|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Mm, well this is explicit in some way |

| Chapter Twelve |

"The trees are distressed, it's an omen. Thought I'd find the reason if I came here." Arthur voiced his concerns as he peeled off his overcoat and tribal scarf, wrapping it around the coat rack. As he walked further into the living room, he took note of many things all at once before another second went by.

The pack; a group of shapeshifting minors who so happened to get evolved with both his daughter and his mentee over the span of a year, were leaving his daughters home with a determined expression marred on their russet skin. He guessed that was one of the reasons for the disturbance in nature, which only meant a war would ensue soon.

The Cullens, who he guessed were apart of his extended family now, filed out with the Quileute's into the dark of the night. This only confirmed Arthur's thoughts further. The reckoning would involve both supernatural extremis in the spectrum. However, the ominous stirring in the atmosphere intensified when they took their leave.

The people remaining; whom sat in anxious waiting for positive news that wouldn't come, his mentee, the newly weds, the shorter humans - known as the kin, one blonde incubus, his son in-law and his very pregnant daughter.

"Hey, Arthur." Edward greeted with a nod, overlooking his observation. Arthur guessed they were used to his eccentric behavior by now. After all, he was wearing that trench overcoat and scarf when it was the most humid day in Forks this year, by far. The elemental acknowledged him as he took a seat on the floor, crossing his legs. "Edwardo."

"We're always the reason for obscene things happening in Forks," Colton scoffed as he walked out of Penelope's room from putting the girl's to bed. He stood behind his wife, rubbing her shoulders. Iris made a noise in the back of her throat, somewhat agreeing with him as pots and pans clanged together so she could fix herself something to eat. She groaned when she couldn't reach a certain pot, causing Edward to get up and assist her. The ginger didn't take to that too kindly.

"Iris, just let him cook something for you," Bella stated softly.

"I know if Jake offered to make me a sandwich, I bloody well wouldn't complain." Ava blew the hair away from her eyes as she sat upside down on the couch, looking bored out of her mind. Arthur saw right through it, seeing the way her hand clenched into a fist every so often and the furrowed line in between her eyebrows. She was worried, nervous even. Something he hadn't seen on the carefree blonde in a long time. He figured instantly it had to do with the Quileute boy who imprinted on her.

"It's not that I'm ungrateful because I appreciate it a lot. I just feel so helpless, really can't do anything now but sit." The ginger waddled into the living room and plopped down on the sofa with a unladylike huff, rubbing her stomach as she frowned.

"Creating a safe and secure atmosphere for a child is the most challenging task to take on. There is no end and there aren't many medals given out for accomplishing it. Parenthood," Everyone shifted their gaze to Arthur who had his eyes closed, a unfathomable calm washed over his meditating form. His chest rose and fell slowly, almost unnoticeable by the human eye. He was impossibly still yet managed to teach everyone in the room something new with a few short sentences.

Colton pursed his lips, looking immensely impressed. "Okay, so wise monk over here... Do you mind switching biological fathers with me, Riz?" Iris shook her head, rolling her eyes at his poor excuse of a joke.

The wind outside became rougher than the stillness before. Tress knocking against the houses exterior put the group on edge. Rosalie paced the room, worried for her coven and the newborn at the same time. She wished she'd gone with them, but knew the importance of her niece or nephew's safety here. Jake's plan was smart, but how long would it actually hold off Sam Uley's pack.

"I feel like we're being watched," The ginger breathed as she tried to stand again from the couch. Ava rested a firm hand on the mother's leg, mutely telling her to sit back down. All the elementals could feel a shift in the air, it was unsettling. However, each one handled it differently. Whereas Ava chose to keep her worries to herself, voting to struggle internally rather than voicing her concerns; Iris would usually go out and do something to handle the unnerving situation, but since she can't it frustrated her to no end.

It was deadly silent for ten minutes after that. Each supernatural entity kept to their own thoughts while Edward tried to listen to the commotion outside. Sam Uley's pack seemed to be distracted by Jacob's speech of what should've been. The Cullen's slipped past the group in the other directions, gliding through the trees as they hurried to get out of range. As Edward leaned on the kitchen door frame, his body completely still as he concentrated, Iris stared at his face for clarification. She got none, and it drove her insane.

