|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Chapter Seventeen |

It was a couple days later when Iris was enjoying an early morning. The sun peeked behind the constant overcast clouds through her bedroom window as she sat comfortably in her plush bed. A tray was set aside, occupying the breakfast in bed Edward more than willingly gifted to her. She took a generous bite of her slightly burnt toast, getting a couple crumbs on the Elemental book Arthur provided her.

The ginger was at peace for once in the last couple of days. Victoria drama wasn't in the forefront of her mind at the moment. Repercussions and assumptions of her intruder were to be talked about in a later date. Even Edward and her brief argument was long forgotten as they rekindled their deeply rooted affections with tender words and quality time.

In the comfiest clothes she had, a silk nightgown that laid to the tops of her thighs, she sunk in her sheets. Blissfully aware of a little munchkin and her husband not-so-sneakily coming into the room. However, Iris feigned oblivious, smoothly turning the page to read up on her ancient history.

Edward smiled to himself as he scooped Penelope up into the air and swung her tiny body like a airplane towards the fluffy clouds of their bed. Pea squealed happily, bouncing on the blankets. Her strawberry blonde curls were untameably wild, sticking out in many different directions as she crawled to her mother a roared like she saw Uncle Emmett do when he read her a book.

Iris faked a startled gasp, clutching her chest as her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! Edward, what's a bear doing in our room?" Although Penny didn't necessarily know what her mother truly meant, she caught on to a portion of it and roared again.

"I don't know, it appeared out of no where. Darling quick, capture it so won't get away!" Edward acted like he was going to make a grab at her and Penny scurried away. Well, as fast as she could while smothered in blankets. Unfortunately for the little girl, she wasn't fast enough as Iris playfully dragged her by the tiny ankles towards her body. Pea wailed in alarm, the cutest – drawn out 'No' in history was voiced from her small pout.

"I got the bear my love, but it doesn't want to surrender! Looks like I'll have to," Iris raised her hands in the air and both girls froze, Penny's eyes widening in anticipation. "Tickle her," She shouted and the strawberry blonde instantly screamed. Edward got in on the fun, wiggling his fingers as his little girl chortled uncontrollably. 

It was the perfect little moment. The happy family enjoying a playful morning. There wasn't any fuss or strain, just good plain fun. And the sight made Iris and Edward genuinely smile. They finally ceased their incessant tickling and calmed down. Penelope pointing towards Iris's breakfast for her to have some. To which Iris already expected would happen, so she gave the little girl a cut of her strawberry, careful not to get it on the blankets.

Edward watched in admiration for both of his girls, laying on his side with his head in his hand. He swore his heart melted when Pea offered him the strawberry she already gnawed on. Of course he declined for multiple reasons. One of them being that it was extremely unsanitary. However, he couldn't help but notice how sweet and endearing Penelope was already growing to be. Despite her age, she openly showed her attentiveness to other's emotions.

She often offered her food and became upset when other's were downcast. He couldn't help but think that Iris raised her well. But then again, he had some part of this as well.

"What ya thinking about over there, handsome?" Edward peered up into her speckled eyes, realizing he had been gazing at them silently for a while. He smirked cheekily, subconsciously playing with the comforter underneath him.

"Wouldn't you like to know," He teased to which she narrowed her eyes.

"Funny how you always know what I'm thinking, but you are so closed off about your own." The immortal pursed his lips at her smug expression. That expression where she just knew she caught him, either made him want shake her senseless or roughly kiss it off her until she became dazed and confused.

"I happen to find that another marvelous mystery of the universe." She rolled her eyes, feeding another strawberry to a incessantly reaching Penelope.

"I'm sure you would. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do –" Her speech was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing on the bedside table. Iris's eyebrows furrowed as she glanced at her clock seeing it was only nine-thirty. Edward shrugged his shoulders in response, thinking nothing of it as Penelope muttered, 'Phone' adorably.

"Yes baby, my phone," Iris cooed as she took her phone off the charger. Looking over the screen, it was an unknown number to which she frowned. Sighing to herself, she flipped it open and answered warily but professionally. Much like a woman at a business establishment. 

"Hello?" The line crackled, like it was being held on a crappy device lacking bars to get a good signal.

"Rizzy Cat, long time no talk." Iris froze, her mind unable to register what the hell was happening. Hearing the voice on the phone and by linking up with her thoughts, Edward stiffened as well. It was his first time ever encountering this person after hearing story after story about them. And as soon as Iris sputtered a response, he wanted her to hang up immediately.

"D-Dylan...W-what are you doing, how a-are you calling me?" She honestly hated how her voice wavered unexpectantly. She didn't want to be this unresolved when she finally would talk to him. However, she was so caught off guard by his call, she couldn't catch herself before she fell.

"Well they lessened my sentence, can you believe it? Honestly, thought the feds were gonna' keep me there forever. Trust me, the food there is ridiculous –"

"I mean't, how did you get my number." She spoke with annoyance. Memories of their time together flashed through her head like a smack in the face, unresolved and deep-rooted agitation starting to boil up from the wickwork. 

"Oh, your mom. You know she still doesn't like me? The bitch can hold a grudge eh," He spoke with unearned confidence, like the last year and a half hadn't happened. Like the last time they encountered each other hadn't happened, to which she was appalled. 

