Chapter 4 - Two broken souls become a whole one.
NOTES: This is a chapter I ended up doing like an extra one. And yes, it's the last one.
It'ss more foccused on Kara and Oliver because I wanted to have some depth into their relationship and what it meant for them.
This fic is T rated, and this chapter is full off fluff and deep emotional moments between them, I hope u all enjoy it.
The gif in this chapter is because it was the first scene I planned on this chapter haha.
And thanks again for commenting and supporting. It means a lot!
More notes at the end
Kara looked at the screen on the operations room of the DEO feeling angrier than she ever was in her life. Livewire's picture was there, that cruel eyes facing her like a challenge.
- I say we go after her now, she is dangerous.
- She escaped, but we don't know where she is Kara...
- I don't care! I want her locked up and soon, you remember the havoc she created the last time I faced her! – Kara's hand went to her waist as she looked mad at Alex.
Alex looked at Kara like she wasn't recognizing her own sister. She knew Kara despised Livewire, but that behavior of hers was way more than just concern for people's safety.
- Kara, what happened?
- Livewire escaped!
- That I know... I mean to you! – Alex crossed her arms
- Nothing...
- You are a terrible liar and you know I know it... Spill it!
Kara looked to both her sides and reached for Alex's arm, bringing her to a corner.
- I met the Green Arrow...
- That lunatic that thinks he is Robin Hood?
- He is not that lunatic... - Kara said as she looked down
- Who is he? And how that happened?
- I can't tell you, sorry...
- He knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl... - Alex affirmed looking knowingly at her sister – Do you have a super hero code now?
- He trusted me, I would be pissed if he told anyone about me. If he is ok with meeting you or me telling you, then I'll tell...
- And you are acting weird why?
- We kissed...
- WHAT? – Alex's face now was pure shock
- Shhhh – Kara said nervously – We talked. We exchanged past stories about life and he told me he doesn't kill anymore. We both connected...
- I bet you did!
- Alex!
Alex scratched her head and looked at Kara with concern on her eyes.
- I worry about you and care for you, ok? Are you sure you can trust him?
- The same way he can trust me... We understand each other... We are more similar than I could possible imagine. And then, in the middle of our kiss, he got scared and took off, apologizing.
- Oh... That's why you're mad... Now it makes sense...
- Not mad, just... I don't know what happened, if he regretted it, is there is something going on... He just left me there in my apartment. And now I'm wondering...
- Wait, you brought him to your apartment?
- You wouldn't understand...
- I'm trying to.
- He had a hell of a life, he is full of deep traumas and I think there is something wrong with him, something serious... I felt like he was talking about me when he told me about him, because I've been there Alex, I still am. In that place of bad dreams, fear, the usual...
- Well... You can't go look for Livewire distracted as you are right now. Let me call Clark so we can deal with her, you go solve what you need to solve with this guy. Go talk to him, do something. Because I know you, you won't be able to rest until you do it and you need to be focused around here sis.
Kara looked at Alex, not sure what to do. After they talk in her apartment, Kara felt a deep connection with Oliver, something she wasn't expecting at all. She went from judging him to being surprised by him in a few hours. She could feel the electricity of their kiss, she remembered it pretty well, and she was never so confused as she was when he stormed out, looking like he had seen a ghost. She thought for a moment, and her sister was right. She wouldn't be able to think properly being so distracted like this. She smiled at Alex and stormed out, flying to his bunker in Star City. She had no idea what she would tell him, but she had to.
Meanwhile, in the Queen Mansion, Thea stalked Oliver around the house, finding his behavior really weird and trying to figure it out what was wrong with him. And she wasn't sure if it was something wrong with him or his alter ego. Oliver told Thea about him a while ago, when he had to tell her about Roy helping him. Roy and Thea dated and Roy was so tired of keeping secrets from Thea, he practically begged to Oliver tell her the truth. After Slade's attack with the mirakuru, he had to tell her.
- There is something wrong with the team?
- No, Thea, I told you everything's fine. Please, stop stalking me around the house!
- I know there is something wrong, tell me. It can't be worse than you being the crazy vigilante cops were crazy to bust in!
- Remember when you asked me to open up to somebody instead of pushing people away?
