- I'd Like Them To Know -
This audience was as contrived and sickening as court events always were. Aleksandra may be no more than a serving maid, but that did not mean she could not have opinions; she just had to keep them quiet. Stood in the shadows as she always was, that was fairly easy. No one paid the servants any attention. It was when they did that you should start to worry.
"That's her, Sasha," Kira whispered excitedly from her side; they had both been assigned to be the young woman's maids when she arrived. "That's Sankta Alina. Saints, she looks..."
Aleksandra said nothing as her friend trailed off, closely watching the girl they had been assigned to as she made her grand entrance into the hall. She understood why Kira had not finished her sentence. Alina Starkova was not a classic beauty but cut a striking figure in her black and gold kefta. The Sun Summoner had what could only be described as a presence, striding down the hall towards the throne like she owned the place, or rather did not care who did. Her black hair was bound in a long braid down her back, her frame was tall and lean, and something about her just screamed power. Aleksandra realised far too late that Prince Vasily was the one escorting her in, so unremarkable was he beside her.
It seemed a travesty when this woman stopped before the King, Queen and Prince - who moved to stand with his parents - and dropped into a perfect curtsey. Her chin never lowered.
"Moi Tsar,"
"Alina, my dear girl. A pleasure to see you returned, especially after all your wonderful achievements,"
The King was all false smiles and over-the-top welcome, as usual. Aleksandra tuned him and the other royals out as they cooed over the tunnel Starkova had made in the Fold, saying how they could not wait for it to be gone entirely, telling her what a beautiful bride she would make, and how fitting it would be for their beloved Tsarevich to marry a living saint. No, Aleksandra watched the Sun Summoner herself. The girls' smile was convincing enough, but there was something darker in her eyes; weariness at the charade, or plain hatred?
"I can't believe anyone can now walk from one side of the Fold to the other," Kira was still gushing in a whisper. Aleksandra had yet to work out if it was excitement at meeting someone so well-known, or if she was genuinely that pious. "That's a miracle if ever I heard of one. Oh, she'll be so beautiful as a princess, and magnificent as a queen. They clearly adore her, look Sasha,"
Public appearances were all well and good, but Aleksandra knew well enough that for these people, they were a mask for hidden daggers. Kira had not been here long enough to lose her naivety. The King announced to the room he would be having a private conversation with his family and soon-to-be daughter. Alina Starkova was led away on the arm of Prince Vasily, her soon-to-be husband.
"Attend them," The head housekeeper hissed at Aleksandra, appearing behind her and thrusting a laden tea-tray into her hands.
Unobtrusively, she made her way into the private audience chamber through the servant's entrance. The royals were all still standing; none of them looked up as she set down the tray on a side table, quietly pouring out four cups. The Sun Summoner caught her eye, however briefly, then looked away as the King spoke.
"Sit," He ordered the girl.
"If you are able," His wife sniffed.
It took Aleksandra a second to realise what that meant, marvelling at the woman's rudeness, even if she was the Queen. She should not be taken aback after four years working in this snake-pit. Clearly Prince Vasily's mother was not best pleased with the choice of bride that had been made for him. Having finished serving the tea, she stepped back into the corner, silent and waiting to be called upon.
She could have sworn that Alina Starkova's lips twitched. "Of course I am, moya tsaritsa,"
"Don't play coy," The woman said sharply. Starkova raised a sharp eyebrow. Aleksandra had to agree; there had been nothing coy about her words. "And do not play us for fools. We know you have spent your nights in the Darkling's bed, for who-knows-how long. Marrying the heir to the throne is a great honour, and you would mock us by throwing it back in our faces? By disgracing yourself?"
Saints, the rumours were true then. Aleksandra could not say it came as a surprise. She had seen Starkova for the first time when the girl was about thirteen and attending a ball in the palace; a scowling, wild little thing who laughed in the face of the most terrifying man Aleksandra had ever met. Surely he cared for her in some way even then, allowing her to get away with such disrespect? More importantly, however, that little girl had made the cold General laugh. And continued to do so as she grew older.
Starkova looked like she was swallowing some very choice words. Evidently there was some of that half-feral child left in her, then. But for whatever reason, she was playing along; even cast her eyes down, supposedly in demure embarrassment, though Aleksandra saw her glaring at her knees. None of the Lantsovs were any the wiser. She suddenly became a lot more interested in her new position as the woman's maid.
"I had not known that such an honour would be bestowed on me," Starkova, to her credit, put on a decent performance. Perhaps it only sounded patronising to Aleksandra's ears because she had paid such attention to the girl's expressions. "It was not my intention to disrespect you in any way, moi Tsar, moya Tsaritsa. But for girls like me, it is very hard to say no to such a powerful man,"
Oh, that was a rather vicious look at the king that again went unnoticed; had she heard of the way he forced himself on many a young serving girl? Surely she had not been on the receiving end... Aleksandra was lucky enough that her height - six feet and one inch tall - put most wandering hands off touching her. Those kinds of men never liked to feel less than a woman, which she could do simply by looking down at them.