"Yeah, she's not the only one. Why are you calling me and you have three seconds before I hang up this phone and change my number." Getting up from her spot in bed she slipped her slippers on, running a hand through her hair in frustration. Edward watched her from their bed while also keeping a tentative eye on Penelope eating the rest of her mother's food.

The ginger moved to the window to get some outside perspective. Her thoughts swirling with tattered remnants of her emotionally abusive relationship.

"Listen, I know we didn't end things on good terms... I'll admit that some of that was my fault. And I'm willing to over look it, y'know? Doing time changed my outlook on things," Iris desperately wanted to throw her phone at the wall and let it crack and crumble into a million tiny pieces. Another part of her wanted to take a private second to ball up and cry at how dumb she was to be with this guy. She didn't know how she didn't hear it before, when they were together, but his voice was heavily drenched in manipulation. Twisting and turning sitautions so they were her fault, they were always her fault.

"And this has what to do with you calling my phone, Dylan."

"Rizzy Cat, can't you hear what I'm spelling out for you. I want to patch things up, for the family." Iris stilled, her grip unconsciously tightening around the window frame. He couldn't know, did he? Yes, of course he knew. Lauren had told him about her, how could he not remember. One of her worst fears was coming to light.

She slowly made her way out of her bedroom, finding solace in the den as she looked over their family portraits and wedding photos. As she gazed at them, she felt herself gaining the backbone she had somehow lost at the unexpected call. As her finger glided over a picture of Edward and herself after she'd given birth to Penelope sat on top of their piano, her shoulders relaxed. Her voice was bleak as she could make it, expression hard as stone. "There is no family between the three of us Dylan. If you haven't become aware by the blabbermouth you call Lauren, I already have a family and they aren't manipulative little assholes like yourself. If you want to know more about my child, I need to see extensive change. Not the bullshit you're spouting."

"A custody agreement, is that what you're tryin' for Riz?" His voice was humorous, finding the idea laughable. The 5 foot 4 ginger he knew was insecure, spineless and naive to the highest degree. He never witness the beautification Iris went under, inside and out. She wasn't going to take his crap anymore.

"Not if I don't have to and you oblige by my rules. Otherwise, that is precisely what I plan of doing. Tell me Dylan, who do you think the judge is going to favor? A recently recovered drug addicted man child who just made bail, or a capable – working and fully committed married woman? You're smart enough to connect the dots, but I'm not completely convinced so you tell me."

"...Married? Those are some hurtful words Cat, and I know you don't really mean them." She fought to hold in her humorless laugh, shaking her head she wiped a tear from her eye.

"The truth always hurts Dylan. But listen, I'm barely willing to let you meet her however I need to see improvement. If you're serious about this after some time, then we'll talk. We're on my terms now," There was silence on the other side of the line. She could make out his wistfully sucked in breath and she wondered what she said to make him react that way.

"It's a girl?" She could hear the way his voice cracked. It was almost unnoticeable, but she could spot it. It made her think that somewhere... deep down somehwere, maybe he was somewhat serious about Pea. There was no way to truly tell, maybe in time there will be progress. Right now however, there was no way in hell she'd let Penny anywhere near him.

"Yeah," She bite her lip in contemplation before sighing, "Penelope – her name."

"That's nice, you've always liked them flowers."

"Yep... well I'll –uh, well keep in touch if you're real about this. I'll have to also talk this over with Edward so, goodbye." Iris was just about to shut her phone, but he stopped her just before. There was a silence before he spoke again and what he asked made a smile tugged gradually to her lips. She tapped her polished nail on the piano as she felt the presence of Edward and Penelope coming behind her.

When all was said and done she ended to call and turned around to face a concerned looking Edward. He set Penelope down on her mat before padding closer to her, resting his hands on either side of her. "Are you okay?" He mused softly, his eyebrows furrowing together adorably.

Iris took a deep breath, sighing contently. She checked all of her internal emotions as she glanced over her husbands face. Despite everything that happened, "I'm still a little caught of guard, but I feel good with how I handled it. I could tell he wasn't used to me talking back to him that way. I wasn't always so... outspoken."

Edward wrapped his hand to rest on her back, rubbing soothing motions as his eyes filled up with honest admiration. The look in his eyes made her want to blush as she sucked in an unnecessary breath. She could just see how proud he was, and it somehow made her undead heart flutter. "I've never been more grateful for the strong woman I married."

"Thank you, darling." Edward hummed as he pecked her lips. Once. Twice. Three times, because why not. And as if the dreaded phone call never happened, their blissful morning returned. That was when Iris was sure she said the right thing to what Dylan asked.

Edward treated her well, and they were incredibly happy.


I loved this chapter so much. Just because it showed how much Iris had changed from the very beginning. She stood up for herself and wasn't afraid to take charge of the conversation. 

As you can see Dylan is very manipulative, and if you ever find yourself in this situation: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE recognize that the argument/situation is not your fault! I can't tell you how many times a partner of mine has tried and succeeded with manipulating me to thinking everything wrong was my fault. I just want to instill this advice to you, that if you find your relationship of any type condesending your wit in any way, you get out of there fast and don't turn back.

On a lighter note, that moment in the beginning had me swooning and growing with baby fever! Let me know how you guys are feeling/thinking about this chapter. I'd love to read them, Xx

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