|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Chapter Eighteen |

"Embry stop teaching Penelope to use my utensils as toys, please." Iris scolded the teenage boy as she prepared for the company she was having over today. It was the day Iris somehow agreed to let Bella and her friend Angela over to put together their graduation invites.

"Aye aye, captain."

She wasn't too keen on having an acquaintance in her house. However, she made an exception to the photographic teen. Seeing as she was always polite and lacked judgement whenever the ginger was around. Oh the things the Elemental did for her clumsy friend.

Embry and Pea were situated where Iris could keep an eye on them. It wasn't because Iris didn't trust him, because she did, now more than ever. Yet the young mother just knew the two would be getting into some trouble soon. It was natural for that combination, especially because she learned first hand with her glass vase not too long ago. Shattered into pieces by a game of peek-a-boo. How it happened? She never knew, but she'd be damn if she let it happen again.

From what she could see from the kitchen, Em was now trying to teach her to stand up. Using the coffee table her tiny hands gripped it tightly as she wobbled her chunky legs. Iris sighed quietly to herself, she felt time was going by too fast. Her little girl was already trying to walk. Where had the time gone? The ginger felt like she just gave birth to the little monster, helping her with anything and everything so she'd survive. Now, Penny would use her own spoon to scoop in her applesauce. Guess Iris could say she was experiencing baby fever. 

She got back to work, stirring the freshly made guacamole after making three sandwiches for Embry's spontaneous appetite. The boy could and has eaten out her whole fridge three times out of the week. Edward made a remedy with that though, stocking the fridge with covered jars of animal blood.

Humans wouldn't know what it was, but Embry did. And seeing it freaked him out on occasion, long enough for Iris to steer him in another direction. She was lucky her stomach didn't need human food to survive.

Just then, the door bell rang. Iris whipped her hands on a nearby dish rag, picking up the bowl of guac and chips as she padded towards the living room. Upon seeing her stuffed hands, Embry tried to reach for it, but Iris was expecting it and instantly smacked his hand away. "There's three sandwiches on the counter, knock yourself out."

She smiled to herself when the Quileute immediately jumped from the floor, practically sprinting towards the kitchen, "Walk! – I like having nice things."

The ginger set the food down on the coffee table, out of reach from Penelope. The doorbell rang again and Iris glared at it half-heartedly. Bella always knew how to push her buttons. Rushing to the door, she unlocked and opened it. Her speckled eyes being greeted with the sight of Angela and Bella holding stacks of envlopes and such. "Hi, Iris. I love your house, it's like a fairytale book," The photographer giggled as she looked around in amazement.

Iris smiled genuiely, forgetting just how nice the girl could be. "Thanks, come in. There's extra supplies on the coffeetable." She opened the door wider, stepping out of the way. As they passed through, Bella sent an appreciative smile towards her bestfriend, to which Iris playfully rolled her eyes.

Soon the girls were settled in, each of them a specified station. Iris the envelope sealer; Bella the packager, and Angela would write down the addresses, crossing them off of the lists. Penelope was just as distracting as the young mother predicted, crawling in and out of her lap as she tried to enclose the envelope. It was about the third time Iris successfully dodge her daughters grab for the elegant papers when she had enough. "Em! What are you doing?"

The girl's laughed as the Quileute rounded the corner with his mouth stuffed with bread and slice roast beef. Iris rose an unimpressed eyebrow before rolling her eyes. Boys will be boys, she thought. He answered with a full mouth, cheeks impossible full. "Yweah?"

"Can you come get Pea?" She exclaimed as the girl in question was waving her hands around, her grasp full of blocks.

Understanding filled his eyes as he hurried over and took her in his arms. The strawberry blonde protested by throwing her blocks around, her tiny eyebrows furrowing in frustration. Looks like it was almost time for her nap.

When the shapeshifter left the room, the girls went back to work. Iris could tell Angela wanted to ask something, and she was proved correct when the girl cleared her throat. "So how's married life and motherhood? Is it the enchanting fairy tale?" She fluttered her eyelashes dramatically, amusing the ginger greatly.

"Uh – no," She laughed lightly along with Bella. "It's a lot of work really, love always is. I mean, there's some days when I want to smash my head in because Edward forgot to clean up after himself whilst trying to make breakfast." Bella snorted as she tried to hold in her laugh, face turning red and all.

"He really can't cook to save a life," She commented in amusement. Iris nodded her head enthusiastically, remembering when Eddie tried to make Pea's baby food. That bitter taste, she shivered for emphasis.

"Oh yeah... But then there's these moments when its finally quiet. Everyone is fed and satisfied, Penny's sitting still for once, and its amazing. It makes the other frustrating times worth it," Angela sighed dreamily, leaning her elbow on the coffee table.

"What a life, things are just speeding along. Y'know U.W. sent me and Eric our dorm assignments yesterday. I'm in the furthest dorm from campus. Eric's in the closest, of course. Bella has Alaska assigned you guys dorms yet?" Angela Webb was sure the talker, which was probably why Bella liked her so much. She wouldn't have to participate in conversations awkwardly all the time.

Bella hadn't even thought about college, seeing as she was going to cut off all ties with old friends from Forks. She stumbled over her words, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly, "N-not yet."

"Iris, are you thinking about college any time soon?" Iris stopped mid fold as she lent against the side of the couch. Curling her vibrant locks behind her ear, she gave honest answer. "Well, maybe not right now. With Penelope and lots of things going down right now, I don't think I could juggle it."

"When you do, what would you study?" Iris smiled cheekily, knowing what she wanted to do since she was eight.

"Education, so possibly a teacher." The girl's grinned at her as they could see the role fit perfectly for the motherly redhead. Her bright smile and compassionate personality standing in front of a class with little tykes sitting around her.

"I could totally see that, you're so good with Pea already." If Iris could blush, she would be from the neck up. She didn't know why she suddenly felt shy, but it wasn't too often people outside the family complimented her parenting skills.

"Why thank you. Sometimes I don't feel like I am, but it means a lot to have that confirmation. Especially since I practically have two kids now –"

A crash was heard in from down the hallway. Iris could supernaturally hear the porcelain clicking to the wood floors in a million different pieces. As soon as whatever it was shattered against the floor, then came the all too familiar calls, "It wasn't me, Penny did it!"

Iris groaned as the girls tried to hold in their laughter. Rising up from the floor she stomped down the hall, ready to clean up whatever beautiful artifact the pair broke, once again. When she got to the room, the girls could practically hear her gasp before she yelled in exasperation, "EMBRY! How in the hell did you do that!?"


Just a disclaimer guys to remind you that I started this book writing in short but frequent chapters. I intend to keep it that way, although I may post longer one's on occasion or special instances. If you don't like the length of my chapters, I apologize because this is not the writing style for you.

I enjoy your feedback and excitement, just please keep it respectful. I love you guys, you know that – let's spread the love, yeah?

Let me know how you thought about this chapter, it was sort of a filler before a big one. But even the fillers deserve some love. I'll post again on Tuesday, Xx

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