Bitch, You Thought--

I do not own the video or song, they belong to their respectful owners.

This is a Transmigration story - where one of my OCs, Aiden, ends up in FGoD!Error's body. This will be a new Multiverse, and Aiden won't be the only one ending up being transmigrated into it. She's just the first.

There are warnings for this story, cussing may be the least of the warnings, so please keep that in mind while reading.

There is a character list/index, so please go check that out to find out who is who or to keep track of everyone. As this story is a work in progress, the list/index is a work in progress. It'll change over time, gain more characters over time and as the story goes on. It may be short right now, but the list/index will grow over time.

With that said and done, let's get this new story started!

-Chapter Start-


An enraged roar of fury echoed out, causing blue butterflies to flutter off and nearby red threads to vibrate from the sound. A pale skinned male human with impossibly red hair could only glare down into the large mirror floating flat for all he was worth with pure rage and shock.

On the other side of the mirror sat a Skeleton Monster, staring down in the mirror with horror, looking devastated. One hand over her mouth and eyelights so small they might as well not be there as tears start falling.


"This wasn't his fucking fate!" The man scowled, looking seconds away from smashing the mirror-like object. "He's not supposed to be able to do this!"

' could you do this, Fate?!' The woman finally gave in sobbing fully into her hands. 'Don't you see what you have done?!'


"ERROR, STOP!" A monochrome human with no eyes, just endless black, screamed, freezing when they caught sight of the glitching Monster in front of the very CORE of the Multiverse. When Error turned his head towards them, they tried smiling. "Error, destroying the whole Multiverse won't make things bet--"

"BoLd OF yOU TO aSSumE thAt i GivE a SHiT abOUt THE mUlTivERsE."

Pausing, a numb feeling of shock creeping up, they slowly blinked. ""

What else could the Destroyer want with the very CODES of the Multiverse but to finally try and destroy the whole thing? Especially after just what happened? They could see that being the thing that truly breaks whatever last thing that holds up Error's sanity. Yet, despite looking as if he had been through hell and back, barely able to stand, he looks perfectly sane and sound of mind.

How terrifying.

Giving a crocked grin, Error raised a hand at the CODES, yet didn't do anything right away. The CODES flashing by, scrolling at such a fast pace that they blurred together.



"Now what am I to do, Destiny?" Fate groans, dark red eyes closing for a moment as he rubs his face with a frustrated sigh. "Now the balance of the whole fucking Multiverse is at stake all because Error!"

The female Monster, Destiny, didn't answer. All she did was stare into the mirror, tears rushing down and sobs muffled by her hands.

"Him being so selfish is horrible enough to cry over. How disgusting!" Fate agrees, as if understanding his sister. Yet, with her in this state, she is no help to him sadly. Glancing down at the mirror, Fate frowns at the broken body it was showing him. He's going to have his work cut out for him. Just what is he supposed to do now? What fate should he deem suitable for this situation?

"Well, at least I have pieces to work with and options." Fate sighs, pushing away his anger at the moment. He can get angry later. For now, he has a Multiverse to save. "Now, taking someone and forming them would take too long. And if I do things the same way, the new yin of the balance might end up doing what Error did." Grumbling, Fate tries gathering his thoughts as he tries to plot out what to do.

Meanwhile, Destiny can only replay and loop what happened in her mind. A never ending nightmare of the ending of her chosen child.


Chancing taking a step closer, Core tried to calm their trembling hands.

Just what is the Destroyer plotting?

"What I am supposedly blind to?" They asked, trying to make time to come up with a plan of some sort to get Error away from the Multiverse's CORE. "Error, please, there is no need to play with the CODES."

"PlaY?" Error slowly asked, tilting his head.

Then he laughed.

Hairs on the back of their neck stood from the broken sound echoing out all around them.

