|| You, Me and Penny Green ||
| A collective reader directed chapter! If you want to be apart of things like this, make sure you follow me so you can get the notification to help me plan future chapters!💓
This is focused on Edward's POV enjoy,Xx|
| Chapter Twenty Three |
"Where's the food?" Was the first thing Jacob Black said when he waltz into the Cullen's backyard. Edward habitually rolled his golden eyes, not too keen with the shape shifters. He was sure there will be a time when they will all get along. However, right now he just wanted to get through his daughter's first birthday without complications.
The immortal held said little girl in his arms, pressing kisses to her forehead whenever he got the chance. Edward felt like time was going far too fast for his liking, and that was saying something since he never had a sense of time in over a century.
Maybe it was the excruciating amount of time he spent away from Iris and Penelope. The teething, crawling and senseless drooling he missed, that caused an ache in his chest for this very special day. He remembered like it was yesterday when two of her feet could fit easily into his palm. Now, they were getting ready for standing, walking, running... For once, he just wanted time to slow down – for the sake of his princess.
"Edward, where do we put these?" Kate, from the Denali Coven had arrived not too long ago with Carmen and Eleazar in tow. Tanya decided to stay back with Irina after her uncomfortable reaction to the pack being around. Of course Edward wasn't bothered in the slightest, as long as Tanya didn't try anything with him. Knowing their history of cat, being Tanya, always chasing the mouse, being Edward, endlessly without returned affections.
Kate held two giant boxes in her hands; wrapped in extravagant bows in Ombre blue pastels. Being the guy he was, he searched the sea of party guests to find that spunky redhead. He spotted her instantly, dressed in a pale yellow sundress with an open back. She was passive aggressively telling Bella how to fold napkins. Come to think of it, he didn't realize just how similar Alice and Iris truly were.
"Darling," Iris glanced over her shoulder with an arched eyebrow, her speckled eyes automatically searching for the problem like he'd done something wrong. "Yes?"
"We have more presents," He shrugged helplessly, knowing full well Iris would want to dictate exactly where she wanted them and how she wanted them set down. He learned quickly to just let her do her thing. Penelope did the cutest 'I don't know' hand expression, shrugging her shoulders much like Edward. Maybe Edward wasn't such a good influence on her after all.
Iris tutted under her breath once she spotted Kate, both women sharing a knowing eyeroll. Nonetheless, Iris couldn't resist and took the bait.
"Well, you can just set it down over there. No, see you have to tilt it this way and that way it shows it's optimal angles – here, let me show you..." Kate and Iris were fussing over the presents for a good five minutes before Edward moved on elsewhere.
The Cullen's backyard was decorated beautifully, thanks to some physical labor Alice and Iris put everyone through. Sunflowers were tied around Masen jars, hanging upside down from the trees. Rose petals decorated every silk, soft pink and rounded table cloth. Friends and family all cluttering the tables, laughing and sharing old stories. Although wary, even some of the Quileute's got in on the fun.
The guest of honor was matching her mother. A bright yellow romper with lace detailing along the shoulder straps. Her strawberry curls were tied by two ivory ribbons, a sunflower clip in each curly piggy tail. It was the only accessory she couldn't tug out of her hair in under an hour.
"Please remind me why there are dogs invited?" Rosalie stepped beside Edward with a scowl on her perfect lips. She made a motion to take Penelope, Edward obliging with an inward pout. She was always hogging Penny, not that he blamed her, at all.
"Embry is imprinted with Penelope so it's necessary for him to be here... Plus, they're not our enemies anymore – we're allies now. It's time to be cordial." The immortal blonde rolled her eyes at Edward's smirk, cooing to the birthday girl in effort to ignore his remark.
"As long as they don't mark their territory," They chuckled under their breath at the thought. However, Iris caught them and sent a glare over her shoulder in reproach, to which Edward shoved his hands into his pockets and strolled as fast as he could away from the ginger.
"Wow, this is a big house." Edward perked and stopped where he stood. His gift easily picking up a distinct voice. He grimaced to himself before making his way to the front of the house where he knew he'd find Dylan gaping at the luxury cars. Let's just say Edward wanted to show off a little bit and may have placed them there purposely to get a certain someone's attention.
A smirk graced his chiseled features as he laid eyes on Dylan eyeing the grill of his Volvo. His plan was successful. The dark haired sperm donor didn't even notice Edward trekking towards him, and when said immortal cleared his throat, Dylan subtly winced in surprise.
"Dylan," He allowed, plastering a pained smile on his face.
"You've got a swanky house here, nice car too. What's the model?" Edward shrugged nonchalantly as he crossed his arms over his plaid button up shirt.
"C30, not the best – but it does the job." Dylan nodded along, albeit rolling his eyes aggressively in his head. Instead, he waved his hand around, the other holding a pink gift bag with a fake flower wrapped around the handles. "So where's the uh, party?"
"Around the back, but I wanted to speak to you first. Do you have the documents?" Edward sharply narrowed his eyes before taking a subtly step forward. Although he wasn't trying to be intimidating, his appearance couldn't be perceived as anything else. The immortal step-father was presumably, taking his role very seriously. There were no shenanigans with Penelope's upbringing. She was his main priority.
Dylan sized him up instinctively, his subconscious somehow warning him of possible danger around Edward. However, being the reckless kid he was, he didn't care too much for rules and warnings. Somehow he still couldn't help but take a half step back before handing him the thin stack of papers. "Shoot," He uttered noncommittedly.
