
Louis is there for Harry when he finally finishes all of the pieces in the collection and now just needs them to be made in bulk.

Harry is there for Louis on his first day on set for his new film, dropping him off with a bag of healthy lunch and a kiss with whispers of 'I love you'.

They're just always there. But they're not at the same time. Emotionally, mentally, yeah, but it takes organising and effort and scheduling to see each other because of how busy work is.

So over dinner, after Louis is tired of forgetting his script or his underpants at Harry's and finding Harry's socks strewn around his living room, Louis asks a very important question.

He is tired of living with Harry in his life, but not living with Harry. He wants to be able to exist with Harry all of the time, not just during their date nights or sleepovers they have to plan weeks in advance.

"Haz," Louis starts, thumbs twiddling nervously on the table. "Y'know since its been a lot of back and forth between houses and stuff? And I really, really love you?"

Harry stops eating and looks up at Louis, giving him his full attention. He takes hold of Louis' hands. They're sweaty where he rubs his fingers over his palms. Louis smiles nervously and clears his throat.

"Can we move in together? Like- I want to live with you. If that's what you-"
"Lou," Harry beams, "I'd love to. That sounds amazing."
"We can choose either of ours or get a new one together?" Louis grins, thumbs playing with the rings on Harry's fingers.
"I like the idea of getting a new house together," Harry hums. "We'd be able to decorate it how we both want it and we can get a house that would fit both of us and anyone in the future..."

"Yeah, that sounds great, love. But for now we can decide who's house we'll stay at tonight."
"Yours. Mine is covered in fabric and mess."
"Okay. Eat up then, Haz."

While Louis drives home, Harry closes his eyes and grins. Louis chuckles when he sees him, rubbing his thigh.
"Extremely," Harry sighs contently, resting his hand on Louis'. "You?"
"Happiest I've ever been," Louis answers.

When they get home Louis tugs his shirt over his head, pushing Harry against the door. He pulls at Harry's collar until Harry drops his head down to kiss him.
"Mm- Lou-" Harry mumbles against Louis' lips. "Bedroom?"
"Yeah," Louis grins, pressing another  kiss to Harry's lips, teeth grazing his bottom lip.

Then he runs away, up the stairs and leaves Harry whining. Harry sighs and hurries after Louis, grabbing him by the waist when he catches him. Louis laughs loudly, leaning back against Harry. Harry takes his time to suck a bruise into the skin of his neck, dick pressing against his arse. Louis moans.

They stumble into the bedroom together, lips locking and hands wandering. Harry walks Louis backwards until they fall clumsily onto the bed. Louis grabs at Harry's shirt to hold him close.

"Fuck," Louis groans, biting at Harry's bottom lip. "Need to shower."

Harry pulls back, eyes sparkling and a dazzling smirk on his lips.
"I'm more than happy to do this in the shower," he murmurs, leaning down to suck a dark bruise into Louis' neck. Louis tilts his head back to give him more room, grunting when Harry grinds his hips down against his.

Harry pulls Louis up with the him and they rush into the bathroom. They hastily tug their pants and underwear off, kicking them into a pile and climbing into the shower. Louis crowds Harry against the wall, lips brushing over the bruises he made earlier as he brings his hands up to Harry's chest.

He smirks and pinches Harry's nipples, tugging on them as Harry moans, hips bucking.
"That good, sweetheart?" Louis asks, giving Harry a minute to catch his breath. Harry pants and nods his head, flushing down his chest beautifully.
"'Mazing," he mumbles. He gasps when Louis carefully bites on his left nipple.

"Lou," he whimpers, fingers tangling in his wet hair. Louis hums cruelly, cooing at the pitiful noise Harry lets out.
"You really are rather submissive aren't you, baby?" He asks, hands skimming up and down Harry's ribs.

"I guess," Harry mumbles shyly, looking at his feet.
"Look at me, Haz," Louis says. Harry snaps his head up to look at Louis. He feels his cheeks getting hotter.

"You like the idea of me controlling you?" Louis asks. Harry nods his head. "We'll have to explore that idea then won't we?" Harry nods again.

"No need to be shy, love," Louis smiles, kissing Harry's chest. "Only me."
"Yeah, I know," Harry breathes, leaning into Louis' touch. Louis grins, kissing him again.
"Good," he says. He can feel Harry hold his breath. "Good boy."

Harry flushes again, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he pulls Louis closer to him.
"You like that, beautiful?" Louis grins, brushing Harry's curls away from his face.
"Yeah," Harry smiles, dropping his head down to rest on Louis' shoulder. Louis trails his fingers up and down Harry's spine, squeezing his waist gently.

"Would you like to buy some sex toys?" Louis asks as he shuffles he and Harry underneath the water. Harry raises his eyebrows.
"Yeah," Louis nods, tiptoeing to wash Harry's hair. Harry crouches down for him. "We can order some tonight if you want."
"Yeah, that sounds fab," Harry grins.

So after they've showered they curl up with a cup of tea and Harry's laptop. Louis grins as he searches for sex toys. Harry has his face hidden in Louis' neck as he watches what Louis scrolls through.

"So what're we looking for? A vibrator, a dildo, something to tie you up with?"
"Search-" Harry stops and leans over to type it instead. He opens a new tab and searches 'sex toys for beginners'. Louis smiles and kisses his head gently.

They look through the article, Louis rubbing soft circles on Harry's thigh. Harry whines high in his throat when Louis murmurs just how he'd use a vibrating plug, how he'd love to use it at an event, watch Harry squirm across the room full of people as he tries to act like nothing's happening.