"PlAY?! YoU thINK I'M PlaYInG?!" Error laughed out hysterically, the CODES playing out in front of him scrolling at a quicker pace if that was possible. For a moment Core had the worry that the CODES would be scrambled. "WhY WouLD I plAY WItH thIS? AT FiNaLLy GeTTInG WHaT I'vE waNTED fOR SO lONG!" He slowly stops laughing, a few choked chuckles breaking out. While using a free hand to wipe at his eye sockets, Core could only think that Error looks so happily broken.

'Isn't destroying everything what you always wanted?' Core almost asked, but they bit back the words. Even if it's only in Error's mind, or it may be the whole truth, he has already stated that he didn't care for destroying the whole Multiverse. So what was the aim here? What has Error always wanted?

Thinking back for a moment of what Core, along with others, now know, maybe Error wanted to go back? Back to the past? After all, Error now knows a truth about himself that he forgot. With a little taste of it, there is a chance that he wants it all back even if he doesn't know what that entails or is exactly. So there is a chance that he's trying to manipulate the CODES to get back something...


.....To RESET the whole Multiverse?

"Error....RESETING the Multiverse won't bring back what you lost." Core softly calls out, horror at the very thought of a RESET happening to all and everything. They know well that a TRUE RESET wouldn't end well for anyone, much less Error. "Even if it works, there would always be a lingering echo. A background noise of knowing. You can never truly be who you once were. Reape--"

"AGAIn, BoLD OF yOU TO ASSumE." Error snorts out, voice and face screaming his amusement at their words. It made whatever else they wanted to say die in their throat. "i'M NO lONgER thAT pErSOn. HavEN'T BEEn fOR yEaRS anD YEaRS. ToO mAny FuckIng YEaRS to COunT! BEsiDES, YoU thINk i FuckING CaRE abOUT ReaPER? I hATE ThAT CoFFeE HypSTER. thE oNlY WaY i wOULD EvEN RemoTaLLy lIKE hIM iS If hE COulD hAVE kiLLEd mE alREaDY."

"Then what is the poi..." Core trails off as the rest of Error's words hit them.

{"thE oNlY WaY i wOULD EvEN RemoTaLLy lIKE hIM iS If hE COulD hAVE kiLLEd mE alREaDY."}

"Error...." Core slowly breaths out, taking a unsteady step forwards. "....Please step away from the CODES."

"AH, iT sEEmS thE eVER-kNoWinG HumAN-nOT-HUmAn IS FinaLLy GEttING IT!" Error cheers, voice proud of something that Core could only shudder at, the hints all finally coming together in a picture that Core never wanted to see and never once saw. "TeLL mE CoRE, DO yOU WanT TO KnoW WHaT I'VE alWAyS WAnTEd MOSt? FOR yEaRS i'VE bEEN TrYiNG TO GET DonE BuT fAILEd And FaILEd NO mATTER hoW ManY TimE i'vE TrIEd oR WhaT i'VE DoNE?" Error asks slowly, glancing the the fast paced CODES flying by right in front of his hands. "CaN yoU guESs OR dO I nEEd To TeLL yOU? CoME ON, iT's NOt THat hARd, I'lL EvEN GIvE yOU anoThEr hINT!"

"Error, please, you don't have to do this! Just step away from the CODES and I'll help you--"

"I M  T I R E D  O F  S C R E A M I N G  F O R  H E L P !" 

Error's roar makes even Core's SOUL vibrate from the sound. Before the sound was even done echoing, Error reaches up and tears off the top of his own torn up sweater.

Core flinched back violently, eyes impossibly wide and fearful at the sight before them. Self made scars line Error's throat. The glitch laughs at their face, lifting up one arm, the sleeve already torn off from fighting before, and flips it, showing the jagged scars on his wrists.

Error's face seemed to mockingly ask 'Is this hint enough for you to guess?'

