Chapter 13
This is definitely the longest chapter yet and the chapter I've worked the hardest on, so please let me know what you think :D
Enjoy !
The next two days pass by uneventfully, filled with sunbathing on the beach in the mornings, dancing to whatever DJ is supposed to mix on the stage next to their hotel at noon, and going out to a different club every night.
Neither Harry nor Louis has hooked up with anyone else since then, but they also haven't kissed each other. And to be fair, Harry is getting a bit desperate to feel Louis' lips on his again.
He's planning on taking action once they're all at the beach again after breakfast, trying to shake off the hangover from last night.
Louis is the most hungover as usual (shock), so he has a hard time walking through the restaurant and choosing something to eat.
"I'll get you something to cure your hangover." Harry tells him and Louis turns his head, a grateful look on his face.
"Yeah, just go sit down and I'll find something."
Louis nods and hands Harry his plate before he tries to orientate himself to their usual table.
Harry places two poached eggs on the plate, two pieces of toast, and then grabbed a glass of orange juice. When he got to their table, Louis was resting his head on his crossed arms, eyes closed.
"Aw Loueh, your boyfriend brought you proper hangover food." Zayn tells him and Louis lifts his head when Harry places the table in front of him, and then leaves to get himself his own food.
When Harry sits back down next to Louis, the boy has already dug into his food and half of it is gone.
"Better?" he asks and Louis nods, thanking him.
Then he suddenly leans over to Harry and kisses him on the cheek. Everyone sees it and watches Louis with open mouths. Thankfully, no one says anything though.
Once everyone finishes eating, they start walking towards the beach with full bellies. The entire premises is filled with people from the age of 18 to 25, but thankfully their assigned reserved loungers are still unoccupied.
Louis plops himself down on his usual lounger that's next to Harry's, and places a hand on his stomach.
"That meal was good, thanks."
"You already thanked me." Harry says, surprised by how nice Louis is being.
"I know, but my head isn't pounding anymore so I'll be forever thankful. It's settled, from now on you'll be preparing my hangover food. Also, those yellow shorts are quite revealing in a good way. "
Harry smiles at the compliment, and at the fact that Louis just indirectly implied spending more time with him.
"What are you going to do about your hangovers after you graduate?"
Louis goes silent so Harry can't help but ask what's wrong with what he said.
"I'm not sure I want to graduate yet."
"What?" Harry's stunned. "Why not?"
"Because I don't know what I'll do after that. Go back home? I can't do anything with my degree in drama anyway."
"Um, yeah you can? You can become a drama teacher. Or-"
"Fuck that. I don't know."
"Then what are you going to do if you don't graduate? Stay another year doing what?"
Louis shrugs, not making eye contact. "I'll probably stay in the frat house and find something to work here in Florida. I don't want to go back in England."
"Why not?"
Louis doesn't answer, which frustrates Harry but he doesn't push the subject any further. Instead, he thinks about what he can do to help Louis change his mind.
He looks at Liam and Sophia making out on Liam's lounge chair, and then turns his head to see Barbara and Niall in the water, wrestling to get the other underwater.
"Do you want to go in the water?" he asks Louis after a few minutes, when he feels like he's going to burn alive. Also, because he sees Dave coming towards him and he doesn't want to turn down his suggestion to accompany him to an empty suite for the fifth time in the past two days.
"Sure." Louis says and gets up from his chair.
He sees Dave approaching Harry, so he quickly takes off his shirt and tells him that he'll race him into the water. Harry happily obliges, and falls over as soon as a small wave hits his knees.
"So that's how giraffes look when they fall." Louis tells him when Harry comes back up next to him, the water reaching his waist.
"I didn't know dwarfs could swim."
"Fuck you." Louis says, although it's not mean, just playful.
"Fuck you right back."
"Will you two stop with the banter and already fuck?" Niall yells from a few meters away and that's when Barbara finally manages to get him underwater.
Louis fits bumps her, completely avoiding the tension that has now been created due to Niall's words. Harry tackles him into the water, and the last thing he hears before Louis goes down is his scream.