- Yes.
Oliver took a deep breath and sat on a chair in their huge kitchen. His elbow was in the table, his hand supporting his chin. He looked serious at Thea, that sat across him, full of curiosity in her eyes.
- Well, I did. I met someone that surprisingly could relate to what I go through. It's unbelievable how much we have in common.
- And the problem is...?
- Thea there's a lot I never told anyone about the island, about those 5 years I spent away. It's a lot for anyone to handle...
- But she could?
- Somehow yes, because she's been through a lot too but the thing is, she still manages to be the bubbliest person ever, and I left her place not in a cool way. I think she might be pissed at me.
- And you told me you changed...
- It's not what you think... We just kissed.
- Hum... Well, an improvement! – Thea smiled at Oliver and walked towards him. – Just talk to her, be honest.
- I might scare her...
- Let her decide if you will scare her... And you said you talked to her right? If she didn't run now, I think she won't run away that easily. Just please, don't be a jerk like you were before ok?
- I won't, thank you – He said as she reached for him and hugged him. – I will go for a run, I need it.
- Go! Clear your head. It will do you some good.
Oliver gave her a tiny smile and took a bottle of water, leaving the Mansion for his usual run.
In Central City, King Shark was on the loose and Barry wasted no time in asking for DEO's help. He met them when he visited Kara once while training to be faster so he could defeat Zoom. He met an awesome alien super hero, her sister, her cousin, her whole team and they told him if he ever needed them, they were only a call away. Well, that was the time to ask for help, for sure. King Shark has escaped ARGUS and Lyla was desperate to find and catch him with her husband, Diggle. They tried everything and nothing had work, so they called for backup. Sara and Laurel heard Diggle talking to Lyla and decided to help as well so they all met in Star Labs.
- I'm sorry to bother you guys, if this wasn't so urgent I wouldn't have called. – Barry said apologetic to all of them.
- No problem Barry, It's like I said before: if you ever needed, we are here to help! – Alex smiled as she looked around the lab. It was her first time there – This is a really cool place.
- I bet is not cooler than DEO, which I'm dying to see someday by the way – Cisco tried to contain his excitement.
A whoosh of air came in and Superman landed in the middle of the room, making Cisco almost squeal in excitement. Barry just smiled widely. Just like Kara, he thought her cousin was also awesome.
- Sorry I'm late, had to save a school bus from the precipice.
- He can lift a school bus, this is so cool – Cisco whispered to Wells from Earth 2, that looked annoyed to him.
- So... What can we do to help? – Laurel asked
- We need to make sure no one gets hurt... - Barry looked worried at them – Since he is after me, I thought I could use myself as bait...
- We can protect the area, so no one gets hurts, and be ready to fight him if he tries to harm innocent people – Diggle said as he looked at Sara and Laurel.
- You can distract him? – Clark crossed his arms as he thought about something – Make sure he stays focused on you, then I can try to grab him.
- I brought my special gun by the way, I think it can be helpful – Alex smiled at Clark as she showed him the weapon.
Sara looked impressed at Alex. She had dealt with guns before, but nothing that looked so cool like that. Barry spent a moment thinking about their plan and smiled at everyone.
- I guess it can be done! Let's do this!
It was not an easy mission, they knew it, but they were sure that this time, with Superman as their secret weapon, they would have some luck. King Shark appeared in the middle of town square and tried to grab Barry as Barry ran around him in super speed. Superman was hidden and came also in supers speed, grabbing the beast by the waist since he was not expecting any of that. He tried to hit some civilians around him, but Alex and Diggle kept shooting him as Sara helped attacking him while Laurel screamed. All that attacks at the same time on the monster, it weakened him. Superman kept holding him as he blacked out.
- I'm taking him back to ARGUS, I'll be right back!
Superman flew away quickly and after a few minutes, came back to Star Labs. The others started to arrive, feeling a big relief. Barry dropped on the chair as he smiled at the others.
- Thank you guys, for all the help. I'm starving now, who wants some pizza?
- Anytime, Barry! – Alex smiled and looked at Clark. – It's best to grab like 50 pizzas. Superman is also looking like he could eat an elephant...