The pitter patter of rain sounded from outside, another omen in the elder elemental's book.

Without peeling his eyes open, Arthur sighed his unrest. "Kiddo, why don't you meditate with me. It'll confront the fears you keep avoiding," He murmured, knowingly.

Iris mimicked her father by sighing herself, causing Arthur's lips to quirk ever so slightly. Colton was by her side a second later, helping the ginger to the floor so she could sit. Iris grunted as she struggled to cross her legs at the ankle and gave up the next moment, choosing to connect the pads of her feet instead.

Rolling her shoulders, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her trembling hands rested on her rounded bump, noticing for the first time that baby Masen was incredibly still. One by one she tossed away her worries for the meantime, metaphorically locking them away in a draw until they were solved or actually brought up by someone other than herself. After several beats, the ginger was completely motionless and the group finally figured out the incessant banging of trees was Iris's doing not the wind's.

"It worked, Jacob's going to keep watched around the house. Seth, Embry and Leah are with him." Edward spoke, disturbing the quiet once again. Ava relaxed further against the couch, fluttering her eyes closed as a small smile flickered over her serene features. The group could finally relax, their statuesque frames softening with the good news. Arthur was vaguely aware of his voice, and although the main issue had somewhat been resolved, he still felt a disturbance. A gut feeling that warned him sagely, that this wasn't over quit yet.

And it came into fruition when Iris yelped, painfully.

Her eyes snapped open as her face contorted into one of familiar abdominal discomfort. The room of supernatural beings jumped, surprised by her abrupt outburst. Edward was the first to act, kneeling by her side in an instant as her expression didn't soften.

"Darling, what's the matter?" Iris moaned as she lightly touched her stomach, her other fist curling around her husband's shirt.

"The baby's coming," Arthur blinked as he unfolded his legs and stood to his full height. This, this was the feeling he got. The murky aura had cleared and his senses were sure.

Everyone seemed to act at once. Rosalie quickly called Carlisle and Bella made sure they had a place available for the baby to be born, it seemed their shared bedroom would have to do. Colton stood, wide eyed and speechless like any inexperienced guy would do, the Swan had to put him to work to get towels. Ava and Edward helped Iris stand, to which she protested. Her head bowed as she groaned, a slightly cloudy liquid trickling down her leg to the hard wood floors before a gush came not a moment after.

"Bloody hell," Ava winced, shaking her foot to get the amniotic fluid off.

"Dammit," Edward cursed as he threw caution to the wind and picked Iris up bridal style. He rushed her to the bedroom quickly, not minding in the least that she was clawing his shirt, puncturing holes in the material.

Bella made like quick work and threw the blankets off the bed so he could set her down. Speeding out of the room only to come back with a cool wash cloth to place on the gingers' head. Iris smacked it away, her back arching because no matter what she did, she couldn't find a comfortable position. Although she'd been through this before, the ginger figured a mother would never get used to this excruciating, stabbing feeling.

Edward smoothed the hairs out of her sweating forehead, meeting her gaze in the most endearing way. It was the only time she calmed down amongst the chaos. He grounded her, communicating through sight alone that he would take care of this, of her. It was what she needed to stop screaming explicative words and bare all the pain and torment coming to her in the coming moments. "You can do this my love, you're strong. We all know this. We'll get through this."

Iris bit her bottom lip as another wave of spasming contractions crashed into her. It felt like someone took a lightning rod to her lower back and held it there. Like her insides were declaring war on each other, setting organs on fire in their wake. She fought to keep the shriek inside, eyes watering as she stuck her tongue to the roof of her mouth. Despite being unable to read her thoughts or the lack of words coming out of her mouth, Edward knew to act quickly.

He stomped toward their bedroom door to see the crowd of people asking how they could help. His eyes flickered around the group, finding majority of their weaknesses being blood. "Ah, Bella and Colton, I need you to watch the girls because I know they're going to wake up with how loud this is going to be. Rose, I'm going to need you to control yourself, this won't be easy or clean."

