|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Chapter Twenty Three |

"Do you think they'll like me?" Donny asked in a adorably meek voice as Iris leant towards the back seat to hand Pea her applesauce pouch. She glanced towards her son, an expression of pure admiration shining in her orbs. They just pulled of from another gas station because Embry had to take a 'leak' as he put and Iris decided she might as well change Penelope while they were stopped. The toddler was still learning to use the big girl potty, though the Masen's weren't any rush.

"Darling, if they don't like you then their missing out on one of the best thing that's ever happened in this world." His bright blue eyes widened before a slow, wide grin graced his childlike features. He tugged on Embry's t-shirt sleeve, tilting his head to the side much like his father in a sense. "That's too bad for them, then. Right, Em?"

"You got that right kid," They high fived and Iris rolled her eyes happily before sharing a look with her husband in the driver's seat. He leant his hand over the arm rest, taking her palm in his own to kiss the back of it, rubbing slow circles on her wrist. It sent tingles up her spine as she glanced at him from under her lashes. This was her little family, and it was perfect to her.

"The Denali's, they're expecting us right?" Edward nodded as he easily maneuvered the car to his bidding. Iris bit down on her lower lip, fidgeting with her fingers. "I just don't want to spring up on them and impose myself, though I will if I have to, especially because we have Embry with us."

Edward glanced into the rearview mirror towards the shapeshifter and grimaced, his nose wrinkling up, but not for the reasons Iris was pointing out. "I think having a wolf with us will be the least offending, honestly." He shook his head with an amused smiled when Embry made a noise of objection.

"You two better behave, we have enough babies to handle this trip," Iris was cut off by her phone ringing throughout the car. Penelope brought her hand up to her ear like she was on the phone and said, "Hellooo?"

Everyone chuckled at the toddler before Iris picked up her actual phone and answered. "Bella? What's up?"

The brunette was tense as she stepped away from Colton and Morgan. Her long hair provided a curtain as she walked outside so her husband wouldn't hear her. "Remember that time I came to your house unexpectedly to uncover something that we were both curious about?" Iris eyebrows furrowed at her cryptic sentence. She subtly glanced towards Edward in the driver's seat, earning his questionable gaze.

"Well, that same thing is happening now. Call me later," Then, she hung up. The ginger sat in her seat, contemplating Bella's words over and over. Of course she skillfully hid her thoughts from Edward, not that she didn't trust him, but she now knew the reason Bella had spoken in code.

"What was that about?" Embry chuckled to make light of the tense atmosphere, to which Iris shrugged.

Edward eyed his wife suspiciously, wondering why she was hiding herself from him. He swiftly rounded another corner before opening his mouth to bring it up. As soon as he went to speak, Iris leant forward to turn some music on, strategically drowning him out. Iris needed some time to think, analyze what Bella was saying because it wasn't just for the hell of it.

She remembered exactly when the, then, Swan came to her house while Donna was away on a date. Iris was enjoying her solitude on the couch, watching a movie while she stuffed her face with homemade stir-fry. It was bliss until the brunette came knocking on her front door, exclaiming her theories on the Cullens. This was the first night of their growing friendship, but the point behind it wasn't for a fun sleepover... no, they were cracking the sparkling Cullen code.

Iris tapped her nails on her lap as she tried to piece things together. What would the Cullens secrets have to do with this, and why now? Did one of the Cullens' have a secret? One that Bella so happened to find out. The only thing mysterious about this family was their inopportune timing when leaving the coop. Alice. Alice and Jasper had left us with specific instructions to gather as many witnesses as we could before the snow could stick. Iris knew there had to be more to it because she knew her sister was not a quitter, by any means. She must've seen something and left, that's what her and Bella had put together.

That's when it clicked.

It seemed Iris was thinking aimlessly for twenty minutes when it had only been three since she turned the music up. The Black Eyed Peas bumped through the speakers as Iris connected the pieces effortlessly. Bella was calling about Alice, whom she had suspicions about her absence, and with that her insanely clever friend must've figured out another piece of the puzzle.

However, many questions remained. What had Alice seen, that she needed to pack everything up and leave? And where would the clues Bella found, which Alice surely put there herself, bring them next?

"I'll get out of the car first, warm them up." Iris jumped as she realized where they were. In front of the gorgeous Denali house, with a clan of immortal beauties standing curiously out front. Edward peeled out of the car and rounded the hood, stopping only a few feet away from the familiar golden eyes.

She could hear them perfectly from inside the car, her supernatural ears perking as she looked them over. Tanya was the first to come up and greet Edward, her strawberry blonde curls bouncing as she hugged his stiff form. He could practically feel his wife's eyes burning holes in the hands wrapped around his back and he sent Tanya a pained, warning smile.

"Edward, is everything all right?" She batted her lashes innocently, glancing at her sister.

Carmen, a warm and loving person Iris didn't mind seeing, spoke up. Her chocolate brown hair draping over her shoulders as Eleazar brought them closer. "Is it Irina? Have you heard from her?"

