“So it is your fault.” Harry points out, turning his head to look at Louis.
“Let me finish. Louis, you have the worst grades in my class, and if you keep it up like this I will have to fail you. Which means that you’ll have to retake your major, which means another four years.”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve showed up to all courses-“
“If you don’t do the assignments I give out in class then it’s useless for you to show up.”
“What do I have to do with anything?” Harry asks, trying not to look too smug about the situation Louis is currently in.
“You have the best grades in my class, so I thought-“
“No.” they say at the same time.
“Would it really be so bad if you’d spend one hour a day together to revise and study? This way, Louis will pass my class and graduate, and Harry will earn extra credit.”
Harry bites his lip. Extra credit does sound good and it wouldn’t hurt him. But spending one additional hour with the disaster that is Louis Tomlinson probably would. Where would they even study? At Harry’s place? At Louis’ place? The library?
“So there is really no other option for me to pass this class?” Louis asks.
“Well, you could do the assignments and take the tests on your own, but that hasn’t worked so well for the past four years, right? You’re the only senior in a course that is meant for sophomores. I did everything I could.”
“Alright. I guess.” Louis mumbles.
“Great. I’ll see you on Wednesday, don’t forget to write the paper that’s due next week!”
“I can’t fucking believe it. Like I don’t have anything better to do than spend one hour a day out of my own personal free time with you.” Louis says once they’re outside the lecture hall and heading for the exit.
“Look, I’m not into the idea either, but you obviously need the help and I could use extra credit. So it works for the both of us. Also, I hope you don’t expect me to write your homework for you or something, because that won’t happen.”
“Fine.” Louis rolls his eyes. “Where will we even study?”
“How about the library?”
“I can’t. I’m banned from there.”
“How can you be banned from the library? You’ve probably never even been there!”
“Yes, I have. It was last year and I took Eleanor there and-“
“Please don’t tell me you had sex in the library-”
“We had sex in the library.”
“And that you got caught.”
“And we got caught.”
“At least I have a crazy sex story.”
“Oh wow, that makes you so much better than me.” Harry responds sarcastically.
“This is the part where you tell me your craziest sex story.”
“Oh, we’re not close enough for me to tell you that, Tomlinson.”
Harry gives him a fake smile and stops once they get outside because Louis is lighting up a cigarette while looking at him questioningly.
“So where are we meeting up? And when?”
“At what time do you have football practice?”
“From five ‘till seven.”
“I’m free at seven. You can come over to my dorm?”
“How about you come over to the frat house?”
“Um, won’t there be, like, big noise?”
“We don’t party on Mondays.”
“Be there around seven thirty.”
“Oh, and I won’t pay you for your tutoring lessons, by the way.”
“I didn’t even think you would.”
“I’m going over to the frat house later.” Harry tells Liam later that afternoon as they walk home together from their last lecture of the day.
“I’m tutoring Louis Tomlinson as of today.”
“Whoa, really?”
“Winston said that if he doesn’t get a tutor a.s.a.p. he’ll have to retake his major. Which means four more years of college. Although I don’t think he’d mind.”
Liam shakes his head. “I never understood why you two couldn’t get along. I mean, you’re in the same circle of friends and yet you can’t stand each other.”
“Because he’s an asshole! All he does all day is sit around, drink, and then show up to classes once in a while if he’s not too busy playing footie. And after he does all that, he thinks he’s in the position of judging everyone because he’s team captain and president of the frat house. You know what he told me last year during a lecture? That I should loosen up and stop being such a kiss ass to the professor because we’re not in eight grade anymore. Who the fuck does he think he is? He’s five feet tall and has a big mouth, that’s all there is to him.”
“But you always take care of him at parties, even though no one asks you to.”
“I know. But I can’t help that I’m a nice person, even to the most insufferable people. Besides, sometimes it can get boring at parties.”
Harry is glad that Liam doesn’t mention his past record with alcohol.
“That’s because you haven’t found yourself a lad to hook up with yet. There’s a guy on the lacrosse team who recently came out and he’s kind of cute. Jake?”
“I thought you guys hated the lacrosse team.”
“Yeah, but a girl in Sophia’s sorority is good friends with a girl who’s dating Jake’s best friend. News travel fast around campus.”
“Liam. Just because two guys are gay doesn’t mean that they’re immediately attracted to each other.”
“Are you attracted to me?”
Harry is so surprised by the question that his keys fall out of his hand before he can even open the door.