"The General's shadows are..." Starkova gave a small shudder, though was clearly forcing the next words out through gritted teeth. "Frightening. And everyone in the Little Palace turned a blind eye,"
It was Prince Vasily who replied, clearly relieved to see the girl act contrite and ashamed; what had he been expecting, she wondered? "There is no need to fear the Darkling now, Alina. We should have kept a closer eye on how he was treating you. You will not return to the Little Palace, you have my word," Oh, men just loved their women to be victims, damsels in distress to save from a monster, earning their eternal devotion.
For the first time, something other than anger, false embarrassment and bland politeness crossed the girl's face. A hint of... panic? Fear? That would make sense. It was clear to see from all her court appearances that she was far more comfortable with Grisha than courtiers. And Aleksandra doubted her claims of the Darkling forcing her were true. Yet the King, Queen and Crown Prince believed this act without question.
"Yes, this will not continue," The King said, trying to sound stern. "A shame you will not come to your marriage bed a maiden, as befits a future Queen, though I suppose the greed of men and weakness of women is unavoidable," Starkova's bland, blank smile at that was just a reminder that she could summon the sun. "The people view you as a holy Sankta, besides, so there is likely no harm done to your reputation, which is what matters. The wedding will not occur for six months, however, to ensure that you are not with child. And needless to say, if you are caught dallying with that man again, consequences will be severe,"
"Of course, moi Tsar," Starkova dipped her head again, perhaps to hide the disgust in her eyes. "My humble thanks for your understanding. It is more than I deserve,"
"It is," The Queen was clearly still disgruntled. "I do not relish the fact that my eldest son is to be wed to a girl who has been the whore of another man likely since she first bled. The future Tsaritsa has spread her legs for one of the Generals her husband will one day command! Hardly an ideal situation,"
As if the Prince had not visited every brothel in East Ravka. Aleksandra saw the monumental effort it took for the Sun Summoner to hold her tongue, but doubted anyone else did.
"He will have to be sent away, of course," Prince Vasily said, glancing to his father. Daddy, send away the big bad general for me because he fucked my wife-to-be and I'm too scared of him to do it myself. Or that's how it sounded to Aleksandra, at least. A glance at Starkova showed that she was biting back a smirk.
The King looked troubled. "We do need the Second Army. And there is no other fit to lead it, as much as I dislike the man. Though I agree, he will be sent elsewhere until after the wedding. The Fjerdan border has become increasingly troubled since we announced that a Grisha would marry the heir to the throne. It is time to remind them of Ravka's strength,"
Strange, that the notoriously anti-Grisha country would have an issue with their only neighbour naming a Grisha as future queen. A consequence that truly could not have been predicted, your Highness.
"But Alina is hardly Grisha," The Queen sniffed. "Half the kingdom names her a living saint,"
"I am Grisha," That evidently crossed the line. Starkova managed to rein in her tone but not her words. "Not a saint," Then for damage control, the girl quickly added, "It's what the common people believe that matters, though, of course,"
That actually drew a laugh from all three of the royals. Aleksandra realised then that they thought Starkova had made a joke. Saints, these people... She caught the Sun Summoner's eye, and apparently some of her inner thoughts came across, for the girl actually rolled her eyes. For the first time in years, Aleksandra's professional servant's mask cracked and she had to bite her tongue to stop herself smiling.
"I'm to show you to your rooms, my lady," Aleksandra bobbed a curtsey to Starkova after that awful audience was over. "I've been assigned as one of your maids," She had never managed the simpering, happy-to-serve tone that came naturally to Kira, but her voice was cool, calm and faultlessly polite.
"Saints, none of that," The Sun Summoner's own questionable-but-good-enough mask seemed to melt away the moment the royals were out of earshot, as she pulled an unladylike face. "Call me Alina. I was born in a hovel in Dva Stolba. Being called 'Sankta' is bad enough,"
"Forgive me, my lady, but I'll get in trouble if I address you improperly in public,"
The girl seemed to understand that, grimacing for a moment but nodding. "Fair enough. Call me Alina in private, then," She clearly had no idea how to act around servants, however, walking at Aleksandra's side despite her best efforts to follow propriety, conversing like they were equals. "What's your name?"
"Aleksandra, my lady,"
To her surprise, Alina snorted, muttering. "Of course it is," before pressing on without explanation. "I suppose I'm not allowed to see anyone from the Little Palace?"
"No, my lady. It's the King's orders," So don't try it, was implied in her warning. They had been briefed to report any Grisha or oprichniki attempting to contact Alina, and it was more than Aleksandra's life was worth to go against those orders, no matter how amusing she found the girl.
"Of course," Alina scowled, falling silent. Aleksandra was more than fine with silence.
Neither said another word until they reached the grand guest suite that was to be her chambers until the wedding. The view from these chambers was stunning, as they were high up in the palace, with views over the city walls and the countryside beyond, but the implication was also clear; no easy way out.
