|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Chapter Eleven |

Iris giggled as Edward helped zip up her frilly shirt dress. His finger tickled against her smooth skin and she just couldn't keep still. "Stay still, I'm almost done." Edward teased as he hid the amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips. If he was honest, he'd say he was doing this on purpose. White lies never hurt anybody.

"I can't you're tickling me," She chuckled, trying to hold her hair up so it wouldn't get caught between the metal hooks. They were changing from their wedding attire into more free flowing clothes for the reception. Edward's old bedroom in the Cullen's house became their dressing room, and obviously their cuddling room. Fortunately for Alice's sake, Iris was wearing heels now, but only because she was incredibly short standing next to Edward barefoot and she wanted to dance with him.

"It's not my fault... I can't keep my hands off of you," He complained in a weak whisper, leaning forward to place a delicate kiss onto the naked skin of her back. Iris's eyes fluttered softly at the sensation, releasing her hair before she turned to fully face her husband. She lightly touched his clothed chest, as if she was hesitant. Her palms smooth the defined panels of his chest and she slid them up to hook around his neck.

Her speckled eyes twinkled in the warm lighting of his old room, casting an iridescent glow around her figure. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. Masen, but I happen to be a very married woman. I don't think he'll like that," A ghost of a smirk gracing her newly painted lips.

Edward wrapped his strong arms around her waist, pulling her curvy figure to his securely. They fit like perfectly crafted puzzle pieces. He watched mesmerized as she took in her bottom lip between her teeth, not knowing how crazy she was driving him. He swiftly brought his hand up to slowly tug her lips out of it's confines as he met her gaze head on. "Mm, I'm sure he won't mind sharing just for tonight."

"Oh, really?" She mused, her eyes sprinkled with mirth. Edward nodded eagerly, leaning down to capture her lips in a breathtaking kiss. He stopped right before, the marble flesh of their lips just barely ghosting over the other. Iris fidgeted in her heels in frustration, waiting impatiently for him to just kiss her senseless already. Edward smirked at the affect he had on her.

She could feel his fingertips sprawling where her back ended and her thin underwear started, causing a huff of unrest to spill from her mouth. "Eddie," She whined helplessly, tightening the grip she had on his neck to lift herself up. Iris was adorable this way, like an impatient child being denied their favorite treat. "Kiss me alr -"

Iris instantly hummed in delight when he ravished her lips with his. The immortal slid his hand around the base of her neck, cupping the side of her head to maneuver her closer. Weaving her hand through his tresses, she scratched his scalp with her perfect manicure, taking what she could as he kissed her passionately. Suddenly on their own accord, they started moving backwards until Iris's back hit the cool wall behind her. Edward entrapped her, quickly grasping her hands before they could fondle him any longer. He pushed them against the wall, restricting her movement as he roughly attacked her plush lips like he owned them.

"Oh god," Iris gasped as he abruptly detached, only to devour her neck like a starving man. He kissed, sucked and licked her creamy skin, driving his bride crazy as her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Edward nipped her collarbone, mouthing his way back up her neck to the shell of her ear. She could feel him smirking there and she wondered where he got the nerve. "You think your husband would mind this," He bit down on the lobe and Iris's eyes almost rolled to the back of her head. Her whole body shivered.

"Y-yes, he'll be angry," She choked out with a rasp.

Iris bit down on her lip to stifle her moan as Edward smoothly slid his hand down her body, only to scrape his nails back up her thigh teasingly. He gazed down at her, easily finding her weak spot as he suckled on the corner of her jaw. "What about this," He tightened his grip on her hair experimentally, causing her to gasp as the sting added to her pleasure.

"Mm, I think we're going to be late," She rushed out as she swiftly switched their places. Her hands pushed against his chest to keep the beast at bay. Iris's nose scrunched adorably as he raised his hands in surrender, for now. "Fine, alright. Let's go."

The ginger quickly fixed her roughed hair, Edward zipping up the back completely before intertwining their hands as he guided her out. "We're continuing that later," Iris rolled her eyes in response, smiling brightly at their guests when the exited the back doors.

"Obviously, the hair pulling needs a sequel," She whispered and Edward snapped his head towards her in surprise. There was a list of things he was expecting her to say, if she would say anything at all, but that wasn't it. He slowed his pace, but Iris wasn't having it. "Stop dallying, and introduce me to your friends."

