{Chapter Seventy-Four}


It was finally the day we leave to tour.

We were all really happy for MJ and Nikki, but at the same time we were pretty worried.

Last time MJ lost a baby, I ended up performing CPR on her seizing body after she purposely ingested 2 whole bricks of cocaine and a bunch of different pills, two months after burying her boyfriend at the time.

If she loses this baby, too, I can't even imagine what this could do to her mentally...

When Sharise and I were first expecting Skylar, at the begining we were told how that within 3 months, a miscarriage can happen, and we had to be prepared if it did happened, even being given specific support groups and therapies for it and stuff in the case that it ever did. Thankfully, Skylar made it through.

MJ was a different story, though... She barely even had a month when she was expecting Razzle's baby, and losing that baby broke her even more than she already was, even almost sent her over the edge when she tried to kill herself, and her addiction got worse.

She tells me she's doing her best to mentally prepare for the worst and just trying to stay positive and hopeful, especially since she's about month and a half along right now.

The girls have supported her ever since we were told, and agreed to stay with her to help her, as well as call if anything comes up. Skylar's also staying with them, and MJ's cousin's Alexis is going to be visiting for a while to be with her. Even Tommy's sister was agreeing to help out.

It is gonna be weird not having MJ on tour with us for a while, though. She's usually the one who always makes sure we're up on time and don't miss check ins and shows and stuff, and also makes sure we're eating and not sick, and if we are she'd take care of us.

On top of that's she has never missed a single Crüe tour, ever. Yeah, there were times she would join the tour late, like but she had to stay behind and help with Miss Dottie's funeral or go to Arizona because her dad died, but she was always there at the end of the tour, no matter what.

I do understand why she has to stay behind, though, and honestly, even Tommy would have probably lost his shit, too, if she risked more than 2 months on tour travelling and stuff.

Though honestly, I can't imagine how Nikki is dealing with all of this.

He promised to stick by MJ's side through this, he's worried enough himself, and now he's gotta travel to the other side of the world without her with us for the first time while she's at home with a pregnancy that nobody knows will see the next week, let alone day.

He was comforted a bit the other day when we all went to an ultrasound appointment and we got to hear the baby's first hearbeats. I don't think I've ever seen Nikki cry until he heard those little thumps (... Then again, I did the same with my kid, too....).

I watched outside through the bus window as Nikki and MJ said their goodbyes. Tommy, Mick and I already said our goodbyes to her, and then we left her and Nikki to say theirs.


I looked up at MJ as she stood by Nikki.

"How far along are you?" Sharise asked, obviously looking worried.

"About 5 weeks," MJ said calmly.

"And.... D-Do you feel okay? No pain or anything?" Tommy asked.

She shook her head. "No... So far, everything seems fine, there's no red flags, but.... It can still happen," she said. "Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow or the day after, next week, next month, who knows.... That's my curse unfortunately.... Never knowing when and if, let alone least expecting it..."

We were all quiet as then Nikki spoke.

"She was given her options.... Continuing the pregnancy is one option, another being she aborts it.... Another that she aborts and.... And she later has a hysterectomy...." he said.

"What's that?" Tommy asked.

MJ pursed her lips quietly. "It... It means.... That I would never be able to get pregnant ever again....."

His eyes widen as we all took this in.

"So.... So, what are you going to do?" Heather asked.

MJ took a deep breath. "I'm seeing this pregnancy to the end.... No matter when that end is...."

We looked at her worriedly.

"Sweetie...." Sharise said.

"I know what happened last time.... But I don't want to be afraid...." she said. "I want to have hope... I want to be strong for this.... If anything, I am going to try and mentally prepare myself for the worst case scenario.... I don't want to give up on my baby just because I'm scared, though..."

We all looked at each other, everyone looking both worried and full of questions.

"I also know you all might be worried, and Nikki and I am on the same boat as you all," she said. "But bring scared and worried isn't going to make it any better either. Its best to just hand this head on, no matter what happens...."

I couldn't help but smile at my best friend, seeing how she was toughing it out and didn't want to give up.

We all looked around, everyone seeming more at ease.

"One question, though," Heather spoke out in a serious tone, then smiling. ".... Do Sharise and I both get to be the godmothers?"

MJ and Nikki laughed as Sharise and Heather giggled and rushed over, pulling MJ into a hug.

"We are so happy for you," Sharise said as me and Tommy shared a hug and congratulated Nikki. "Oh, and by the way, mommy-to-mommy tip, seasickness bracelets were a lifesaver for me for my morning sickness when I was having Skylar."

MJ giggled. "That might actually help, thank you."

"MJ, we are happy for you," I said as me and her hugged. "If you ever need help with the little munchkin, I'm just a phone call away."

"Thanks, Vinnie," she smiled as then Tommy hugged her, making her gasp as he had her off the ground.

"Congratulations, MJ! You're gonna be a great mom, I know it!!!" Tommy said excited, making MJ giggle.

"Thanks, T-Bone," she said a little strained.

"Kid, take it easy, will ya?" Mick scoffed a laugh. "She needs to breath and right now she's extra fragile."