Kira was there to meet them. "A pleasure to meet you, my lady," Aleksandra's friend bobbed a curtsey, eager-to-please as ever, wearing a beaming smile. It wasn't even an act, necessarily; just her usual self exaggerated, and often forced. "All of your belongings have been bought here already. This is one of the finest suites in the palace, so I hope it's to your liking for the next few weeks before the wedding,"
"It'll be more than a few weeks," Alina's tone was cynical and unimpressed, though not rude, as she glanced out the window for a moment then back again. What were her chambers like in the Little Palace, Aleksandra wondered. "What's your name?"
"Kira, my lady. Thank you for asking. Would you like me to draw you a bath - you must be tired after that long journey,"
"Do I look like I need one?" A smile graced the girl's lips.
"Yes," Aleksandra said, figuring the girl would appreciate bluntness and knowing Kira would not give it. "Their Majesties have requested you dine with them tonight,"
Alina pulled a face that Aleksandra remembered seeing on the girl when she was thirteen years old. How old was she now? Eighteen? "Delightful. I suppose you're right, then, but I can't be bothered with a bath any more than you can be with hauling all that water upstairs. Is there a basin and washcloth?"
In one of the finest rooms in the palace, of course there was. Alina was very self-sufficient compared to most nobles, though Aleksandra supposed the girl had spent a lot of time in army camps or out in the wilderness. And though the Grisha lived comfortable lives at the Little Palace compared to Ravka's poor, it was nowhere near the luxury of the aristocracy. So Aleksandra made herself busy, laying out the garments the queen had sent whilst Kira hovered in case of the unlikely event that Alina needed assistance. She chattered the whole while while Alina responded, actually sounding like she was listening.
It was only when she heard her friend's sharp intake of breath that she glanced over. Alina had shrugged off her kefta and undergarments, though paused at Kira's response.
"I know I've spent months living in an army camp, but I can't look that bad, surely?" She grinned, though her eyebrow was raised.
Aleksandra could see why Kira had gasped, however. Alina's naked body was - aside from being dirty from travel, leanly muscled and littered with scars - decorated with a number of very suspect marks, only just starting to fade. "Interesting bruises," She said carefully, wondering if her earlier claims to the Queen about the Darkling forcing her were true after all.
"It may not be my place, my lady," Kira sounded concerned, putting aside the over-eagerness temporarily. "But are you... are you alright?"
"What?" Alina looked down at herself, then - to their surprise - laughed. "Oh. Yes, I'm fine," Even stark naked, she still held herself with a rangy, fighter's grace; not quite regal, but completely unashamed.
"Are you sure?" Kira pushed gently. "We've both seen marks like that on many girls before, and they're never fine," Lots of those were at the hands of this girl's own husband-to-be, or the King himself. Aleksandra wondered if Alina knew of the Prince's... vices.
The girl's eyes darkened. "Yes, I can imagine. Truly, I am fine, but I know the difference. If you hear of anyone's hands wandering towards anyone who can't say no, do let me know. I'll make sure the man in question won't do so again. Even if - no, especially if - it's the Prince. That might be the one useful thing I can do here," Her dark look twisted into a sharp grin, as she summoned a ball of golden light to her hand.
Both maids stared at it, transfixed for a moment. She used such a great power so casually, and spoke of doing things for servants that were... unusual for a guest of the royals, to say the least. Most women would look the other way to their husband's indiscretions, or take it out on the poor girls. Aleksandra's respect for the Sun Summoner rose significantly.
"Of course," She said, getting a hold of herself.
"What if you get into trouble?" Kira looked concerned.
Alina laughed sourly. "I'm not exactly known for holding my tongue. It would only be in character,"
Kira grinned, then, far more genuine than her bland, needlessly-cheerful service smile. "That's true. All the servants have seen you argue with the General. I'm always in awe. He scares me half to death,"
"Someone's got to keep his ego in check," She brushed that off like it was nothing, too, and it was not false modesty; she really thought that little of it.
"And the bruises?" Kira dared to push again.
To that, Alina gave a rather wicked smile. "I gave as good as I got. And if either of you are reporting back to the Queen, or Vasily, feel free to tell them anything I've said. Not saying you are, but if you were, which wouldn't surprise me - I'd like them to know," That was said without any hint of defensiveness or accusation, just pure honesty.
The two of them shared a look - quite a feat, as Kira was about a foot shorter than Aleksandra - which Alina did not notice; she had turned away, back to washing herself. Aleksandra found herself wondering why this girl was allowing herself to be subjected to the whole farce of marrying the Prince, when she was clearly... well, involved with another, and seemed to feel nothing but mild irritation (at best) for the royals. Couldn't she turn herself invisible?
"Saints, Sasha, she's not what I expected," Kira hissed excitedly at her as they walked to the servant's quarters in the roof of the palace together, having left Alina to be escorted to the feast.
"What did you expect?"
"I don't know. Not this," They both snorted at that. "All those scars for a start - everyone knows about the missing finger, but it looks like someone nearly cut her throat! And that's not even mentioning the fact she's clearly been very intimate with someone,"
"Someone?" Aleksandra scoffed. "The Darkling, you mean. Everyone knows,"
"Well, yes," This did not deter her. "Who can blame her? The man is beautiful - tall, dark, with a jawline to die for,"
She smirked. "You won't hear me disagree. But I thought he scared you to death?"
