XXIX | Epilogue

|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Chapter Twenty Nine |


It was a stand off between the Cullen Clan and the infamous Volturi. Two subtly rivaling groups of people with different values and morals in place. Iris could practically touch the film of tension covering them like a tarp.

She didn't know where to look. The obvious choice being Jane; standing short in stature yet mighty nonetheless as she demanded the attention of anyone in her presence. She took the time to survey the aftermath, a knowing glint shinning in her bright red eyes. Her twin brother, Alec who stood only half a step behind his sister but that truly showed who held the power amongst the two. Though, Alec's gift was fierce in itself.

Or, the two menacing guards, Felix and Demetri who flanked each of their sides... However, Iris didn't see them as any immediate threat, so she chose to meet the dangerous eyes of Jane.

"It appears you've done our work for us," Jane drawled noncommittedly. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky," Carlisle interceded. Iris shifted the weight on her legs, subconsciously leaning microscopically closer to Edward.

"I doubt that," Jane made eye contact with Iris, scrutinizing her form with accusing eyes. The ginger had to hold herself to her spot, reigning in her leftover rage from Victoria.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." That had to have been the first time Iris had ever heard Alec speak. His voice childlike yet all-the-more terrifying because of that.

"Yes, It's not often we're rendered... unnecessary."

"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward quipped knowingly as he bravely glared at Aro's prized possessions. Iris glance at him incredulously at the corner of her eye, biting down on her lip to keep from saying anything.

"Pity." Jane makes a show to look around the line of Cullen's, spotting the paranoid, newly turned, immortal shaking by the fire. "You missed one."

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle voiced protectively, almost pleadingly as he took a step forward to shield her from view. 

The Volturi stepped forward threateningly as Jane tilted her head to the side patronizingly, "That wasn't your to offer." She directed her striking gaze towards the newborn, causing Bree to stiffen instantly. "Why did you come?" 

What seemed like an innocent question was only a ploy as, before she could answer, Jane sends an invisible searing current through Bree's body. The newborn screaming in excruciating pain, writhing on the ground as she clawed her own scalp. Edward moved his arm to hold Iris back, knowing just how protective his wife was over the young. Iris cupped a hand over her mouth to keep in her choice words, her other tightening around Edward's arm.

However, Esme couldn't help herself as she stepped forward. "They came to destroy us – to kill Iris and Bella."

"Who created you?" The screeching only intensified and Iris couldn't handle it anymore. Her subconsious itched to do something about it. She couldn't stand to see a child being tormented, especially because of her past.

"Y-you don't have to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know!" Jane's face changed for the first time since arriving, a sinister smirk gracing her childlike features. It looked out of place on a face so innocent. "I know."

"I-I don't know... R-riley, he wouldn't t-tell us. He said our thoughts w-weren't safe," Bree chokes out as her chest heaved in relief, only for Jane to send the pain inducing waves again.

Iris felt Edward squeeze her side as if to warn her of what he was about to do. "Her name is Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." Bree's pain abruptly ceases. Jane's faces Edward with an innocent smile in the verge of being unnerving. The other three Volturi suddenly position themselves behind Jane, ready to take action if given the signal. The atmosphere shifted from tense to dire within a second and Jasper fiercely tried to salvage the pieces.

"Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?"

Jane just looks at Carlisle for a long moment before adverting her gaze to her right. "Of course. Felix."

"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." Iris watched as Esme pleaded for the newborn's cause yet it was futile. Felix proceeded with his orders eagerly, stretching his fingers as he knelt by the newborn. 

"Let this be known that the Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human."

"The date is set," Bella speaks with confidence, shoulders pushed back as she meets her gaze evenly. It seemed many of the immortals were caught off guard by it, especially Jane. Iris didn't know if it was bravery or pure idiocy, wither way she was proud. Jane makes a disgusted tiff, setting her eyes on the hybrid ginger.

"And your list." It wasn't a question, more like an accusation and Edward moved closer to her side to possibly shield her from Jane's wrath. However Iris only found herself smirking, eyebrows arching slightly. "Is completed."

"Take care of that, Felix. I'd like to go home."

Iris's eyes shut close in sympathy as she made a silent prayer to something, somebody. No child deserved such a life. And as if Colton was thinking the same thing, he stepped forward, eyes focused on Jane as he titled his head subtly. "What if her worth could be proven useful," The sickly sweet words curled around the recesses of her mind, appealing to her psyche.

Jane snapped her head up, venomous eyes staring holes into Colton but he steadied on. "The Volturi will be painted in a new light, a beacon to the vampiric community. Bree will be a living testimony to your traces and gifted immortals will flock to Aro's side for his generosity. You will get all his praises," Though the words didn't quite make since to the onlookers, Colton was doing more than he was letting on. He appealed to Jane's dark desires to be accepted and praised by her master.

A hard thing to accomplish, but not impossible.