"That's enough for today," Harry sighs, moving the computer and rolling into Louis' lap. He pushes his bum back against him, smirking down at him.
"Hello there princess," Louis hums. Harry grins as their noses knock together. "How you doing, baby?"
"I'm doing great. Wonderful really," Harry says thoughtfully. Louis chuckles, lips fitting with Harry's easily.

"You know what I'd love, babe?" Louis says, hands coming to rest on Harry's bum. Harry hums against Louis' neck where he is sucking a bruise. "If you went and took these pesky clothes off and waited for me on the bed."

Harry blushes and nods his head.
"I'll be in in a sec."

When Louis comes into the bedroom he is very pleased to find a naked Harry, his hand wrapped around himself as he moans loudly.
"So pretty, baby. So gorgeous," Louis says kindly as he climbs between Harry's thighs. Harry whines when Louis pushes his hand away. Louis moves him around until his bum is in the air and his face is pressed into the pillows.

"Lou, do something!" Harry complains when Louis simply admires him. He gasps quietly when Louis smacks his bum. Louis waits for any other reaction, letting his hand soothe the sting of his slap. Harry's eyebrows are scrunched up. He wriggles his bum slightly.

"More?" Louis asks. Harry nods desperately. "Okay, princess. Tell me if it gets too much, okay?"
"Yeah, Lou. I will, I will, just- please!"
"Alright, love. You're okay," he murmurs, pressing soft kisses to his thighs.

Louis raised his right hand again and brings it down on Harry's other cheek, still careful to not hurt his boy too much. After a few smacks to each cheek Harry whines again.

"Lou," he moans, voice deeper than before. "Harder."
"Babe, I don't want to hurt you."
"I want you to hurt me, Lou, I like it. Feels good," Harry mumbles. Louis nods his head.

Just when Harry was about to ask Louis for more Louis surprises him with a hard hit to his left cheek. He whimpers as Louis begins reigning hard smacks down onto his arse, alternating between cheeks and even slapping his thighs sometimes. It leaves this tingly sensation that makes Harry's arse feel warm and it goes straight to his dick.

Louis pauses to admire the pink that now adorns Harry's skin, the marks from his palm that contrast against Harry's usual paleness. He drops his head down, lips brushing the hot skin.

"How you doing, love?" He asks Harry gently.
"Really good," Harry mumbles. "Makes me think less."
"Yeah?" Louis smiles, pressing his thumbs into the tops of Harry's thighs to hear him moan more. "You want to come?"
"Please," Harry agrees.

Louis brushes his finger over Harry's hole gently, kissing it just after. Harry whimpers, pushing back against Louis' hand. A soft tut from Louis is enough to get him to settle again.

"You're doing so well, darling. Just a little longer okay?" He soothes. Harry nods quickly. "You can touch yourself, babe."

One of Harry's hands immediately travels down to his dick, moving how he knows best.
"Thank you," he murmurs as Louis begins licking careful stripes over his hole. His voice wavers as his breathing gets heavier again, Louis' hands holding him open and pushing into his sensitive skin as he lets his jaw relax and pushes his tongue into Harry.

"Fuck, Lou," he moans loudly. Louis hums, moving his tongue how he knows Harry likes it. "Can I come, please?"
"Go on, love, been such a good boy."

And Louis slaps him a little more, Harry's hand moves quicker as he is torn between pushing into his own grip or back against Louis. He comes into his hand, biting on the pillow as he groans. His mind goes a little blurry around the edges, but he can feel Louis rolling him over, careful of his sore bum, and wiping him down gently. Louis whispers gentle words of praise to Harry, lips against his temple as he calls him a good boy and tells him how well he did.

Harry curls up into Louis' chest, Louis pulling him close as he strokes his hair.
"How you feeling, baby?" He asks quietly. Harry mumbles something incoherent against Louis' chest. He makes a disgruntled noise when Louis chuckles and jostles him about.

"Sorry, love," Louis smiles, brushing his hair away from his eyes. "You look so beautiful."

He lets him sleep, still combing his fingers through his hair as he snores softly.

Harry groans when he gets up out of bed. He rubs at his eyes and then his bum, whimpering. Louis rolls over, smiling up at Harry. He reaches out and strokes his thigh gently.

"Good morning, baby," he says roughly. "How d'you feel?"
"Sore," Harry mumbles. "I like it though. Feels nice."

He turns round and kisses Louis' cheek before he goes for a wee. Louis rolls onto his back, closing his eyes until Harry comes back. He grins when he feels Harry's lips against his, bringing his hands up to feel Harry. Harry hums, a pleased smile on his lips as he pulls away.

Louis stares fondly up at Harry as he twists a curl around his finger, tugging on it to see Harry shiver. Harry bites his lip.
"Come on a run with me?"
"I can think of better ways to burn some calories," Louis smirks, finger trailing down Harry's back until his hand rests on his bum. Harry's eyes go wide.

"I need to exercise," he whines, pushing his face into Louis' throat as Louis massages his bum.
"You need to rest your pretty little head. You've been working so hard lately and you deserve a rest."

Harry makes a noise of reluctance.
"I've booked us a long weekend in the spa my mum went to. We need to pack our bags and leave by three," Louis declares. Harry perks up immediately.
"You aren't joking?" He asks suspiciously.
"No, love. I wanted to treat you," Louis chuckles.