“Seriously. I always wondered. If I were gay, would you ever, like, hook up with me?”
“No?” Harry laughs, opening the door and stepping inside their dorm.
“Oh, come on, why not?”
“Because I’ve known you since I was little! It would be too weird. You’re like my older brother.”
“Ugh, alright. I guess.”
Harry takes his psychology books from the desk and stuffs them in his laptop bag together with a few highlighters and a notebook.
“Wait, if you were to choose a guy from our group of friends, who would you date?”
“Bye Liam!” Harry yells over his shoulder and slams the door behind him.
It’s exactly half past seven when he reaches the frat house. It’s dark and it’s cold, so Harry knocks on the door quite insistently, because there’s no doorbell.
A guy Harry thinks is called Danny opens the door.
“Hi, um, I’m here for Louis? I’m supposed to be tutoring him.”
“We just got back from practice, he’s in his room.”
Harry closes the door after himself and walks upstairs. Louis’ room is right above the entryway of the house, where that horrible-looking sheet is hanging from the balcony.
The door is cracked open, so Harry doesn’t knock before stepping in. Louis isn’t in his room and he’s about to call his name when the door to the bathroom opens and Louis walks out with a towel hung low on his waist.
Harry stares at his tattoos and abs for a second too long before he realizes it’s probably creepy. Definitely creepy.
“Did I let you in?” Louis asks and walks over to the closet.
“No. Danny let me in.”
Louis doesn’t respond because he’s apparently too busy picking out some clothes.
“Wh- okay.” Harry stutters when Louis drops his towel to put on his briefs.
He turns around and looks at the ceiling, waiting for Louis to finish.
“You can turn around now, Jesus.”
Harry does as Louis tells him, and he’s somewhat disappointed to see that Louis is now dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Alright so, um… where are we going to study?”
Louis sighs and sits down at the edge of the bed, tapping the middle.
“Can’t we use your desk?”
“I don’t have two chairs. Can’t you sit on the bed?”
“I guess.”
Harry sits down on the other side of the bed, and then takes out his laptop, pens, and notebook.
“So I guess we’ll start with the beginning of this year? Actually, do you have any clue about what we spoke last year?”
“Well, I passed the exams so I guess I’m pretty okay with last year’s curriculum.”
“You’ve been taking the same class for two years, but alright.”
Harry opens his laptop and turns it on, and then looks at the posters hung on Louis’ wall as he waits for the MacBook to start. His walls are filled with posters of Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and David Beckham.
“You like David Beckham?” Harry asks, trying to make conversation.
“What kind of question is that? Of course I do.”
“I used to wank to his pictures when I was in sixth form.” Harry tells him, but immediately bites his lip.
“Why did you feel the need to tell me that?”
“Because- I don’t know. Forget I said anything. Let’s get to work.”
As if on cue, his laptop lights up so Harry can finally open up his psychology folder and start from the beginning.
The hour goes by quickly (for Harry at least), because Louis is continuously breathing down his neck and always making snarky remarks right in Harry’s ear.
“Alright, so until next time-“
“Whoa, Styles. You’re not giving me homework, are you?”
“No, I was just suggesting that you should re-read the passage I marked for you because that’s going to be in the next exam.”
“Alright, whatever, Styles.”
Harry rolls his eyes as he gathers his things and stands up from the bed.
“Thanks, I guess.” Louis mumbles and actually walks with him down the stairs and to the door. “I actually understood the whole history thing and the Gestalt psychology or whatever.”
“Right. Well. See you.”
Harry awkwardly turns around to leave and Louis closes the door behind him, almost hitting him in the back.
That wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be, Louis thinks and sits down on the couch in the living room with a bottle of beer in hand. Some of the boys are watching a football game, others are playing pool, and the rest are probably out.
“So what’s the deal with Styles?” Bryan, a junior, also known as the guy who usually helps Louis flawlessly execute his pranks, asks with his eyebrows raised at him.
“Nothing. He’s just tutoring me in Psych.”
“Why did you even take that class if you’re studying to become a drama teacher?”
“It sounded easy and I needed one more class for credits, so I picked psychology because it seemed the easiest one. Turns out, it’s not.” Louis tells him and takes a big swig from the beer.
“That blows.” Bryan laughs, not seeming to care that Louis was in serious danger to actually have and repeat his entire major.
“It does, and not even in a good way. I’m in deep shit, man.”
“Wanna smoke about it?”
