|| You, Me and Penny Green ||
| Chapter Twenty Six |
The adorable sight of Donny snuggling with his sister made Iris practically swoon. Penelope somehow found her way into her brothers bed. Her strawberry curls in the dim lighting of the room, were tangled and messed as she buried her head in the sheet, pillow discarded. Donny contradicting his sister in her wild slumber, laid flat on his back with a peaceful expression on his childlike features, a tiny curl laying over his eyebrow.
Iris admired the view of her tuckered out children before pushing off the bedroom door towards the bed. Her mouth pulled into a welcoming smile, approaching them carefully, as not to startle them awake. She brushed Donny's curl back, which was all it took to get his crystal blue eyes to open blearly.
He blinked a couple times, raising his hand to rub the sleep from his eyes. Iris smiled towards him, endearingly picking the fluff of cotton off his eyebrow. "Good morning baby, do you know what day it is?" Donny seemed too tired to put in effort and think about it, that is until he connected the dots and grinned widely at his mother.
"It's christmas!" He gushed, oozing with excited from the stories his parents told him about christmas and the festivites. He suddenly sat up, eager to start the day, which amused Iris like nothing else. Iris plucked the Santa hat from his bed post and ploped it on his head, the two chuckling when the hat slid down to his nose for being too big. "That's right darling. Now, we have guests coming over to spend the holiday with us."
"Like Morgan and papa Arthur and Auntie Bella and Uncle Colton and -"
"Yes, yes. They'll be here, but I have a very important decision for you to make." Iris chuckled and stopped him before he could say anymore, otherwise they'd be here till next Christmas with listing all those relatives. Donny straightened as he listened in seriously, looking much like a sergeant receiving orders. Iris wistfully lifted up her hand and wave it around before counting on her fingers as she listed the choices, "Do you want... pancakes or waffles for breakfast?"
Donny's little eyebrows scrunched together as he took a moment to really think about it. He tapped his chin, deep in thought, before smiling. "Okay. I'll have... waffles! Oh, and can you cut them up like giant legos, pretty please?"
The ginger pursed her lips, making him bring out the puppy eyes. She sighed, sometimes wishing her kirks she used on Edward didn't pass on to her children because now it was used against her. "Sure baby, now go help your daddy with wrapping your cousin's present. Santa only allowed him to wrap this one if you pitched in." The little hybrid was up and gone in a flash, causing Iris to shake her head. Now, it was Penelope's turn and she was a hard sleeper, definetly not a morning person that was for sure.
"Presents!" The echoing cheers of children was heard around the room as Colton tried and failed at quieting the kids down. Iris watched in amusement as they tackled him to the ground instead, a chuckle blurting from her lips as she set the table. Bella shook her head endearingly, taking the opportunity to snap some pictures with her canon. That moment needed to be printed and framed.
"What time are you going by your dads?" Iris brought up as she placed the nice forks on the table, you know, the ones you had to actually wash afterwards and store away for another hoilday meal.
The brunette leant across the table, grabbing some silverware, to lend a hand. "Uh, around one. We can have our meeting after that... Apparently Sue and Seth will be there," She pursed her lips suggestively.
Iris nodded and then wiggled her eyebrows with a wide smile spilting her cheeks. "Aw good for Charlie, so they're serious now huh? Old man still got it... though, he's not really old at all - seeing as my husband is over a hundred years old..." She spaced out with a far away look on her face, as if she just connected the dots of her and Edward's colossal age difference. "Huh, would you look at that."
Edward coughed not too far away from them, tending to the waffles Iris mixed for breakfast. Bella chuckled uncontrollably at her friends, nudging the ginger as they shared mischeavous eye contact. Were they ever going to throw away their childish ways... mm, probably not.
"Bella, can Penny and Donny open the presents we got them now?" Morgan tugged on the brunette's jeans as she exuberated excitement for her cousin's reactions.
"Yes, yes! Let's go, we can eat breakfast after." The children screamed in responce, flouncing towards the beautifully deccorated tree, dancing around to imaginary music. The adults in the room found their spots on the couch and arm chair. Iris leaning on the back of the couch, over her husband, wrapping her arms around his board shoulders.
"Alright, go ahead. Who's going first?" Iris smiled as Donny immediately gave his turn to either one of his girls. They were raising a gentlemen. Soon, the kids were ripping open the wrapped packaging, luckily no paper cut ensued. Penelope had recieved the new, large Barbie house she frantically pointed to when Iris went to the store with her. The ginger also got the Lego set she kept trying to steal from her younger, yet seemingly older, brother. Although, Iris figured it wouldn't stop the girl from stealing her brothers pieces anyway.