Tommy quickly put MJ back on the ground, Nikki helping to steady her.

"Sorry, sorry, just got excited!" he said, patting her head.

"Its fine, really," MJ said, then took another deep breath. "Nikki and I also decided not to make any public announcements yet. At least if I get as far along as 3 months, maybe a little more, which is when the risk of miscarriage is less. Until then, only close friends and family."

We nodded in understanding, and then she had a sad look.

"This also means that... I sadly won't be joining you guys in the Dr. Feelgood Tour....." she said.

We all looked at her sadly, even Nikki, and realized she had a point...

"B-But... You're always touring with us...." Tommy said, looking hurt and sad.

"Even the doctors are saying its best to not risk anything," she said. "I'm already on prenatals and a strict diet, and even being assigned to small tasks at work to be safe."

"I mean, I get it but.... We've never had a single tour without you...." I frowned.

She gave me a sad smile, her eyes watery. "I know...."

"Who's gonna sing back up in your place, though?" Tommy asked.

"I'm already discussing it with Zutaut and Doug, they are going to be auditioning some girls and I'll make the approval for them, and also have a psych eval done so that there's no psychos hired," she said. "LAC is also going to have someone come in as tour nurse for you all as well. She'll be someone I trust, I promise."

We were all still looking at each other worriedly.

"You guys are going to be just fine, and I promise next time I'll come with you and even bring our kid if he or she makes it," She said.

We smiled, being glad that this is only temporary, and then we all pulled each other into a group hug.

*end of flashback*

I know this has got to be scary for her, but MJ has made it through literal hellfire and back just to be where she is today.... And she has us to be at her side.

I really do hope this baby makes it. She deserves to be happy, and she and Nikki would make great parents.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Tommy asked as he sat near me to watch.

I sighed. "I mean... She's doing the right thing staying home this time...." I said. "She doesn't want to take any risks with this... This is her second chance after all."

He frowned. "True..." he said. ".... You know... She told me she had a dream once, and.... She could have had a son..."

I looked over as Mick walked over, standing next to us as he looked out the window. "How does she know that?" I asked.

He shrugs. "She just knew. A cute kid, looked a lot like his dad, who's taking care of him wherever they are.... He'd be around Skylar's age, I think? More or less."

I sighed. "Be honest.... Do you really think her losing Razzle's son wasn't my fault?"

"Dude, come on," he said. "I know that night still haunts you, but she would have probably lost that baby even if Razzle didn't die. Hell, even if there wasn't an accident to begin with. It's just how her condition is, sadly...."

I looked back as MJ and Nikki pulled each other into a hug.

"The kid's got a point, Vince," Mick said. "No matter how many scenarios there are to it, Mallory was more than likely doomed since the start to lose that baby. Her condition is just something she's going to have to bear with for the rest of her life. To even have one kid would be even more than a miracle."

I frowned.

"She's tough, though... She's pulled through everything the last decade thrown at her, she can pull through anything else right now," he said.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"But we also gotta be at her side," Mick said sternly. "No matter what. Got it?"

"Sir yes, sir!!' Tommy shouted with a salute, and I nodded at Mick.


"I shouldn't leave," Nikki snapped under his breath as he held his arms around me. "My place should be here, damn it..."

"Hey..... We talked about this," I said sternly, gently holding his face in my hands. "Your fans need you just as much as I do... Okay? I can't just interfere with you and your career just because you and I are worried about this."

He sighed.

"Besides, I won't be alone. I have Heather and Sharise, even Athena is going to be staying with us, and Alexis is flying in next week to keep me company as well," I said.

He was still hesitant.

I know he and the guys are kinda nervous. I never in the time I've been with Mötley Crüe, start to now, have missed a single tour. Even if I started some of them late for whatever reason, one way or another, I was still on every van, every tour bus, every venue, every stage, cheering thse guys one and/or sharing the stage with them and looking our for them and more.

I once knew eventually this day was gonna come, but I guess we all expected it to be under somewhat better circumstances at least.

I looked up at Nikki and then decided to show him something.

"So, I actually got us something from yesterday, but was saving it for today," I said, reaching into my back pocket and handing it to him the photograph.

"I... Is that..." he asked, his eyes wide, making me giggle.

(Picture: Example of Mallory & Nikki's Baby in an Ultrasound Scan - 7 Weeks)

"Mhm," I said, smiling. "That's our baby..."

He chuckled happily. "Hehe, kinda looks like a little jellybean..... He's pretty freaking small, huh?"

"About the size of a blueberry," I explained with a small laugh. "He, or she, is also starting to grow their fingers and toes as we speak."

"Oh, it cannot be a girl," he laughed. "I swear, I'd go crazy, you know that. I'll probably kill a prom date and threatened a boyfriend with a shotgun or something, I'll be too unstable for a daughter."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, suddenly imagining a protective Nikki scaring off any guys who would so much as even approach his daughter.

.... Then again, poor girl would also have to deal with having an Uncle Tommy, an Uncle Vince, AND an Uncle Mick for the rest of her life... Hehe, poor thing....