"i'VE sCREaMEd FOR TOo mAny yEaRS! WoRdS WeRE noT hEaRD ANd AcTIoNS WeRE iGnoRED!" Error snaps, snarl on his face, making the cracks and scars twist angrily. "nO! OnlY I CaN hElp mYSElF, AnD thAt'S wHAT I'M finALLY DOInG! IT'S EitHER thIS OR thE VOID!" Lifting his free hand, Error starts to chuckle darkly as he claws at his tear marks going down his cheeks. "ANd WhaT bEtTeR WAY foR mE ThaN ThAn ThIS? IsN'T IT fiTTInG? FuNNY? WhaT A GReAT puN!"

"Error--" Core tries, taking a step only to freeze when Error looks right at them. No, no! They can't let this happen! So why can't they move their legs?! Why does it suddenly feel too hard to breath?! To heavy to move?!

'Come on body, MOVE!'

"TO DesTRoY thiS? To DElET mYsELf FrOM ExiSTAnCE? TO DesTRoy MYsElF?"

"--ou don't have to do this--" Core's eyes widen when the scrolling CODES finally stop.

01000101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010

"WhAT i'VE alWAyS WAntED IS To  D I E !"

01000101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010 00100000 00001101 00001010 01001111 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01000111 01100101 01101110 01101111 00100000 00001101 00001010 01000110 01101111 01110010 01100011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01110010 01101111 01111001 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01010101 01101110 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 01110011 00100000 00001101 00001010 01011001 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01110101 01101100 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100101 00100000 01000010 01100001 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101 00001101 00001010 01010111 01100001 01101110 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111


"01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01000110 01100001 01110100 01100101" Error glitches out with a grin, hand full of destructive magic easily coming down with no hesitation onto the CODES.

Core could only watch the CODES shatter into tiny pieces with wide eyes. Feeling as if the ground below them was shattering along with the numbers while Error literally shattered apart in front of them.

Core will never forget how happy, how peaceful, how downright free, Error looked at that moment before his SOUL shattered into nothing.


'Fuck me indeed.' Fate ruefully snorts, thinking back to that moment. Glancing back at the glitching body shown in the mirror-like object, Fate snarls.

Because of Fate pretty much making the Monster's body indestructible, destroying his own CODES didn't destroy his body. No, it just destroyed the SOUL, the very spirit and what made Error, Error. The body however did break apart into pieces as soon as those CODES shattered. No magic to keep them pieced together or act some kind of binder. Some pieces may have glitched off too, the parts that were so broken that there might as well be nothing left, but most of it stayed strong.

But with nothing inside, the body was nothing more than a broken puppet shell.

"A blank canvas to work with..." Fate mutters, eyes narrowing in thought. "No, not blank, just recycled."

Doing what he had done to Error to someone else would take too long and leave the Multiverse in a vulnerable place with how much Splatter loves to create. Besides, doing what he had once done may just lead to another doing what Error did. If they destroy their own CODES he can't do anything. Oh, he can try to stop them, but in the end if they are able to do it he's left with nothing but some puppet pieces.

Taking someone, getting rid of their memories, forming them into a destroyer/glitch, breaking them mentally into doing what is needed--all that takes time they may not have. Sure, Fate knows he has some time to work with given everything going on in the Multiverse right now. But it took years to form Error. The Multiverse doesn't have years to wait on destruction. It could very well destroy itself before then.

So, he needs a different plan. But what?

Best to work with what he has on hand, right? But he only has pieces of a body and no SO--


Eyes lightening up at an idea, Fate slowly started to grin.

"Destiny, dry those tears! I have a way to fix Error's fuck up!" Fate calls out happily, swiftly turning to look at his sister with a large grin.

Destiny refuses to look up. But her sobs are slowly coming to a stop, so Fate counts that as a win.

"A destroyer is needed, but Error took years to form just right. Can't do that again obviously with the possible time crunch we have. And taking someone from this Multiverse would just be asking for trouble, they might do what Error did." Fate starts to explain his thoughts with a large grin on his face. "Besides, with them being from this Multiverse, it might hold them back too. After all, they might have attachments to places and things. Even Error had some without knowing why. That one AU with the stars being one. So that's off the table. So, in the end, all that we're left is an empty puppet shell, a broken one at that--" Here, Fate gestures to the refection showing the broken body. "--and nothing else. Not even a SOUL. So, what can I do?"