- Super speed burns calories... Not my fault – He smiled as he nodded at Barry.
Back in Star City, Oliver did he usual morning run. Since the island, Oliver created the habit of running around, he found out it was a relaxing way for him to clear his head, think properly about things that bothered him. It was peaceful, it was better than therapy. While he ran, he thought about what Thea told him and about Kara. She touched his life in a special way since the day she saved Tommy. He couldn't remember her exactly because he thought it was a dream, but he knew some miracle had happened to his friend. And when he saw her cousin flying around and people told him about her, and then he saw her, he couldn't help but feeling intrigued, it was like something was trying to tell him she was the girl he thought he dreamed about. And now, he knew she was someone special. There was something about Kara that made him unable to stop thinking about her. The fact that she could lift his whole house with her hand was impressive and cool, also intimidating, but he couldn't believe she was so similar to him. Everything that she might have been through in her life, and even so managing to be so positive and bright, the whole opposite of what he was now. Something told him he could trust her, it was so unusual for him to feel that. That's why he found necessary to tell her who he was. He was sure Kara Danvers was Supergirl, and he knew for her to be honest to him, he would have to be honest to her. Best decision he ever made. After reading the interview, he knew he was right, he could trust her. It was a test and she did so good, It made him happy inside.
And their kiss.
Oliver had multiple dreams about that kiss, dreams that he was sure it would haunt him for quite some time. Her lips tasted so sweet and she had this scent that could intoxicate him in a really nice way. If there wasn't for his sudden fear, he had no idea if he would be able to stop that kiss. The way she kissed him back, told him she wanted to keep going on, but he couldn't. His life, his entire universe was surrounded by darkness. He still felt like he was no hero, he had a heavy dark past and his hands tainted with death, blood and a lot of bad things, he felt scared of doing the same to her, bringing someone so bright to his darkness. Even if they had a lot in common, there was details from his experience on the island that he feared if she knew, she wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes again. Something deep inside Oliver told him she wasn't going to run away or be scared, but he still was afraid to try it.
It was almost night. Oliver had decided to go to the bunker after a stressful day at Queen Consolidated. and never even stopped at home to change. He needed to train, to beat something up. Once there, he took his shirt off and started going up and down the salmon ladder. Something about that equipment calmed him down. He stood for a while there and never noticed a long haired blonde staring at him in the middle of the room. After a while, he dropped on the ground from the 5th bar of the ladder and looked up only to find Supergirl staring curious at him.
- Hey... – Kara said almost in a whisper, feeling already blushing hard and giving him a small wave with her right hand.
She was feeling really nervous to be there and had no idea what to expect, given the fact that he left her place after their kiss only one night ago.
- Hey... - He said as he took a towel, cleaning his face from all the sweat that covered him from head to toe.
Oliver left the towel hanging on his shoulder as he walked closer to where Kara was standing.
- I wanted to talk to you... - They said at the same time, making Kara look down and let out a small laugh.
- You first... - He said.
- I spent the whole day trying to decide if it was a good idea to come here... So I just flew around. And then, I finally made my mind... I just wanted to see if you were ok, if everything was ok... I couldn't stop thinking about the way you left yesterday and...
They heard noises and suddenly, Laurel and Sara came inside the bunker, chatting excitedly and they stopped abruptly when they saw they had company.
- Supergirl? Whoa! – Laurel said as she looked confused at Oliver.
- It's a long story... But yes! – He smiled at Laurel and looked at Kara – This is Sara and Laurel; they are on my team.
- I'm the Canary! – Sara reached for her hand – We met your cousin by the way, really fun guy.
- And I'm Black Canary – Laurel smiled excitedly as she also reached for Kara's hand – You guys are awesome!
- Thanks... - Kara smiled shyly and looked at Oliver – There's anyone else in your team?
- My sister, Thea sometimes helps us, Felicity helps us with tech support and there's Diggle. He is with his wife and kid now...
- Speaking about sisters, I met yours earlier... Alex, right? – Sara smiled
- Yeah – Kara said with curiosity in her voice – How do you guys know each other?
- We hang out the other day...
