- I'm Not Sorry, She Deserved It -
To Alina,
Thank you for the hat, it was very kind of you to send such a gift. My Ma told me I had to say that if you couldn't tell (she thinks you're all prim and proper like a grand lady now so we have to have airs and graces) but I really do like it. I miss you here. My other friends aren't as fun as you. When do you think you will be allowed to visit? If you can't then when I'm old enough I will come and visit you. We can laugh at all those awful people at court. From Mal.
I love the book, Alina, it's very interesting. Father gets angry with me as I am always reading it and don't want to go hunting with him. I am glad you like it where you are. I would like to see Os Alta one day. From Misha.
Your money helps a lot. Da mended the roof and I bought the cloth for new clothes for all of us. We all get new shoes and Da got a new gun. Don't go being rude to the King and people at court, they're rich and can do you favours if they like you! It would be just like you to anger the wrong person and end up in trouble, so watch your tongue and respect your betters. Next time could you send more patterns and more of that gold thread? Ma.
The travelling priests have started calling you a saint. People in the village are speaking to us different now. No one has insulted your mother being Shu in weeks, and lots of people have started hovering around the house trying to talk. Your mother loves it of course. I can't stand it. Someone tried to take a lock of Misha's hair the other day and if it wasn't a woman I'd have beat their face in. I know what you're like - don't sneak off anywhere alone. If people are this convinced you're a saint this far from Os Alta, it'll be worse where you are. Da.
"Focus, girl," Baghra snapped.
"You're breaking my focus with your nagging," Alina said, glowering as she looked away from the solid rock she was attempting to reflect light from. The aim was to turn its surface into a mirror - a technique that would supposedly help her in a fight - but the most she had been able to do was make it shimmer. "Ow!" She should have expected the sharp thwack of Baghra's stick against her shin.
"I'm not the Darkling, too in awe of his little Sun Summoner to discipline you properly, so watch your tongue," The woman said.
"The Darkling isn't in awe of me," She scowled. "He just wants me to like him so I'll do what he says. Maybe you should do the same,"
Baghra laughed at that. Alina had made the woman laugh before, but it was always a disturbing sound. When she had mentioned that to her friends, they had all been stunned she had ever heard Baghra laugh at all.
"Oh, I said all along he'd have his work cut out with you," She said. "Why should I want you to like me, girl? Does it work? Do you fall over yourself to obey the Darkling's every whim?" The look on Alina's face was no doubt disgusted enough to answer the question. "No. So I will hit you and nag you until you get it right,"
"Is that what you did to him?" She dared to ask, before she could think about whether that was a good idea or not; Alina just didn't want to be hit with a stick for not being able to turn that stupid rock into a mirror again. "When he was a boy?"
The look on Baghra's face was rather challenging, then. "And what do you mean by that?"
"You're his mother," She said. "I heard you both talking, ages ago. I didn't tell anyone,"
"Did no one ever tell you that curiosity killed the nosy little girl," The woman did not seem too angered by this revelation, despite her harsh words. "He won't be happy to hear you know that," Alina shrugged, and Baghra smiled rather slyly. "Apathy. Good. The boy could do with someone treating him with it. Especially you," She sat up straighter then, smile gone, eyes suddenly narrowed. "But don't think you can distract me with things I already know, girl. Get back to work. I expect to see my face in that stone by the end of this lesson,"
Alina was considering throwing the rock at Baghra hard enough to imprint the woman's face in it, fulfilling her expectations. Nonetheless, she turned back to her task lest her left leg turn into one big cane-shaped bruise.
Alina had been laughing with her friends after dinner when an oprichnik had approached her, summoning her to the Darkling's study.
"Baghra told me something of interest," He said, as she sat before his desk. "How long have you known that she is my mother?"
"A year, nearly,"
"And you did not think to mention it to either of us?"
Alina shrugged. "I didn't think you'd like to know that I'd been eavesdropping,"
"No," He said. "I would not," There was a pause. "Needless to say, this information does not get spoken elsewhere,"
"Obviously not," She had assumed it was secret, as no one else knew. "I didn't tell anyone for a year, why would I now? Why does it even matter? Everyone has a mother," Although Baghra did not look old enough to be the Darkling's mother. Then again, the Darkling did not look old enough to be over a hundred years old.