"You fuckin' idiot! My hair is all wet now! I just washed it yesterday!" Louis exclaims when he comes back up for air.
"Eh, wasn't that good looking to begin with."
"Oh, you're the one to talk with those long curls of yours."
"At least I can pull my hair up in a bun."
Louis rolls his eyes and Harry reaches out to slap the waistband of his trunks against his skin. Louis retaliates by splashing water into his eyes, and then water fight begins, to which both Barbara and Niall join in.
"Stop!" Louis eventually screams when Harry grabs him by the waist and lifts him up to throw him into the water.
"Already giving up?"
"Yes." he whines and Harry lets him down, but Louis wraps his legs around him. Harry looks at him weirdly because he was definitely not expecting that.
"What are you doing? Showing affection in public?" he asks.
"It's not affection. I'm just technically straddling you underwater. Completely PG rated."
"Oh really?" Harry smirks. "And what's not PG rated in your opinion?"
Louis smiles and leans in to kiss him. In plain sight. Where everyone can see that he, Louis Tomlinson, is actually kissing a boy.
"See? Now that's PG-13." Louis laughs and Harry nods, pursing his lips for another one.
"Eh, now you're gettin' greedy." But he leans in to kiss Harry again, this time with his tongue already out.
Harry's arms properly wrap around Louis' waist now, and they're making out quite obscenely. He can hear Niall whistling close by, but he ignores it because this is perfect. Louis has never kissed him in front of anyone ever, and he's also completely (well, almost) sober.
"That was wild of you." He breathes when Harry pulls away.
"What happens in Panama City stays in Panama City, right?"
"Right." Harry agrees and kisses him again.
"Now that you've both showed us how disgusting your makeout skills are, can you please move your asses over here and join us for beach volleyball?" Zayn yells.
When they get back to the shore, Liam is eyeing them curiously, and Sophia is smiling from ear to ear. Everyone else seems to have split up either in the water, at the concert currently going on a hundred meters away, or just sunbathing.
Harry observes that Eleanor has been staring at the two of them throughout the entire game, but she didn't have an unpleasant expression. Once they're back on their loungers though, she gets up and comes over.
"Shit." Louis mutters and puts his sunglasses on.
She sits down on Harry's lounger, looking at Louis.
"So you're gay now?"
"I'm not anything. Can't I kiss a pal?"
Harry's stomach drops at the term.
"I'm not saying it in a negative way. I just want to know what's going on. Is this why you broke up with me?"
"No, I broke up with you because things got too complicated and I just wasn't feeling it. Now excuse me, but I'd like to get a tan before we leave. Four days is a short period."
Eleanor makes a face and Louis turns on his stomach, hereby ending the conversation. She sighs and gets up to leave, but not before throwing a sad look in Harry's direction.
"Does anyone want ice cream?" Harry asks to ease the tension, and he immediately gets three different orders, so he gets up and walks over to the ice cream stand.
As he's waiting in line, someone places a hand on his back. He turns around to see Eleanor looking up at him.
"Hi." She says.
"Um, hey."
"I just wanted you to know that I'm not mad or anything. And that thing over there wasn't jealousy."
"It's fine. We're not together. It was just a friendly kiss."
"Didn't seem just friendly to me."
Harry looks at her, not sure where she's going with this.
"I'm just glad that Louis has found someone he's happy with."
"We're not together though, so."
"Be that as it may, but I can clearly see that he's happy with you. And he really does deserve that."
"Deserve what?"
"Being happy with someone. I know he wasn't really happy when we were...sort of dating."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well, when someone's really happy and enjoying themselves, they've got this sparkle in their eye that says everything."
"And he didn't have that when he was with you?"
"I'm not even sure what we were to be honest. We only had sex and sometimes went out in groups."
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Harry asks, looking down at his feet.
"Because I loved him. Still do, actually. But as a friend. He doesn't talk to me anymore, which hurts, but I just want to be happy. I'm not a bad guy and I don't hold grudges."