- Oh... - Kara blushed as she understood what Sara meant by hang out. She remembered Alex telling her she met someone and hooked up with her... - Now it all makes sense – She smiled awkwardly.
- We are going to get something to eat, do you guys want anything? – Laurel said as she went for her things so she could change.
- No, thanks... - Oliver said as he looked at Kara with wondering eyes and she told him no with her head.
Laurel and Sara went to Big Belly Burger, leaving Kara and Oliver alone again. Oliver looked at Kara with apologetic eyes and took one step closer. She usually never denied food, but she couldn't think about it now.
- I'm sorry. I left that way because I felt bad. Not because of our kiss... If I'm being honest, I enjoyed that a lot. – He said bluntly and looking serious at her – I really wanted to help the hospital, but it doesn't change the fact that I did it mostly because I wanted an opportunity to talk to you. I felt like I used a needing cause for my own reasons, it felt wrong.
- Don't worry about that, Oliver. I knew it! – She looked at him finding it funny he was worried about his real intentions, like she didn't know from the moment she saw him in that press conference. – The way you looked at me there... It said it all! You let it clear you wanted to talk to me, it was not that hard to figure it out, but...
Kara reluctantly held one of his hand with hers, looking down at it.
- You still did a good thing, even if you had other intentions at first. It ended up being for the right ones, you don't have to feel bad about it, because I'm ok with that...
- I'm truly sorry... - He looked at her hand letting his go and looked back to her eyes – Because I also tried to push you away... I have this thing when I try to protect people around me, from my darkness. Everything's all so heavy with me, I fear it may affect others and I would hate for that to happen, especially with you. It became an automatic defense mechanism... Is hard for me to be who I need to be out there, and Oliver, I didn't want to scare you.
- Oliver, I'm not that easy to scare... And you torture yourself a lot. – She crossed her arms on her chest – But I get it. I did the same, when I thought I could only be Supergirl. I pushed everyone I cared away, thinking I couldn't have it all, and I almost forgot everything about Kara Danvers. Sometimes I still feel torn between them.
Oliver gave Kara a brief smile that made her heart jump. Since she met him, she noticed he barely smiled, like ever. Little by little, she understood why, so for her to be able to make him smile even for a second was a huge victory. She felt his hands going for hers, giving a small pull and she let herself be brought closer to him, otherwise it would be like he was trying to pull steel and it wouldn't be pretty. His hands went for her waist and stopped there, as he looked deeply into her eyes.
- You see, Kara Danvers is awesome. – He gave her a half smile that suddenly made her heart melt - Supergirl is awesome. I have a hard time dealing with myself but you are not like me, you are full of light. You find strength to be bright somehow and I wish I could do the same sometimes. Kara, I felt alone for a long time, I always felt like no one could understand me, not even Sara... But now, I don't know why... I just don't feel that alone anymore. I'm sorry if I looked like I was rejecting you or something...
Kara could see into his eyes that he was being as honest as he could be with her. She also saw in his face how this was hard for him, to admit his weakness and admit being wrong, feeling vulnerable. She hated being vulnerable herself, but something told her it was safe around him. She figured it was the same for him, since he was being so open about his feelings. They could be vulnerable together, she thought. She inhaled deeply as she saw his face getting closer to hers. His finger on her cheeks felt like something else, something magical.
- I think we both have a lot to work on... - She caressed his face with one of her hands, feeling his short beard with her fingers, her other hand on his shoulder.
- A lot... – He whispered, bringing his lips closer to hers once again.
This time around, there was something different about their kiss, he could tell, she could tell. It was in the air around them, the electricity running around their bodies, their breaths heavier than before. Oliver felt the need in her kiss as much as he was showing her his own needs. Kissing her was like something fit, like it was so natural, so right. They both felt less alone in the world.
Oliver was never so thankful for super speed like he was now. The heat among them was too much to handle, so with one whisper from Oliver, Kara brought them to his empty home. She checked if there was anyone inside before storming in, holding Oliver in her arms and she smiled between their kiss, knowing they were completely alone. They ended up in his room really fast and Oliver closed the door behind Kara, while still kissing her.