"Oh he does. But he's got... I don't know, an aura around him too,"
"The shadows that can tear a man in half?"
"Oh, but they're part of the charm! Handsome, and dangerous. It's thrilling!"
Aleksandra shook her head, smiling wryly. "You'd fall for a serial murderer if he was pretty enough,"
Kira, used to her barbed tongue, just laughed. "You can't say you aren't intrigued at the idea of a man who's as passionate as Alina's skin told us?"
I'm not interested in the idea of a man at all. She didn't say that, though, just smirked. "Shame on you, Kira. You've only been married a year,"
"A girl can daydream. And what my Dima doesn't know can't hurt him,"
Aleksandra shook her head. "I almost feel sorry for the Prince. He won't know what's hit him on his wedding night,"
They shared a look, then both burst out laughing.
"Serves him right," Kira shook her head, giggling. "There's some twisted justice in that,"
"I thought the courtly frills were just for dinner last night," Alina glared at the dress Aleksandra had laid out for her the next morning; the girl's mood had clearly been worsening from the moment she entered the palace, no doubt accelerated by the dinner the previous evening. She had come back in a foul mood, dismissing them both with an apology for being rude. "Sorry to waste your time, but I'm wearing my kefta,"
"The Queen has a list of requirements for your clothing," Aleksandra said after a pause; Kira had backed away, acting busy and bravely letting her handle this one.
"The kefta is bulletproof," Alina said flatly. "And I can fight in it, if I have to,"
Exactly. "Not to be blunt," Aleksandra had little time for this, and appealed to her sense of common decency; something she could rarely do in this place. "But if you don't want to wear it, you can take it up with her Majesty - I don't want to lose my job,"
The Sun Summoner's glare fixed upon her. It was rather unsettling, almost dangerous, and took even her aback. A hideously uneven power dynamic was part of the job, here, but this was a whole other level. In the short time they had known each other, Aleksandra got the impression that Alina went into every confrontation - whether consciously or not - like she was facing the Darkling. Which was, for most situations, a massive overkill.
Thankfully, Alina was still open to talk and not eviscerate her with a twitch of her fingers. "What are these rules?"
"No keftas. Especially black ones. Her majesty doesn't want the Prince's bride to look like a soldier. Or a witch - she muttered that last bit, but said it all the same,"
There was a silence. Alina visibly battled with herself. Evidently sense won out in the end. "Fine," The girl snapped. It was easy to forget she was only eighteen most of the time, especially in front of any courtiers. It wasn't easy to forget now; the four years Aleksandra had on her were showing.
But Alina let herself be laced into layers and layers of petticoats, frills, silks and lace, fashionable court dresses that cost a small fortune. Not a single item in that wardrobe was black, either, though plenty in pastel colours, pale pinks, blues, yellows. She clearly hated it; she looked good, but it didn't suit her one bit, and she glowered until they were in public.
Aleksandra privately wondered if the royals were trying to push the girl to breaking point by forcing her to attend all these functions. Today was morning tea with the Queen and her ladies; part of her was hoping Alina would snap and liven things up. But to her surprise, the girl sat through all the pointed comments and nasty sniping, smiling through gritted teeth, biting back every now and again but disguising the insult as a joke or compliment. Most surprising of all, once the ladies started talking amongst themselves, she seemed to be making an effort to befriend a few in particular.
Aleksandra had been at court for years now; she knew that Alina was charming the wives and daughters of powerful men in government. She wasn't bad at it, either, though came at it from a completely different way than most courtiers would; she came across as honest, intelligent and even if she was a bit too bold or too sharp, any faux-pas she made was turned into a joke. She seemed to be permitted a number of eccentricities that were not granted to most others, and in fact, coming from her, were considered charming. Who knew that she had that in her?
A line was nearly crossed when one of those insipid women asked her to show them her light. Alina's smile fixed in place, and for a moment Aleksandra thought she would refuse at being asked to perform like a circus animal at the whims of the nobility. But then she conjured up several little golden figures, making them look like ladies dancing at a ball, so beautiful that even Aleksandra was temporarily entranced.
She snapped out of it when she realised that the girl was definitely up to something. One so proud would not be so biddable when she clearly did not want to. Aleksandra wondered if Alina realised she was now holding court, most eyes in the room focused on her, not the queen.
"Of course," Alina was saying, making the figures vanish with a twitch of her fingers. "Pretty dancing figures weren't much help on the battlefield," The ladies watching tittered with laughter.
"I always forget you were in battle," One of them said, clearly admiring. "That's so brave - I could never!"