Edward shook his head to clear the far from innocent thoughts from his mind. He wrapped an arm around her waist out of habit and led her towards the Denali Coven. Seeing all of them in person rather than hearing of them was completely different for Iris. She was usually shy when greeting new people, but she knew Edward would take care of her. Especially because she knows about his history with Tanya, which she believed was the curly haired immortal eyeing them from afar.

"Finally, we meet the allusive Iris." A woman stood with ease, confidence emanating from her aura as she spoke with a light smirk on her lips. Her hair was stark blonde and completely straight compared to her almost identical counterparts. She was the first to greet Iris as she instantly stuck her hand out, Edward giving her a subtle warning glance.

"Kate, as meek as ever," Edward teased as she rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

"You know I love to put on a show," Iris gently shook her hand, an amused smile coming to her lips at the playful banter between them. She found herself slowly coming out of her shell as she took the breathtaking blondes in.

"It's lovely to meet you. I'm sorry it had to be at our wedding, but children are hard to travel with." A brunette woman, who reminded her much of Esme brightened at the mention of children. Her heart shaped face pinched with a dimple as her partner stood close to her side, utterly tranquil. "Yes, I've heard you have a little one. I'm Carmen and this is Eleazar. My congratulations, to the both of you."

Edward's hand rubbed subconsciously up his wife's back as they grinned. A soothing technique he picked up to calm her anxious nerves when meeting new people. Iris leaned into his touch blissfully, feeling at ease despite the many people around them. No matter wherever she glanced, her gaze kept getting caught on another member of the Denali.

She was fidgeting, and for a very important reason, Iris realized as she softened. "Thank you for coming. I know our guests aren't what you would imagine, and if you wish to take your leave early, Edward and I wouldn't mind at all. We don't want you to be uncomfortable," Iris smiled sadly at who she believed to be Irina, an immense guilt washing over her.

Although it was Laurent who initiated the attack, she couldn't help but feel bad that she lost her mate because of a foolish decision. Edward somewhat stiffened by her side at the reminder however, Iris only ghosted her soothing hand over his chest to calm him.

Irina's expression was pained, that much she could tell. Yet, Iris could see even a slight glimpse of appreciation for letting her leave the festivities. Just because Laurent wasn't civil didn't mean they couldn't be. "He wanted to be like us, to live in peace with humans. With me. I-I'm sorry, I can't do this." Iris nodded, fighting her wince at her words. She was hurting, that was allowed in her book.

"Congratulations, Edward - Iris," Tanya muttered tightly as she followed after her departing sister. Though they didn't speak to each other much, Iris could tell she wasn't completely happy with the idea of Edward being taken. No, she wasn't a mind reader, but sometimes a woman can just tell.

Edward took Iris's hand, catching her off guard by spinning her towards the dance floor. Iris squealed abruptly, clinging to his shoulders as she gracefully spun back into his embrace. He gave himself some points for being able to put a smile back on her lovely face as he dipped her low to the ground. Iris extended her arm fluently, her bright tresses draping against the installed dance floor as she chuckled.

There was something in the way he spun her around without a care in the world made her feel lightheaded, like she was floating on a cloud. And as she slid her palm behind his neck, playing with the loose hair between her fingers. Mesmerized by the glow the sunset casted around him, causing his golden eyes to twinkle magically. She felt like she was in a fairytale.

"So, are you thinking cake first. Or more guests?" Iris pulled herself closer to him, humming as his hands slide down her waist to rest on her lower hips.

"I mean, I do love cake... But I'll never hear the end of it if I don't go say hi to some more guests." Edward chuckled in her ear, a shiver going down her spine. The soft music in the background serenaded them as they sway back and forth like experts. Iris placed a gentle kiss to his Adam's apple, a silent thank you for getting her mind off of the scandal earlier.

Taking it as his que, Edward spun her twice off the dance floor. The same way he did when they entered the intimate moment. They practically glided pass the guest; Charlie Swan and Billy Black, Emily and Sam, Arthur and a very distracted Ava. Sly jokes were made by Emmett as they skirted around him about their private sex life as Rosalie swatted him in reproach. It was a small gathering for more than one reason, the first is they didn't want people who weren't supportive from the beginning to be there. Iris was all about positivity lately and she wasn't going to be disturbed from her blissful mood by inviting critical people. The second being that it was such short notice and Iris didn't want a huge wedding.