They had similar backstories, all full of hurt, pain and trauma. Things they were never going to forget. They both knew how hard it was to be with people in general, to open up and trust someone, it was hard for them especially because of who they were. To be able to be themselves with each other, to be natural, no lies, no reservations and completely understanding of each other's worlds was such a relief, they could barely contain themselves, all the joy of that new reality for them being expressed on their actions. It literally felt like discovering a new world, discovering each other. One piece of cloth at the time being thrown away, it didn't take long for Oliver to fully feel her strong body against his, even if he was with his shirt on, and God that felt incredible, he thought.
He knew right away she was going to ruin him for anyone else. And he figured he wasn't interested in anyone else but her. She looked at him a bit shyly and Oliver looked at her, walking slowly closer to her until they were chest to chest.
- There's no need to be shy, you are beautiful... - He whispered to her, giving a kiss on her shoulder, his hands caressing her both arms.
- I think you're being the shy one, Oliver... - She smiled at him feeling really annoyed by the fact that his torso was still covered.
She grabbed the edge of his shirt and made him lift his arms up, taking the piece of fabric off him. Oliver was feeling really unsure, because not everyone reacted well to his scars. Sometimes it scared people, but Kara just looked at him lustfully. Oliver turned away from her and took a deep breath. She went behind him, her hands traveling towards his chest and abs. He was really tall, she had to be on the tip of her toes to be able to give him a kiss on his neck.
- Don't... Don't turn away, please... - She pleaded him as he slowly turned around.
As he fully turned around, she stood as closer as she could get, facing him.
- Don't be ashamed of your scars. They are proof you are strong and a survivor.
Oliver attacked her mouth without thinking twice. Passionate kisses became more urgent as his mouth traveled through her neck, chin, lips. He wanted to feel all of her all at once. Kara was breathing erratically while feeling his kisses like he was testing waters, but still full of want. Kara sighed as she felt his hands exploring her body and giving her extreme amazing sensations she couldn't even try to describe.
- You... - She tried to say something while feeling his strong hands everywhere. – I'm...
- Yes? – He asked, going back to kiss and explore the base of her neck.
- I need you now! – She whispered to his ear while he took a few steps, making her walk backwards.
Kara sat on his bed and Oliver covered her body with his, laying above her. Kara felt her heart racing while his strong muscles covered all of her. Oliver rested his arms by her both sides on his mattress and admired her face with his eyes. Kara's fingertips traced some of his scars and Oliver felt chills down his spine.
- Tell me about them... - She whispered while looking back at him with the same intense glare he was giving her.
- They are not nice stories.
- I can handle them! – She gave him a sweet smile and there was no way he could manage to say no to her.
Oliver closed his eyes for a moment, taking another deep breath. They were bad memories and he was unsure of it, talking such heavy subjects while all he wanted to do was ravish her in ways she couldn't even imagine. The look in her eyes convinced him to open up, one thing he hadn't done for a long time, at least not about his scars.
- Most of them are from torture. On the island, when they wanted Yao Fei's whereabouts, some are from fights with Slade Wilson...
- The man that did all of that horrible things on your city?
- The one and only... I collected scars everywhere I went.
- And this tattoo? – She circled the mark on his chest slowly with her fingertips, looking curious at it and then back to his eyes.
- Bratva. I had to be part of their thing to survive, it wasn't pretty. I learned to be fully cruel there...
- You had to be for your survival, you are not a cruel person Oliver.
- I'd like to believe that someday.
- Believe me, then... Is not that hard, is it?
She looked at him with so much purity on her eyes, Oliver actually believer her words for the first time since the island. Kara clearly saw the good in him not even Oliver knew it still existed. She had x ray vision, but he was discovering her ability of getting to look into someone's soul, she was definitely doing this to him, and something warmed up inside of him. It was possible for him to be not so lost afterwards, if someone like Kara believed it, then it was true.
- You really believe the best in people...
- Only when I can see it. – She reached for one of his hands, making him fully lay above her now. She kissed the back of his hand, going up his arm, reaching his shoulders. – I know there's a dark story behind them, but your scars don't make you ugly or frightening, they make you beautiful, because they are part of you, of what made you who you are today...
