|| You, Me and Penny Green ||
| Chapter Twenty Four |
"Hey Dylan, yeah right now is not the best time to talk. But yes, you can have Pea tomorrow, I'll have her ready in the morning..." Iris chatted to her child's father as she walked outside to the Cullen's main residence. Mostly everyone was out here, the original gang with some unfamiliar vibrant red eyes.
Benjamin, Iris only recently became acquainted with was witnessing Donny's birth as the little boy show off his gift. She learned, fairly quickly, that their gifts were similar. He could control all four elements, where as she could only control one. She smiled lightly as Benjamin showed Donny his gift, swirling up the dirt until it disappeared in the sky when he lifted his palm. The bright eyed Masen was in awe, chuckling at the sight.
"Yes, I'll talk to you later. Bye bye." She flipped her phone shut, stuffing it in her back pant pocket. Bella stepped beside her, watching the vampires assembling with curious eyes, she was always curious. Iris didn't blame her, honestly.
"We should probably meet y'know who soon. I set up an appointment," Her amber colored eyes flickered towards her bestfriend with a weak smile. Iris nodded, crossing her arms as she thought about the 'gift' Alice left them. A meeting with a guy who could get them fake passports and tickets, new identies, all of that for the kids. It pained Iris to think about it, but it was neccessary because she promised to do anything for her family, even if it meant letting them go.
Instead of talking about it further, Iris changed the subject. "Do you think Jake, Ava and Arthur will find that elemental in time?" Bella shrugged, brushing her hair up into a ponytail as she watched Colton mingle with Emmett's friend, Garrett. They seemed to be getting along great, turns out they were pretty similar, which figures because Colton got along well with Emmett.
"Mm, I don't know. They're a wild bunch, but I think Arthur will him or her in time. If not, I think we're good with what we got here."
A sudden whisper in her ear had Iris glancing into the trees until the sound of footsteps rushed through the forest. Edward perked from his croach position beside Donny, meeting eye contact with his wife, in a slient question. Iris mouthed 'Vamps' and nodded towards the tall trees, unbothered nor threatened by their appearance.
"Senna and Zafrina, from the Amazon. Welcome," Edward greeted as two exotic women perched on the branches. Tribal paints graced their ebony skin, feathers and animal furs covering their sacred parts. Their were fierce, Iris could tell just by looking at them, much like warriors.
"Make yourself at home, but please... reframe from feeding in the area. We want to remain discrete." Iris asked politely as she fed Morgan, Penelope and Donny their lunch. The children were the stars of the show, everyone gravitated towards the little monsters. So much so, Iris had to reign in her protective urges so she wouldn't snap at anyone due to anxiousness.
"Lotta red eyes around here," Embry grimaced as he sat beside Penelope for obvious reasons, his wolf gene feeling extra on egde around the blood suckers.
"As long as their here to help, I don't mind them." Colton moved from his spot on the wall, bending down to place a absentminded kiss on his daughter's forehead. Iris smiled at the sight before going back into the kitchen where Edward and Carlisle were chatting. She threw the towel over her shoulder, leaning into her husband for support.
Edward rubbed his hand down her back, kissing the side of her head. Carlisle was back, which meant there list of guests were all checked off. Said Doctor glanced into the room of vampires, thoughtfully. "How many came?"
"Eighteen, you have some good friends."
Esme padded into the room looking wary despite her perfect immortal features. She found her place by Carlisle's side like two magnets, her eyes showing sparks of hope. "And Alice?"
Iris shook her head whilst biting her lip. Alice hadn't returned, but that didn't neccessarily mean all was lost. The ginger had faith in the little immortal and her trust would be proven, she hoped. "We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle." Alistair, a red eyed vampire Iris had yet to meet. He didn't make a very good first impression, but she completely understood where he came from.
In his point of view, the risk wasn't worth all of this. However, for her, for her child, this was everything. She wished she could express just how deeply this meant to her to everyone, because she was beyond grateful.
"Alistair, come meet everyone," Carlisle tried.
"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi." He furrowed his bushy brows, his long hair lightly jostling in the wind. Carlisle shook his head, sagely, "It won't come to a fight."