Morgan got a child sleuthing kit with a magnifying glass, cloak and all. It was adorable as she put it on and it was slightly too big for her tiny body, dragging on the ground with a tweed pattern. For the next hour, she spent her time running around, staring intently into her magnifying glass at every object in the house. It was something the couples collaberated on, seeing as they were teaching the children early that gifts weren't the main reason for the season.
Donny went absoultely nuts when he ripped off the reindeer wrapping paper of a box full of paints, markers, fancy script pens, oil pastels and chalk. The wide smile and shout of joy he made brought grins to everyone's faces as he flipped the boxes back and forth to show Edward all that came with it. Iris and Edward had quickly come to realize that Donny had a gift beyond his supernatural ability, one more humane, the craft of art.
They figured since he could mentally create enchanting realms within his mind and portay it to others, he had an eye for art. So, they decided to let him express it in all the ways he desired. Iris and Edward more than anybody that their hobbies made the exclusively who they were. With the ginger who learned the violin at a young age and persued it avidly during her childhood. And also with Edward, who spent majority of his supernatural existence to persue the piano. The arts of all kinds thrived in their family.
The couple had also decided not to get each other anything this christmas. With the stakes that were getting higher by the minute, they just enjoyed each other's presence and appreciated it as a gift in itself. So, when the children's presents were all said and done, breakfast was handed out to the youngins and, of course, Iris because she loved to eat - supernatural or not.
"You're dressed sharp," Bella complimented Iris as she walked next to her in a cream business suit with a low cut velvet green blouse. Her heels clicked against the marble flooring of the fancy resturant and Bella never felt more intimidated, even though she was dressed up as well, for her subdued personality.
Iris smirked lightly, winking towards her friend as they went straight to the hostess. "Eh, I try you know. Got to keep my husband on his toes right?"
"Fair," Bella shurgged good naturedly. They had the hostess' attention as soon as they walked in. She smiled polietly, eager to serve, Iris found it unnerving. She tapped her nails on the platform and returned the gesture, wanting this meeting be swiftly over with. Afterall, it was Christmas and she wished to be snuggled up with her family as they watched cartoon movies. The ones that had annoyingly iconic songs that drove Edward crazy after hearing them twenty four hours straight the following day.
"Table for two?" The blonde blinked, already searching for a table before Iris could utter a word. The ginger shook her head once, trying to get her attention before she moved them off to a booth.
"No, we're actually meeting Mr. Jenks." The hostess blinked once more, browsing the list for that certain reserved seating. "Ah, yes. Right this way."
Bella and herself were swiftly brought to a perfectly set table with elegant cutlery placed out. A burly, dark skinned man with a clean, navy suit and purple under shirt. He fidgeted in his seat, appearing nervous as he eyed the two extremely attractive supernaturals.
He was the first to introduce himself once the hostess left them to it with promises of a waiter returning. Iris could see right through his confident facade as he extended his hand and met her mildly cool grasp. "Mrs. Masen, Mrs. Green."
Iris smiled tightly, narrowing her gaze to the droplet of sweat sliding down his neck, briefly, "Pleasure."
"I'm so happy you called. I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable than the office," He lied, which both immortals could tell by his heart jumping in his chest. Bella leaned forward in her seat, eyeing him condesendingly. "You mean more public."
Jenks's smile faultered ever so slightly, but he quickly replaced it with a bright and shiny new one. It amused Iris to no end, she gave him some credit for it. "What type of work do you do, Jenks?"
"Oh, you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting." Iris's lips quirked at the corners as she got more confortable in her seat, boredly studying his features. "I'm sure it is," She responded.
"Have you known Alice and Jasper long?" Bella shifted the conversation lightly, slowly easing their way to the topic at hand.
Jenks adjusted his tie as a nervous tick, yet he seemed to be getting a little comfortable with their presence. Iris didn't know how to feel about that. "I've been working with them for more than twenty years. And my late partner knew Jasper fifteen years before that. He is, uh, unusually well-preserved." He hinted and Iris arched an eyebrow.
"Noticed, have you?" She teased him just a tiny bit. This cat and mouse thing was exuberating to say the least. Bella nudged her foot with her own to get onto her. She inwardly rolled her eyes. Instead Bella decided to walk around the elephant in the room and simply put, "Yes, he is."
"I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation."
"He didn't tell you where he was going, did he?" Iris shook her head immediately at Bella's question. Of course Jasper wouldn't tell this guy, especially since he didn't mention it to his own family. "No, no, no. He just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order."
"Is that order ready?" Iris arched an intimidating eyebrow as she crossed her ivory leg over the other and interwoven her fingers on the table. She was all business now, stone faced and professional. Jenks subtly tried to loosen his tie, opening his mouth in a slight stutter to answer her about his consistencies in delieveries.