"I am the most hated Grisha in every country, including Ravka," He said. "It is important that I am not seen to have any weak spots for our enemies to target,"
"Baghra's not a weak spot," Alina said. "You don't like each other that much. And she's so unpleasant to be around, anyone who kidnapped her would send her back within a week,"
His smile looked genuinely amused. "Nonetheless. This stays between us. I am trusting you, Alina,"
She nodded. "Fine,"
A few times now, Alina had received an invitation to attend the Queen at the Grand Palace. She could not refuse - or, at least, was not allowed to - so dreaded every single letter that arrived on scented pink paper. Every occasion went the same. She would go and sit on an overstuffed pouffe in the Queen's drawing room, surrounded by giggling highborn ladies in frilly dresses, whilst she was treated like a fashionable pet, cooed over and patronised. These people had high standards for one they considered a saint, and she clearly fell short of most of them, as every aspect of her existence was indirectly insulted. Her plain face (which wasn't even that plain anymore, now she had food to eat and practised with her powers often), her Shu features, how small and skinny she was (they should have seen her in Temgora), that she was born common, that she was Grisha, that she didn't know proper etiquette. No doubt they believed they were being helpful with these suggestions, rather than rude, which was even more infuriating.
Her only solace was Genya, there to attend the Queen, though it was hard putting up with her friend being demeaned and talked down to in front of her. Only the knowledge that Genya would pay the price (as thanks to the Darkling, Alina was all but untouchable) kept her holding her tongue.
The last time she had gone, there had been a particularly vile girl named Maria, the thirteen-year-old daughter of some powerful lord. Maria was clearly used to being the prettiest, richest, most accomplished young lady in the room; she could speak three languages, play the pianoforte and embroider beautifully. Alina didn't have much over her in that regard, so she wasn't sure why the girl hated her so much. Although she supposed being able to summon the sun was hard to compete with, and the fact that many worshipped her as a living saint. Last time, only Genya's warning stare had stopped Alina from leaping across the room and punching Maria's stupid face at some of the things she'd said.
There was something different about today, however. The older women seemed the same as ever, but the young girls were looking at Alina oddly; some in pity, some in disgust, some open curiosity.
"So?" Maria asked her when the women were talking amongst themselves, seeming worryingly smug. "What's it like, sharing a man's bed?"
Alina choked on the drink she had been sipping, coughing. No one smacked her on the back like they would've done in the Little Palace, just watched her splutter. "What - " She managed to gasp out.
Genya shot her a questioning look from the other side of the room, but she was too confused to answer.
"It's alright, Alina, you can tell us," One of the more earnest girls placed a hand on her knee. "I don't think it's right that he can get away with such things, especially given you're so important. You're so young, it must hurt terribly,"
"What are you talking about?" Her rage and confusion was building.
"Marie told us everything. Don't worry, we won't tell. Yet," One giggled. "I suppose he's very handsome, at least,"
"Are you talking about the Darkling?" Alina asked, incredulous, narrowing her eyes at Maria as she realised what they were referring to. You nasty little... "What did you tell them?" She was less guarded with her speech around the younger girls, and what Maria had implied made her blood boil. The idea of the Darkling hearing such lies made her stomach twist with embarrassment.
"Only what you told me," Maria said in a show of false piety. "I know you think there's nothing wrong with it, but I was so worried about you, Alina, making all these foolish choices. You could damage your saintly reputation,"
"As if I told you a thing," She scoffed, angered further by the mention of her supposed 'saintly reputation'. "You've been hateful since the day I met you, you filthy liar,"
That earned a few gasps from the girls, and some of the older ladies looked around. Alina was rarely so honest here, and did not often show so much of her (admittedly insufferable) personality. She normally just tried to tune out and focus on not blowing up the room. But today her short fuse had been pushed to the limit.