Destiny slowly moves her hands down to her lap, still not looking up.

"Why, get another SOUL and put in into the puppet's body!" Fate states with a happy smile. "One not from this Multiverse! Maybe someone who is dying or already dead, that way they won't have any reason or memories to really hold them back. I just need to find the right kind of SOUL for the job. Not like Error's weak one, but a nice strong one. I'll even speed up the process of the change the SOUL will bring to the puppet's body. We don't have too much time after all. Hmmm, I'll have to tweak the Voices in the Anti-VOID. I can't have them break this new destroyer mentally right off the bat, no, they need to be harsh teachers instead of keeping them in line for now..." Fate trails off, turning and waving a hand. A new mirror comes alive right in front of him - showing nothing but blackness. "Now, what kind of SOUL can be found. There are thousands of without deities should work....and one without any kind of Undertale of any kind too...."

Unknown to Fate, Destiny finally looks up at him.

Eyes in a deadly glare right at his back.

Fists trembling in her lap, Destiny makes a vow to herself right then and there.

No more playing nice or safe.

One way or another, Fate will pay.

She'll make sure that this won't play out like how Fate wants it too.

No one will have to go through what Error has went through.

She has made her choice; destiny will ring out, changing fate's designs.

No matter what.


"Best to start with the basics."

Red threads stretch out, searching across Multiverses.

"Someone who won't give up."


"Someone who can keep going no matter what is thrown at them."


"Someone who won't stand still when they know what needs to be done, when they see others need help."


"A human SOUL is much stronger than a Monster's SOUL. No need to check them."

The threads go further and further. Feeling out SOUL and after SOUL.

"No. No. NO! I need someone strong! Someone tough! Someone who won't break!"

The threads go to one of the furthest Multiverses from it's own before pausing.

"Oh, wait....What's this?"

A pulse echoes out.

"What's something like this doing all the way out here?"

D E T E R M--

"Oh, you'll more than do~"

P E R S E V E--

"With a SOUL like that, it'll be all to easy!"

J U S T I--

"A perfect replacement! No, a better model than the original!"

Red threads quickly snatch up the SOUL before it had the chance to truly die out.

"Just as I thought; You'll be my perfect little puppet~!"

F̶a̶m̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶d̶s̶.̶


"....What should I do with the body?" Core softly asks aloud to themselves after what felt like days of sobbing, hands trembling and refusing to look away from the broken body of what once was the most deadly Monster in the whole Multiverse.

It felt disrespectful to look away.

{"i'VE sCREaMEd FOR TOo mAny yEaRS! WoRdS WeRE noT hEaRD ANd AcTIoNS WeRE iGnoRED!"}

They might have accidentally ignored what was in front of them while Error was alive. But they would not make the same mistake twice, even if it is far too later. 

Even now Core can see the CODES spilling the truth in front of them before it was shattered into nothing.

Much like the Anti-VOID, time has little to no meaning within the CORE. Core has no idea what the others are doing outside. Has no idea how much time has passed. Yet, even if they hold the knowledge that Error has died, they felt no need to hurry. Not when they know that more than one celebration would be had once others find out this truth. It left a bitter and sour taste in their mouth just thinking about it. Yet, they needed to so something and tell the others the truth in the matter.

They didn't want to just leave Error's body however. It felt wrong to do so. But what could they do? They were not close to Error, so they felt they didn't have the right to decide on what kind of funeral, if any kind, was right for him. Core doesn't even know what he would have wanted, or even have wanted a funeral to start with.

There was even the question on if the final place of his rest would be left untouched if others found out where he was laid.

Closing their eyes, Core gave them a moment of rest. How they just wanted this all to be a dream.