They laugh together when Harry surges forward to kiss him eagerly, noses knocking and teeth clashing.
"I love you," Harry whispers, eyes wide in adoration as he marvels at his soulmate.
"I love you, Haz," Louis grins, kissing him gently again. Harry and Louis feel their hearts swell, beating violently against their chest as they smile and the whole world stops for a moment as they lock eyes.

Harry is giddy with excitement as they pack their bags, humming a tune while he folds his clothes. They put all of their things in one bag, Harry folding them as Louis passes them to him. Louis brings his script and they both bring their phones.

Louis rings his driver at two, asking him to be at his house soon so they can leave.

"Thank you so much," Harry says again when he sits beside Louis.
"It's okay, love," Louis chuckles, kissing his head.
"D'you think we can look for houses soon? We can sell one of ours and stay in the other until the new ones sorted out."
"Yeah," Louis smiles. "Mine is bigger so we can move all of your things in here while it gets sorted. Want to look for some when we come back?"

Harry nods and kisses Louis gently. He rests his head on his shoulder.
"It doesn't feel real still. We've been together for five months now and I still can't believe it," he mumbles.
"I know, love. It feels like it's too good to be true."
Harry hums in agreement.

Louis and Harry finally pull on some comfy clothes for the drive about ten minutes before they leave, enjoying being naked together.

They chat to the driver about how his kids are for a little bit before they put the divider up and snuggle into each other.

"We've got lots of things to offer," the woman at the spa says. She's is showing them their room and then bringing them down for their first treatment. "You will have complete privacy no matter where you are in the spa. D'you have any idea what you would like to try first?"

"Lou?" Harry asks, looking at Louis.
"Whatever you want, Haz. Have you got a list of options we could look at?" He asks the lady. She nods her head and gives him the leaflet.

"Ill wait here," she smiles and gestures for them to go into their room.
"Thanks," Louis nods and nudges Harry through the door.

"It's so lovely," Harry marvels, walking slowly around the bed to the window. He turns and looks at Louis. "You're amazing."

Louis grins.
"C'mere," he chuckles, opening his arms for Harry. Harry hurries to tuck his face into Louis' neck, arms wrapped around him. "You going to choose what we do first?"
"Pedicure and manicure sounds good, facials, massage, sauna. I'm easy," Harry hums.
"Are you now?" Louis teases. Harry giggles, poking Louis' side. Louis grins, kissing his head.
"Let's go then."

They're lead to a room with dim lights and soft music playing. There is incense burning. The lady tells them they can take their clothes off in the space provided, directing them to the corner with a curtain they can pull round.

A small sign on the wall tells them to undress as much as they are comfortable to. Louis kisses Harry gently before pulling his top off.

"Are you getting naked?"
"Is that okay with you?" Louis asks, fingers resting at his belt.
"Yeah. I just didn't want to be the only one," Harry admits. Louis chuckles.

Harry peeks out from the curtain to see if the people are there yet. They aren't so he and Louis lay down on the massage tables, pulling the towel provided to cover their bums. Harry turns his head to face Louis.

"I love you," he smiles, dropping his arm so he can hold his hand out to Louis. Louis smiles back, sliding his fingers between Harry's.
"I love you too, Haz."

They close their eyes and wait patiently for the masseuses to come in, the dim lights and incense relaxing them already.
"How's your bum feeling?" Louis murmurs, peeking an eye open to look at Harry.
"Tingly, sore but it feels a lot better than before. It's nice. I liked it a lot," Harry smiles.
"That's good, love. You were such a good boy."

Harry flushes and bites his lip as he closes his eyes.
"I really like being told that."
Louis just squeezes his hand.

A couple minutes later and two masseuses come in, both male.

"I'm Zach," one of them says quietly, "it's nice to meet you both."
"I am Nathan."

They talk them through what will happen, that they won't touch them beneath the towels and that if anything hurts they simply say stop and they will.

Harry and Louis melt into the tables, lazy smiles on their faces as they drift into that space between awake and sleeping. The tension and pains in their backs are pushed away by skilled fingers until they feel like jelly.

When their limbs are heavy and loose they're being told to wrap their towels around their waists and to follow the masseuses.

Zach and Nathan lead them to another private room with reclining massage chairs in.

"Make yourselves comfortable and someone will be in soon for your pedicures and manicures."

When the door closes Harry turns to look at Louis.
"That was amazing," Louis grins.
"Yeah, it was. I really needed that."
"You look so beautiful."

Two people come in, explain what's happening and help them use the chairs. A couple minutes later another girl comes in and tells them she'll be doing their facials.

So they relax with their hair pulled back as she smothers creams and mixtures on their faces as the chairs continue to massage them and their hands and feet get pampered.

When they fall into bed that night they can do nothing more than smile and kiss each other good night, so relaxed that they will fall asleep when they hit the pillows.

Their weekend is spent in a private pool or receiving top quality care and treatments from the spa. They stay off of social media and just enjoy the little bubble they have created.

They are both sad to leave but excited to go home and look at houses as promised.

Harry rings his mum one night, after he's officially put his house up for sale, curling into Louis' lap as he reads through his script. He kisses Louis before pushing his face into his chest.

