Romèo's posts {3}

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Welcome back @Wherefore_art_thou_Romeo

I don't know
Why I'm here

Donate made me
Get this app...

He even made
Me choose
This name...


Ella said that I should take a picture of what I wear and post it saying 'it's more interesting' so I'm doing it. But once. And never again.

#workwassolongtoday #😔
#ididntevenlookgood #peoplearecrazy


...I was dragged into it. 😔

#blackandwhite #▪️▫️
#Donateihateyou #Dylanihateyou


Again, dragged into it. But I could smoke once...

#DonateIHateYou #DylanIHateYou
#WhyDoIAgreeToDoThis? #😑


And again...But this time was better they allowed me to smoke again.

#ThisWasAWasteOfMyTime #Ugh
#Atleasticouldsmoke #Threetimes


Noel told me to get a drink. 'Just choose what you want' He said. come I didn't notice the basement becoming a god dam... never mind.

#Imgonnagocrazysoon #thisistheendforme

Apparently this is something everyone is doing?

#itssostupid #ihadjustwokenup #iwasboredNoelwasspeakingtoElla


Noel got me a new shirt to wear when running. I think it suits him more. He says it more. 🤔

#Itwastootight #itrainedtoo #Imnotwearingitagain


Today I was called to go here. This is nightmare fuel...

#Inearlydied #Atleastiarrestedsomeone


Ok I keep on being called to places like this. Donate are you filing reports for me to go to places like this? 😰

#Imgoingtogomadsoon #ihatethis #Whyaretheseplacessoscary


'Trust me, it'll be fun' Noel said. My purple suit was too tight. Noel's black do I describe it? 😓 Why was it so god dam packed? How many people came..? I'm so confused and honestly I'm going to isolate for a week.

#toomanypeople #itwassoposh #thefoodwaswaytooposh


Ella sent me this picture. Of me and Noel holding hands. Where the hell did she even get it? 😐

#ortheothers #☺️#orNoelnowimgonnahackintoyourphone #anddeleteanypicturesofme

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