II | X
|| You, Me and Penny Green ||
| Chapter Ten |
"Leah, you can come inside. You don't have to stay out there," Iris sighed tiredly as the gaggle of shapeshifters and an elemental all gathered around her dining table.
It was not much later after she found them conspiring in her backyard in the middle of the night. Now, it was late morning and she was still fatigued. Her bathrobe exchanged for a loose sundress, slippers transformed into her comfortable converse. She was anxious from before but, now she just wanted Leah to fully come into her house instead of making her comments ten feet away on her lawn.
Said female, shapeshifter scowled. No one mentioned the stubborn girl pacing outside until Iris spoke. She could see the benefit to walking through her doors, but it was enemy territory. The ultimate villains lair. Her pride wouldn't allow her to take a couple more steps and sit down with everyone else as they munched on the brunch Iris prepared for all of them. It felt weird, wrong and she wasn't budging.
"Yeah, these pancakes are delicious, Leah!" Seth pronounced, not very well in fact, as he stuffed his mouth full of the delectable breakfast food.
When Iris's request went unanswered, she shook her head. Rubbing her stomach was the only remedy she could get with all the tension in the room. She swore they were going to combust any minute. The stress and worry of it all wasn't good for the baby, for anyone for that matter. Especially when it was revealed the pack found out about Iris's pregnancy because they heard Embry's thoughts through the link. Accidents happen, but that didn't mean there weren't any consequences. Hell, they were paying for it right now.
Jacob was also mildly upset at Ava from keeping the secret from him for so long, but she made a promise to the ginger and she intended to keep it.
Edward tersely stood behind his wife's chair, his hands taunt as he thought of the risks and casualties if a fight ensued. Not only days ago, the pack warily welcomed Iris across the treaty line, her hybrid properties and friendly nature being the main reason. Yet, here they were switching the course of the tide. He didn't know who to trust, not that the pack were first on his list of comrades. They were still a somewhat reliable alliance. It had all gone down the drain now. No one would hurt his family, not one.
"So the treaty... is void now, I suppose." Jacob glanced away from Ava feeding Penelope her breakfast. His eyebrows stuck in a brooding, furrowed position as he appraised Iris with his attention.
"No doubt about that. You hunt, out there vulnerable, they'll take the advantage and they're coming after you. That goes for the whole coven," He leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. He spoke like a true alpha, domineering and full of authority. Even with the chaos revealing itself more and more in her life, she knew this was the best thing that could've ever happen for Jacob. It was his destiny.
"Where are the other bloodsuckers right now, anyway?" Ava jabbed her elbow into Embry's side, causing him to purse his lips, scornfully. "Mind how you speak, doggo."
"They're coming over soon. I didn't want to invite everyone over immediately, the numbers will overwhelm Iris." Edward rubbed his wife's arms soothingly. Although he was having severe difficulty reading her mind, he knew her well enough to see when her anxiety flared. Bringing everyone over at once would only stress her out further, something he wouldn't do if he had any say about it. Iris rested her hand on top of his, showing her appreciation in the subtle things.
A knock on the door startled the group out of their silent staring. Edward was the one to make a move for the door, but Iris stopped him. "I'll get it," She amended, which wasn't very smart on anyones end seeing she was the main target at the moment.
She padded towards the door, running a hand through her hair as she opened it immediately. Expecting Colton and Bella to get here first. Or Carlisle, Esme and Bree. Hell, even Emmett she expected to be on the other side of the door, but certainly not who actually was.
"Good afternoon, are you Iris Buchanan/Masen?" She woman dressed in a pin striped black and white pants suit, smiled at her politely. Iris blanched in surprise before closing her agape mouth. She glanced over the woman for any danger yet, fortunately found none. However, what stuck out to her most... was a little girl peeking out from behind the woman's legs.
Iris couldn't help but stare at the child, she seemed very familiar and it made her brain itch. Light brown hair on the verge of being dirty blonde. Large brown eyes with thin brows to frame and an angular button nose. Peculiar, she thought.
"Uh - yes, how can I help you?" She managed to peel her eyes from the shy girl, flickering them back every so often.
"I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. I'm Caroline Matthews with Child Protection Services. I am actually here to see Colton Green however, we don't have his recent residence on file as of yet. This is the closest I could get." Iris's eyes widened and she suddenly felt the presence of Edward coming behind her as he watched the woman speak. Her throat felt unbelieveably dry as she gripped the door frame tighter.
"A-are you sure you have that right? Colton Levi Green?" The blonde woman flipped the file in her hands open, holding it out for the ginger to look for herself.
"Yes, I'm quite sure. This is Morgan Roe, her mother Melissa Roe just recently passed away in Wenatchee from a brutal car accident. She has no living relatives other than you, Mrs. Masen and Mr. Green." Caroline's voice was like white noise as she scanned the file in her hands.
Morgan Roe. Age two, born January 11nth, 2007 in Wenatchee, Washington.