Oliver listened to her words and still couldn't believe Kara was real. Everyone that saw his scars, looked at it with fear, scare, and shock. She was the first person to see things in a different way and it awed him. While he thought about it his lips caressed her skin slowly, driving her nuts. The sounds she was making was only encouraging Oliver to be bold. Kara held him, bringing his lips back to hers. His hand caressed the back of her neck while the other pressed her waist, bringing his own closer to hers, his lips going back on pursuing her sweet lips. He used his tongue to battle hers for dominance, making her let out a few small moan between the kiss. He opened his eyes, his face still centimeters from hers, looking intensely at her eyes while his hand traveled down her body while the other supported his weight.
- You are out of this world...
- Well, I am an alien, so... - She teased him, slowly turning her laughs into a low hiss as soon as she felt him touching her everywhere again.
- Funny... - He laughed - You know what I mean... - He whispered to her as he kissed her neck and explored her all ways possible.
Kara felt like she was in cloud 9, not ever wanting to come back down. Oliver was doing wonderful things to her and her heart felt full, warm, erratic all at the same time. She knew what he meant because she felt the same about him. She connected with him like she never did it with anyone else, both emotionally and physically speaking. Oliver's mouth met hers once again and he showed her how much he wanted and needed her now. His bed turned into a wild mess, sheets everywhere around them, pillows all over the bed, their bodies moving like one, finding their way home just as they felt like: a sweet and delicious home. Dark and lonely days were far behind, he could feel it and the only thing that mattered was how they made each other feel, and it was beyond anything Kara or Oliver could ever express verbally, so they showed each other as they made love for most of the night.
Somewhere in a bar around National City, Sara and Alex sat facing each other while they talked.
- You didn't have to bring me home...
- I wanted to – Sara said as she took a sip of her drink. – I wanted to talk to you again.
- Only talk? – Alex arched an eyebrow and smiled, teasing her
- Maybe more – Sara teasingly blinked at her and finished her drink. – For now, talk.
- Ok.
Sara looked around, the bar was calmer than its usual. Alex told her that was an alien bar, where they could feel welcome and in peace. Sara found it really cool and told her how much she wanted to visit more.
- Speaking about that... - Sara lowered her head and whispered to Alex – I met your sister. Supergirl. She is a badass... Just like her big sister...
- I'm flattered... But that's true, she is a badass. How did you meet her?
- She was in the bunker, talking to Green Arrow. I felt a vibe there... Laurel was more like fangirling over her to notice, but... I'm never wrong about those things.
- And what's our vibe now? – Alex brought her face closer to Sara's – By the way, are you going to let me know who the Green Arrow is? I know you are the Canary and your sister is the Black Canary...
- Someday we can team up, and I introduce you, if he's ok with that. He can be really mad with people finding out who he is without his knowledge. Poor Barry...
- What happened there?
- Our team needed his help to save Green Arrow from poison... He woke up choking him up.
- Wow.
- He has deep trust issues.
- I'll wait then. I also know someone with similar issues...
- Something tells me Green Arrow and Supergirl would fit quite well together... - Sara said, thoughtful, smiling with the idea on her mind.
- You have no idea... - Alex said as she also finished her drink.
- This is nice... I really wanted to see you again. – Sara reached for her hand, caressing it slightly.
- I'm here now...
- It's true!
Sara's lips reached for Alex as they shared a sweet kiss. Usually Sara was the type of wanting to get things done, but now, she just wanted to enjoy Alex's company. It was so rare for her, moments like this, just chilling out, drinking and talking, she wanted to savor it the best she could.
- Whoa, look at the time... - Sara looked at her watch. It was almost 2 in the morning.
- Want to crash in my apartment?
- Alex Danvers what do you have in mind.
- Nothing – Alex laughed as she got up. – C'mon, you can go back to Star City tomorrow.
- Ok – Sara got up as well, following Alex after leaving the money on the table. – I promise I'll behave.
- Aham... - Alex laughed one more time and left the place with Sara.
Back in the Queen's Mansion, Kara slept peacefully with Oliver's chest pressed on her back, his hands over her waist. She couldn't feel better after the night they had, twice. She started to wake up when she noticed something was wrong. And turned her head to look at Oliver. He was agitated, sweating a lot and murmuring something she was trying to understand. She could see a few tears coming down his eyes and the pain he was feeling in his face, even with his eyes closed. He struggled, turning to the other side and Kara sat on the bed, worried.