The Cullen's waited anxiously for their next move. Iris trying so hard to keep still as she held her unneeded breath. Jane briefly glanced at her brother, seeing the disapproval in his eyes. Yet, she couldn't fight how tempting Colton's persuasion sounded. Averting her eyes she narrowed them at the opposing side, taking in their nervous expression despite the masks they put on to hide it. She could see right through them but fortunately, she couldn't see through Colton.

"Stand down, Felix."

"Jane –" She raised a hand, mutely, to silence her brother's reasoning. 'This could be good for us,' Jane heard repeatedly in her mind. She would not be stopped from her plan of action now. Instead, she eyed to Cullen's with disdain before turning on her heel gracefully, "Until next time..."

When they were gone, everyone seemed to finally relax. "All thanks went to Colton for finally becoming useful", Iris's words. They took the newborn, Bree Tanner to the Cullen's home. She was shaken up; however, you could see the relief in her eyes for being given another chance. She just wished Diego could've gotten that opportunity as well.

Iris and Edward decided to meet Arthur at Billy Black's home with Carlisle. Her father was to keep Penelope safe while the fight ensued and Iris couldn't wait to wrap her arms around her little girl after the twenty-four hours she just had. Although the battle was over, there was another dread hanging over their heads. Jacob Black was in disarray, physically and, Iris was sure, mentally too. She wished she could do something to help and take away the pain, but there was nothing.

As they pull up to Billy's house, they could hear the loud yells from two blocks away. Iris flinches as she gets out the back seat, following her in-law towards the small home. The ginger stopped just short of the entrance, finding Ava sitting on the porch with her knees tucked underneath. Edward touched Iris's shoulder, the couple making suggestive eye contact before he disappeared into the house to assist his father.

Iris sighed sadly to herself, taking a seat beside the Elemental as she looked out among the pack gathering on the lawn. "So why are you out here?"

Ava buried her head further into he knees, shaking her head tiredly. "I'm no use in there. I'll only muck something up."

Iris frowned, leaning back as she folded her arms over her chest. "And why would you think that. You're Jake's imprint, whether you accept it or not. You being there is a vital part of his recovery." The wild blonde raised her head to show the stain marks of her tears, face worn and weary as she bit on her thumbnail.

"Listen, I've had it rough alright. Every relationship I've been has been dog shit. What makes this one any different? I'm-m whatta-call it, damaged goods." She shrugged her shoulders as she scoffed to herself. "What good will I do for Jake whose never been in a relationship, ever. His expectations are high and I'll only disappoint."

"Aren't you like, an advocate for free will? I'd say you're taking that away from him and you didn't even know it. Let him decide for himself what he wants..." Iris rested her hand on Ava's knee, smiling encouragingly. "Plus, I'm 100% sure that he'll want you around. Hell, he came to my shop not too long ago asking how he can get closer to you. Don't sell yourself short."

Ava swallowed roughly, slowly nodding her head as she stood. "...Yeah? O-okay, alright. Then, I'll just..."

"Go in," Iris helped with a smile.

"Yes, go in. Thank you." Iris waved her hand noncommittedly, watching as the wild Aussie padded through the front door nervously. Billy Black was the first one to embrace her, taking her by surprise but she relaxed after a moment, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "He's a strong bugger, he'll be ace, Billy."

When Arthur pulled up to the Black's residence, Iris practically bolted towards the hippy van. Penelope was wide awake in her car seat, her brown eyes brightening at the sight of her mother. The toddler reached for her, to which Iris willingly obliged, squishing the little tike in her arms as she smothered kisses all over her face and crown. Penny squealed in delight, placing one tiny palm on her mother's cheek as the other hugged her neck. "Oh my Pea, I've missed you so much."

"Hey dad," Iris smiled towards Arthur to which he was caught off guard by the endearment. She mouthed a silent 'thank you' before he waved off and went back home. She couldn't believe the universe gave her a second chance at a loving family.

Donna and Arthur were the perfect parent supplement to the one's she was born into. They loved and encouraged her to do bigger and better things, and it made her feel better about being a parent herself. She realized that she could love fully, express herself completely and have peace in the most chaotic moments. Donna gave her that, planted the seed that would soon bloom into the most fulfilling life. And Arthur nurtured said seed, providing the confirmation she so desired in her childhood and never got. She was satisfied now, a fully developed adult with more than enough love and prosperity to spare.

What more could this life throw at her? She didn't know, but she knew she wasn't alone in the slightest. This...was more than luck. Yes, this was the biggest blessing she could've ever ask for.

"You ready to go?" Edward appeared beside her, placing an adoring kiss to Penelope's cheek. Iris nodded with a serene smile, her heart at peace for the first time in a while. Everything has a purpose and a reason, Iris thought –  more so, she believed it wholeheartedly.

E  N  D    O  F    E  C  L  I  P  S  E


And that's the end of Eclipse guys! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. We went through a lot this book: Edris Wedding, Cella engagement, Meeting Arthur and Ava, Penny's first birthday, Dylan making an appearance, The list goes onnnn! I'm so excited about Breaking Dawn you don't understand.

You guys know the drill, give me at least a week from now to get everything ready for Breaking Dawn, get my thoughts together. Much love, Xx

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