He inconspiously slids a cream envenlope over the table towards her. Instead of opening it herself, she handed it to Bella to look through as she stared Jenks down. She was reading him, his aura. It was easy to see he was anxious, which was uncommon for this man, she could tell, because he was a con man. Most likely built his life around sneaky business deals and sly scams. It was interesting, yet not enough for Iris to truly care about it.
Bella glanced at the passports, ID's and documentation. All held pictures of their children; Embry being included didn't surprise her much, seeing as the couples discussed this decision together. It was just weird how accurate Alice's visions were, she'd never get fully used to that.
"There a problem?" Iris flicked her gaze towards her friend as Jenks seemed to break out into another sweat. Iris tapped her nail on the table, unnervingly. She shook her vibrant red head of hair and tutted towards the man.
"None at all, but If there was, you'd handle it." Jenks smile by now was reduced to wary looking thing as he nodded enthusiastically to assure the possibly deadly ginger. Iris quickly changed personas in a second, smiling widely as she reached her hand across the table to shake his own. She jostled it once before rising from the table with the contents in Bella's grasp. "Very well, thank you Sir. you do your job fine. We'll be in contact if we wish for... you talents again."
"Y-yes, thank you Mrs. Masen, Mrs. Green. Have a g-great rest of your holiday." Without another glance, the two left the resturant, without a plate of Italian, much Iris's dismay. However, she wanted to get home to her family, especially since this was their last night before the battle. She could feel it in the air, the weather was growing harsher and it would surely snow heavily in the night. This thought alone got the girls back to the main residence just in time for a group, old fashioned, camp fire.
Iris discarded her suit jacket on the living room chair before following the fire light out the back door. She surveryed the vampires, quileute and elemental alike, the coming confrontation becoming more real by the second. Once she spotted Edward, she padded to his side. Her frame fit perfectly against his side, Edward wrapping his large hand securely around her waist.
He kissed her plush lips in greeting, the ginger not being able to handle it as she smiled in the kiss. "Get a room you two," Emmett's boisterous voice carried around the lightly chatting supernatural's, causing Iris to narrow her eyes at him. Edward only smirked, tugging his wife closer by the hip, protectively.
"We just might," He teased smoothly, catching Iris off guard as she stared at him openmouthed. She playfully slapped his chest before resting her head there.
"Now, this is what I'm talking about. A little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories," Jake rubbed his palms together with that charismatic grin, completely unafraid of the vampires crowded around him.
Garrett joins the party and flashes to a wooden stump with a far away look in his eye. "Name any American battle. I was there." Jacob took on the challenge and turned his attention to the nomadic revlotuionist.
"Little Bighorn."
"I came this close to bitting Custer, but the Indians got him first." Iris cracked a smile, finding his moment amusing. She could feel Edward's fingers circling under the back of her blouse, causing tingles to flare up her spine and wash over her limbs.
Kate took a place beside Garrett, the two much like magnets. "Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople. He didn't win that one on his own," She smirked smugly as everyone's impressed gaze turned to her. Soon, everyone started telling their war stories. The commraderie was something appreciated, especially under the circumstances. When Vladimir and Stefan brought up the Volturi's invasion into their kingdom, leaving them to nothing but solidifying statues, Iris knew everyone had something to fight for tomorrow.
She was glad they left the kids with Arthur for the night before they took them to Emily's in the morning. It was bonding time between a grandpa and his grandkids, something they don't get much time to do often. Plus, Iris and Edward got to set everything they need up before the following day.
Once Edward and Iris got home, they walked to their bedroom in silence. Iris leant against the wall to remove her heels with a sigh, her hair acting as a curtain to shield her face. In the corner of her eye, Edward was unbuttoning his shirt, peeling the fabric off his body. Iris glanced at him under her lashes before walking to him, sliding her palms up his smooth chest.
"It's tomorrow," She muttered to which he nodded solemnly. He weaved his hand through her hair and cupped her neck tenderly.
"Are you ready for this?" She tilted her head and kissed his palm, nuzzeling into it. "If I have to be, then yes." A light smile twitched at Edward's lips and suddenly Iris longed to capture them with her own. The mind reader must have, in fact, read her thoughts because he leaned forward first and delicately tasted her lips. His lips ghosted over her own, taking her breath away without even trying as he pecked the top and bottom lip.
Iris whimpered with impatience and pushed on her tip toes to reach him. He leant back slightly, a second before her lips could merge with his completely. The ginger dragged her hands up his pecks and wrapped them around his shoulders, as if commiting the fine details to memory. Speckled orbs flickered over his chiseled features, seeing the beauty in everything her husband was. Strong and loving, protective and calculative, passionate and assertive. She loved everything Edward Anthony Masen was, even the imprefections.