"I know we've briefly spoken at dinner with Iris, but I wanted to get this off my chest now. I'm not your enemy, think of us as allies – trying to work towards a common goal: raising Penelope to be a good and wholesome young lady. We don't have to be in constant communication, but I'd rather us be on the same page so we can work efficiently.
So, that means if there is anything and I mean anything that Iris and I feel shows inconsistency in you, we're going to have to talk again and let me tell you, that won't benefit you in any way whatsoever."
"And somehow in your twisted world, that's fair?" Edward shook his head with a grim smirk on his lips. He was fighting the dire urge to rip the guy a new one, especially knowing his history with Iris in the past.
"You don't get fair and just, Dylan. You lost that along with my respect the moment you treated Iris like some emotional doormat. You can work on earning it back, but let's not go there, I'm sure there doing the piñata." Edward slapped Dylan on his right shoulder, causing the jailbird to dip dramatically from the strength behind it. Then, Edward turned on his heel towards the backyard, "Come on, you'll see the guest of honor."
The pair walked in from off the side to join the festivities and to Dylan's surprise, they actually were about to set up the piñata. Iris held Penny protectively against her body while everyone rallied who would get the candy down first. Of course they added some intense restrictions for everyone there, possessed supernatural strength. Edward nodded subtly towards Iris as they made their way over, reassuring her of the conversation that she heard.
"Alright Pea, this is – " Dylan shook his head, wanting Edward to automatically take the title since he had been there for the little girl in more ways than he could fathom.
"Dylan," He interrupted.
"– Dylan, say hi." Iris smiled appreciatively, making a motion with her hand for Penny to copy.
The strawberry blonde mimicked her accordingly, opening and closing her fist with a wide single tooth smile. Edward could tell Dylan was speechless, as anyone would be by Penelope. His thoughts were full of just... her; the way she smiled at him, the color of her eyes, the tiny ringlets in her hair. The couple watched the exchange in silence, wondering if they looked just like that when Penny first entered the world and into their arms. "H-Hi, Pea," He whispered in awe.
"Here, why don't you keep her company, yeah? Edward and I have to get the cake out," Before Dylan could object to holding her, Iris placed the one year old in his hands and he wrapped his arms securing around her out of fear of dropping her. Edward remembered when he was first like that, and he lifted his lip wistfully.
Penelope instantly started playing with his face, like any child would. Her tiny fingers tugged on his necklace playfully, her innocent doe eyes glancing up to his face for approval. It was crazy how much they resembled each other, the young dad was amazed.
Iris and Edward made quick with getting the cake out. A two tier, lemon flavored cake, decorated with many isomalt sunflowers delicately placed all around. The guests awed as they set it down on the table, Dylan sitting Penelope right in her highchair in front. It was Alice who constantly flashed pictures before letting the little girl stick one finger in the frosting. But Iris let her have at it right after, the toddlers hands were all over her slice of cake. She didn't quite get the meaning of eating the cake and more so just wanted to play with it.
"No, Pea. Like this baby," Edward took a dab of vanilla frosting and placed it in her open mouth. That was the changed of everything as her eyes widened dramatically.
The group laughed at her reaction. Arthur and Ava clinking their beers as a toast, remembering the time Arthur did the same thing when he was flat out drunk a hundred years ago. Every supernatural, plus two humans were mesmerized by such a tiny little thing.
What a concept that Penelope Green, who was born into the circumstance where all odds were against her. Born too early, during the untimely arrival of nomadic vampires, with a mother who's family didn't even want her around. Yet, she ended up with the biggest, most compassionate group of people she could ever dream of. All of which, who'd die before letting anyone touch a single hair on her head.
"Yum!" The one year old exclaimed and Esme applauded herself for making a cake even little Penny would enjoy.
Edward and Iris squatted on either side of her. Penny's face messy with crumbs and frosting all over her cheeks but the couple didn't care as they kissed either side of her face. It was the perfect picture of the perfect family.However, when they pulled away, Iris chuckled at Edward's messy face, especially the dollop of icing on his nose. The next second the ginger's scream rang throughout the backyard as she felt the cold sensation of cake being slathered all over her head. Edward laughed uncontrollably at her incredulous expression, falling on his back as Iris glared behind her. "EMMETT, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT."
Her eyes burned fiercely as she stole Bella's slice and marched towards the large and boastful immortal. His mischievous smile instantly deflated as she stomped towards him, a malice grin stretching over her face. "W-wait! They made me do it, it was a dare I swear!"
Iris wasn't having it as she slammed the plate full of cake straight into his face, sliding her hand up to brush it into his inky black hair. Satisfied, she dropped the rest with a splat, clapping her hands together to get the frosting off. Hearing the snickers of the three Quileute's who came, she turned on her heel with a fear inducing smirk. "Who put him up to this?"
All three russet boys pointed to the other, eyes blow wide. "Jake did it!"
"Embry did it!"
"Quil did it!"
Iris propped her hands on her hips, already knowing her sundress was ruined. She could feel her hair stick to the back of her neck and it made her want to retch. The ginger could feel the approving eyes of everyone else from the party as if they could read her thoughts just like Edward. With a quirk of her eyebrow, she took a threatening step forward.
"Then it looks like you'll all be getting cake in the face, today." The boys instantly started running off, but Iris was already on the move. Edward watched on from the ground, nudging Alice's leg to gain her attention. She glanced down in confusion, until he uttered, "Alice, get your camera ready. I want this on a postcard."
This is a long ass chapter guys lol And Penelope is One!! Yay but also boo because my little baby is growing up and I'm not ready for it. In honor of our little Pea, name your favorite moment of her in the comments so far. I love reminiscing and sometimes I forget what I even write, Xx.
Next chapter, Party time is over and the sparing starts.
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