|| You, Me and Penny Green ||
| It looks like Eclipse will be the longest book so far, we're already at twenty-four!? |
| Chapter Twenty Four |
"Where's the little tot?" Esme was the first to ask as Edward, Iris and Ava walked out of the tree line to the spacious clearing in the middle of the woods.
"The Beaut's coming with Arthur later. Ole man's going to show Iris some plant-bending techniques. Although, I'd say I'm an Ace, instructor, but Arthur begs to differ." Ava rolled her eyes, tightening her ponytail so her wavy blonde locks were secure.
Iris looked out among her family, smiling to herself when she saw Emmett and Jasper sparing. One moment, Emmett was barreling towards the empath and the next, he was flying through the air, landing hard on his back. Yet, he sprung right up as if the impact was a flick on his shoulder, ready to battle.
"Again," He barked, to which Iris tutted to herself.
"Ah, Emmett. Ever the competitive one. He honestly, won't let you win," Edward instantly agreed, laying his arm over Iris's bare shoulders. The ginger could tell, just by his body language that he especially loved the tight fitting yoga pants and bantu sports bra she decided to wear for this lesson. She wouldn't be surprised if she caught him staring at her bum later on.
"Iris, have you fought before?" Carlisle padded towards her thoughtfully, his hands clasp behind his back.
"Not necessarily, I was more of a flee-the-scene type of girl. I used to be pretty passive aggressive... unless it involved Jessica Stanley." She caught Rosalie's smirk in the corner of her eye, but didn't mention anything about it.
"Well I'm sure you'll learn a lot today." He allowed, meeting eyes with Edward for a brief moment. She could almost smell the protective urge that was building in her husband. They had a discussion before they came, to which Edward agreed to her joining the fight as long as he showed her some moves after the group lesson. It was to further ensure him of her safety, she couldn't and didn't want to refuse.
"Ah, big brother and clumsy human, nice of you to join us." Iris smirked at her best friend's playful glare. The brunette was harder to get out of bed this morning, seeing as it was five. Colton came over and yanked his sisters ponytail, the siblings starting a shoving war until Edward had to step in between them.
"I swear you two are still children," Colton quirked his lips and Iris practically dared him to say what was on his mind.
"Uh, Ed - that would make you a pedophile. Wait, aren't you a hundred and nine or something like that," Iris high fived her brother as they snickered, the pair acting more like twins than half siblings.
"Greens, am I right?" Bella tutted towards Edward as they watched the exchange with pursed lips. "Oh, absolutely."
"Oi, guys. Doggos are here." Stalking out of the tree line were eight ginormous wolves, all varying shades with tense muscles as the blended in with the mist. Iris became anxious as she identified Embry, Quil, Jake, Paul, Jared and Sam. Two others she figured were the new ones, Leah, the first female shapeshifter and Seth, a boy younger than Quil. The thought frightened her to no end.
Edward brushed his hand over the back of hers, showing his sympathy before taking his stand in the middle of the two groups. "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms."
"They came. That's what matters," Carlisle mused appreciatively. No, their lives it what matters, Iris bitterly thought.
Ava whistled lowly, eyeing the large, bear sized wolves standing tall before her. "Okay, fair go. You guys are huge, I'll give you that." She made eye contact with Jacob's reddish brown wolf, fighting the urge to walk over and run her hand through his fur for many personal reasons rather than a safety precaution.
"Will you translate," Edward nodded to Carlisle's request, standing firm as his eyes switched between species often. Sam, the Alpha Iris recognized first, took a step forward to meet the two immortals. He towered above them a good two feet, making Iris cross her arms to keep herself from fidgeting nervously.
"Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."
"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward glanced back to the Cullen's side, meeting the gaze of his wife as he motioned her forward. The ginger instantly walked to him, eager to be by his side. When she stood level with Edward and a couple feet away from Sam, her eyes visibly widened at their height difference. If Sam was two feet taller than Edward, he was about four feet taller than her.
"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood linger in their tissues. Much like Iris who constantly has remnants of human blood surging within her, she's still very much a newborn. Our kind has never been more physically powerful...than in our first several months of this life." Iris honestly felt like a science experiment with how the pack was looking up and down her figure with new eyes. If she were human, she'd blush harshly under the scrutiny.
As Jasper makes his way across the field, he's impossibly rigid. Muscles pulled taunt as he stood up straight with his hands clasped behind his back. Although uncomfortable, he was completely in his element, taking charge.
"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back."
"Not in my nature."