"For me, it's selfish not to," Alina replied. "I can help, a lot. Me and the Darkling together can turn the tide of the battle,"
"What else can you do together?" One of the bolder young ladies asked salaciously, earning some giggles and disapproving looks; Alina seemed much more popular amongst the younger ladies. "We all heard your wedding with Prince Vasily isn't to be held for months,"
Alina handled it remarkably well, snorting in an unladylike way and lying through her teeth. "Whatever you're thinking of me, that's not it. The Prince dislikes the idea of being bound in holy matrimony so soon - he requested six months of, ah, freedom," The innuendo in her tone was clear, making even more of the others laugh, though a few shot worried looks at the Queen, whose lips were pursed. "While I sit and wait patiently. Those rumours about myself and the General are just that - rumours. The man is much too old for me,"
"He can't be older than forty, surely?"
"You'd be surprised," She bit her lip. "Besides, he practically raised me. It's horrible hearing such nasty things about us,"
"Oh, I'm sure," One of the older ladies seemed to be coming around to her, sounding sympathetic. "Trust the gossip mill to turn an innocent relationship into something wicked. I'm sure he's like a father to you?"
Aleksandra had to bite back a smirk as Alina warred with herself for a moment, forcing the words out through her teeth. "Yes. Just like a father,"
"I feel ill," The girl muttered to Aleksandra as they walked quickly away from the room after morning tea had finished, skirts swishing. "I need to wash my mouth out with soap,"
Aleksandra could not hold back her laugh. "Why don't you like talking about your beloved father figure? The man who practically raised you,"
"It's not funny," She groaned, head in her hands even as they carried on walking. "Stop laughing, I think those sickly little cakes they served are going to come right back up on this carpet,"
Aleksandra laughed harder. "It worked, though,"
"What do you mean, worked?" Alina's eyes narrowed slightly.
"Most of them were charmed by you. Somehow,"
The girl snorted. "When I try, I can be charming. Most of the time I just don't care to try. And look where it got me! Having to say that the man whose bed I've been sharing for over half a year is like a father to me," She made a retching noise, which set Aleksandra off again. "I'm much better suited to battlefields than ballrooms, honestly,"
"Or a Prince's bed," Aleksandra dared to say.
The younger girl's look confirmed her what she already knew; the Sun Summoner was not impressed with this particular arrangement at all, no matter how she acted in front of the Lantsovs. "What are you talking about?" Her tone was sarcastic. "It's every girl's dream to marry a chinless - sorry, handsome - Prince,"
Aleksandra bit her lip. "Yes, Prince Vasily is a true gentleman. Ask any serving girl in the palace,"
Alina frowned. "Did he ever - with you? Did anyone?"
"No. I'm lucky - men like that tend to not like forcing themselves a girl who's taller than them,"
"Lucky," The girl scoffed darkly. "I hope they all rot,"
"So do I," Aleksandra said rather too candidly, forgetting to watch herself around Alina, but did not regret what she said as the other girl snorted.
"How long have you worked here?"
"Since I was sixteen. Six years. The pay isn't bad, I only have to share a room with Kira, and I needed to get away from my father. He was in debt and going to marry me off to some brute of a merchant to help with the money,"
"Good for you for getting out," Alina looked contemplative. "I'll get you a better job, when all this is over,"
"When you marry the Prince, you mean?" Aleksandra raised an eyebrow.
She smiled almost sheepishly. "Yes, when I marry the Prince. What would you like to do, if you had all the choice in the world?"
Aleksandra had never really thought about it, never having been asked before. "I don't know. I'll think about it. But really, you don't have to do anything for me,"
"But I like you," Alina said, open as ever, smiling. "If you were Grisha and lived in the Little Palace, I think we'd have been friends. Class doesn't matter there - I'm friends with both a lord's son and a penniless orphan. So yes, if you want me to then I'll do you a favour, when I can - think of it as me repaying you for keeping me sane while I'm stuck here,"
It was as though she wouldn't be 'stuck here' for the rest of her life, after the wedding.
Aleksandra had forgotten something in Alina's chambers late one evening, and was returning to collect it when she heard voices coming from behind the door. Perhaps she shouldn't have stayed to listen, but curiosity got the better of her.
"Oh, I'm so glad to see you," Alina's voice was saying, slightly muffled. "Genya, I've missed you. It's been torture, seeing you most days but not being able to talk. Let go of me, or I'm going to cry, and we can't have that,"
Genya Safina? The Queen's Tailor? It would make sense that they knew each other, both being Grisha, but for them to be this close was unexpected.
"You've been doing so well," Came the second voice, somehow both reassuring and wry. "I was very surprised. There's been many times I thought you were going to launch yourself across the room to punch someone, but you held back. You're all grown up now!"
"Shut up," Alina laughed. "It's been close at times, let me tell you. On my first day, I was called a whore by the King, the Prince and the Queen within the space of five minutes,"
"Impressive if you ask me," Genya giggled. "When did you develop self-control?"
"Aleksandra helps," She was surprised to hear her own name mentioned. "My maid, Aleksandra Bolshevika, do you know her? I can say hateful things to her about everyone after every social function, and know she feels the same way,"
"I don't know her, but I'm glad you've got someone. You always were good at making friends with people as hateful as you. Is she as good as I was?"
"Better. She doesn't make me sit through hours of umming and ahhing over how my hair is going to look, and what colour my eyelids should be,"
"Ooh that's a low blow. Don't forget you're good at making enemies too. I've seen the way Lady Maria Fedorova glares at you,"
"That was over eight years ago!"