'How foolish of me.' Core snorted silently. 'It's not as if Error would come back to li--'


Eyes snapping out, Core nearly fell down stumbling backwards. Lines seemed to be forming in mid-air. Pieces falling as if glass breaking. Shattering even further once hitting the white ground.

The very air seemed to be cracking!

Frowning, taking a close look, Core couldn't help but notice Yes, red was peeking out and squirming in the cracks. Just what is--



"Wha--" Core gasps, finally falling onto their bottom as red blurs shooting out.

Red threads burst out of the cracks. All aiming straight for the body parts. Core could only watch in confusion and horror as they were assembled as best as they could be. Then, a large thread went right to Error's chest. Laying there. Pulsating and magic coming off of it. So much so that the very feel of it made Core want to vomit, yet couldn't even think about moving an inch at the same time.

A pause.

Core takes a sharp intake of breath once they notice Error's finger twitch. The red threads vibrate, all moving, and then---


Crawling backwards at that unholy scream, Core could only watch what was going on in front of them as if a child witnessing a horror movie for the first time.

Red came gushing out of Error's skull. From his eye sockets, his mouth and to the scars, all of it came out. Even from the distance Core could smell the copper and rust scent, reminding them of blood. Core wouldn't be shocked if it left stains on the body and face. The very red from inside of his skull was coming out. Leaving an endless white. It made Core think of the Anti-VOID, shivers rushing down her back as endless white sockets seemed to stare at her as red gushed out like a mockery of a waterfall.

The tear marks on his face flowing off as if real tears. Mixing in with the red on the white ground like water and oil. Even the blue came and out of his fingers, sliding off like water, as if the strings he once summoned were leaking out his finger tips, staining all that was in it's way.

Putting a hand to their mouths, they tried to sallow the vomit that wanted to come up as they watched Error's very bones twist and crack. Growing as the red threads moved them about, forcing them together as the body grew in height and width. Magic and blood gushing out from the bones and joints, creating a mess where it laid. Threads worked at the clothing, or what was left of it, and seemingly making them grow with the body. Stretching them out as if rubber. Doing the very same with the bones, making cracks and sickening noises echoing out all around them.

The body started to glitch once more. Core couldn't do or say a thing watching Error change shape and colors. Fingers no longer tipped with gold and bloody red. Now they were gold tipped with blood and most resting on purple. Blue staining the black of the palms, white scars seeming to glow. The very black bones that made up a large portion of Error glitched and changed. Some pieces of him going white, then grey, a darker grey, black, blurring together and around before settling into something new. One tear line moved up above the eye, one turned red.

The mouth opened, showing red teeth, yellow no more. Endless white inside the skull, a mix of colors make up the bones. Red and blue stains on the face. Core had the passing thought that the red gushing out was truly blood if it could stain the teeth that badly.

Then, eyes glitched into existence for one single second.

One side blue and white. Inside an eye socket that reminded Core of someone; it looking like it had melted on the top, yet the bottom having deep scars going down the cheek. Jagged scars that could only make Core think of painful tears.

The other red, yellow and purple. Inside a more stable eye socket, yet mocking in a way with how the other looks so damaged. A line of blue going up, a ling of red going down. A wicked scar going from the chin up, little cracks spreading out near the eye socket.

All staring at them from within a glowing white.

The Anti-VOID was staring right at them.

Before Core could even think to say anything, the red threads tore at a crack that had been forming below Error's, now much bigger, body.

"NO--" Finally moving, Core tried to get up and grab at Error when those red threads pulled Error into the hole.

A split second, Core's hand was able to touch Error's.

Eyes widening, Core screamed as the threads yanked Error down into another endless white. Slamming their hands down, Core found that the whole sealed up as if never cracked in the first place. Eyes looking around wildly, they saw the very place around them normal. As if what happened never did happen. Only stains and puddles of glitching colors were left. Slowly drying up and leaving deep stains that Core is half certain will never leave.