Louis looks around to see if he can find Zayn, but when he doesn’t spot him he nods at Bryan and they walk upstairs. If there’s one thing Louis knows how to do best it’s avoiding his problems and running from reality.
His phone buzzing in his pocket interrupts Harry’s shift at the restaurant the following evening, after his first tutoring session with Louis.
U comin 2 the game?, Liam’s text reads.
No, I’m busy at the restaurant. Harry replies and pockets his phone away, returning to his job.
He really shouldn’t be surprised when three hours later, at eight pm sharp, an entire team of footie players and cheerleaders invade the restaurant with loud cheering and happy chatter.
Harry sighs and goes in the back to tell Zayn that they have new clients and that he’s going to need his help on this one. The entire team and the cheerleading squad occupy the last four tables in the back.
“You take the team, I’ll take the cheerleaders.” Zayn tells him as he grabs a few menus.
Harry sighs but agrees anyway. His shift is supposed to end in an hour so that he could finally go home and take a shower, but it looks like he’ll be staying a bit over schedule because of the (probably) big win.
He doesn’t even know how he’s going to open the conversation as he walks over to the table with ten menus.
“Hey, I’ll be your waiter for the evening.”
Some of the guys on the team greet him, and Harry awkwardly shakes their hand.
“What would you like to drink?” he asks and takes out his pen and notepad.
They order three beers, four cokes, a lemonade, a coffee, a tonic water, and an Absolut Black Russian, which, of course, came from Louis.
Harry knew he could get away with actually giving him an alcoholic beverage, but he didn’t want to give him a 250ml drink that contained 40% alcohol at eight in the evening.
“May I see an ID?” he finds himself asking after Louis places his order.
“Excuse me?”
“I need an ID in order to serve you an alcoholic drink. Restaurant policy.”
Louis’ face turns into a frown and he changes his order to a beer.
“If it’s restaurant policy, then how come you can serve us beer?” Louis asks him a few minutes later when their conversation is loudly flowing, and no one really pays attention to Harry.
Harry doesn’t give him an answer as he places the drinks in front of each of them. He knows Louis is insistently staring at his face and that he probably wishes he could kill Harry just from looking at him.
“Have you decided on the food yet?” Harry asks, ignoring Louis completely.
Once all of them order, Harry retrieves back into the kitchen and sits down on a chair after he places the order on the counter.
Zayn walks up to him a few minutes later after he placed his order too, and asks Harry if he’d like to go outside for a smoke. Harry accepts and follows him out the back, where they both light one up with Zayn’s lighter.
“We’re going out with the team after this.” Zayn tells him after a few moments of silent smoking. “Louis told me.”
“I’m sure he told you specifically because it’s invite only.”
“It’s not with an invite.” Zayn laughs as he lets out a smoke. “And if it is, then I’m inviting you. And Liam or Niall or Barbara probably would’ve a bit later.”
Harry sighs. “Alright, where are we going?”
“Well, first everyone is going home to shower and change out of their uniforms, and then we’ll meet up in front of LIT at half past ten, because we’ve got reservations at eleven.”
“Am I even on the list?”
“They called for two booths of twelve so I think you’ll be alright.”
Harry nods and they return to being silent as they smoke, waiting for the food to be ready so they could finally go home after four hours of uninterrupted work.
The team and the squad finally clear out an hour and a half later, after everyone paid for their meal and ate every last bit of food from their plates.
It’s ten o’clock sharp when Harry gets back to his dorm, with his shoulders hunched and out of breath from running the past half-mile home. He knows he won’t have time to shower, dress up, and be at the club on time, but he tries anyway.
Liam probably went to Sophia’s right after, since he wasn’t in the dorm even after Harry comes out of the shower and starts getting dressed.
He’s about to call himself a cab when his phone rings with an unrecognized number.
“Someone from PROMIS Rehab Facility is trying to contact you. If you-“
Harry’s heart starts beating faster and he presses the red button on his screen violently. He knows who it is, and he also knows that he probably wouldn’t answer it in the near future. Or ever. He didn’t choose a Uni as far from England as possible just to let in the reason that made him run away.
He finally calls a cab and arrives at the club a few minutes after the specified time, but he can see his group standing in line so he makes his way over to them, pushing the thoughts of his childhood to the back of his mind.
Everyone is dressed up quite nicely, since the club is one of the best in the state (at least that’s what Liam always tells him when they go here), and most of the people there actually bother to say hello to him.