"Have you forgiven her?"
"No. But she deserved it for what she said - I deserve nothing of the sort,"
"You did terrify and humiliate her in front of every lady at court,"
"She told everyone that I was being molested every night by the Darkling at age eleven - again, I repeat, she deserved it,"
"What if she said the same thing now? It wouldn't technically be wrong,"
"Ugh, I really don't like you sometimes. You know it's not molesting. Actually, you don't have to take my word for it - you walked in and saw,"
Genya let out an indignant squeal. "Saints, Alina, don't remind me,"
"Get over yourself - you've seen me naked every day since I arrived at the Little Palace,"
"Dressing you is completely different. There was no part of me that wanted to see you naked and on top of a man. That man in particular,"
Alina just laughed without shame. "I really have missed you,"
"I've missed you," Genya's voice softened. "I'll try and see you again soon. It's hard, though. The King notices when I'm not where I should be,"
Silence for a moment. "I'm so sorry. It won't be for much longer,"
"I know. It's not your fault. He'll get what's coming to him soon enough,"
What in the name of the saints did that mean? Aside from that glaring question, Aleksandra wished she could say she was surprised about Genya's mistreatment, but wasn't.
"When this is over, we'll talk properly," Alina promised. "There's lots I need your opinion on. Until then - I'm here if you need me,"
"Thank you. I'd best be going..."
At that, mind whirring, Aleksandra slipped away all but soundlessly, used to not drawing any attention. Whatever she was looking for could wait until tomorrow.
"Alina, this is a bad idea," Aleksandra had gotten comfortable enough with the girl after a month of serving her that she felt able to tell her off.
"Being forbidden from forcing my way into government affairs is not on my list of rules, is it?" The girl grinned. She was wearing garish yellow; an ugly colour that Aleksandra had learned she liked to wear when she wanted to make a statement and couldn't wear black.
"Because they didn't think you'd be so brazen and stupid,"
"Then they don't know me at all," Her tone was flat, unable to be argued with. "Don't worry, you won't get into trouble - what's a servant girl going to do against the Sun Summoner when she's set her mind on something?" She no doubt did not mean for her words to sting, but they did. "It'll be fine, Sasha," When had she picked up Kira's nickname for her? "At worst, they'll ask me to leave. Do me a favour if you can, and volunteer to wait on these meetings - it'll be nice to see your face in there,"
Oh, she hated it when Alina said things like that, throwing it so carelessly into conversation. She knew it worked, too. Aleksandra did not stop the girl as she strode forward, into the view of the guards outside the council chambers, which were currently in session. Cursing her under her breath, Aleksandra did not wait to find out what happened when she tried to get in. She went to the kitchens, easily stepping in and taking the tray from the frazzled-looking, grateful maid who had been on her way to serve the men of government, entering the chambers through the discreet servant's door.
In that time, Alina had already found herself a place at the table. Of course she had. The girl flashed her a quick grin from where she sat beside a stern Heartrender, the Darkling's second-in-command. Aleksandra rolled her eyes minutely, making Alina bite back a laugh and look away.
Throughout the meeting, the girl kept mostly quiet, though spoke up every now and again with what appeared to be rather good points, judging from the varying looks of mingled respect and irritation on the men's faces. When the topic arose of some... concerning rumours involving the Prince, Alina was, oddly, the first to speak in his favour.
"I don't think we should be entertaining such nonsense," She said. "Of course our wedding isn't being held off because Prince Vasily has contracted an unfortunate case of the clap. Rumours like that are created for the amusement of the commoners and will die down soon enough,"
Somehow, she came across as earnest and well-meaning, if a little rough around the edges. Aleksandra did not miss the fact the girl was determinedly avoiding eye contact with her, to avoid laughing no doubt; did Alina start those rumours herself? She wouldn't put it past her.
"The same should be done with those vulgar drawings of his Majesty," Alina nodded at the disgusting caricature laid out on the table, depicting the King as a weak-chinned man with his privates hanging obscenely out of his breeches, lusting after a terrified-looking young girl. Posters like this had first appeared around Kribirsk, but had spread to Os Alta to the hilarity of many, high and low born alike, though the nobles had the sense to not speak of such things around the King.
"Such things were no doubt created by Fjerda or Shu Han to cause strife in Ravka," The stern Heartrender agreed with her, deadpan. "They should not be dignified with a response,"
Alina's lips twitched.
In these meetings, too, the girl was clearly searching for... allies, for want of a better word. She lingered after the meeting was over, discussing several points with a few of the lords and military men, who seemed to be being won over by her.
"I'll admit, I had my concerns about you, my lady," One stern older man was saying, taking a cup from Aleksandra's offered tray without even glancing her way. "I am pleased to find you aren't the Darkling's little puppet,"
Alina just laughed. "I'm offended you did not realise sooner,"
That actually earned her a faint smile.