Iris hoped to any higher power above, it wouldn't, but much like Alistair, she knew the reality of the situation. Instead of responding to Carlisle's rebuttal, his lips quirked humorlessly, "I'll be in the attic," and he was gone.
"He's not a people person," Esme tried to cover for his manners but Iris just waved it off.
"Everyone come, Zafrina is demonstrating her gift." Eleazar voices could be heard in the front room. Edward pulled Iris with him outside with everyone else. Donny smiled once he saw his parents, running up to them to pull them closer, faster. His excitement was contagious, bring eager smiles on Iris's face.
"Mommy, daddy look, she has a gift like me!" Edward grinned as he lurched to pick Donny up, causing the boy to yell in excitement. The immortal dad faked like he was going to throw him up in the air, making Iris nervous despite his obvious acting. By the third fake throw, Iris was tapping his shoulder with a little smile on her face to calm down.
The visiting vampires watched on with a certain...admiration. It was no secret that their supernatural species tended to wander alone. The Olympic coven would appear to be the largest functioning group of vampires other than the Volturi. How so many immortals could work together so well astounded the nomads.
The ginger made her way towards the Amazon women, leading the way as a select few gathered around to witness such a gift. Zafrina's lips flickered as she crouched down to Donny's height. "Do you want to see something amazing," She spoke for what seemed the first time sense her arrival. A thick accent coated her melodic voice, one many could spend hours just listening to.
Donny nodded eagerly, watching with awestruck eyes as Zafrina blinked her eyes for a second too long. Then, the clearing they were standing in, suddenly warped into a mystical violet wonderland. The trees twinkled with fluttering fairies and the flowers were colored vibrantly.
Iris blinked to clear her eyes of the sight but it remained. It was like some alternate realty, where stars were close enough to reach and the incomprehensible realm of magic was visible. Iris couldn't see the person the voice attached to, but she knew it was Bella.
"I don't see anything," Iris pursed her lips as she lifted her hand for a butterfly to land delicately on her finger. All too quickly the images vanished and she was blanching at a plain spruce tree.
"Interesting... you're a shield." Eleazar walked up with his hands clasps behind his back. The ginger winked towards the surprised Green, she knew there was something extra about that clumsy girl. In fact, Iris was sure she mentioned it a long while ago. After Edward saved her and Bella from those attackers and they went out to dinner because of her strange cravings.
Bella looked confused until Kate grabbed her arm abruptly. The electric currents were visible to the supernatural eye, but Bella seemed unbothered as she furrowed her eyebrows towards the Denali immortal. "Oh yeah, she's a shield alright. That should've put her on her ass."
"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." Garrett challenged as he rounded a tree to size up the cornstalk blonde, she narrowed her honey eyes at him. Iris could swear she saw the sparks igniting into a forest fire between them. It was that look Eddie gave her every now and again. "Maybe it only works on the weak."
She omniously lifted her hand to dare him to touch. That mesmerizing gleam of mischeif in her gaze could stir any competitor. Oh, this would be good, Iris thought. She leaned back on the bark behind, crossing her arms to watch the scene unfold. "Garrett, I wouldn't." Carlisle forewarned, but Colton waved him off with a wicked grin.
"No, no. I want to see this," He leaned forward over Bella's shoulder, giddy like a child on christmas.
Just as Garrett reached out to brush his fingertip to her palm, he groaned in agony. His knees buckled as he kneeled before her, vicious red orbs blown wide in awe of immortal in front of him. A ghost of a smile curled his lips, "You are an amazing woman."
"Mommy?" Iris heard, snapping her head in attention to the upstairs of the Cullens home. Penelope and Morgan were stirring from an afternoon nap. She started towards the entrance, clapping Bella on the shoulder as she passed. "Motherhood calls, tell me what happens later." Iris shook her head sweetly when Bella made an effort to follow after her upstairs. She wanted the brunette to fully understand and expand her gift, besides, they were going to need it.
"You've got your hands full, brother." Garrett nudged the second oldest of the Cullens, stubbled cheeks pulling into a smirk. Edward rolled his eyes in amusement, folding his muscled arms as he watched Iris steadily climb the porch stairs.
"I think I've got it handled."
This was somewhat of a filler but next chapter will be chock full of events and more moments between the characters. Honestly, the plan I had set up for the chapters will be tweaked so be prepared for that.
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