Slamming their hands down once more, Core allowed themselves to scream for all they were worth.



--in that split second--


--Core felt a SOUL beating within him.

Uncaring of the pain in their hands, Core keeps slamming them down onto the ground, tears falling to the ground.

{"i'VE sCREaMEd FOR TOo mAny yEaRS! WoRdS WeRE noT hEaRD ANd AcTIoNS WeRE iGnoRED!"}

They heard him! They heard him screaming! Yet they couldn't move! They couldn't do anything! WHY?! They watched him die and come back, yet still couldn't do a single thing! Couldn't do anything but try not to vomit up whatever was in their stomach!

Hands slowing, they weakly hit the ground, curling up as their sobs echoed out. Memories of certain CODES in their mind.

{01000101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010}


{01001111 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01000111 01100101 01101110 01101111}

"He....He's...hic....been th-through so mu-much....alre-hic...."

{01000110 01101111 01110010 01100011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01110010 01101111 01111001 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01010101 01101110 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 01110011}


{01011001 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01110101 01101100 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100101 00100000 01000010 01100001 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101}


{01010111 01100001 01101110 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111}

Slowly lifting their head, tears falling, DETERMINATION settles deep within them.

"The truth sets you free as they say." Core breaths out harshly, wincing at the pain from their throat. Sitting up, Core frowns deeply.

"I refuse to allow this to happen again."

[A blue butterfly starts flapping against the wind.]


Slowly opening her eyes with a deep groan, scowling at the echoes of pain in her body, she starts moving her body around.

Only to pause when something hits her.

She shouldn't be moving at all.

"What the fucking shit?!" Jerking up, only to curse as pain flares out, "Motherfucking shit stains right up the damned ass! What the fuck is up with my motherfucking voice?!"

Taking in a harsh breath, she looks around only to see endless white. "I thought death was a fucking commitment even if I fucking wanted it or not, not some asshole who's stand my ass up..." She grumbles, going to move only to freeze when she glances down.


Horrible looking bones of a verity of colors and shades.

[She's up!]

Head jerking up with a deadly glare and snarl on her lips, she looks around for a person only to see nothing.

[Don't scare her! She has no idea what is going on!]

[That's why we're here dumbass.]

[Are we sure she's a woman? I mean, she looks more like a handsome man than anything....]


[You fucking noobs, focus!]

"Oh fuck...." She groans out.

[Right, right! We should start simple!]

[If we can even do that right....]

[Shut it! I want to say hello!]

[Yeah, hello, Aiden!]

[Welcome to the Anti-VOID!]

"I must be in some fucked up shitty ass purgatory or some dumbass hell." Aiden curses at herself, sitting up and roughly putting a hand to her face. "I fucking knew I had some shitty karma, but this fucking takes the damned cake!"

[Welcome to the start of your next life, Aiden~]

-End Chapter-

I used binary code in this chapter - I used a translator for it, so if I'm wrong with it, sorry about that. I'm not going to put what it translates to however. Mainly because it will be translated by a character later on in the story. So no worries if no one can figure it out or wants to, it will be explained in the story later on. Fate in fact gives a big hint as to what Error said in binary code, which I don't mind stating given that there is that hint.

"01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01000110 01100001 01110100 01100101" = "Fuck you Fate"

I did a sketch of Aiden! She'll be shown in the next chapter for how she looks, along with the clothing she'll end up wearing.

I hope that everyone enjoys this story as much as I do making it! I love transmigrated stories honestly, so this is going to be a lot of fun for me! I can only hope that everyone has as much fun reading it. My writing style has evolved slightly from what I can tell from rereading what I wrote, so I'm beyond happy at how everything is coming along!

I'm posting this up when I finish the first two chapters, so I hope that everyone enjoys reading he next chapter and seeing Aiden's sketch! She's not a stereotypical looking female,  not even when she was human. But that doesn't change the fact she is female - even if she could technically summon a ecto-dick now lol.

In any case, on to the next chapter!

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