Edward thumbed her bottom lip to gather her attention once again. "You spoil me, you know. I don't deserve it." Iris furrowed her eyebrows as she pouted in disagreement.
"Don't say that, you deserve everything." She lightly pushed down on his chest to guide him towards the bed to lay back. A seductive smile light up her face as he watched her earnestly. He leant against his elbows, eyeing his wife intently as she slyly unbuttoned her pants and slid them down with a shake of her hips. She easily stepped out of them and anchor her knees on either side of his lap.
Edward gulped as she lifted the hem of her blouse and tore it off with one hand and flicked it across the room. She stared at him for a moment longer, her speckled eyes reflecting her obvious lust and love festering within her. In slow movements, she croached forward and mouthed against his neck. Iris took control and moved his hands to her waist, encouraging him to touch her as she nipped the column of his throat, the Adam's apple bobbing.
She filled with satisfaction when he couldn't control tilting his head back, his face expression overwhelmed. It spurred her on more, so she continued her minstrations, dragging her nails up his back and down his biceps.
"You know the last time we did this before a battle, I became pregnant with Donny." She pursed her lips at Edward grinning face, getting the idea in his mind was not what she intended to do. Iris went to pull her knees together yet he stopped her, a mischeavous glint in his golden eyes as he stopped her.
He tutted, "Not so fast darling, you did this to yourself. You brought it up, you must be thinking of having another." He wiggled his eyebrow cheekily as Iris rolled her eyes. She huffed in frustration, wiggling underneath him. "Oh, just stop talking and take your pants off."
"Is that a yes to another, though?" He teased her by kissing her decolletage. Iris gasped, jesting forward so he could have more access, he simply chuckled at her reaction. "You really want another baby, you're insatiable," She whined.
"Only for you my darling." He captured her lips in a languid kiss, sliding his tongue against her bottom lip for entrance, to which she allowed instantly. Iris hummed into the kiss, relaxing against him. Another little Masen, she wouldn't mind as long as Edward continued to love her the way he does to make her practically pur with euphoria.
Iris laid bare on her side, leaning over her husband's chest as she curled her finger over his perfect skin. Edward lazily smooth his hand up and down her hips, causing Iris's stomach to quiver with butterfiles and tingles. Her waist length hair hung over her shoulder, wild like a lion's mane. Edward thought she was breathtaking this way; lips plump from proper kissing, hair untamed with tangles all over, speckled eyes glazed over with a hint of a contented smile on her lips.
She glanced at him from under her eyelashes and he swooned like a lovesick puppy.
He impusively leant down to smooch her awaiting lips and she smiled at him lovingly. "I'm glad the universe paired me with such a beautiful lover," Iris whispered into the intimate bubble, snuggling her head into the crook of his shoulder. She sighed happily, wrapping her leg over his waist. Edward pecked her bare shoulder, wishing tomorrow wouldn't have to happen. That they could run away with their family and be at peace somewhere new and exciting. Maybe Ireland again, that flat was nice.
"It takes two, my love. We're a team, forever and always."
"I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Eddie." She seemed to be fading off to sleep quickly. However, Edward knew she'd wake up two hours later. Her voice slurred slightly as she faded into a deep slumber. He smiled down at her adorably peaceful expression. Free of any worry lines or furrowed eyebrows. Her eyelashes flitted against her cheeks like an angel. He silently made another vow to protect her with his life tomorrow, he'd do anything for her. And if Aro tried to take her away for his prized possessions, he'd instantly sacrifice himself for her.
What an intense and unearthly enigma love was. It got you to do the darndest things, and you didn't regret a second of it because that one special person always made it worth the ride. Edward was blessed beyond comprehension. He supposed he finally peaked, and he didn't mind one bit.
"And don't you know that I love you to the end of the universe and back again, my Lorelei." He lightly kissed her temple, ghosting his ring finger over her cheek and down her jaw. Edward prided himself when she subconsciously moved closer to his caress. A longing smile quirked at his lips as he spoke into the quiet room. "No... much more than that," He corrected himself with a contented grin.
Right then, Edward became at peace with the possibility of their unusual love story, coming to an end.
I'm crying right now, don't look at me!! The big show down is next chapter and let me say, I'm emotional and filled with anxiety... for good reason may I add. You'll find out exactly why that is if you don't feel that way already when he chapter comes.
So much happened this chapter, their story slowly coming to a close. Bitter sweet to say the least - I don't know what to do with myself, honestly. Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments, your fears and hopes, rememberable moments?
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