Rose nodded once with assertion, golden eyes flickering around his form to check on Iris as her whimpers echoed throughout the house. Carlisle had told them he'd try to get here as quick as he could, but they were sure Iris would deliver by then. It was up to them now. He moved out of the way to let her pass, eyeing her sternly as either a warning or a promise, he wasn't sure. Ava and Arthur were left, the latter looking calm as always, yet his green orbs held a smoldering intensity Edward could not name. Arthur voted to stay out of the room, to which Ava glared at him because she definitely didn't want to see how a baby was born. Even with her protesting, Edward brought her inside and closed the door, she was sealed in.

The years of shadowing Carlisle came into practice in a way he never dreamed this night. August the eleventh would be the birth day of their daughter or son and he would be the one to assist his wife in bringing them into the world. What a skill to put on his resume, he thought sarcastically.

Iris lifted into a sitting position as Edward readied her legs, pushing them back to the right angle so he could get a better view. She flinched when he followed his training and checked her. The head was visible to his supernatural sight and it reminded him of a book he read to prepare himself, stating the second child is usually born faster than the first. This was exaggerated beyond the author's understanding.

It felt far worse than the first, Iris subconsciously noted. The baby would have to stretch or break through her marble like form to be born, something Penelope didn't have to do. And as Iris felt another contraction seize her body, she couldn't control the sobbing nor the screaming that shook her body drastically. Rosalie and Ava stood on either side of her, the immortal holding her legs as the elemental held her hand, staring wide eyed at the work Edward was doing. It wasn't poetic or natural in her mind at all, not something she would paint or describe like beautiful play. Horrific was the word she'd use to describe the situation, borderline jarring.

Iris's body contorted in a way that would scar someone physiologically. The way Edward handled the coming head of their child as it peeked from her opening, caused a uncontrollable tear to fall from her eyes. Ava gave Iris her unconditional respect to her this day, for the ginger had the utmost perseverance and strength to push her child out.

The shoulders were almost out when Edward yelled in frustration, his mind catching the aggressive thoughts of Sam Uley's pack stepping back onto their land. The sound of crashing and snarls met his ears and he panicked, seeking the room for someone to deal with this while he couldn't. "Ava! You and Arthur go help outside, we've got it in here!" Ava sprung into action, barging out of the room whilst tugging Arthur along with her into the forest.

The scene outside was ghastly, almost as shocking as what was inside... almost. Giant bear sized wolves tossed and collided with vicious growls, snapping their jaws to get a catch of their fur. Ava and Arthur acted immeditately. The Aussie slide in between a white wolf she knew was leah and whipped her arms harshly to form switch-like vines. The thorns attached we're as large as daggers as she wound them in the air and thrusted them the next second to lash at an incoming shapeshifter. Leah and Ava worked hand in hand, the white wolf tackling anyone Ava wrangled in her barbed vine whilst the blonde watched her back.

Arthur took the less violent approach. While Ava went in head strong, whipping at any wolf that barged her way, Arthur simply use the earth to push them back. Whether if it was yards away or a couple feet, he handled it without a flicker of stress marring his features. The roots of the ground obeyed his will as he wrapped them around the muzzles of the beasts to silence them, his hand movements disciplined and sure. He was holding them off until he was told otherwise, to him there was no need to massacre them, seeing as this was just a petty misunderstanding. What would the aftermath appear like when the fog has cleared up, he thought. Surely they wouldn't be too happy if their friends ended up dead because of this night and then it would be too late.

"Iris breathe, you're almost there. She's almost here!" Rosalie coached the ginger on as sweat collected all over her body. If she were human, her lungs would be torn up and bloody from how much she screamed. Iris was sure this wasn't a normal labor and that she wouldn't have survived had she been human. Her chapped lip wobbled as she pleaded with someone for anything in the world to end this suffering, her speckled eyes blurred with thick tears.

"Oh, god," She cried as she swallowed as much breath as she could and barred down. Instantly, her body felt like it was thrown in toxic waste, set on fire from head to toe. Edward worked as efficiently as he could, helping the baby out as he tried to block out his wife's screams of agony. The sounds didn't help and only made him panic. Why did it hurt so much, he thought. He wished he could do something to help her, he was desperate. Yet all they had was Rosalie's hand to hold onto... luckily, the baby was just right there.

"That's it darling, one more time." With renewed vigor pushed with all she had. Her lips were tugged together as she bit them harshly to hold in her yell of protest.

Then, it was silent.