"Well...that's nice then. Thanks. But we're never going to be anything more than friends."
"I think you could be if he wasn't so scared."
"I know." Harry finally caves. "That's what I can't understand about him. Why he can't just give it a try."
"So you're talked about being something more with him?"
"Twice actually."
Eleanor looks surprised at Harry's words.
"And he's still talking to you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Because I only tried to have the relationship talk with him once and he ignored me for like a month. Then he was never the same. I have no idea what his problem with relationships is, but he definitely likes you. And you might have a shot."
"Yeah but how do I do that? I've tried making him jealous, and it worked. Sort of."
"Making him jealous never worked for me. He only showed affection when I initiated it first. I think he's the type of person who thinks he's bothering people so they want the others to make the first step."
Harry sighs. "I always make the first step. Always."
"Just try harder. Trust me, he probably thinks you don't care enough for him so he wants to see how much you insist until you give up."
Harry nods, and what Eleanor says makes sort of sense. He never expected to have this discussion with her though. He's always thought Eleanor hates him, ever since that incident at the club.
"So my advice is, keep insisting and don't give up on him because he will eventually open up."
"Thanks. Although it's really weird that we're having this conversation, I appreciate you being so nice and actually giving me advice."
"Sure. I hope you two work out. Because I think you complete each other."
Before Harry can ask what she means by that, the man behind the counter asks them what they want to order. Once Harry has four different ice cream flavored cones in hand, Eleanor is already gone.
"Is it just me or were you socializing with my ex?" Louis asks as soon as Harry sits down on his lounger and gives everyone their ice cream.
"Yeah I was. And I thought you said she wasn't your ex?"
"Technically she is. I didn't sleep with anyone while I was with her."
"People told me-"
"People talk shit." Louis says. "I may have kissed a few girls here and there, but I never had sex with any of them."
"What's the difference between kissing and having sex?"
"Having sex is way more intimate."
Harry shakes his head and digs into his cone, trying to end the conversation because it's making him uncomfortable.
The rest of the afternoon passes by quickly once they join the rest of their group at the beach concert. They eat lunch on a terrace nearby and decide to check out a beach party in the evening, organized by the hotel itself for guests only.
It's unusually chilly tonight, so everyone puts another layer over their swimsuit until they get to the beach. Harry puts a scarf in his hair so it won't fall over his eyes if he gets into the water this time.
"Loueh come ON we have to GO!" Zayn shouts once everyone is piled in the living room, having a drink or two to get their buzz flowing.
"In a minute I am doing my hair!"
Harry smiles and brings the cocktail Barbara prepared for him up to his lips.
"Let's just leave and have him meet us down at the beach or there won't be any alcohol left." Niall suggests and everyone agrees with him. "Harry you can wait for him yeah?"
I'll wait for him as long as he needs me to, Harry thinks. He nods in response and waits for everyone to leave the suite one by one so he can walk over to Louis' room and knock on it.
"I said I'll be a minute!"
"They're gone Louis. It's just me now."
"Christ, my hair won't stay up in this fucking quiff." Louis whines before he opens the door.
He looks amazing with that 'Love will tear us apart." shirt and the jean shorts he's wearing.
"Why do you even need a quiff for? You're probably going to get your hair wet anyway."
"You're probably right." He sighs. "I hate it when you're right."
"What would you even do without me?" Harry smiles and ruffles Louis' hair.
"What are you doing? Leave my hair alone. It's my best asset."
"I beg to differ. Your ass is your best asset."
Louis smiles and looks down at his shirt. "Alright then. Let me put on my shoes and then we'll be on our way."
Harry watches him slip into his checkered Vans and then walk out of the room.
"No pre drink?" he asks when he sees Louis checking his phone and then heading for the door.
"Nah. I'll drink when we get to the beach. That is, if there's still alcohol left. The party started an hour ago."
"You take too long to get ready and it's not even eight yet."
Louis shrugs and once Harry makes sure that he has the card for their suite, they leave. They don't get very far though, because as soon as the elevator opens, a boy who's not older than five is running out of it with tears in his eyes.