"Hi Harry," his mum sighs as she answers the phone. Harry smiles.
"You alright, mum?" He asks.
"I'm good thanks, Haz. How are you? How is Louis?"
"We're both good. We're going to move in together," Harry says, waiting for her response.
"Oh, Haz, that's brilliant!" She gasps. "When you have moved in we'll have to have a little party."
"Yeah, that sounds fun. I'll invite you round when we have. Are you free any time this week?"
"I don't have any plans."
"Fancy doing lunch with me, Louis and Jay? We'll organise a day when I've spoke to Jay."
"That sounds lovely, I'll talk to you soon. I love you."
"Love you, mum."

Louis hums and puts down his script. Harry smiles up at him, accepting the gentle kiss he places on his lips.
"You alright, love?"
"I'm great," Harry grins. "I hope you're just as good."
"I'm brilliant," Louis agrees.

He turns Harry so he is facing him, still sat on his lap.
"I've got a surprise for you," he smiles.
"What is it?" Harry asks excitedly. Louis chuckles and kisses Harry's nose, hands resting on his waist.
"Go find out. It's on the bed."

Harry practically runs to the bedroom, sliding along the floor to turn the corner. Louis chuckles, shaking his head fondly.

When Harry has gotten into the bedroom he scrambles to open the box on the bed. He slows down when he sees what's in the box, setting out the items on the bed: a butt plug, a vibrator, a vibrating butt plug, a couple of cock rings, a blindfold and a bundle of rope.

He lets his fingers trail over each of the items, teeth sinking painfully into his bottom lip.

Louis comes in, standing behind him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Surprise," he whispers in his ear, kissing his neck.

"Is this okay, baby?" Louis asks when Harry stays silent. Harry turns his head as far as he can to pull Louis down to meet his lips. Louis smiles, curving his body so that Harry doesn't strain his back too much. When they pull away Louis grins.

"Take that as a yes." Harry nods, pulling Louis to sit on his knee. Louis chuckles, nosing along his collarbones.
"You're amazing," Harry breathes, tipping his head back. He bites his lip as Louis sucks on the skin between his collarbones. Louis stops when he's pleased with how it looks. He lets his lips trail further up, stopping to suck more marks.

"I love my marks on you," Louis whispers, thumbing over the love bites.
"Love having them," Harry mumbles, holding on to Louis tightly. "Love you."
"I love you, too, babe."

Harry brings his hands up to cup Louis' jaw and pull him into a kiss. Louis hums.
"Bedtime?" He asks when Harry pulls away to yawn against his shoulder.
"Yeah, bedtime. But- can we use them soon?" Harry asks shyly.
"If you want to, love," Louis nods.

They curl up under the covers together, sharing sweet kisses as they fall asleep.

Over the next few days they look at numerous houses and apartments, both boys disagreeing on whether they're good or not. Harry grows defeated after they've seen eleven places and still don't like any.

"Love," Louis soothes, gentle hands rubbing Harry's shoulders kindly when Harry snaps at him and storms into the kitchen.
"Sorry," Harry whispers, relaxing against him. His eyes close as Louis kisses the back of his neck lovingly.

"It's okay. I know you're frustrated. Would you like me to help you relax, baby?"
"Hmm, how would you do that?" Harry smiles. Louis grins, letting his hands brush down Harry's back to tug at the hem of his jeans.
"I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Well, in a box under the bed."

Harry laughs and nods his head, turning around.
"I love you."
Louis grins and tiptoes to kiss him sweetly for a couple of seconds.
"I love you, too."

They take their time, Louis pushing Harry to lie down carefully. He strokes his legs gently as Harry stretches out to get comfortable.
"There is a house, not far from here," Louis mumbles softly as he unbuttons Harry's jeans. "I've booked a viewing for tomorrow. It's plain, so we can decorate it. It's got six bedrooms. A study we could use for your designer work. There's a big garden too, so we could plant the flowers you've been looking at. It's in a lovely, quiet area- safe too. Haz, you'll love it."

By the time he's stopped talking Harry is naked and he is in his boxers. Harry hooks a leg around Louis' and pulls him closer to him when he goes to climb off the bed. Louis frowns, confused.

"What are you getting?" Harry asks nervously. Louis softens, leaning more of his weight on Harry. He strokes Harry's chest, up to his neck and along his jaw.
"I'm going to get the box and we can choose together. Is that okay?"

Harry nods, kissing Louis' hand softly as it moves above his face. They take their time choosing, silence blanketing their thoughts. Harry pulls out the blindfold and holds it out to Louis.

"Is- is it okay if we use this and the rope?" Harry asks.
"That sounds wonderful, baby. Let me just get something up on my phone."

Harry gets comfortable, watching Louis study his phone carefully.
"Just trying to remember these knots," Louis says, answering Harry's question before he asks.

He ties and unties Harry's hands above his head to the bed frame until it's right. Harry reassures him that it's okay and not too tight three times before Louis moves away from the rope. 

Louis bends down to kiss Harry gently, hands softly brushing along the sensitive skin of Harry's sides. Harry giggles, squirming away.
"Still want the blindfold on?" Louis asks, kissing along Harry's chest.

"Please," Harry says desperately, flushing beautifully.
"Alright, princess, I've got you," Louis smiles, kissing him slowly, a gentle reassurance that he is there and Harry is okay.

Louis kisses each eyelid before he ties the blindfold around Harry's head, careful of his hair.

"You are so beautiful," Louis breathes, crashing his lips against Harry's. Taken by surprise, Harry moans, pressing his hips up against Louis'.

Louis tuts as he pulls away, trailing a single finger down his chest. He shuffles down, sitting on Harry's thighs. His finger scratches lightly over his skin from hip to hip, smiling when Harry swears and bites his lip.