"How did you do that?" Aleksandra shook her head as they returned to her chambers later on. She didn't even have to compromise too much of herself to be liked in those circles; being bold, intelligent and witty seemed to win her support, even if she did have to bite her tongue and not insult people.
"I've sat in on those meetings for years," Alina said. "Ivan - the sour-faced Heartrender - used to take me when the Darkling was away. I don't see why that should change now," She grinned. "Turns out people listen to you a lot more when you're engaged to the Prince. Who'd have thought?"
That evening, Alina sat by the window idly summoning tendrils of light, whilst Aleksandra made up her bed for the night.
"You don't have to do that, you know. I'm getting into it soon enough," The younger girl said.
"It's my job," She replied.
"Who cares. Come sit with me,"
Against her better judgement, Aleksandra did. Alina seemed to be in an odd mood.
"I miss the Little Palace," She said after a moment. "It sounds stupid - it's within sight of this place, but I can't even go near it. My window there looked the opposite way to this - over the forest," She seemed to get a hold of herself. "What do you miss? You grew up in Os Alta, didn't you?"
"In the outer city, yes," Aleksandra said. There was a pause. "Talking of stupid - I miss my cat. And my little brothers. I see my brothers every month or so on my day off, but I can't go near enough home to see that raggedy old cat without my father threatening me,"
"I'll get the cat for you," Alina said it like it was nothing. "I've been meaning to go out into the city. I've been told by the Apparat I need to act more like a saint," That weird man was always hanging around Alina whenever he was able. Aleksandra liked it no more than she did. "It can live in the kitchens. Or I'll say I've adopted it, and you can see it when you come here,"
She was touched by that, more so than she was comfortable expressing. "I - " Aleksandra broke off, an unexpected lump in her throat. "Thank you," She managed to force out. No one had been so kind to her in a long time.
The other girl just smiled. "What's its name?"
Aleksandra let out a breath of laughter. "Olga,"
"Olga the cat," Alina grinned. "We'll go and find her next week. I'll find a nearby orphanage to visit, or something else saintly,"
She was going to have to change the subject, or she was going to cry. Aleksandra never cried. "What else do you miss about the Little Palace?"
"The dining hall, where everyone knows me but I'm just one of them, there's no Sankta nonsense. The library - the old librarian is my friend, and there's a window alcove where me and my other friends like to sit. I miss them a lot. Zoya's a bit like you, only louder - you'd either love her or hate her. Nina and Viktor always make me laugh. Kasper's a sweetheart, and you'd like Katya a lot, even if she does indulge my weirder side. I miss Genya waking me up in the mornings,"
"Do you miss the Darkling?" She wasn't sure what made her ask.
Alina didn't answer for a moment. "Is it weird to say both yes and no? I miss his company, if that's what you mean. But I like being by myself too. He is the one thing in this world that's inevitable, for me. It seems strange to miss what I'll have forever. And he scares me to death, sometimes, because he represents everything I have always fought against. What did I call him, once? Something like the one chain that I'll allow to bind me. He didn't like that, but I think it's fitting. I'm the only one he can't control, after all," She laughed at the look on Aleksandra's face. "Sorry. I'm not normally like this, I'm just in a strange mood tonight,"
"Inevitable is one thing," She said carefully. "Something I won't even pretend to understand. But remember to live alongside that,"
Alina grinned. "That's what I try to do every day. If I try my best to enjoy myself where I can, inevitable doesn't sound so bad," She took a breath. "Anyway, enough of my twisted affairs - is there any man who takes your fancy, Sasha?"
"No," Aleksandra said, and somehow that was all it took for something to click in Alina's expression.
"Any girls?" She smiled wickedly.
"What - " She broke off, panic rising in her chest. "No, of course not! What do you even mean?"
"Oh, I always forget that otkazat'sya are so uptight," Alina did not sound fazed at all. "Sorry, I'm always being told I'm too blunt. I know at least a dozen Grisha girls who like other girls, and men who like other men. I've seen Nina go off with a girl, and Viktor go off with many boys, and I think Katya is similarly inclined but no one's ever felt the need to ask. And Ivan's all but married to Fedyor. No one cares in the Little Palace, not like they would here,"
It took a long moment for Aleksandra to speak again.
"It doesn't bother you? I help you dress, and bathe, I - "
"I wouldn't dare flatter myself that you're interested in gawping at me - I have the chest of a teenage boy and the calloused hands of a blacksmith," Alina snorted. Aleksandra stared at her, but the girl had already moved on as though the matter truly was inconsequential. "Anyway, about my upcoming trips into the city - you've lived in Os Alta for most of your life, so you know the outer city well?"
"Yes," She found her voice.
"Perfect," The girl smiled. "You're coming with me, and not just to find your cat,"
It was late when she left Alina's chambers. The palace was blessedly quiet at this time of night. Though many of the maids were scared to walk around in the dark, Aleksandra preferred it. The hallways were deserted, especially the servant passages as there were no guards, and she was able to pass through like a ghost, a small lantern raised in front of her to light the way.
She knew something was off when a figure appeared in front of her in the narrow servants' hallway, and stopped dead some distance away, a fear lancing through her.