"Not directly," Edward winced. Iris rolled her eyes, getting tired of waiting in the car. She stepped out, sending Embry a look to follow. Donny, was taken out of his car seat to stand on the easily melting snow. His new rain boots Arthur got for him made a tiny crunch sound against the ground. Nanny Embry took a sleeping Penelope out of the car as well, just  so they'll have a familiar face.

"Kate, Tanya. Carmen and Eleazar, it's nice to see you all again." Iris greeted them with hugs like the polite elemental she was. Kate hugged her longer than the rest and she suddenly realized how much she missed the cornstalk blonde with a wicked sense of humor.

"Iris, lovely to have you here." Carmen greeted her with a kiss on each cheek. The ginger never felt more welcomed, the Denali's really were extended family.

"Why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here." Kate scrunched up her nose in disgust, causing Iris to playfully roll her eyes. "Now, Kate. Where are your manners?" She teased.

Edward wrapped an arm around his wife, gathering her attention again for the important subject at hand. Iris nodded her head understandably, meeting the eyes of their friends for a measured time before breathing a sigh. "Our family is in danger and, as we are also family, we need your help."

"What's happened?" Carmen worried.

Iris could feel Edward squeeze her shoulder before conceding, "It's hard to explain, but I need you to be open-minded. Can you do that?" The Denali's look amongst their selves warily before coming to a silent decision. Iris didn't fully believe when Tanya took a tiny step forward and uttered an "Of course," but she would take what she could get.

Iris silently held her hand out for her son, who sheepishly walked towards her from behind the back car door. It could be easily seen he was a product of their love. Pouting lips from his mother; angular nose and wild, wavy hair much like Edward himself. His bright blue eyes seemed to twinkle, hints of green peeking through as he finally glanced up from his shoes. Embry and Penelope followed slowly, the shapeshifter distrustful around bloodsuckers.

"The Volturi will come for all of us," Kate sucked in a sharp breath. Tanya took a step back in horror, golden eyes wide as she stumbled. "You get that thing out of here."

A fierce growl left Iris's lips at her words, a stabbing intensity to protect her young coming over her. Her speckled eyes narrowed in on corkscrew curls, the ground rumbling with threat of vicious roots to sprout any second. She held Donny close to her, watching as her husband tried to play mediator.

"He's not what he looks like. He's not an immortal child!"

"This is a crime!" Tanya growl as she suddenly flies forward to attack Edward, he sees her coming and throws her aside. Just as she's thrown away, she gets back up to charge. However, as Kate tries to make a grab towards him, Iris is the one to restrained her. Thick roots slice through the light snow, strapping around Kate's electrifying hands to nail her to the ground. Iris speeds over to her struggling form, a large thorn at the ready, in her hand. "Watch it. I've got a temper and though you may be family, I will end you."

"Donny has blood in his veins. Y-you can feel his warm, his humming heartbeat!" Edward tries once again after pushing Tanya off.

"I can feel it," Carmen voices, astounded.

"Edward and I conceived Donny naturally. Need I remind you, I am a half breed." Iris huffed, her predatorial senses still running high. She made a show of it, waving her hand towards Kate who was still wrapped in her snake-like vines.

Eleazar, who remained quiet through this whole affair eyed Donny with, seemingly, new eyes. "I-impossible. I've never heard of such a thing."

"He can show you, if you let him. However, we won't put our son in danger if you mean him any harm. Tanya, you owe us this much, seeing as we're all put under a death sentence because your sister judged too quickly... Didn't let us explain." The ginger surveyed the group after Edward's words, carefully making her way back to her son's side. Kate, was slowly released from her constraints, noticing the slight marks from the poison ivy around her wrists.

Donny glances timidly to his father, seeing his nod of reassurance, the cold outside world shifts into his parent's bedroom. Distant screams echo around them, Iris's screams. It was as if they were in the room while Iris was giving birth, seeing it through her perspective. Edward appeared panicked at the end of the bed, Ava by her side with a terrified expression before she leaves. Rosalie, cheering the laboring mother on. Then, a thick head of hair is seen before a tiny body is completely out. The sweetest cry fills the room around them as Edward hands the baby to Iris.

"D-don't cry, my love. Don't c-cry," Iris cooed. "So beautiful, you are." The sight of tiny hands and feet, being soothed by Iris's hands. They softly hear Edward's voice before the room deteriorates around them, and their back in the wilderness. "It's a boy..."

"So it's true... he's not immortal." Iris hugged Donny to her side in relief, the astonished expressions of everyone, calming her down even just a little. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek, seeing Donny's birth again made her a little emotional. After that, everyone gathered around to get to know the miraculous hybrid and his interesting gift. Iris and Edward only hoped that everyone they rally for the cause would see Donny for what he truly was, just like today. One clan down, many, many more to go.