"How you doing up there?"
"Fuck, Lou," Harry whines. Louis moves even further down, rubbing his thighs gently. He kisses the soft skin beneath his hands and sucks a mark at Harry's hip.

"I want you to tell me how you feel, love," Louis says softly, thumb rubbing over the marks his mouth makes as he goes.
"Ahh- good!" Harry exclaims when Louis licks a stripe up his dick, pulling back to continue sucking bruises into his stomach. "Very good."

"My wonderful, gorgeous boy," Louis whispers. He takes Harry's dick in his hand, moving it slowly. Harry releases an impatient groan, writhing and pushing his hips up.

"Ah, ah, ah," Louis warns. His other hand presses down on Harry's hip, pushing him into the bed. "Stay still, baby."
"I need- Lou! I need more!" Harry begs pitifully.
"Hey," Louis soothes, kissing his stomach comfortingly. "I know what you need. Take a deep breath and stay still."

Harry nods his head, takes a couple of breaths and settles.
"Thank you," he whispers. Louis answers by squeezing his dick. He licks the tip, moaning at the taste of Harry's precome.

The rope doesn't rub, just presses, holds him still but let's him struggle. Harry blinks against the blindfold, trying to say still for Louis.
"Yes, baby?"
"Will you fuck me?" He asks, chest heaving and sweat beading on his forehead.

Louis gets off the bed, listening to the sad noise Harry makes.
"Just opening the window, Haz, let you cool down. You're being so good."

When he gets back to the bed he strokes a hand down from Harry's hip to his ankle, letting his touch anchor the boy.
"I won't have sex with you. Tonight. I want your first time being tied up and blindfolded to be about you getting used to it. You will get to come though, baby."

Harry nods his head, bending his leg to press up into Louis' hand.
"Okay, okay," Louis soothes. He sits back between Harry's legs, pushing them so they bend at the knee, Harry's feet flat on the mattress.

"What am I going to do with someone so beautiful? Every time I get to touch you, to kiss you- to even look at you, I feel so privileged, so, so lucky."
"You can't just say things like that," Harry sniffles. "I'm about to come and you talking about how much you love me is going to make it happen to early."

Louis smiles, a gentle hand resting on Harry's cheek as he leans in closer. Their breaths mingle as Louis presses his forehead to Harry's. He presses his lips against Harry's, moving slowly as Harry whimpers into his mouth. Their tongues tangle together, breaking apart when they need to breathe.

He kisses down Harry's neck, open mouth kisses that let Louis taste Harry's skin. His lips leave light marks in their wake until he gets to Harry's hips again.

And he sits up, taking his boxers off and straddling the tops of Harry's thighs. He grabs the lube and opens it, Harry's breath hitching when he hears it.

"I-I thought we weren't having sex?" He stutters, more precome smearing on his belly when his dick twitches.
"We're not," Louis answers. "Don't think about it, just feel."

He covers his hand in lube and wraps it around his and Harry's dicks together. Using his other hand, he drizzles lube over the top of them making Harry squirm.
"This okay, gorgeous?"
"Brilliant," Harry grunts, tensing and un-tensing his stomach to try and stay still.

When he relaxes, Louis moves his hand, whispering praise. His hand twists when it gets to the top of their dicks, thumb sliding up to massage over the head of both him and Harry. Harry is whimpering constantly, Louis' spare hand coming down to settle on his side, rub soothing circles on his skin.

"There we go, baby, look so good falling apart under my hands."
"Lou, can I come? Please?" Harry pleads. At the sound of Harry's request Louis slows his hand down, bringing them both back down from the edge.

Harry tugs at the restraints, letting out a loud wail.
"No- Lou- I've been good, haven't I? Please!"

And he starts crying and it goes from brilliant to not too good at all in a couple of seconds. Louis unties Harry's hands as quickly as he can while he shushes him gently. He slips the blindfold off his eyes and wipes at his cheeks.

"Hey, hey, love," Louis says softly, pushing Harry's hair away from his face. He kisses Harry's head, caresses his cheek lovingly. Harry latches onto Louis like a koala, pushing his face into his neck as he cries.

Louis rubs his  back and ignores the fact they're both still hard.
"Listen to me," Louis orders, silencing Harry's cries but the tears still fall on his shoulder. "You were such a good boy for me, Harry, the best boy. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it that far."

He sits Harry down on the couch, covers him with a blanket and kisses his cheek. Harry makes a sad noise when Louis goes to the kitchen and nearly sobs with happiness when he comes back with a bottle of water, two cups of tea and some toast.

"I-I'm sorry," Harry sniffles out as he wipes at his eyes. Louis shakes his head, resting a hand on Harry's ankle. He lifts Harry's legs and shuffles over so his legs rest on his lap.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"It was just intense and I-I didn't know if I'd been good and I don't feel good."
"You don't feel good physically, emotionally, mentally?" Louis asks. Harry gulps, shifts and plays with his hair.
"I-I don't know. Can you pass me my tea, please?"

Louis hands him his cup and kisses his knee.
"Do you still want to come?"
"Can I just have a wank?" Harry asks.
"You don't have to ask, love, go ahead. D'you want me to leave?"
"No, you can stay," Harry smiles shyly.

He lets the blanket pool on his thighs rather than around his waist, finding the edge already close when he starts to touch himself. He closes his eyes and lets his head loll backwards.