Edward took Iris's hand to lead her away from the battle about to ensue. The wild Emmett made the gesture of popping his neck, although it wouldn't contend in the act. His smirk was cocky, full of predatorial tendencies. Iris could feel the adrenaline in herself building to do something drastic.
Emmett charged towards Jasper head on with supernatural speed, yet that seemed like the wrong decision as Jasper blurred just out of his reach a split second before he could get there. To Isabella Swan, the sight was impossible to keep up with. However for Iris, she could lounge back and witness every millimeter of movement with a bowl of popcorn.
"Never lose focus and one more thing," Emmett lunges again with the same results until he freezes, Jasper has his hold on his neck, his sharp teeth a nanosecond from attaching to his throat. "Never turn you back on your enemy."
An impressed rumbled came from the wolves. Even Iris was impressed as she grinned in excitement. Sure she was a peaceful person, but this transition had changed her natural instincts to flee from confrontation. She was game for anything, nervous, but game nonetheless.
It was a sequence of sparing. Varying pairings fought one another as Jasper gave his input here and there on how to improve. She watched Jasper and Alice, Edward and Carlisle, even Rosalie got a few powerful moves in. Now, it was Iris's turn and she was very self conscious about it.
"Okay, Iris focus on your opponent. Keep them on their toes, use their momentum against them." Iris nodded at Jasper's coaching, eyeing Colton as he grinned patronizingly.
"I've been waiting a long time to do this little sis, you won't believe." The ginger narrowed her speckled eyes, muttering in her head how true his statement was... for her. Iris squatted slightly, the balls of her feet ready as she flexed her hand. When Jasper made the signal to start, Colton and Iris were on the move.
The dirty blonde swiveled out of his sister's reach just before she could touch the hem of his shirt. Her body easily caught up to him, her newborn speed leveling the playing field. As Colton made a grab for her arm to lock it behind her back, she instinctively flipped out of his vicinity. Her own flexibility surprising her, and before she knew it, she was stretching her hand forward just as her feet touched the ground beneath her. The soil erupted with an extended tree root bursting to the surface. Colton was so focused on capturing her ankle while she flipped, that he didn't see Iris wrapping a root around his own ankle, coming.
His body hit the ground with a thud before he could even blink, Iris's hand entrapping his throat with enough pressure to stun him briefly. She let go a soon as he registered his defeat, clapping in excitement as she grinned proudly.
"Well done Iris," Jasper mused with his southern twang.
"I did it! I beat your ass Levi, ha." Colton rolled his eyes at his middle name, standing up as her brushed off his dirtied clothes. "Yeah, well you cheated."
"Don't be a sore loser, Col. Great job, darling." Edward intertwined their hands as she pranced towards him with elation in her speckled eyes. He kissed her chastely, a small congratulations to her victory.
"It's about time we started working with plants. When is it our time to shine, aye?" Ava shouted over the space she put between herself and everyone else. If she was honest, she was just trying to keep away from Jacob so she wouldn't fall under his charm and puppy dog eyes. She was putty against puppies.
Just then, Iris heard her favorite sound in the world. Penelope's excited squeal. Embry perked from his spot nestled on the ground at her voice, his eyes searching the tree line for her. The next minute, Arthur was strolling through the clearing with Penelope in his arms. She waved his hair tie in her hand as a greeting while Arthur's hair hung loosely against his shoulders.
"Just in time, dingo." Ava clapped her hands once as she gracefully glided down the tree she was perched on. Making her way towards the older elemental.
"Doggies!" Penny exclaimed with bright eyes as she pointed toward the pack innocently. Iris chuckled softly to herself, stretching her arms forward to grab her one year old.
"Yes, darling. C'mon,"
"Iris..." Edward warned but Iris waved off his worry. The pack wouldn't hurt Pea, plus Iris would be right by her the whole time. The ginger walked to the other side of the clearing towards Embry with a reassuring smile on her face. He laid there warily, the pack watching with baited breath as she sat down with Penelope in her lap.
Much to everyone's relief, Penny only petted his fur. Her eyes alit with innocent wonder as she laid her head on his stomach. "Doggies," She repeated with a serene smile on her chubby cheeks.
"Oh, she's an elemental alright. Servant of nature," Arthur approved as he crossed his arms over his chest. The next moment he clear his throat, muttering something about going soft. "Alright, let's get to plant-bending shall we?"
Oh my god, I loved this chapter so much guys! The fighting and sibling banter is what I live for. Also, Penny saw the pack in their "Doggy" form and I'm loving it lol. Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter in the comments.
Next chapter, were doing some Plant-Bending (Yes, this is a reference to the best show ever, Avatar: The Last Air Bender) It's going to be some fun. Also, nightmares and a heart to heart.
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