Hair: Light Brown. Eyes: Brown
Listed Parents: Melissa Eve Roe. Colton Levi Green.
All of it added up but it didn't make one lick of sense to Iris. How the hell was this possible? She thought as she blinked at the black and white photos of both parents and a birth certificate to add. Her so called responsible big brother had a little girl way before her and so far, nobody knew. She snapped the file closed the next second and handed it to her husband to look over. With a sweeping motion she opened the door to her house wider to allow the two unexpected guests inside. She desperately needed to sit down.
"Hey guys, we're going to have to have this meeting later. Apparently I have some news to share with my brother," The ginger mused to the pack as they collectively stood from the dining table. Iris picked up Penelope from her chair and sat her on the floor so she could play with her toys in the living room. As the pack left her house with curious/amused expressions, she squatted down to Morgan's height the best she could with her tummy and smiled warmly.
"Hi darling, I'm Iris but my friends call me Riz... would you like to play with these?" Iris offered the shy little girl, who probably had no idea what was happening, one of Penelope's Barbie dolls. Morgan eyed the doll wistfully however, afraid to step out of the other woman vicinity. It instantly broke Iris's heart and repaired it all over again when the toddler slowly, timidly, reached out to hold the plastic toy.
Iris grinned, nodding reassuringly when Morgan glanced to her for guidance. The ginger pointed to her own child, talking softly as to not startle the child. "You see that little girl over there? That's my daughter, Penny. She likes her Barbie's too, do you want to maybe go play with her?"
Morgan seemed to think over her words before sending Iris a missing tooth, smile. Without a word, she padded towards the strawberry blonde with shy movements. Penelope glanced up from her own dark skinned Barbie with rainbow hair, seeing an unfamiliar person around the same size as herself. As perky and warm hearted as Penny is, she smile cheekily towards Morgan, waving the doll towards her as if to show it off. It seemed before Iris could stand back up, the two little girls were playing happily. The timid personality Morgan held was shed instantly as they made super hero flying noises together.
Edward and Iris already loved Morgan without fully comprehending it.
"Colton and his wife Isabella should be here any minute," Edward announced as he rubbed his forehead in exasperation. It was like the drama only kept mounting with no end. Maybe in a could decades he'd look back and laugh at all this, but right now he just missed the quiet moments with his wife in bed during the early morning.
"Would you like something to drink?" Iris ever the great hostess, holding a pot of coffee.
"Yes, please. Thank you."
When the front door opened without so much as a knock, Iris knew exactly who it was this time. Her brother flounced in, eyes wild as she was sure Edward relayed the news with a phone call to hurry up. He stopped abruptly when he laid eyes on the girls, or perhaps, a certain little girl in particular. Same light hair, nose and eyebrows - you can't mistake it.
Stubbling back a step, he bumped into Bella, who was only curious about the unknown daughter. Iris stood slowly upon his entrance, along with everyone else. Honey orbs slid their way to meet his sisters, their depth somehow magnifying with unsaid words he didn't know how to express. Melissa was just a fling, a one night stand while he was traveling through the cities before college. She was mysterious and adventurous, just like him at the time. Running from trouble that hid around every corner whilst living her life to the fullest at the same time. Yet, when they met in a local pub seeking to let loose, they both understood the meaning of that night but now, he had a daughter he never would've known about had she stayed alive. The news had terrified him and crushed him like nothing else ever could. He never felt so betrayed in his entire life.
"H-hello... Morgan is it?" Colton bent down like someone kick in the back of his legs. His eyes memorized every facet of her childlike face. From her chubby cheeks to her tiny hands as they clutched the Barbie. She was his, his daughter. His offspring, the thought alone astounded him beyond words.
Morgan looked away from Penny and spared her father a curious stare down. Once again was the shy little girl. She didn't speak and fumbled with her fingers nervously. "Is Penelope your friend?" It was weird talking to her, but not much different from speaking with his niece. He had some experience with children. Morgan nodded.
"She got nice Barbies," She offered him the toy, showing him the sundress the doll wore and attachment, plastic shoes. Colton took it, his lips quirking at finally hearing her high pitched adolescent voice. Suddenly, he found himself fully invested with dolls and he never thought he'd say that. He was fast cars and sporting competitions... oh, not anymore. His answer was awestruck and low, "Yes, she really does."
"Colton," Bella called as she looked on with soft eyes. She didn't know what to do or say at the moment but she knew Morgan deserved a lot more than what she was given. The Swan had spent her entire upbringing being tossed between her parents and suffered immensely for it. When she heard news of Colton's previous fling resulting in a child, her awkward heart instantly went out to her.
Colton stood back up and grabbed Bella's hand, pulling her to the dining room with everyone else. He shared a significant look with Iris, who rested a gentle hand on his shoulder. Caroline shook both Green's hands before giving the same file to Colton. Her expression was solemn and understanding yet, professional. She came to make sure the child would be put in the right hands. "Good afternoon, my name is Caroline Matthews."