Harry crouches down next to him and places a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.
"What's your name?"
The boy rubs his eyes to stop the tears. "Eddie."
"Okay Eddie, why are you crying? Did you lose your mommy?"
Eddie shakes his head. "My sister."
"How old are you?"
"Four and a half."
Louis places his hands on his hips as he waits. Then the elevator suddenly opens, and a girl comes out of it. When she sees Eddie, she lets out a big sigh of relief and runs over to hug him.
"Jesus Christ Eddie! You scared the shit out of me."
Eddie seems reluctant to hug her back.
"Why did he run away?" Louis asks, obviously not tiptoeing around the subject.
"Today's our last night here and he wanted to actually get out of the hotel room and go see a show at the aquarium a few blocks away. But it's my boyfriend and I's anniversary tonight so I told him that we just want to go out to dinner, just the two of us. He got upset and ran away. I'm Ellie by the way."
"Well, Ellie. Why would you bring your little brother with you on Spring Break?"
"Our situation at home is uh...complicated so he's living with me in Dallas where I go to Uni until things get sorted out."
Harry can see compassion in Louis' eyes, so he can't help but offer to take Eddie to the show.
"Oh, you don't have to do that. I'll just take him to dinner with me."
"No, seriously. I can take him." Harry insists.
"We will." Louis adds, much to Harry's surprise. "I'm Louis and this is Harry, and FYI, we're definitely not going to kidnap your little brother."
Ellie looks so thankful she might start crying. "Thank you so much. The show is going to end around ten and I should be back in our room around half past ten. I'm in room 357. Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me."
"Give me your phone number in case anything happens." Harry tells her and they exchange numbers, before she gives them a hundred dollar bill to pay for everything.
"I'll see you at half past ten okay?" she then says to her little brother and kisses his forehead. "These nice guys will take you to the show so behave."
Eddie nods and steps away from her, instead choosing to latch himself to Harry's knees. She smiles and thanks them one more time before she's back in the elevator.
"So I guess we're stuck with a child for the rest of the night." Harry says when they press the button to the elevator.
Eddie is quietly standing between them, not saying anything.
"I can't even image how uncomfortable he must feel with two strangers."
"Better than staying locked in a hotel room." Louis says and the door open.
"Speaking of, how come you agreed to this? I thought you wanted to go to the beach party."
"I know what it's like having to babysit when you'd rather be doing something else. I have four sisters. Well, five now but I used to babysit four when I was younger. And my mother used to have to work all the time so."
Harry doesn't ask about his dad because he wants Louis to tell him when he's ready.
They get a cab from the entrance and even though the ride to the aquarium is short, Harry leaves him ten dollars out of courtesy.
The queue for the tickets isn't long, so they get their tickets without Louis or Eddie getting inpatient. Once they're inside the building, Eddie starts to loosen up and begins socializing with Louis, telling him about his accomplishments in his last year of preschool.
They find their seats and Louis offers to go and get them some snacks, so Harry hands him the money. Eddie has decided to sit between them.
"He's nice." Eddie tells him and crosses his ankles so that his legs won't swing back and forth.
"Yeah he is."
"Is he your boyfriend?"
Harry is startled by the question. He was definitely not expecting a five year old to know anything about different sexualities.
"Uh. No. Why would you ask that?"
"Because he is nice to you."
"He is nice." Harry smiles. "Is your sisters boyfriend nice?"
"Yes! And he used to be a girl when he was younger! That's why my mommy kicked her out of the house."
Harry's expression changes. So the kid does know more than he lets on.
"And you don't have anything against it?"
Eddie shakes his head and smiles. "I like him! He buys me candy."
Harry laughs and makes eye contact with Louis as he sits down. He bought a bucket of popcorn and soda for Harry, cotton candy and Fanta for Eddie, and then a beer for himself.
"I like him too." Eddie tells Harry in a whisper than isn't that much of a whisper, and then takes a bite out of his cotton candy.
"Of course you do. Everyone likes me. Ain't that right Harry?"