Edward gently tugged the baby out the rest of the way, immediately laying him or her on his wife's stomach. A sob of relief left Iris's lips as she stared in awe of her child. Rosalie quickly cleared the infants airways, suctioning any liquid or mucus from it's lungs and tiny button nose. Rubbing the baby's body with soft blankets to clean and warm the skin. The most adorable, heart melting sound echoed above the labored breaths in the room. A guttural cry, all the more precious and nasal, resonated within they're very beings.

"D-don't cry, my love. Don't c-cry," Iris cooed as she ghosted her fingertips over the baby's thick head of hair. Dark brown, she noted. Less curly than Penny's but they still flicked in different directions at the ends. As soon as the ginger touched the infants head, it stopped crying. Hearing it's mother's voice, comforted them. "So beautiful, you are."

"Iris," Edward reluctantly tore his gaze from their child. His heart somehow expanding two times as much as he watched them interact. Iris glanced towards her husband, gratitude and love swirling in her speckled orbs. For now, they were clear of tears, but they only started up again when he uttered the words that completed her world... just a little more. "It's a boy."

"A b-boy, wow." She breathed, shakily. Holding the baby closer to her, she looked upon his face and subtle features. He looked just like Edward, but with her button nose. She was smitten, entirely enthralled with this tiny little being. He was hers... her little boy. As her finger caressed his puffy cheek, she graced him with a watery smile as his eyes peeled open. So far, his eyes were a cosmic galaxy of grey, but Iris was sure they would develop more later. "He's beautiful, guys. Almost supernaturally glowing," Rosalie cooed as she crouched down to get a better view.

"Darling, I'll be right back. I have to take care of something." Although he didn't say what, she was sure he meant the war going on outside. She gave him a determined nod, seeing his form swiftly leave the room.

As he clambered outside, Arthur was the first to gain his attention. A breathtaking smile graced his lips and the elemental knew it meant well. "It's a boy," He announced to his father in-law to which a charismatic grin stretched his breaded features. "Well then, a war is no atmosphere for a child." Edward agreed but didn't expect what happened next.

With a startling strength, Arthur pushed off the wolf pounding towards him and the next second he slammed his foot into the earth and suddenly it split where he commanded. The ground grumbled as it dramatically tore the fighting sides in half, causing a divide between the rivalry. For a moment, the fighting stopped and Arthur took his chance.

"This child is no harm to mankind. My daughter rests with the boy now, peaceful and I intend to keep it that way. He is of elemental blood, my lineage! And if you come forth seeking wicked fulfillment, you will be slaughtered by my hand savagely." For once his voice boomed over throughout the trees of the forest, holding the utmost promise in his tone. He didn't have to glare or snarl, Arthur was a terrifying foe to have in itself. The wolves growled lowly at him, yet slowly retreated without turning their backs. The trees encased them as they disappeared a moment later and Arthur finally felt the ominous threat in his gut vanish.

"Take me to them," He addressed Edward as the tense atmosphere calmed. They walked back into the home, knocking on the bedroom door before entering. Iris was covered more now, a thin blanket laying over her form. Rosalie helped her get out of the sundress she ruined and delicately put a loose night gown on her. There, in her arms was a tiny swaddled baby, quiet yet wide awake as his eyes glanced around.

"Dad," Iris smiled towards him, inviting him closer to peer at the newborn. Arthur slowly eased forward, wary of her space. When he set his eyes on the little boy, he was instantly smitten just like the rest of them. Dark wavy tresses, a plump bottom lip with a button nose. Although flushed, he was magnificent and he told his daughter so. He couldn't be more proud of her than he was in this very moment as he laid a affectionate kiss on her forehead. He didn't voice it, but Iris felt his silent confession of 'I love you' in that kiss.

It meant the world to her to have his blessing. It meant everything.

Very Unedited!!!

BABY MASEN IS HERE GUYS!?! AHHHH!! Blue heart it up in the comments!

As you can tell, I obviously didn't reveal the name in this chapter because it'll be in the next one. I thought it would be amazing to reveal it when he meets Penelope for the first time. Also, this took foreevvver to write. Over 3600 words in this. Let me know your emotions and thoughts this chapter, were you surprised It was mostly Arthur's POV!?

Ps. Jared Leto can Get. It, okay?

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