"We all know it's no lie," The girl tossed her hair, though shot her a spiteful look. "Everyone knows you're the Darkling's pet in the worst way possible anyway,"
Alina knew some of the things that men got away with. There had been whispers about a travelling priest who visited their village and liked to ply young children with sweets and toys. The Darkling had many flaws, but that was not one of them. He made no secret of his... encounters with grown women (Alina's rooms were just down the corridor, and some of those women were loud, it was disgusting really) but viewed her first and foremost as useful for her powers, and second as an annoying little brat. There had been those few strange moments where she felt like something was being implied, but that was nothing, nothing like what Maria was implying. And now these awful rumours would no doubt spread everywhere, as salacious gossip tended to do. Saints, the idea of him hearing such awful things was excruciating.
"That is a lie," Alina said hotly, stomach twisting. "You know it's a lie. I'm eleven. He's old. And wouldn't do anything like that! Do you think all Grisha are monsters?"
This seemed to unlock something in the other girl, darker and more dangerous than girlish spite. "Witches, monsters, close enough. My father says it's a shame that the days of you being hunted with dogs are over,"
Before she knew what she was doing, Alina was on her feet, about to throw herself at Maria and punch that stupid look off of her face. The girl never would have trained in combat in her life, she wouldn't know what had hit her. It was only Genya's horrified face that stopped Alina from doing so. For once, she reigned in her anger; released her clenched fist and made her expression blank, summoning a ball of burning white light to her hand.
"You're forgetting who I am," She imitated the Darkling at his most cold. No doubt it was a poor impression, but it was satisfying to see Maria shrink back. Lots of the other girls did too. "I could burn your face badly enough to make you ugly forever," She moved her hands and the light melted a glass vase. "I could burn right through your head," She made a scorched hole through a small table. Someone shouted for guards, but she blocked out the noise. "It wouldn't be the first time I've killed someone, and with you I'd actually enjoy it,"
"B-but you can't, you're a saint, your reputation - "
"I'm not a saint, and I don't care what people say. Tell them you were lying, and say sorry, or you'll regret it,"
"I'm sorry," The terrified girl blurted out, tears running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It wasn't true, Alina didn't tell me anything, I made it up. Please don't burn my face, I'm sorry,"
"Say that you're a spiteful cow and deserve everything bad that happens to you,"
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, please, I didn't mean it,"
She flicked her finger and the hem of Maria's dress began to blacken and curl, a plume of smoke starting to rise. She smirked as the girl shrieked.
"Alina!" Someone caught her arm and she snapped out of whatever dark place she had gone. It was Fedyor, who the Darkling usually sent with her to the Grand Palace to wait outside the door, as well as two of her usual guards, Grigori and Boris.
She realised then that the entire room was staring at her, stunned and horrified. Many women were fussing over Maria, others pressed to the walls in fright. The Queen was standing with half a dozen guards in front of her. Genya looked white as a sheet. Some were praying, and not to Sankta Alina. And worst of all, she wasn't sorry. Most of these women were hateful people, and it was satisfying to see them all so scared.
That realisation in itself scared her. "I need to go," She said to Fedyor, heart pounding in her chest. Alina did not wait for an answer before hurrying out of the room, knowing the Heartrender was close behind her.
"Sorry Alina," Fedyor said as he showed her to the door to the Darkling's study. "You'll have to do this at some point. He'll find out sooner or later. Best get it over with now,"
Rage was still coursing through her as she stood in front of his desk, and a deep satisfaction about having humiliated the girl and made her beg for her forgiveness. Yet alongside her anger, she also forced part of herself into a strange state of numbness; this was necessary to be able to even look at his handsome face after what Maria had said (saints, she couldn't even think he was handsome without flushing, now).
"Explain to me, Alina. How is it that you believed that not only threatening but also attacking one of the Queen's ladies was an acceptable thing to do? In front of the Queen herself, no less, as well as every influential woman at court,"
"I'm not sorry," She clenched her jaw. "She deserved it,"
Fedyor, standing slightly behind her, placed a hand on her shoulder in warning.
"I don't think you fully understand what you have done," The Darkling said. "What could a spoiled thirteen-year-old girl have possibly said to you that warranted you telling her you would melt her face off and burn a hole through her head?"
Fine, then. If that's what you really want. Alina looked him dead in the eye, confronting her own embarrassment as she often did; by throwing herself headfirst into it and not looking back.