Harry smiles and shakes his head before he drinks a bit from his soda.
"Does he like you?" Eddie asks Louis, pointing at Harry.
"And do you like him?"
Louis smiles and pats his head, just as the intro music starts and the lights go out so the main focus is on the giant pool in front of them.
Everyone is clapping as a woman dressed in a wetsuit appears and talks about what they're about to see tonight.
"I love dolphins!" Eddie exclaims and claps his little hands just as both Louis and Harry receives a text.
"Shit, I think we forgot to announce that we weren't going to get to the beach party until later." Louis laughs and shows Harry the text.
Niall: u n harry r both mia pls use protection thx hope ur not fckin on my bed I will strangle u ok have fun we'll be here until @ 2am
Harry shows Louis the text he got from Liam.
Liam: everything ok? Something happen?
"I'll reply to Liam." Harry says and Louis shrugs, focusing back on his beer and the show.
Harry: everything is fine louis and I are at the aquarium long story tell you later
The response comes a minute later.
Liam: alright have fun ;)
Harry stares at the winky face for a while before locking his phone. Why does everyone always assume something's going on when it's just him and Louis?
Just yesterday the two of them had to use the bathroom at the same time after lunch, and after they came out everyone had this knowing look on their faces. All they did was literally pee.
"What did he say?" Louis asks.
"He said to have fun."
"With a winky face?"
Louis smiles and turns his head back to the show.
"What does a winky face mean?" Eddie suddenly asks.
"It means...ugh, I can't explain it." Louis tells him and strokes the hair out of his eye.
"For example two people are together and they are attracted to each other, people will use winky faces to hint the fact that they should get together. And they close one of their eyes to wink." Harry intervenes.
"Like have sex?"
Louis chokes on his beer at Eddie's sudden question.
"Where did you learn that word?"
"My sister always uses bad words so she has to put one dollar in the swearing jar."
"Oh, we should definitely make one for you." Harry tells Louis.
"And then when it's full I'll buy myself something nice."
Harry laughs and Louis winks at him.
"You like him!" Eddie accuses and points to Louis.
"I like who?"
"You like Harry! You made a winky face at him."
"I thin you got it all wrong mate."
Harry bites his lip and tries to hide his disappointment.
"Yeah you do! You have heart eyes."
"I do not have heart eyes." Louis playfully defends himself.
"My sister always has heart eyes around Brook! Because they looove each other."
"Is Brook the boyfriend?"
Eddie nods and looks at Harry, smiling, then back at the show because he's missed quite a bit of it while talking.
It ends at ten, but Eddie wants to go get some ice cream because there's money left and he's apparently on a sugar rush after the cotton candy.
"I don't think we should give him any more sugar so late at night." Harry says as they walk towards the exit of the showroom.
"Ah come on, don't be a party pooper." Louis laughs.
"Yeah Harry, don't be a party pooper!"
Eddie takes Louis' side (of course), and then grabs his hand, now apparently liking Louis more.
As they the corner to see a photographer taking pictures of the guests by their choice.
"Would you two like a picture?" he asks them as they try to pass by. "I will send it to you via email."
"How much does it cost?" Harry asks when Eddie eagerly nods.
"Three dollars."
Louis lifts Eddie up and they both point to the boy while their picture is being taken. Then Harry leaves his email address and they proceed farther towards the exit.
They walk across the street to an ice cream parlor that closes at eleven, and sit down in a booth. The waiter eventually comes to take their order, and the ice creams are ready in no time.
When Eddie's finished, he's got ice cream all over his face but he's smiling so Harry cleans his face with a matching smile.
They get back to the hotel at half past ten, and by the time they're in the elevator on their way to Ellie's room, the child is holding them both by the hand.
Harry knocks on the door and it doesn't take long for it to be opened by Ellie, who's really grateful to see them.
"How was it? Did you have fun?" she asks Eddie and he nods before rushing into the room.
"Thank you so much guys. I hope he wasn't too much of a burden."
"Of course not. He's a nice kid. Really smart." Louis assures her.
