|| You, Me and Penny Green ||
| Chapter Twenty |
The clicking sound of Iris's heeled boots resonated throughout the Port Angeles University courtyard. Her vibrant red strands appeared aflame in the constant stream of sunlight. She wasn't sparkling like an iridescent sculpture, much like Edward or any of the immortals back home would. She simply glowed, radiating a magnificent aura as she adjusted the bag over her shoulder. She was a woman on a mission.
The weekend seemed to slip right through her perfectly polished fingers and before she knew it, Monday had sprung up on her. She strutted through her college campus only because she had a meeting with her advisor today. It was to confirm her graduate plan, which the school deemed important. Otherwise, she would be at home, snuggling against Edward in bed.
Different people around their mid to late twenties were scattered in the courtyard. Some sitting underneath the trees while others stood as they chatted with their friends about upcoming mid-terms and the bills they had to pay before the end of the month. It wasn't like she expected from all the college movies she'd seen. There were no wild people running around in togas or solo beer cups littering the school grounds. No lavish sorority houses with hazing activities like streaking around campus. It appeared just like any establishment, dull and uninteresting. Everyone went about their own business, trying to get an education and make a living. It was refreshing.
Iris opened the glass door into the admissions directory, her speckled eyes glancing around until she stopped on the front desk guy. He was slender and vaguely resembled Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory. It made her red painted lips quirk in amusement.
"Hi, how can I help you?"
"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Cavil. I have an advising appointment at 10:30," Iris smiled politely at him, temporarily blind sighting the poor man. He briefly cleared his throat and sent her close lipped smile before typing on his computer to search the schedule. "And your name is?"
"Iris Masen," The sound of her name being officially on a document in the system, brought a unconscious grin to her cheeks. She would never get tired of that name.
"Yes! I'll just go inform him of your arrival, if you could please take a seat. Do you want any coffee?" She shook her head and turned to the waiting area to sit down. The tall front desk guy scampered off to the short hallway behind him, Mr. Cavil's door shutting behind him. Despite the attempt at a sound barrier, Iris heard them perfectly and it would've made her blush if she had blood pumping through her veins.
"What is it Everett and why are you so flushed?"
"There's um, your ten-thirty is here, Sir." He cleared his throat awkwardly, causing Iris to giggle at his easily flustered behavior. He seemed like a nice guy, most likely working at the admissions office for an internship. Even the name Everett was cute.
"Well she must be some pretty girl if you're stuttering like that... I'm kidding, calm down. Send her in." Iris waited patiently for him to come back, which was a while because he was hiding behind the wall - probably to calm down his heated face before approaching her.
"He will see you now. Um, just go on back." She offered him a subtle, sympathetic smile as she stood to her feet. Her back was swung over her shoulder, swinging slightly as she adjusted her tweed pencil skirt. Maybe she shouldn't have worn this if this was the attention she was going to get, she thought.
"Thank you." He nodded, hastily carrying himself back to the comfort zone of his desk to get back to whatever he was doing. Iris walked down the hallway towards a large dark wood door. She knocked lightly first, waiting for the signal before entering with a broad smile. Mr. Cavil was the stereotypical version of a professor. Broad shoulders with rounded glasses perching on his nose. A nicely trimmed beard and a wise aura around him. She supposed he was every college girl's fantasy in some form or fashion. There was no way anyone could say he was unattractive.
"Good morning Ms - uh," He encouraged her to finish as she folded her hands in front of herself.
"Mrs. Masen," She gently corrected, earning an interested eyebrow arch from him. "Oh, you're married. Congratulations, please do have a seat. Remind me, why you're here this morning?"
Iris crossed one ankle over the other, noticing how Mr. Cavil was giving her his complete attention as he waited for her to speak. If she was honest, it made her slightly nervous. He was intimidating, yet he was only just an advisor. She wouldn't want to see him if he was ever to become dean. "We're going over my graduation plan. What courses I need to take to ensue I get my Bachelors."
"Ah, right. We let's get to that." His smoky grey eyes perused unnoticeably over her figure, briefly stopping at her exposed knees. Iris fidgeted, resting her manicured hands there subconsciously. From then on, the meeting went well despite Mr. Cavil's subtle attraction for the ginger. Somehow a person became more attractive when they were taken, at least in the advisor's eyes. By the end of it, Iris had to get going or she would be late for the interviews she had to do at Donna's. The young mother's smile was strained yet still polite, however, if she had to fake laugh at another cheesy joke made by Mr. Cavil, she would burn herself to death... again.
The conclusion was, Edward did it much better, every time.
"Well thank you, Mr. Cavil for your help. Hopefully, I won't need to come back here for messing something up," She chuckled, standing up to shake his hand. He smiled at her, flashing those pearly whites as his hand lingered a little longer than it was supposed to. "Oh, no worries Iris. Come by anytime." Since when did he decide they were on a first name basis, she thought.
Iris hummed in reply, not giving a solid answer as she pulled her hand from his and left the room. She walked by Everette and touched his desk as she passed. "Have a good day, Everett." The way his eyebrows shot up was hilarious, seems she made a mistake. He never told her his name was Everett to begin with, and there was no name tag in sight. His cheeks reddened in embarrassment, because it was now obvious that she heard what Mr. Cavil and him were talking about earlier. Poor Everette, the front desk guy.
Unfortunately, the universe was not on her side today. Because, as she walked out, she ran into Forks very own... Jessica Stanley.
"Oh! Iris, what do you know. Fancy seeing you here," Iris sent her a strained smirk, not even a smile. Her desire to flash out of there weighted heavy on her mind. The talkative girl looked the same other than her hair, which she cut short and dyed red. It made the ginger wonder if she was trying to look more like herself, though she didn't want to sound narsissistic. "Mm, yes. I thought you were going to college out of state. Why are you here?" Not that she cared really, she was just trying to be polite. Iris was never impolite unless absolutely necessary.