"Shit," he chuckled, keeping his eyes on the ultrasound. "I helped make this.... Its insane......."

 I couldn't help but smile as I hugged his side and we admired the ultrasound photograph.

"Hey, umm...." A voice said and we turned to see Zutaut stand there. "I don't want to break this up, but, we... We gotta go..."

Nikki grunted in annoyance as I held his hand.

"He'll be right there," I said to him.

"What part of 'give them a few minutes' is it hard for you to understand with you?" Mick snapped as he approached Zutaut and dragged him back to the bus by the back of his shirt.

Nikki sighed and looked over at me, and I held his face.

"Its going to be fine," I assured him.

He took a deep breath and then next thing I knew he lifted me up him his and kissed me passionately.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back as deeply.

We stayed like this until I pulled back to breath and he put me down.

"I love you," he said, pressing his forehead against mine.

I pursed my lips and did the same. "I love you, too... Stay safe, okay?"

He gave me one final kiss before we pulled apart and he carefully put the ultrasound photo in his jacket pocket before grabbing his duffel bag.

"Call me if anything happens okay?" he asked as Athena and Heather walked out and stood at my side.

"Of course," I assured as Athena put her arm around me.

"Don't worry," Athena assured. "We'll make sure she's alright and she isn't alone."

Nikki nodded. "Thanks."

We then heard a bark and Jack came up from behind me, sitting on his hind legs and waving his front ones at Nikki.

We all couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was.

"Jack, you're the man of the house while I'm gone. You take care of the ladies here, and don't give your mom any trouble," Nikki smiled, kneeling down and petting him.

"Arff!!" Jack barked, making us all laugh as Nikki stood up and Athena went to pick him up.

He then gave me a final smile before heading towards the bus, climbing in a bit hesitantly.

Sharise walked out with Skylar holding onto her hand as we all waved goodbye at the bus while watching it drive off.

"You okay, hun?" Sharise asked me.

I sighed. "I'm just gonna miss him, that's all..."

"I understand," she said. "This will go by quickly, though. The guys will be back before you know it."

I nodded, and placed my hand over my stomach.

"Don't worry," Heather smiled. "If Baby Sixx is anything like his or her daddy, then this baby is tough and they'll pull through."

I took a deep breath and nodded, smiling. "Thank you girls again for staying with me. It really means a lot especially now."

"Anytime!" Heather smiled as we walked back inside. "Now, why don't we have some breakfast and then do some window shopping for Baby Sixx?"

"Excellent idea, dear sister-in-law!" Athena smiled, clapping her hands together. "

"Wait a second, guys, we don't even know what we're having yet," I said. "And, besides, paparazzi will catch wind of what's going on if they see us looking at cribs and baby clothes."

"She has a point," Sharise said. "Why not a picnic at the park?"

"Yay, the park!!" Skylar cheered, making us laugh.

"Well, I say we have some breakfast," I said. "Kiddo here already has me craving some french toast."

The girls giggled as we all got to work on breakfast.


"You okay, dude?" I asked as Nikki stared out the window as the bus went down the road.

He sighed. "Yeah... Just wishing I was with Mal right now.... I know this is an important tour, but right now what she's going through, it.... Its scary...." He said. "She lost a lot back then, and she's finally in a good place... I don't want her to get hurt again, to lose anything anymore. Plus, it... Its just so weird not having her here talking with Vince, or-or sleeping in my bunk with me, or yelling at you for mooning passing drivers at the window or making sure Mick isn't in any pain or...."

I gave him a sad smile. "Yeah... It is weird..."

"Like I said, I know this is necessary, but.... I feel terrible not being there with her. For fuck's sake I helped make that baby, I gotta be responsible."

"Well, in a way, keeping her at home where she can relax and she has women looking out for her and her well being, and easy access to any hospital or clinic, it sounds pretty responsible if you think about it."

He sighed. "Shit, you're actually right..."

"Relax, brother, this tour is going to go by in a breeze, Mal is a phone call away anyway, and before you know it, you'll be home again with her, and if all is well, you'll soon be a dad! And Mick will be a grandfather!" I said happily.

A boot suddenly came out of no where towards me and I ducked in time as it smashed against the wall behind me, Nikki snickering as he dodged it and I looked around worriedly and surprised.

"Yeah, don't say go saying that out loud near him," he chucked as I looked worriedly at the hallway leading to the bunks.

"Thanks, T-Bone... Mal and I are just trying to keep our heads up and look at the bright side of this."

"That's good," I smiled. "Damn, you have definitely changed a lot, especially now."

He laughed a bit. "Yeah...."

"And who knows, though? One single tour without MJ isn't going to kill us or anything," I shrugged.

He thought about it. "Maybe you're right... I mean, really, we're four grown men, what could go wrong?"

I'm sure we'll be fine.... Right?


I am forever laughing at that TikTok video of Tommy Lee and his wife, Brittany, doing that 'grab my purse' skit. (its on his Instagram, too!) 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

George Ezra "Paradise"

♡~ sapphire.

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