Harry can see Eddie talking to Brooke about their night now, so he turns his attention back to Ellie.
"I know. That's why I hope he won't be too weirded out when I tell him that Brook's a transsexual."
Louis makes a surprised face and Harry speaks again:
"I think he knows more that he's letting on. Anyway, we have to get to this beach party now so I hope you have a great night. And if Eddie can't sleep then it's Louis' fault."
"No worries. Brook is always spoiling him with sweets. Goodnight. Oh, and the two of you look cute together."
"We're not-," they both say at the same time but Ellie is already smiling and closing the door with a wave.
"Well that was something."
"Oh don't complain, you brought me to a dolphin show on our third date? I'm appalled." Louis dramatically says and stares at Harry as they walk down the hallway to get to the elevator.
"You liked it, shut up." Harry mumbles and pins him to the elevator wall as soon as the doors close.
Louis yelps in surprise but accommodates himself to the situation immediately by cupping Harry's face and kissing him back.
When the doors open to their floor, Louis pulls Harry towards their suite by his collar, and Harry manages to slide his car in without having to break the kiss.
"You should stop right now if you don't want me to-" Harry starts but Louis him up by pressing him against the door.
"Don't want to what?"
"Do something more." Harry breathes against his lips.
"Would that be so bad?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
"I am." Louis finishes the conversation and kisses him again, but Harry won't have it.
"So you want to fuck me?"
"Fuck, you can't just ask me that-shit."
"Do you?"
"Fuck, so much." Louis exhales and Harry grips into his ass to walk him back toward the couch.
"On the fold-out couch? What if someone walks in?"
"I've been waiting for this for so long, trust me, I won't last." Harry assures him and Louis pulls away with a smile.
"How attractive. I'll be right back. Get undressed and don't go anywhere."
Harry's stomach is doing backflips as he quickly walks over to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water and thank God for whatever is going on right now. He has no idea how Louis changed his mind or why, but he won't ask any questions until it's over.
He's been waiting for too long indeed, and the thought of fucking or being fucked by Louis has already made him painfully hard in his jeans.
"I told you not to go anywhere." Louis whispers in his ear and Harry turns around, almost knocking the now empty glass over.
"I was thirsty."
"Oh you'll get plenty fluids soon."
"Are you sure you're not drunk?"
"You fucking asshole." Louis says and crashes their lips together. It doesn't take long for Harry to lift him up and place him on the counter.
Louis takes off his headscarf and then unbuttons the plaid shirt he's wearing. Harry lets Louis undress him and concentrates on kissing his neck instead.
When they're both finally in their swim trunks, Louis hops off the counter and leads Harry back into the living room.
A condom and a bottle of lube have appeared on the coffee table, which is probably why Louis left the room.
"I still don't get why we can't fuck in my bed." He tells Harry as he straddles him on the bed/couch.
"Because the idea of getting caught makes everything sexier, innit?"
"Yeah." Louis smiles and kisses down his neck, moving his hands all over his naked chest.
Louis gets between his legs after a few more kisses and takes off his trunks to attach his mouth to Harry's head.
Harry's legs kick out from under him and he throws his head back to moan. "Fuck Lou, your mouth feels so good."
"Mhm." Louis hums around his cock and strokes him a few more times before he asks him to trade places. Harry happily obliges and doesn't waste any time to pull Louis' trunks off and get his mouth on him while stroking himself at the same time.
"How do you want me?" he asks Louis as he rubs their cocks together.
"I want you to ride me first."
Harry's heart starts beating faster as he turns around to grab the condom and the lube from the table.
"You came prepared." He tells Louis who's now lazily stroking himself as he lies back against the backrest of the couch.
"What happens in Panama City stays in Panama City." Is the only answer he gets.
Harry crawls over to straddle him and offers to finger himself open so Louis can see how it's done, since he's never done it before. His back is facing him so Louis can have a better view, even though his cheeks are flaming.
He coats his own fingers with lube and then pushes one finger in while placing the other hand on Louis' shoulder for support. He can't believe this is happening; that he's fingering himself open while straddling the guy he might be in love with.