"Aleksandra Bolshevika?" It was a woman, of average height, thin, and wearing nondescript clothes. Her hair was dark, her face unclear in the gloom of Aleksandra's lantern, but she did not recognise her at all.
"Who's asking?" She narrowed her eyes.
"I've been watching you,"
"Why in hell's name have you been watching me?" That wasn't disconcerting at all. "I'm just a servant. Who are you?" Her heart pounded, her legs ready to run. And then, suddenly, it wasn't. A wave of calm washed over her, a physical calm that she couldn't break even though her head was screaming. "Heartrender," She said it like an accusation.
"Perceptive," The woman's hold on her heart did not abate. "Most otkazat'sya would not notice. I am only trying to calm you. Your heart was beating like a frightened deer,"
Aleksandra resented the comparison, and the woman could clearly tell, somehow seeming amused without smiling. "Calm me? As if you won't knock me out the moment I try to run. You're not meant to be here,"
"Then don't try to run and we'll have no problem," For a second the grip on her heart tightened and released, a disconcerting and painfully effective warning. The woman moved forward, so smoothly it barely seemed like she was walking at all. "You are close to Alina Starkova. And you have no love for the royals,"
"I'm Lady Starkova's maid. And I love the royals no more or less than the next person," She said, wary of her words being used against her. "Tell me who you are - I want to go to bed,"
"I need a messenger. To deliver letters to the Sun Summoner. On a regular basis, or else I'd leave the note myself and leave. I need a messenger who won't go running to tell the Lantsovs," She was Grisha, she worked for the Darkling; it made sense he would want to be in correspondence with Alina.
"Why should I risk my job like that?" And potentially my life. "Lady Starkova is forbidden by their Majesties from having contact with anyone outside the palace,"
"You're her friend," The woman was close enough now that Aleksandra could make out dark eyebrows, thin lips, a dainty pointed nose. "The girl makes friends easily, but their loyalty is won forever. She would make a good Queen, don't you think?"
"When she marries Prince Vasily, yes," Aleksandra said, almost as a question, sensing there was more to that statement and daring to push further. "If she doesn't run off before the wedding,"
"She can turn herself invisible - she wouldn't be here if she didn't want to be," The unknown woman said. "Makes you think, doesn't it? Why is she still here?" Aleksandra had indeed been thinking that, but kept quiet. "You don't know me, and I'd kill you if I thought for a second you'd betray us, so I have nothing to lose by telling you this - the Lantsovs' end is near, whether you help us or not. You can leave now and not tell a soul, or you can run a few messages and be handsomely rewarded,"
That did not come as the surprise it should have. Shocking, yes, but not surprising. Aleksandra was silent for a long moment.
The woman took the opportunity to push further; she was clearly experienced in persuasion. Something told Aleksandra that it wasn't always through means as kind as words. "I know you've always played along, followed the rules, even if you resent doing so inside. Do you want to take a risk, for once? Help us achieve what you've been fantasising about for years?"
Aleksandra gave a short laugh. "Is this what you've concluded from watching me, or what you know you can say to any servant and have them agree?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Alina knows about this. This... plot, or whatever it is," She stated more than asked. The woman's silence was evident enough. "I won't tell anyone. The Lantsovs deserve what's coming to them. And fine. I'll be your little messenger, after I've spoken to Alina and she's cleared a few things up. I don't know you, but I know her - if I get caught, she'll get me out. I doubt you'd do the same,"
"Why, that depends how useful you are," The woman smiled for the first time, white teeth glinting in the dark. Aleksandra wondered how old she was; anywhere from twenty to forty, in this lighting. "Thank you, Aleksandra Bolshevika. Tell the Sun Summoner that Mila sends her regards,"
Mila. She pressed an envelope into Aleksandra's hands, her own surprisingly warm, and turned without another word, seeming to melt into the shadows from which she had emerged. She briefly entertained the idea that Mila could see in the dark, then shook off the foolish thought, tucking the incriminating envelope into the pocket of her apron.
What on earth was she doing? Passing secret, forbidden messages was enough to get her in serious trouble, and she had always gotten along perfectly fine by keeping her head down. But Mila's words had lit something inside her, sparked the flame of resentment and hate, no doubt as they had been intended to do. The woman had known exactly what to say, but it had worked. Aleksandra would give that letter to Alina the next morning, and ask her a few choice questions. And from then on, she didn't know.
I thought I'd make this chapter a bit different, as there's only so many times I can write about Alina hating the Lanstovs from her POV before it becomes a bit dull; I don't want to reveal the plan right away either. What do you think about Aleksandra's POV? I quite enjoyed it, I can't lie. Someone who has the same disdain as Alina, but less willing to break the rules, reacting to someone who tries to break every single one. Oh, and she has no connection to the Darkling at all, I made her name Aleksandra just to fuck with Alina. How do I do writing court intrigue? It doesn't come naturally to me - I feel like writing small interactions and dialogue between characters is my strength, not drawn out plots and intrigue, but I hope I've done a good enough job haha. Thanks for reading!!
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