"In front of everyone, she asked me what it's like sleeping with a man. She asked me if it hurts when you share my bed. She said I was your pet in the worst possible way. When I asked her if she thought all Grisha were monsters, she said that witches and monsters are the same thing and that it was a shame people don't hunt us with dogs anymore. So I threatened her. It was either that, or break her nose, which would've been harder to fix. Then I liked the sound of her begging, so I melted a vase, burnt a hole in a table and charred the hem of her dress. I could have done worse. I'm sure she'll live,"
There was a dead silence after that. She had never seen the Darkling's eyes so dark. Glancing at Fedyor - he hadn't been in the room to hear the prelude to the incident - she saw he looked shocked and disgusted, and not at her. At least someone's on my side, Alina thought gloomily.
"You will not return to the Queen's gatherings," The Darkling said eventually, tone careful and controlled. "Though I highly doubt she would invite you again after today. As far as anyone from the Grand Palace is concerned, you were punished harshly for this incident. I am sure you can come up with something suitably awful,"
She waited, expecting more, but he had returned to writing at his desk. "Is that it?"
"Come on, Alina," Fedyor put a gentle hand on her shoulder, guiding her towards the door. "Don't push it,"
"Maria Fedorova was fortunate today," The Darkling did not look up from the parchment. "If I had been in the room to hear that filth, she would have suffered far more than a little fright and a charred dress," He looked up then, catching Alina's eye briefly. The look in his eyes was that of a vicious darkness, as a swirl of shadow danced on the desk.
Alina smiled despite herself. "Moi soverenyi," She bobbed a mocking curtsey, before allowing Fedyor to usher her out.
The Darkling watched her leave.
"You were rather scary in the palace today," The Heartrender was clearly trying to make light of what they both knew was a bad situation. "I'd be surprised if that nasty little girl didn't piss herself,"
"Was I really?" Alina said, pleased; she liked Fedyor. He had been witness to many of her ill-advised antics, and often saw the aftermath of her being embarrassingly told off by the Darkling. Yet he never once judged her for it.
"Terrifying," He nodded solemnly. "I think we both knew who you were using as an example,"
"Don't tell him. It'll go to his head,"
"It wasn't a bad impression. Especially for a scrawny little girl,"
She punched him in the arm for that, satisfied with the yelp it drew. "Not so scrawny anymore,"
"You little wretch! Don't start what you can't win,"
Alina suddenly went lightheaded and dizzy as he slowed her heartbeat for a few moments, then returned her to normal. "I'll tell the Darkling you're messing with the Sun Summoner's heart!" She protested.
"You can't snitch on me - I've kept too many of your secrets," He said smugly; Fedyor seemed to let his childish side come out around her.
"You sound like you're ten," She folded her arms. "Grow up,"
"You're eleven, Alina," He shook his head in disbelief.
Her only response was to turn a panel of her bedroom door into a mirror - it was easy now, she wasn't sure why she had struggled to do so initially - and reflect bright light into his eyes, laughing at the curses that followed.
"And then," Yuri Vasiliev was recounting gleefully to his friends. "Our noble Sun Summoner threatened some poor sheltered palace girl. Said she'd burn her dress and melt the skin off her face,"
"Fuck off," Alina, walking past, made a rude gesture at him. She was already in a terrible mood.
"A shame for all of us that you got off scot free," Yuri shouted after her. "I'd have paid money to see you flogged by the girl's father - did you not know that's what he wanted to do?"
"Do you say that to all the girls, Vasiliev?" Viktor replied, which earned some laughs from onlookers.
Yuri sent back a ball of fire that fell deliberately short. "Don't start what you can't finish, Belsky,"
Viktor just burst out laughing. "Nice. Good luck starting a duel in the middle of the Little Palace,"
Yuri spat back a highly offensive name that loosely meant 'Shu-lover'. Alina bristled, stepping forward.
"No," Katya grabbed one of her arms at once, whilst Zoya grabbed Viktor.