While everyone had a specific location to look for their possible conspirator, Ava, Jacob and Arthur were searching the entire continent of Asia for one person. Ava didn't know who exactly they were, just that they possessed the elemental gift and they're help would be... well, helpful. However, if she had to go one more hour of Arthur and Jacob bickering about the possibility to bend Lava, this elemental in hiding would suffer her wrath.

They were specifically in Indonesia, a place she'd only been in passing, surprisingly. The weather was unbelievably hot compared to Forks. It was humid and made her hair wild and frizzy, but she didn't mind that too much. She hadn't gone traveling with Arthur in decades and experiencing this all with Jake was incredibly new as well. This was sort of a test run, if they'll be able to travel together in the future, because to put it plainly, Ava was a free spirited type of person. She loved not having a schedule or time limit, which made this trip unfavorable in her book.

The flight in itself took forever to get them there and it's not like she could run around in her small space on the plane. Also, having a lover with bulky biceps didn't bode well either, especially when she was stuck in the middle seat between the guys.

"Oi, Arthur. Seriously, where is this bloke?"

"Last I heard he was in Indonesia. My instincts are telling me he's around." Ava rolled her eyes. It's not like she didn't trust her mentors' instincts, it was just that Indonesia was huge when trying to find one person. And they were on foot, which made it near impossible to find– 

"There he is." Arthur nodded towards the music performer, stringing his violin for the passing people to hear. Ava's jaw dropped slightly before Jacob pushed it back in place, chuckling at her incredulous expression. Okay, maybe she was wrong... for once.

Many people gathered around to hear the liberating tune. Though it was dark and the street lights barely did the area any justice, the supernaturals could see him clearly. His inky black hair was cropped to one side, falling over his left eye as he concentrated on his craft. He was incredibly tall, probably 6'2". From the outside prespective, Ava would've never guessed he was an elemental. She was most likely being sterotypical, but the elementals she's met were free spirits, much like herself. Though, her only reference would be Arthur and Iris.

"So are you going to approach him, or should I. Or maybe Arthur?" Jacob folded his arms over his chest, the humidity making his skin glisten and hair flop on his forehead. She'd say it was mouthwateringly attractive, but she wasn't that nice in public. 

"If Arthur goes up to him, he'll get the wrong idea. No offense, bub." Ava gestured to his open-toed shoes and loose fitted pants, tattered at the ends. His unruly hair in a bun, low on the back of his head. Arthur glanced down to his wardrobe and shrugged carelessly, "My appearance has nothing to do with the mission, but fair enough. I do look a little homely."

"If Jake goes, he'll sense his wolfieness and bolt the other direction." Jake opened his mouth in objection but Arthur just shook his head to silence him, there was no point arguing with the fiery blonde. "I'm stuffed but I guess it's up to the Sheila's once again."

"Hello," A deep voice muses.

The assembled three snapped their attention to the very guy they were going to introduce themselves to. The sweet music was gone, along with the group of watching people. He stood, violin case in hand as his dark eyes looked them over knowingly. Jake and Ava were at a lost for words, gaping like fish because they were caught off guard. Arthur was the one to nod respectfully and greet the, seemingly, young guy.

"Greetings, I am Arthur and these two are my mentees. Ava and Jacob. I've met you about a little less than a century ago, not that I expect you to remember," His full lips quirked at the corners as his stance relaxes ever-so-slightly.

"I remember, you were the owner of that underground pub during the 20s. Good booze and better entertainment, It's good to see you again." Ava furrowed her eyebrows in thought before her smile grew mischeavously.

"Oi, you sneaky bugger. You sold liquor during the prohibition?" She nudged Arthur's side to which he waved her off, having the nerve to appear bashful. "It was during a rebellious time," He brushed off.

"I suppose you're here for a reason? Name's Eugene, let's go somewhere a little more... hidden to chat." The older elementals led the way, Ava and Jake staying back.

Jake weaved his fingers through Ava's, tugging her close as he eyed his surroundings. Ava leant closer to his sturdy form, whispering lowly exactly what Jake was thinking. "Right, he talks funny." He grinned, fighting the oncoming chuckle at their similar thoughts.

"You're one to talk," Ava elbowed him in his side, falsely glaring at him as he finally let that iconic chuckle go. The wild blonde rolled her eyes, tugging on his hand because they were losing their leads. "Steady on, we'll see what happens when you don't get your cuddles later." She smirked as he immediately started to back pedal, complaining as she drag him in the right direction. Served him right.


I loved this chapter so much and not just because I did Ava's POV either. It was a lot of fun to write on both sides, just to get a perspective of what everyone else was doing while Iris was in Alaska, much like the movie touches on. Next chapter, their going to be back home, but the group will be assembled and everyone will introduce themselves etc. 

Let me know what you thought of this chapter, were you surprised by Ava's POV?

Also, James Lee from Royal Pirates will play Eugene and we needed some Asian/Malaysian representation. I love him, so bye lol


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