Whiskey and Soju

Jimin arrives, and Yoongi lets him in, holding just poured tumbler of whiskey.

"Come on in Jimin. There's soju in the fridge if you want one or two. Help yourself." His arm flings carelessly toward the bar, where there is a mini fridge, while he goes back to his couch.

Jimin thinks he is right to bring a change of clothes. This looks like it's going to be an all-nighter. He heads to the bar, opens the little fridge, and grabs two bottles of Soju.

When he joins Yoongi on the couch, Yoongi refills his tumbler from the partial bottle of whiskey on the coffee table.

"How many of those you've had already?" Jimin asks.

Yoongi gives Jimin an evil side eye. 

"Whoa, whoa." Jimin puts his hands up in surrender. "I wanted to know how far behind I am." He laughs as Yoongi waves him away and sits on the couch.

Jimin sits one bottle of Soju on the table in front of the couch and opens the other, taking a long swallow. "So, how far behind am I?"

"Just try and catch up. I don't think you can," is Yoongi's reply.

"So, it's that bad, is it?" Jimin gets comfortable on the couch not far from Yoongi. "So spill the tea. What's going on?"

With a sigh, Yoongi says, "Well, tonight with Lilly didn't go as planned." He pauses, taking another drink from the tumbler. 

"I figured. I mean, since you are here instead of at her place. So what happened?"

He sits his empty tumbler down and shifts to face Jimin. "I wanted her badly, but I washed some dishes, fist-bumped Andy, and left instead."

"What the hell!? You just chickened out and left!?!" Jimin is upset that Yoongi would leave like that, but he just backed up what you told him.

"Look, Jimin, you know I suck at love and tender feelings and all that sensitive stuff. I fumble and fuck up every relationship I start. But I don't want to mess this up with Lill. Forget the rest of the failed relationships. I don't think I was prepared, but this time with Lill is different."

"Well, you seem to be off to a great start fucking up the relationship with her, if my being here is any indication."

"Dammit, don't you think I know that!" He grabs the empty whiskey bottle, heads to the bar, and leaves it there after refilling his glass from a new bottle.

He dims the lights, returns to the couch, and plots back on the cushions. "I love her too much to give up, but I'm afraid to give her all of me. What if I'm not what she needs? What if I'm not good enough? Look at me here with you instead."

Jimin smiles. "I'm not that bad of company, Yoongi. Besides, you asked me over." He sits his empty bottle of Soju down and opens the second.

Yoongi gets up and carries his tumbler with him on the way to the bar. He returns with two more Soju for Jimin and plops back on the couch.

"You asked me here, so tell me what happened tonight. That way, I can counsel you in the ways of love." He teasingly pokes Yoongi on the side, and being ticklish, Yoongi laughs and pushes Jimin's hand away.

"Stop! You almost made me spill my whiskey. Do you have any idea how much just one bottle of this costs!?" Yoongi is getting upset, not with Jimin but more so with himself.

"Tell me exactly what happened tonight."

Yoongi fills Jimin in from the moment he arrives to popcorn-making and the timing of pulling Lilly to her room.

"I held her in my arms. Damn, she fits me just right. I pulled her close and kissed her, but then her tongue swiped across my lower lip, and I almost lost control and I freaked out. I left her standing there and went into the kitchen." He stops talking while sipping his whiskey, going over the kiss in his mind.

"I panicked and left." He recalls Andy's confusion, and guilt assaults him. He would never do anything to hurt Lilly's brother. Worst of all, the look in Lilly's eyes almost breaks him. At that point, he knew he messed up, but he couldn't turn back. His mind overtook his heart's desire. . . again.

"Maybe she isn't the one if you feel you have to work so hard to keep your feelings under tight control. Because if you were in love with her you'd want to share everything with her. The other girls you went with, you fell hard and fast, then it quickly fizzled out. With Lilly you've been friends and only friends till you started casually going out."

Yoongi is thinking this over; Jimin can tell. Yoongi is doubting himself. "Maybe you need to back off and give her some space. Go back to being just friends."

"But what if she finds someone else? I don't want to lose her. I do love her, Jimin." What if I back off and she does meets someone else?

"I'm sure you love her. But maybe you love her more as a friend than a girlfriend. You know the saying, 'If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they're yours. If not, it was never meant to be.'"

"Maybe you're right. I don't want to hurt her. If I can't freely give myself to her by keeping my feelings to myself, I should do her a favor and let her go. But, Jimin, I wanted to make love with her tonight. I desired her. She sets my blood on fire."

Jimin sighs, trying not to get frustrated with him. "There is a difference between love and lust. But maybe you need to step back till you're sure it's the' in love' kind of love. I know you want her, but you might not be ready to love her."

"Then why did I feel a wave of love crash over me? It scared the hell out of me."

"That tells me you aren't ready to fall in love. It shouldn't scare you, hyung."

He gulps down the rest of the whiskey in his glass. He wants love so bad that it scares him and shouldn't.

"What should I tell her?" asks Yoongi in his alcohol-infused state of mind.

"First, you should apologize for walking out like you did and apologize to Andy. He looks up to you, ya know?"

Feeling guilty about leaving without giving Andy an explanation, gnaws at his belly; after all, he helped with planning the night. But he didn't understand why he felt he had to ask Andy in the first place. Then a thought suddenly comes through his fogged mind and hits him; maybe he was hoping Andy would say no, relieving him of feeling responsible for remaining just friends with Lilly. You love her . . . but are you in love with her? Jimin may be right, after all.

He remembers Andy saying he would be fine with him asking his sister to be his girlfriend, but the key phrase was 'If you both want it.' Did Andy suspect that Lilly might not want it?

Oh my God, what if she didn't? I almost made a fool of myself tonight!

Recalling the disappointment and confusion in Andy's eyes with the sadness in Lill's, burns inside.  I'm not drunk enough to numb this. Yoongi refills his tumbler.

"Doo you want an-another Soju Jimin?"

"Sure, but I'll get it." He noticed Yoongi was a little sluggish on his feet. So Jimin comes back from the bar with another Soju. He knows it will be his last if he wants to help Yoongi to bed.

"Jiminsshi, am I that, that hard to love?"

"No, you're not. You just find it hard to love because you're so afraid of it. Afraid of being hurt again."

Yoongi finishes his tumbler of whiskey and lays down on the couch, resting his head on Jimin's leg.

"Why issh love so hard forrff me?"

Jimin smiles. Yeah, his hyung has had enough for the night, and he needs to get him to bed.

"You think too hard about it and expect it to always hurt, so it does because you sabotage yourself."

"Can you fall in love wiff Lill for me? She needs someone who isssn't afraid to express love."

Jimin laughs. "Come on, hyung, let's get you to bed." 

Jimin pushes Yoongi's head off his leg and helps him to stand. Well, it's more like leaning on him. Yoongi clings to Jimin as he walks him down the hall to his bedroom.

"I love you, Jimin. You're the bestest dongsaeng everer."

Jimin laughs. "Yeah, I know."

After he tucks Yoongi in, he returns to the living room to finish his Soju, thinking over what Yoongi said: "Can you fall in love with Lill for me?" 

He tips the bottle back to catch the bit at the bottom of the bottle and drops his head back on the couch. It's easy to fall in love with Lilly. I'm already halfway there.

He pushes himself up from the couch and goes to the spare bedroom. As he passes Yoongi's bedroom, he whispers, "Good night, hyung."

Jimin closes the door, strips out of his clothes and takes a shower. Later he falls on the bed, and rolls, pulling the cover over himself and drops into a deep sleep.

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