"Little shit," Nina muttered, linking arms with Alina's other side with a toss of her hair and helping Katya to guide her away. "Ignore him. Most people are on your side in this whole thing, anyway. They know how the leeches in the Grand Palace talk about us. It's good you put that girl in her place,"
Alina had been delighted to discover that her calling courtiers leeches had caught on. Now, however, she just scowled. "If I can't follow through with my threats on Maria, I'll be very happy to use him as a substitute,"
Zoya gave a harsh laugh. "So long as you don't get caught, I'd back you,"
"I never liked that girl," Nikolai said, as they both lay sprawled out under a tree in the grounds. Alina's guards and his own were stationed out of earshot. "I wish I'd been there to see it. Maria Fedorova is always perfectly lovely to me, of course. But she's willing to put down everyone else around her to impress a prince,"
"That sounds like her," Alina grumbled. "I scared her yesterday, but it won't last. If you hear any nasty rumours, just bear that in mind,"
"Why, I will simply pretend I have not heard about your impressive show and talk to her about how much I adore your company," He smiled. "I will tell her how much of a dear friend you are, how charming and witty," That smile turned wicked. "Of course, inside I will know how hopelessly dull and irritating you are, but she doesn't need to know that,"
She laughed, knowing he was joking. "That's all that matters,"
It was only a week later that Alina returned to her chambers one evening to find Genya sat on the chair by her dressing table, her head in her hands as she sobbed.
"What happened?" Alina was at the girl's side in an instant. "Genya, what is it?" Her friend was normally so cheerful, so put-together and strong, that seeing her like this was disturbing.
"I'm sorry," Genya clung to her, tears soaking her shoulder. "I didn't know where else to go," Alina waited as she cried; she wasn't very good at dealing with emotions like this (she rarely cried herself), but would wait for her friend to speak. "The King - " She broke off. "The King asked me to help him with something in his chambers. I didn't think anything of it, and the Queen didn't need me, so I went. And then he - he - " She sobbed again, unable to continue, but Alina finally realised what had happened.
"He hurt you," Anger rose inside her, but she shoved it down. There was no place for it here. "How - how badly?"
Genya just shook her head, which told Alina everything she needed to know. Bile rose in her throat. The thought of lovely, witty, beautiful Genya being subjected to something so awful, by such a vile man made her blood boil. The fact that Maria had accused the Darkling of doing such a thing to her was sickening.
"I tried to tell him," Her friend shook in her arms, both of them curled up on the floor. "I tried telling him I was just a servant, that I'm not even that pretty without tailoring, that I've never done anything but kiss a boy before, and that was just stupid David Kostyk when we were ten. That didn't stop him, so then I told him I didn't want to do it, and I cried, but he didn't listen. I - I should have fought, but hitting the King is treason and - " She broke down once more.
Alina felt so helpless, that she could do nothing but listen. "We'll go to the Darkling," She tried to say. "We'll tell him what happened. He might not be able to get the King punished for it, but he can make sure you don't go near him again,"
"No, you can't!" Genya looked up, alarmed. "Alina, promise you won't tell him! What will he think of me? I'll have failed him so badly,"
"In spying on the King and Queen?"
Genya froze. "How did you know?"
"It was quite obvious. Why else would he have sent you there? He doesn't value the Queen enough to do her a favour out of the goodness of his heart," Now wasn't the time to mention she knew Genya reported back on her too. "Genya, it wasn't your fault. But the King won't stop. He'll hurt you again if you don't do anything. The Darkling can find another spy,"
"No," Her friend said with some of her old firmness. "No, you don't tell him. Promise me, Alina,"
Grudgingly, she promised.
"Stay here tonight," She offered instead. "My bed is big enough for four of me, and you're nearly as small as I am,"
Genya agreed. The two girls spent that night in the same bed, on opposite sides - both liked their space - but it was a comfort to have someone close nonetheless.
I was dreading writing about Genya's abuse, she's a literal child. It's quite common for women and girls who have been assaulted to blame themselves for 'not fighting enough' (especially in that time) but that doesn't make it any less of a crime, just to clarify. On another note, young girls can be horrible - I went to school with a girl very much like Maria, so Alina's reaction was very satisfying. Also, I love writing Alina's relationship with Baghra. Similar to her and Zoya, they are alike in many ways but have enough differences to clash and make their dynamic interesting.
I feel strange saying hope you enjoyed the chapter as it was quite a lot darker than the others, but please let me know what you think.
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