"So beautiful," Louis murmurs. Harry peeks an eye open to look at him and holds a hand out, smiling when Louis takes his hand and presses a kiss to him.

"I love you, Lou," Harry groans when he's close.
"I love you, too, baby. I'm sorry."

But Harry only hears the first part because then he's coming, moaning loudly as he collapses against the arm of the couch. Louis smiles, thumb rubbing along his knuckles.

"Feel better at all?" Louis asks.
"No not really," Harry's says glumly. He moves to curl up, head landing in Louis' lap.
"I'm so sorry, love," Louis whispers, fingers combing through Harry's hair.

"I know. It's not your fault though," Harry says, reaching up to take hold of one of Louis' hands and pulling it down so it's on his chest, his own fingers tangling with Louis'.

"I feel at fault."
"We don't know why I freaked. You were slow with me, gentle and- God, everything I could've wished for. Neither of us are at fault. Thank you for looking after me."
"I love you," Louis says, at a loss for words.
"I love you, too. What time is it?"

Louis looks at the clock on his wall, rubbing his eyes. He squints, the numbers blurry.
"Uhm, twenty past eleven."
"Hmm, okay. D'you want me to make another cuppa?"
"No. You go get into bed and I'll bring another drink in. You can start looking at how we're going to decorate the house if you like."

"Okay," Harry smiles, sitting up and folding the blanket. Louis holds his waist and pulls him down for a slow kiss, a reassurance that everything is okay.

So Louis makes them both another drink and looks to google for help while he waits for the kettle to boil.

'Sad after intense sex?'
That doesn't seem to answer his question.

'Sad after being tied up for sex?'

A few of the things he reads make his eyes bulge out of his head but thinks they make sense.

The word 'Subdrop' gets thrown around a couple of times. So do 'endorphins' and 'dominant' and 'submissive' and 'aftercare' and 'safewords' and 'BDSM'.

He copies the link he thinks is helpful and sends it to Harry. Locking his phone, he waits for Harry's reply and starts to stir the tea.

Before he can go back to the bedroom Harry is in the kitchen with him, kissing him as he holds onto him tightly. When they break apart, Harry presses his face into Louis' chest.

"Thank you. For caring enough to look into it. For being so good to me. For loving me."
"Learning from what we've just read we should really talk it out," Louis says, stroking Harry's hair gently. Harry nods.

"B-but for now, can we just cuddle and watch a film?"
"Anything you want, baby," Louis grins, kissing his hair.

So Harry puts the disc of The Lion King in the DVD player and settled next to Louis in bed.

They turn the lights off and the volume down when Louis starts complaining of a headache. Harry frowns and kisses his head and tells him to sleep.

The next morning Harry wakes up early and does some yoga, bringing in a glass of water for when Louis wakes up. He kisses Louis' cheek and goes to take a shower.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast he tidies up a bit, puts the washing on and does any dishes left in the sink from last night. Then he lets himself research more about what Louis sent him last night.

He bookmarks websites and searches different things until Louis comes in and kisses him gently.

"How long have you been awake?" Louis asks as he goes to the cupboard and starts to make breakfast.
"Three hours?" Harry guesses, checking the time on his phone and nodding.
"Should've woken me up," Louis mumbles, scratching his stomach above his boxers.

"You had a headache when you went to sleep, I wanted you to feel better."

Louis smiles, nodding his head.
"Thanks, love. We're leaving at half ten to go view that house."
"Go get ready then, babe," Harry says, coming to wrap his arms around Louis. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Louis grins, tiptoeing to kiss him lovingly for a couple moments before hurrying away to get ready.

Harry does love the house, just like Louis said he would. It's perfect. It's everything he could have wished for. He can picture his things lining the shelves, Louis' films on the top shelf. He can imagine his and Louis' clothes opposite each other in their walk in wardrobe. He can see their possessions filling every nook and cranny of the house, imagine their early mornings and late nights and lazy days and their future.

When Louis shows him the garden and asks if he likes it Harry is nearly in tears.
"Oh my god- Lou, it's amazing."
"You like it?"
"Love it," Harry breathes, squeezing Louis' hand.
"Is this our house?" Louis asks, leaning into Harry's side.
"I think it is."

When they get home Louis puts the kettle on and Harry asks him to sit down with him.
"We need to talk about what happened last night."
"I know," Louis agrees. "Do you want to continue trying stuff out or do you want to leave it?"
"I would like to if you would," Harry nods, holding a hand out for Louis.

Louis kisses the back of his hand, holding the one hand in both of his.
"So we should make some rules and stuff?" Harry asks.
"Let's think of what safewords we'll use first. We can come up with our own or use the traffic light system you told me about," Louis says, massaging Harry's hand gently.

"The traffic light system seems good because we can gauge how we feel throughout not just when we want to stop," Harry decides.
"That's good, love. Do you want rules or d'you just want to try some sexy stuff?"
"I think that the rules would be fun to try out one day but for now can we just try sexy stuff?" Harry says nervously.
"Of course, baby. Now come help me practice my next scene," Louis smiles, kissing Harry's hand again. Harry nods with a small smile on his lips, glad that they've had the conversation.

Then, with the stress of choosing a house gone, Harry's working hard again with the line, sorting out models and making sure everything is perfect. He asks Louis and Jay if it'd be okay for Louis' siblings to model the kids line and Jay was more than happy to let that happen. And that helps Louis agree to be one of Harry's models too.