"Hi," Colton rushed out as he sat down with Bella guiding him. She rested her hand on his thigh as a sign of comfort and reassurance, which he mutely appreciated. "M-Morgan is indeed mine, there's no doubt about that. She had my... everything, really."
"That is true. I would like to know if I can leave her with you, otherwise she'll be put into the system. I'll tell you Mr. Green, that I advise against it. Although, we're doing everything we can to improve how the system operates. It is not something I recommend if it can be avoided."
Iris sat back with Edward as they watched Colton and Bella exchanged meaningful expressions. The ginger knew right off the back if Colton was unable to provide and take care of Morgan, they step in. They already had one with another on the way, what was one more? However, this decison was something Bella and Colton had to really think over. They had just gotten married, afterall. A child was a very big step.
"We - uh," Colton blanked, swallowing harshly as he squeezed his wife's hand.
"We want her, definitely. We just have to prepare the house and get everything in order, this was unexpected - obviously." The Swan spoke up as she returned his squeeze. There was no doubt in her mind that she would take in Morgan. She was just completely inexperienced with children that it was laughable. Colton and her both lacked in that department. All they could do was their best, even then it would be subpar parenting.
Colton relaxed at her words, thank god they were on the same page. Caroline observed them for a moment before nodding in agreement. She slowly stood back up, leaving her half drunken coffee as she smiled in relief. That was one less child being put into the system, one step into the right direction. "I'm glad you've decided this and good luck to you both. Also, my condolences as well. I'll be sending the full adoption papers over within the week, is there an address that better suits you?" The newlywed couple went to handle the paper work with the social worker, her promise to check up on things within the month was made as a note in their minds.
The Green's couple were officially parents, and they were terrified.
Despite their agreement to keep Morgan, they still needed to prepare. A child's bed and all the necessities are what they were fresh out of. Iris, being the compassionate mother she was, offered to have Morgan stay at their home until they got everything for her. Plus, it would help to build some familiarity with her cousin, Penelope. They could bond just upon being around the same age. So, the two little girls laid tucked up in the toddler bed together under the floral duvet. Penelope was already fast asleep when Iris peeked into the room dimly lit by a nightlight.
Morgan however, whimpered into the covers.
"Darling, what's the matter?" Iris cooed lowly as she kneeled by the bed, holding her bump to keep her steady. Morgan peered up at her with watery brown eyes as she sniffled. It made Iris's undead heart clench.
"I - m-my wan't-t my m-mommy," She croaked. Iris swiped the tears flowing down her cheeks, burshing her messy hairs away from her face. "I'm so sorry dear, I wish I could help." Morgan sniffled as she turned her head away from Iris and into the pillows. With a sigh, Iris combed through her hair tenderly. "But you know what I can tell you?" The only interest Morgan showed was peeling one eye open to spare her a glance. The curious girl couldn't resist a secret.
"I can tell you about your big and strong daddy who looked after me when I was little." Morgan seemed interested enough now, her sniffling stopped. Edward came in with a familiar stuffed elephant, given to Iris by the very same guy. Iris took it gratefully, he always knew what to do. "When I was little I used to be scared of the dark, shaking in my bones as I wouldn't sleep a wink and you know what your daddy did for me?"
"What?" She muttered.
"He gave me this stuffed elephant. I named her Elli and he told me that at night, while I'm sleeping, it comes alive and protects me at night from any and all the bad guys. My brother cared for me very much and looked after me... so I know for sure, he'll have no problem caring for you too," Iris gave Morgan the restitched stuffed animal and the little girl took it with eager hands. Her eyes swirled with wonder as she looked up at Iris, clutching the elephant tight. "Morgan my dear, you've come to best family in the world. We look after each other, keep one another safe."
"I-is my daddy coming back?" Iris stood up from the floor with the help of Edward, they walked towards the door, peering in to gaze her lovingly. "Something tells me he'll be here before the sun touches the sky, good night Morgan."
"G'nite, Riz."
When Iris closed the door, she sighed heavily. Edward rubbed her shoulders as he led her to their bedroom. That story of Colton wasn't necessarily the truth, she replaced some key words from it to keep it child friendly. It wasn't the night she feared, rather her parents who provoked her. The bad people were living in her very own home, within reach of the little girl when she misbehaved. Colton truly was the hero of her childhood and she hoped he would once again be the hero of Morgan's too. Because she needed the best one this universe could offer.
IS YOUR WIG GONE!? Hehe, I was so excited to introduce this. It was hard to keep it underwraps with everyone finding out Bella was a vampire and unable to have children. Now, Colton and Bella have their own little baby to love and take care of. I really hope you'll love Morgan because I have big plans for her in the future, revolving her curiosity seeking personality.
| Abby Ryder Fortson as Morgan Roe |
I'm so excited!!!
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