"You look so good babe." Louis breathes as he watches Harry adds one more finger, pushing them as deep as it can go.
Once he thinks he's fingered himself properly so that Louis won't have any trouble getting in, he turns around and straddles him again so that this time they're face to face.
Louis strokes his sides with his hands in a gentle way that is uncharacteristic. Harry rolls the condom down his shaft and lubes it up so it can be an easy slide before he positions the head at his hole.
He slowly lowers himself on Louis' dick and stays there for a few unbelievable moments. Louis feels so thick and good inside of him, Harry almost sees stars.
Harry finally starts bouncing when Louis impatiently smacks him over the ass and tells him to move or else he'll die. He takes is slow at first, going up and down without Louis' help so he can find just the right angle to hit his prostate as he goes.
Louis' hands are wandering up and down Harry's thighs now, and he's whispering dirty sentences as he watches Harry move quicker by the second.
Harry looks at Louis for a bit and then he pulls him in by the back of his neck so they can makeout again. As soon as their mouths are in each other's mouths, Harry slows down his movements and twirls his hips in figure eight motions that apparently pleasure both of them to a new extent.
"Fuck Harry you feel so good." Louis moans against his lips, which makes Harry grind down on his cock with a breathless groan.
His thighs are shaking and everything in his body is pulsating so hard he thinks he's going to explode because Louis Tomlinson is fucking him.
"You ride me so good baby, fuck."
Louis' praises arouse him even more, and he knows he doesn't want to cum yet so Harry pushes him on his back and plants his feet on the mattress so bop up and down on his own.
Louis raises his knees to help Harry support himself from the back, and all he does is watch Harry do everything himself on his cock, while his hands are resting on his fern tattoos.
"You like this?" he asks, digging his fingers into Harry's skin because it feels so fucking good.
Harry can't even manage to form out proper sentences, and that's when Louis decides to take matters into his own hands and also bend his knees.
Harry's legs give out as soon as Louis starts moving his hips up and down to meet his own thrusts, and he lets him do whatever he wants because he's too close to do anything else.
"'m so close Lou." He whines and twists Louis' nipples.
Louis takes this as an invitation to suddenly roll them over so that Harry's under him and he can support himself with his arms on either side of Harry's head.
"Then let me fuck you just the way I like it." he whispers into Harry's ear, and that's enough to send shiver all over Harry's back.
Harry nods just as Louis starts to pound into him fast, and pulls one of Harry's legs over his waist to get a better angle. His mouth is latched to Harry's neck, jaw, chin, everywhere he can reach to bite and suck as he fucks him better than anyone ever has.
"I'm going to-fuuck." Harry announces just as he starts cumming all over his own stomach, and Louis didn't even have to touch him or do anything else throughout the whole thing.
He's till coming down from his orgasm just as Louis hits his prostate and transforms him into a whimpering, pleading mess. Harry's nails find his back to dig themselves there, and if there's one thing Louis likes in bed, it's when someone's being rough with him.
Harry's long gone with his orgasm, so Louis thrust a few more times before he pulls out, takes off the condom and straddles Harry's chest to stroke himself.
"Can I come in your mouth?" he asks and Harry's hands come down to his arsecheeks.
"Please." Harry almost begs and that's what does it for Louis before he starts shooting his load into Harry's mouth.
He stays like that a few seconds, then pulls off of Harry and falls down on his back. They're both heavily breathing for a couple of minutes, trying to regain normal heartbeats.
"That was-" Harry starts, watching Louis incredulously.
Harry nods and Louis sits up to grab a napkin from the table to wipe Harry's chest with.
"Next time you'll let me fuck you?" Harry suggests and Louis just laughs without answering. It makes Harry's smile fade.
"Great shag." Louis compliments and sits down on table in front of the couch with a now lit cigarette in hand.
"'m glad you think so."
They stay in silence after that, just watching each other while Louis finishes his cigarette and the puts it out in the ashtray next to him.
"I'm gonna go take a shower."