Louis, who’s the nearest to the door, just turns his head to look at him indifferently without as much as saying a word to him.
“Whose name are we on this time?” Harry asks Niall, who’s standing next to him with an arm around Barbara.
Niall shrugs. “I don’t know, probably Nick’s as usual.”
Harry tries counting the people in their group, who turn out to be exactly twenty-four, and then prays that no one else is supposed to show up because then he’d probably be left out.
Just as they’re about to be next in line for entering, Eleanor shows up with disheveled hair and a sorry smile on her face.
“Sorry I’m late, I got caught up at work.”
Fuck, Harry thinks. Now I’m going to be that loser who has to go home because there aren’t enough places for me to join too.
“Hey, babe.” He hears Eleanor tell Louis and then kiss his cheek. Louis doesn’t really seem phased by it, and chooses to tell the bouncer that they have a party of twenty-four on Nick Grimshaw’s name.
Louis waits for everyone to enter the club one by one so that he and the bouncer can count them.
“That’s twenty-two.” The buff guy tells him as he looks at the three of them. “So who’s not supposed to be here?”
Louis looks at Harry, and then at Eleanor, who throws him an incredulous look, probably for even thinking about choosing between Harry and his own girlfriend. (Harry does the same.)
“Harry, c’mon.” Louis says and Harry is taken aback by the three-word sentence.
“Wha- me?”
“Him?!” Eleanor asks, surprised and angry at the same time.
“He was here first. And he also didn’t cheat on me with four different guys in the span of two months.”
“Sorry. See you around, El.”
“Does this mean we’re not together anymore?”
“Does it make a difference?” Louis answers with a question before turning around and walking up the steps.
“Uh- sorry?” Harry says, unsure whether he should do a good deed and let her go instead of him, but then Louis is calling his name and he finds himself hurrying up the stairs.
Eleanor lets out a loud huff as the bouncer crosses them off the list and leaves.
“That wasn’t necessary.” Harry tells Louis while they’re walking down the long corridor to the coatroom.
“I know, but you looked like you could pass out at any moment because you thought you’d be left out.”
“So you actually did something to make me feel better?”
“Not really. She had it coming for weeks now.”
They leave their coats (well, Harry’s coat and Louis’ varsity jacket) in the coatroom, and then enter the club through the double doors right at the end of the hallway.
The music hits them right in the face; a heavy bass combined with upbeat lyrics and thousands of flickering lights almost blinding them as they head over to their booth.
They sit down next to each other at the end of the couch where there’s little to no space, and they both place their cigarette packs and lighters on the table with the others.
Harry doesn’t even have time to tell Barbara that he’s going to get a drink and if she wants something, because Nick is already at their table, all smiles and cheeriness.
“Harold! Lewis! Finally!”
Louis rolls his eyes but Nick ignores him, since he’s too focused on Harry.
“Let’s get drinks!” Niall yells so everyone can hear him over the music, and also to interrupt the awkward encounter.
Harry and Louis get up from the table to follow Nick to the bar. He knows that if Nick wasn’t the only one who could actually get them into clubs and buy them drinks, Louis would never EVER agree for him to hang out with them. He can’t stand him as it is.
They have to wait a few minutes to get to the bar because a lot of people are ordering, but once they do, Louis goes ahead and orders a Cuba Libre for himself and a Long Island for Zayn. Harry orders a Paloma cocktail because he doesn’t want to get too drunk tonight.
Louis sits up on an empty barstool, completely ignoring the rest of them as he sips from his drink and waves Zayn over to come and get his own.
“Everything alright?” Zayn asks when he comes over, looking between Louis and Harry. “Where’s Eleanor?”
Louis shrugs as he drinks, quite quickly, looking at Harry as if he’s waiting for him to explain what happened.
“Uh… as you saw… Eleanor came a bit too late and Louis decided to let me in instead of her because she’d been lying to him about sleeping with other guys. I don’t know.”
Zayn looks between the two of them with a knowing look that Harry doesn’t understand, before he turns to Louis.
“Shit, man, you alright?”
Louis shrugs. “Never really cared for her anyway.”
“But you were together for over a year!” Harry loudly exclaims so Louis can hear him over the music.
“Why waste so much time on someone if you don’t love them anyway?”
“Why waste so much time on your hair if it looks like shit anyway?” Louis shoots back and gets down from the stool, leaving.