- Enough! – He murmured as he was pleading someone to stop doing something to him. – Please I...
- Oliver? – She called him cautiously.
- No...NO! – He yelled as he practically jumped from the bed, looking scared from one side to the other.
Kara reached for his face with both her hands, making him look at her. She was full of concern in her eyes. He told her about having nightmares but she never thought it was that painful, at least for her to watch. It must be so much worse for him; her heart sank inside her chest.
- Oliver? Look at me – She pleaded him ad watched his breath starting to come back to normal – It's me Kara, you're not alone... It was just a nightmare...
- Kara? – He looked at her feeling really confused. His eyes focused on her face and she felt calmer little by little. – I'm sorry I scared you...
- Oliver you don't scare me, deal with that! – She smiled at him
- Did I wake you?
- Not relevant! – She said as she reached for him, hugging him. She looked back at him, wiping the tears from his face. – Do you want to talk about it? Your nightmare?
- I was... - He looked at the wall, remembering his livid nightmare. It felt so real, it was disturbing. – I was being tortured again. By Ivo. He was the guy that made me chose between Sara and Shado on the island.
- Oliver... - Kara reached for his shoulder, caressing it.
- I felt guilty for so long... I still do sometimes. He aimed at Sara, and I told him not to shot her so he shot Shado...
- It was not your fault!
- I don't know...
- Oliver. It was not! The guy was a lunatic and this is on him. You were in an impossible position, if you tried to protect Shado, Sara would be dead now.
Oliver looked at Kara and held her hand with his. She looked down at it.
- I was tortured once... With green kryptonite...
- What's... that? – Oliver asked her, really afraid of the answer given the fact she was invincible. For someone to be able to torture her, it had to be an extreme situation. And by the look she gave him, it was.
- It's a piece of my planet.
- Oh...
- A green rock, the only thing that... can harm me... It's the only thing that can actually kill me.
She looked at him unsure, and he gave a small pull in her hand, making her get closer to him. He hugged her by the waist, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
He really was. It must be awful to have your planet exploding and a piece of it, a piece of home be the thing that can kill you, he thought. Life was never easy for Kara, for sure.
- I know how it feels. To feel like you would give anything for them to stop hurting us... To be in such a pain that you can only hope for death to come, so you can finally be free... Yes, I've been there. And then it gave me strength to keep fighting, to make the pain stop. I know it's a horrible thing to go through. Just please remember one thing, you are safe. – She smiled at him – There is no one hurting you anymore. You are the one kicking bad guys' ass now, even if I don't agree with all your methods – She teased him, making him let out a weak smile – And also... I'm here...
- You are. – He looked at her, feeling his heart beating not that crazy now. His breath was coming back to normal little by little.
Kara pushed Oliver gently back to bed, her head resting on his chest as her hands caressed his torso, hugging him by the waist afterwards. She gave him a few kisses on his chest as she whispered to him.
- I'm glad you're here. – He told her as he gave her one kiss on her head.
- I am too. – Her lips followed a path from his chest towards his lips. She gave him a sweet kiss while her fingers contoured a few of his scars on his arms – You are beautiful – she whispered as her lips went for his neck – strong... - she kissed his shoulders, going back to his chest. – And never alone. – She smiled at him and he turned to his side, facing her.
They held their hands together and Oliver gave it a kiss, her legs intertwined with his under the sheets. They held each other strongly as their foreheads touched. They shared another sweet kiss and Oliver looked back at her.
- Thank you – He whispered to her as they slowly fell sleep together, holding onto each other.
Kara was feeling really nervous, walking around her apartment and making sure everything was ok. Oliver looked at her, thinking she was the cutest person he has ever met. He walked towards her and hugged her from behind, giving her a kiss on her neck.
- Babe, you'll create a hole on the floor... It's going to be fine – He smiled as she turned around, facing him.
- I know... I hope so... It's just that... I'm going to introduce you to Clark, as my boyfriend... I'm a little nervous...
- Just a little? – He teased her when there was a knock on the door and she smiled excitedly at Oliver.