"Everyone! It's time for cake!" Alice clinked her glass to gather everyone's attention, something you'd only see in movies. Iris was quick to grab her baby, holding her between Edward and herself. The couple placed kisses all over Penelope's blushing cheeks, flashing of the cameras going off in multiple directions as she squealed.

Edward was the one to cut the cake, earning cheers from the big family around them. He pushed the piece of vanilla with strawberry cream into his wife's mouth, getting it on her cheek as he moved his hand last minute. The ginger scoffed, whispering in her child ear as Edward looked on warily. The next thing he knew, Penelope was clapping her cake smothered hands on either side of her dad's cheeks, a joyous laugh amongst the crowd.

"I'll give you that. My messy monster," He plucked Pea from her mother's arms, resting the child on his hip as he bent down to capture Iris's lips. Iris smiled against him, the frosting somehow tasting much sweeter now.

"Alright! Take it off, let's go," Emmett hollered between his cupped hands, though they were sure anyone could hear Emmett even if he was whispering the words. Iris pulled away, knowing if she was human, she'd be blushing harshly. She glared at the large immortal and all the Quileute's who whistled after his announcement. Iris was glad they decided to clear the feud, even if it was only for a couple hours.

"Emmett, one day I'm going to get you so good. People will be talking about it for centuries." Iris promised with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Bring it on, little red."

"I'll hold you to that, then. Edward make a mental note." Edward smirked down at his love, seeing just how perfectly she fit in to his family. They were truly made for one another.

The evening continued on from there, Iris dancing with so many people she swore her feet would be split if she were human. It was more of a bonfire type of party instead of formal and elegant, which the couple greatly enjoyed. There weren't any grand speeches or throwing of the bouquet, no announced first dances, just a fun gathering within their large family. It was different, much like them. By the end of it, everyone was emotionally and mentally exhausted from either laughing too much or by sipping too many alcoholic beverages.

Arthur was getting along well with Charlie and Billy as they greedily sipped their beers. Ava was somewhere with a certain russet wolf, her laugh echoing between the trees in the distance. Emmett had finally peeled Rose away from Pea to be with Embry as they spent some time together. Colton had somehow gotten Bella to dance with him and was regretting it instantly as she stepped on his foot with every step. Just because he was immortal and didn't physically feel it, didn't mean he enjoyed the disruption of her saying sorry after each step, only for him to sooth her with 'it's okay'.

Alice and Jasper were the main ones taking up the dance floor, twirling as if they were on ice. Carlisle and Esme were more subdued as they swayed gently to the melodic music. It replicated how Edward and Iris were as they found themselves slowly moving together again. They would be leaving with Penelope in a couple hours, when the eleven month old would be sleepy enough to fall asleep during their plane ride.

Their foreheads met in the middle, soft smiles touching their lips as they muttered sweet nothings to one another. Iris was the one to close the space between them, slowly molding her lips against his as if the savor the moment. It was a sweet kiss, but nevertheless passionate as they gave all their emotions to the other. All devotion, admiration, trust, loyalty and most of all love. Both swore their hearts started beating on the same accord at long last.

When Edward left, they each felt like a piece of them was being pulled in the opposite direction. A yearning they couldn't fathom as they grew father and father away. It only took a few months after they rekindled for their unraveled hearts to sew back together again.

And as they're lips parted, eyes meeting in an earth shattering stare as the fire raged on around them. They could physically feel the transfusion happening, their souls intertwining again. And it never felt so wholesome, so gratifying or empowering than it did in that very moment.


I finally got this chapter out you guys. You don't know that half of the crap couple of days I've had. First I spontaneously went out of town and couldn't update during the weekend or write for the upcoming Tuesday. Then, my immune system decided to fail on me and I got sick again, pounding headaches, sore throat, runny nose - all of it.

However, thank you guys for being patient with me. I will try to get a handle on things this week seeing as I have a lot of stuff happening. I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know because I feel like it's honest crap. But that could just be because I don't feel well?

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