“He’s a bit.. cranky. Don’t mind him.” Zayn tells Harry once Louis has disappeared God knows where.
“I’m used to him, it’s fine. I don’t care.”
Zayn throws him an ‘oh-but-I-know-you-do’ look, waits for a few more seconds to spot Louis, and then proceeds to walk away.
Harry shakes his head and grabs his drink so he can head back to their booth and find someone to dance with.
It’s only two hours later when it’s past midnight, that Liam approaches Harry when he’s at the bar, ordering his third Paloma. He places a hand on Harry’s bicep and yells in his ear:
“Jake is here! Do you want to meet him?”
Harry turns around with his cocktail in hand.
“Jake, as in the captain of the lax team?”
“Yeah. They’re over there in that booth if you want to introduce yourself.”
“Seems a bit desperate, doesn’t it?”
“I don’t know. Well, I did my part of the job.” Liam smiles. “I have to go find Sophia now and take her home. She’s smashed.”
Speaking of smashed, Harry thinks, looking around for Louis, who has to be here somewhere. As he’s searching for Louis through the crowd (it’s become a habit to look for him while out drinking), he realizes that it’s not even that hard to find a five foot seven man in a dark crowd. Ha.
Harry makes involuntary eye contact with that Jake guy, who winks and sits up, in order to, apparently, walk over to him.
“Shit.” Harry mutters and quickly downs the rest of his cocktail.
“Hey.” The guy says and sits down next to Harry, on the empty stool.
“Fancy a drink?”
“Not really, but thanks.”
Harry can feel that he’s already tipsy, maybe a bit too much, but he’s got a lot more confidence than he should have under the circumstances. But Jake is a good-looking guy and his hand is on Harry’s thigh, so who’s Harry to complain? He hasn’t gotten laid in over three months, and that’s quite a lot if you ask him.
Jake orders a Vodka Soda (ugh), and then begins talking to Harry about his lacrosse team and how he came from Germany all the way to Florida (his name used to be Jakob). Harry’s not really listening if he’s being honest; he’s just staring at Jake’s lips, too caught up in how good they look when they move to notice that Jake realized his mind was somewhere else.
“You alright?” Jake asks, smirking.
“You have really nice lips.” Harry finds himself saying, and before he can apologize or take it back, those lips are on his and there’s a hand on his hip.
Harry opens his mouth wider because he’s pretty horny when he’s tipsy (depends on the company actually), and gets down from the stool to get between Jake’s legs.
Harry doesn’t even get the time to place his hands on Jake’s thighs, because they’re interrupted by a surprised scream.
“Dear God, my eyes!”
Harry pulls away from Jake to look at a slurry Louis, who is stumbling his way over to them.
“Harold, I knew you were a shitty person, an utter loser, but making out with the captain of the lacrosse team? LACROSSE? That’s low even for you.”
Harry never understood what it was that made the footie players hate the lacrosse team.
“No one asked you, Tomlinson. Go be a fuckin’ loser somewhere else.” Jake says and turns to properly look at Louis.
Harry doesn’t have a good feeling about what’s going on, but before he can actually intervene and tell Louis to go away, Louis continues the argument.
“And this comes from the captain of a team that can’t even win a game. Funny that.”
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you from all the way down there.” Jake responds.
“Excuse me?”
Harry begins to panic when Louis pulls the sleeves of his button up all the way to his elbows.
“What the fuck did you say?” Louis asks, coming closer. So close, Harry can literally feel the heat radiating from his body and the anger that’s building up inside of him.
“I said that I can’t hear you all the way from down there.”
Jake gets up from the stool so he’s towering over Louis, having an obvious advantage.
“You use your height to gloat so you can mask up the fact that you have the smallest dick on campus?” Louis asks, getting all up in his face, it almost looks ridiculous.
Jake pushes Louis away so that he almost falls down on his ass.
“Harry was about to find out.” Jake replies and winks at Harry, who’s not impressed at all. If he could, he would just walk away, but he knows Louis is way too drunk and Jake is way too strong for this to come out good for Louis.
“You wish.” Louis spits.
“Well, your girlfriend found out a while ago, so I think-“
Jake doesn’t get to finish the sentence because there’s a fist in his face and he stumbles back, hitting his back against the bar. When he stands up straight and swings a punch in Louis’ direction, Harry knows this isn’t going to come out good for neither of them.
Hi thank you for reading; I hope you enjoyed it :)
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Thank you for reading :)
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