Kara opened the door and welcomed Clark with a hug. She told him to come inside and closed the door behind him.
- Clark... This is my boyfriend, Oliver Queen... The Green Arrow!
- Nice to meet you. – Oliver politely said as he reached for Clark's hand.
Oliver had to confess to himself, never out loud, that he was indeed a bit nervous himself. The guys were freakin' Superman, for God's sake. Clark looked at Oliver and then at Kara and shook Oliver's hand, adding a bit more pressure than it was necessary. Oliver felt the pain, but said nothing, his face like it was just a regular handshake.
- Kara told me about you being a vigilante in your city...Clark smiled at Oliver and let his hand go. Oliver kept acting like it was nothing.
- Yes, I am. Me and my team we do our best to protect the people from Star City.
- I'm glad to hear it... Even if I don't agree with your methods, you are doing some good out there, I'm glad Kara is with someone like you.
- Not agreeing with the way I work, it seems to run in the family. – Oliver joked, looking at Kara.
She smiled back at him and they all sat down to eat. They talked about a few things and Clark looked in a funny way at Oliver.
- You know what? Thinking about it now, you remind me of a friend of mine from Gotham...
- Why's that? – Oliver looked confused at him and Kara, that nodded with her head.
- Well, he's a vigilante as well... A rough one... - Clark started and was interrupted by Kara.
- He basically scares the hell out of people as well – She teased him and Oliver laughed with them.
- I think we would be really good friends – Oliver told them after finishing his drink.
Clark's phone started ringing nonstop and he excused himself to take the call. He came back a few seconds later, in a hurry.
- I'm sorry Kara, but I need to go. Lois told me things are really bad at the Daily Planet... They need me there.
- It's ok, Clark. – She walked to him, and gave him a hug. – I missed you, you need to visit more often.
- I promise I will – He smiled at her and shook Oliver's hand one more time – It was nice to meet you man.
Oliver smiled back at Clark and in the blink of an eyes, Clark became Superman, and gave one last look towards Oliver.
- Before I go, I don't need to remind you that you better be decent to my cousin, or we will have a small chat, right?
- Nope! – Oliver looked at him thinking about what that talk would actually be like. Probably him being thrown at space.
- She's my only family, take care of her!
- I will, I promise. She is most likely to take care of me, but that's ok – He teased as Kara hugged him by the waist while watching her cousin floating on her balcony.
- See you guys around!
With that, Superman flew away in super speed and Oliver and Kara looked at each other, smiling widely.
- That went well – Kara said excitedly, kissing Oliver's lips.
- He is a charming person...
- I know... But I think you're way more charmer...
- I love you... - He told her, making her freeze and look startled at him.
She was not expecting for him to tell her that and it took her by surprise. It made her heart jump inside her chest and suddenly she couldn't stop smiling. She felt lonely for so long, she wasn't sure if she would be able to love someone someday. It was literally baby steps for her, they were a few months together, helping each other heal. It was many days waking up in the middle of the night, feeling scared, being there for each other. She also had her share of nightmares, and Oliver held her every time it happened. Kara always made sure Oliver knew she was also there for him when he had his troubled nights. It was a hard work, but it was so worth it, she thought. They had rough days, they argued sometimes, she still wasn't so comfortable with his ways of dealing with bad guys, but she noticed he was being less violent, at least a little bit, and she smiled to herself remembering he took into consideration what she felt about it. It was really hard sometimes, but just to know he was there with her, fighting crime by her side, it was overwhelmingly good. He tried to teach her how to use a bow and arrows, she took him to fly with her a few times, just for the pleasure of it, floating around hugging him, enjoying each other's company. She remembered all of that while looking deeply into his eyes, knowing for sure what she felt was real.
- I love you too!
I wasn't going to write anything new because I had no idea what to write about, but... In the middle of editing this chapter, ideas popped up on my head. I'm gonna to a collection of one shots next, with different scenarios and situations. It's easier to write this way instead of long arcs and it allows me to play more with the idea of SuperArrow together.
I might start taking some prompts on this next fic project, who knows?
I don't know when I'll be able to start doing this, I need inspiration to cooperate, so until it happens, see ya soon!
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