Harry's heart sinks even lower, since Louis won't stay there to cuddle. He's not sure what he expected anyway.
"Alright, good night." He says in a small voice.
Harry waits to hear the shower run in one of the bathrooms, before he goes in the second one to shower himself. And maybe cry a bit, but no one has to know that part.
When he gets out, Louis is out of the shower and back into his room, so Harry walks over to the couch and pulls on a new pair of briefs to sleep in. He then settles in his bed and pulls the cover up to his chest, trying to fall asleep without overthinking things.
It's dark and still quiet in the apartment when a door creaks open and feet are padding on the floor in his direction.
Harry is staring at the backrest of the couch when he feels the bed sink next to him, which means Louis just kneeled over him.
"What are you doing?"
When Louis doesn't answer, Harry abruptly turns around to face him.
"I want to sleep here tonight, come on, turn back around."
"Because I want to be the big spoon."
Harry's heart flutters.
"Why?" is apparently the only word in Harry's vocabulary at the moment.
"You said you like to be the little spoon, so I'm going to be the big spoon."
And then Louis gets in bed with him, pulling the cover over himself too. One of his arms comes to rest under his head, and the other goes around Harry's waist.
"Goodnight." He whispers in Harry's hair, and Harry maybe feels so content that he forgets to say it back.
When Zayn and the rest of his suite mates enter their suite, everything is dark. He hasn't seen Louis or Harry at the beach party, but he's not worried at all. As long as they're together, he knows they'll be okay.
Everyone goes to their room in silence, too tired from jumping to the music to make any type of noise. When Zayn steps into his room, he notices Louis isn't there.
He doesn't even get to turn around and go look for him before Niall comes into his room with a smirk on his face. He's half naked and he's got lipstick stains all over his face but he doesn't seem to care.
"Zayn mate come to the living room for a bit. But don't make any noise."
Zayn follows him out of the room and when he gets to the living room, Liam, Barbara, and Sophia are already there, looking down at the couch.
"I can't believe I'm seeing this." Sophia whispers.
Zayn looks down to see Louis attached to Harry's back under the covers, spooning him with his lips buried in his curls. They're both sound asleep, but that doesn't stop Niall from taking a picture.
"Finally." Zayn says, placing his hands on his hips.
"I know, right? I've been waiting too long for this too happen." Barbara agrees and Liam nods in agreement, before they all tiptoe back to their rooms with smiles on their faces.
When Harry wakes up, his back feels cold and he discovers that it's because Louis isn't there anymore. He turns on his back and sees the door to the balcony open. It's still semi dark and the sun hasn't risen yet, but he can see Louis sitting cross-legged on the balcony in one of Harry's hoodies that he must've stolen from his suitcase while he was asleep.
He's smoking and staring at the ocean ahead of them when Harry joins him right after he brushes his teeth and pulls a similar hoodie over himself because the mornings in Panama City are chilly, especially if the sun hasn't risen yet.
Harry sits down next to him and crosses his legs too.
"Hi." Louis smiles and offers Harry a cigarette, which he accepts.
"How come you're up so early?"
"Couldn't sleep anymore. Had to come out for a smoke to clear my head and watch the sunset. How come you are up so early?"
"My back got too cold."
Louis hums to his response and leans against Harry's shoulder.
"Can I ask you something?" he asks Harry after he puts his cigarette out on the concrete. The sun is starting to reveal itself from under the ocean and it's so beautiful Harry almost misses Louis' question.
"Why do you keep insisting so much?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why didn't you give up the first time I turned you down?"
"Because I care about you." Harry answers, even though it's hard to say these words out loud. "And I want to make you happy."
"Because you deserve it. I like you, Louis. And I hope that you'll like me back some-"
Louis' lips on his interrupt him, and even though Louis has been really vague about his feelings in the past, Harry considers this a pretty clear answer.
Please let me know what you like and didn't like about this chapter? Honestly is really appreciated!
Updates will be on Saturdays/Sundays @ 7pm Uk time !
Thank you so much for reading :)
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