So Harry is sorting dates for the show and interviews and photo shoots and magazine opportunities. And he is being offered the chance to make his own fragrance which of course he jumps at. Everything is brilliant.

And that's just work. Louis is amazing, he's head over heels in love and can't contain his happiness. He and Louis have bought the house, staying in Louis' place until they've decorated the new one to their standard. Each Saturday when they are both off they go and decorate the house. Zayn, Liam and Niall come to help too so it's only a couple of weeks before they can move in.

When he comes home from work, or comes out of his zone of models and phone calls he takes Louis out or makes him dinner and they design their new house together. And it's never been better.

Louis' acting is going amazingly, he's recently been offered more auditions even though he is still filming. He has been contacted directly by authors or directors and told that he is perfect for the role.

So it's busy and hectic and it's a lot all at once but at the end of it they get to go home and see each other and it's worth it all.

Louis continues to get headaches a lot and it makes Harry worry, especially when Louis can't read his script without it nearly pressed to his face.

"Lou!" Harry shouts on a lazy Sunday morning. Louis is in the kitchen and he's in the bedroom but he doesn't want to get up.
"Yeah?"Louis calls back.
"You've got an optician appointment at two!"

This brings Louis to stand in the doorway of the bedroom.
"I've made you an opticians appointment," Harry smiles.
"My eyes are fine," Louis sighs.
"If they aren't you'll get help and if they are it'll put me at ease."
"But my visions perfect," Louis says and even he knows he's lying.
"Prove me wrong then," Harry challenges before kissing him so he can't argue.

Then a couple of days later Louis is picking up his new glasses that Harry helped him pick out and some contact lenses for when he's filming.

Harry straddles his hips later that evening when they're watching television, cupping his face and kissing him silly.
"You are fucking gorgeous," he breathes. "I love your glasses, babe."

And then he slides them carefully into Louis' face and kisses his nose.
"They will stop your headaches and help you see. Please keep them on?"
"Okay. Only if you come and cuddle with me. As soon as you leave my side the glasses come off," Louis grins. Harry positively beams, nodding his head eagerly as he clings onto Louis.

"Love you."
"Love you, too."

When they've officially been together for six months they go out for a very fancy meal and Louis buys Harry flowers and a necklace locket with H+L carved into the back and Harry buys Louis chocolates and an expensive watch.

Louis takes a picture of Harry when he's drinking his champagne, before they start eating, the candles and flowers on the table lighting up Harry's eyes. He posts it to Instagram and captions it: 'Six months with this beautiful dork 🤓. To many more 🍾. I love you, @HarryStyles.'

So Harry does the same, a picture of their date from his perspective showing off Louis in his new glasses with a smile on his face. 'Six months I've had to put up with you. And I can't wait to do it for the rest of my life. I love you, @louis_tommo.'

When they get home from their meal Louis pushes Harry against their door and kisses him. Harry's knees go weak as he kisses back, parting his lips and letting Louis take control.
"Go sit on the bed. Don't do anything though," Louis orders, stopping to suck a love bite a little bit below Harry's jaw. Harry whines and nods his head, hurrying to do as he is told when Louis lets him go.

Louis doesn't hurry to follow him, knows Harry likes waiting and taking orders. He has trouble standing in the doorway because when he sees Harry on the bed he nearly comes in his pants.

"You are absolutely gorgeous. Breath taking. Stunning," Louis comments casually, taking his shoes and tie and jacket as he makes his way over to the bed. "Undress."
"Oh god," Harry mumbles when Louis bends over, knowing Harry loves his arse, to get the box from beneath the bed.
"You can call me Louis," Louis grins, making Harry laugh. As Harry undresses Louis takes off his shirt and pants but keeps his boxers on.

He gets the lube and coats three of his fingers, rubbing over Harry's hole.
"This okay, baby?" He asks, leaning down to kiss Harry's stomach. He trails his lips left until he can suck on the head of his dick, pushing his finger in at the same time.

Harry groans loudly, clenching his hands in the bed sheets. Louis curls his fingers and licks over Harry's slit.
"Holy shit," Harry gasps. Louis adds another finger, other hand holding Harry's to comfort him. "Lou, so good."
"That's good, baby," Louis hums. He leans down to suck on Harry's balls, making Harry gasp and arch his back. His fingers separate, stretching Harry out so he can take another finger.

When Harry can take all three fingers properly Louis pulls them out, wipes them off on some tissues. Then he grabs something that Harry can't see from the box.
"No peeking," Louis says, covering the vibrating plug in lube and pressing it to Harry's hole.

"Ahh- ah, shit. Lou!"
"Colour?" Louis says, pulling the plug away.
"Green. It's just- different."
"I know baby, it's okay. Take a deep breath."

When Harry breaths in Louis pushes it further, Harry breathing out making his hole relax. He pushes it to the widest part and twists it, pulling it back out again. Harry whines desperately, bending his knees even more.

"Good boy, doing so well for me, love," Louis praises, before pushing it all he way in. Harry whimpers loudly, hands clenching and unclenching in the sheets.
"Fuck, Lou," Harry groans, looking up at him. "Kiss?"

Louis grins, moving over Harry so he can drop down and kiss him deeply. Their lips part and fit together, Louis' tongue massaging Harry's, making him moan.

"How's it feel?" Louis asks when he sits back between Harry's legs. He presses against the base of the plug and twists it. Harry swears, throwing an arm over his face.
"Amazing, Lou. So good," Harry chokes out when Louis leans down to suck on his taint and then lick around the plug.
"That's good. Now I think I'd like to try another one of our toys."