"I decided to take up a couple years here, you know what they say - there's no place like home. Heh, so what are you doing here?"
"... I'm taking college courses," Iris responded matter-a-factly because why else would she be on a college campus at eleven o'clock in the morning. Jessica nodded exaggeratedly, chuckling as she found what Iris said so hilarious. "Of course, right. But I meant, why are you on campus, don't you have the house and family things to take care of?"
"Excuse me?" The ginger was utterly confused, her eyebrows furrowing as she leant on one hip.
"You're a house wife, aren't you?"
Iris blinked at her plainly, not knowing what exactly she was going to say. The word 'house wife' sounded so incredibly degrading but not because she took care of things at home. Working the household at home was one of the most important jobs in humanity. If there weren't stay-at-home moms or dads from time to time, the next generation wouldn't be where it is today. However, 'house wife' concluded that she only sought to care for the needs of her husband, waiting on him hand and foot to fulfill his every desire. She was no housewife. Stay-at-home mom? Yes, and she'd gladly take the title with pride. But she wasn't a servant, a handmaiden. It was an insult, but instead of telling Jessica off like she deserved, she just smirked.
"Jessica tell me, what do you plan to be when you graduate?" She blanched, taken off guard by the question.
"Um, maybe someone high up in the political field. Senator, city manager. Something with high influence." Iris nodded offhandedly, waving her hand around to metaphorically shoo her words away.
"Right, okay. Well let me tell you this. When you get up there, in the political race, in whatever branch you chose. Know that your position will be voted on by men who desperately want you to serve their needs within the community. They'll ask for early holidays and greater pay and you'll wonder where in the world they got the nerve or ideas to treat you that way. And that will be because you endorse it with little words like 'housewife'. I'm not saying you won't be a amazing political figure, but this 'housewife' is letting you know now, that if you plan to run for anything, you'll have to work on your campaign speech."
Jessica opened and closed her mouth, not knowing if she should be completely offended or not. However, by the time she figured it out, Iris was already halfway to her car. "Take care of yourself now Jessica, because you won't have much time for yourself after you get married with that mentality."
"So tell me, why do you want this job?" Iris leaned back in her desk chair, crossing her legs as she tapped the clipboard on her lap. She had arrived just in time to see a line of people waiting outside Donna's Daisies. Old people, some young people, short and tall, appearing completely bored and excited. She let them all in and shook the hands of each, meeting eye contact confidently. Now, she was in the small office that was being expanded momentarily. The applicant in front of her, fidgeting nervously.
Iris got how they were feeling completely, she hated interviews too.
"I actually need the money, babysitting just won't do these days." The perky teen giggled and Iris smiled patronizingly towards her, faking a chuckle as she crossed her name out.
"What's your favorite flower and why?"
"Uh - I like red roses because of that iconic poem everyone knows. Roses are red, violets are blue. I hope I get this job, so I can pay for my tattoo." Another name crossed out... twice.
"Donna's Daisies is expanding and so I won't be around to look over your shoulder all the time. What would you do if a client wants a certain type of flower that is not in store?"
"... I'd - uh, sorry. I'm nervous, but I'd apologize for the inconvenience and let them know that I can put in an order for the said certain plant and get their information to call them when the shipment comes in." Iris wrote down the newest applicant's response, not giving away whether or not if she liked her answer. The pixie haired girl fumbled in her chair, picking at her nails.
Iris finally looked up from her clipboard and gave the girl her full attention. "Actually, you wouldn't place an order with just anyone. The headquarters would most likely have back up, but we'd usually try to grow our own or hand them the seeds if we don't have the full grown plant." The girl became confused when Iris looked back down to her clipboard, not commenting on whether or not her answer was sufficient. It was the worst feeling, inadequacy. Iris's lips quirked at the corners, "Good job," she allowed and the girl found her shoulders relaxing in relief.
"Have you ever cared for plants before? Worked in merchandise?"
"Uh, in school we had a class cactus...?" Crossed off.
At the end of the day, Iris was overworked and exhausted. It was astounding the day she had. From flirty counselors to annoying townies to seven long interviews. Only two stood out to her and between them she only picked one. Cynthia was her name, the stuttering - nervous girl who answered her question about stock correctly. Iris mentioned she'd call her and that was it. Now, as she walked up the porch steps to her house, the sun had just set.
The front door creaked open as she sighed, tiredly. She shook off her high heels and plucked them off the floor. Iris could hear childlike talking from her husband as the sound of pots clanging together echoed from the kitchen. The next thing she knew, two little tikes were running out from the kitchen and straight to her legs to hug them tight.
"Mommy!" The cheered, snuggling into her legs. Iris grinned at the sight of them, her finger running through their wild hair.
"Hello my darlings, were you good for daddy?" Edward appeared out of the kitchen, leaning against the archway to stare at his wife adoringly. When Iris met eye contact with him, his face melted into a dazzling grin. Suddenly, her crazy day had disappeared into the recesses of her mind.
"Come here," He beckoned breathlessly.
Iris eagerly obeyed, walking to her husband, handing him her heels before capturing his lips for a sweet kiss. Edward sighed against her, weaving his hand into her hair to pull her closer. She giggled as they bumped noses, feeling her entire body relax after the days events. Even if it was just a handful of hours, she missed him and their little babes. This is what mattered most to her, this family.
"Let's go, I'll run you a bath."
This is a extremely long chapter, but I'm loving it! Let me know your favorite part of her day because it was pretty eventful.
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