Harry peeks his eyes open and looks at him. Louis grins, the soft secret smile only reserved for Harry and holds up a cock ring. He bites his lip and nods his head when more precome blurts onto Harry's stomach.

"Is that okay?"
"More than," Harry nods, holding his breath as Louis slides it down his dick, making sure it's snug at the base.
"You're so beautiful," Louis smiles, kissing Harry's hip.
"Thank you," Harry says, voice high pitched and breathy.

"How would you feel if we moved to the couch?" Louis asks. "I want to draw this out, keep it slow."
"Y-yeah. Okay."

They move to the living room, Louis getting a bottle of water for Harry. He brings the remote for the plug with him and sits on the couch. Harry raises his eyebrows. Louis pats his knee, smiling when Harry eagerly straddles his lap.

"D'you like your toys?" Louis asks, one hand settling on Harry's hip and the other coming to tuck a curl behind his ear.
"Like them a lot," Harry says, hips rolling because the plug rubs in just the right way. Louis tuts and pinches the skin beneath the head of his dick. Harry lets out a surprised yell. It isn't painful really, a slight discomfort that makes him freeze, but it gets his attention. "Sorry."

Louis smiles softly, kissing his chest.
"Don't apologise, you're doing really well. My good boy. Aren't you?"

Harry shrugs looking down at his dick.
"Hey," Louis says softly. "You are doing brilliantly. Just because I correct something doesn't mean I'm disappointed in you. I love you."
"I love you, too," Harry says quietly, voice nearly a whisper.

When Louis cups his jaw Harry looks up at him, tongue poking out to wet his lip. Louis smiles, eyes flirting down to Harry's mouth back to his eyes.
"C-can I kiss you?" Harry asks.
"Of course, baby."

Harry's hands hover over his chest, not touching him as they kiss.
"You can touch me, it's okay. Just because we're trying to exchange some of the control here doesn't mean you can't do anything."

Harry's hands are on him in an instant, sliding from his neck, where one hand stays, down to his stomach and back up to his hair. Louis smirks and drops a hand down to Harry's arse, pressing against the plug again which makes Harry shudder.

"Now I would like it if your pretty mouth was doing something even prettier," Louis says suggestively. Harry remembers the time when Louis spent ages admiring his mouth but he always said it was prettiest wrapped around his dick. He smiles and nods his head.

Harry kisses him one last time and slides to the floor on his knees between Louis' legs. He rests his hands on Louis' thighs, mouth pressing open mouthed kissed over his boxers. Louis moans when Harry sucks on the wet patch his precome has made before pulling down his underwear.

Louis slides one hand into Harry's hair and holds the remote in the other. Harry smiles up at him and wraps his lips around the tip of his dick. The hand in his hair doesn't push him, lets him go at his own pace as he slides down.

Harry chokes and pulls off when the plug starts to vibrate.
"S-sorry," Harry coughs, moaning when the vibrations don't stop.
"Let's get used to them. This is the first level. Then we have the second," Louis explains, fingernails scratching gently at Harry's scalp as he switches it to the next level up. Harry arches his back beautifully, head thrown back as he whimpers with each breath.

"This is the next," Louis says and Harry whines high in his throat, hips moving like he is riding somebody, trying to get more. "Stay still beautiful, take what I give you."

Harry takes a moment to breathe and nods his head.
"There is a setting that just randomly switches between them all, too. But we'll leave that one for when we use it properly in a moment. Okay, darling?" Louis asks, turning the vibrations off.

Harry slumps against Louis' leg and nods his head.
"I don't think I've ever been this hard," he laughs wetly. Louis brushes his fingers over his cheekbone, raising Harry's face so he meets his eye.
"What's your colour, princess?"
"Green. It's just a lot, feels like I'm constantly just about to come. I like it though, concentrating on you even though I feel good. Is it weird to cry?" Harry rambles. Louis smiles softly and shakes his head.
"We cry when we're overwhelmed. It's not always a bad thing. You can cry," Louis reassures. Harry nods and wipes at his eyes.

Pushing Harry's hair away from his eyes, Louis drops down to kiss Harry again. Harry wraps his arms around Louis' neck, kneeling up so Louis doesn't have to do all the work. When Louis pulls away he kisses Harry's lips gently, quickly and sits back up. His hand is still in Harry's hair and he smiles encouragingly at him. Harry kisses his thighs, moving further down until he can poke his tongue out to touch Louis' dick.

It's like the taste drives him crazy because as soon as his tongue touches Louis' skin he jumps forward and takes him all the way down. When he feels Louis hit the back of his throat, he slows down and breathes through his nose. Its at that moment that Louis switches the plug on, only the second setting but Harry moans like he's never been touched before.

This makes him vibrate around Louis, making Louis groan and pull on his hair.
"Good boy," he moans, turning the plug off when Harry pulls away. Harry whines and pouts up at Louis. Louis simply shakes his head. Furrowing his brows, Harry leans back in and takes Louis back into his mouth. Louis switches the plug back on, a level higher.

Harry has to try his best to not bite down, eyes watering as he sucks harder. He just wants to come. But he wants to please Louis more.
"You're doing so well, babe, so good."

When Harry pulls off and Louis turns the plug off again he makes the connection, hand still stroking Louis' dick as he catches his breath.

Louis can see it click in his mind and Harry licks his lips.
"W-will I get to come?" Harry asks, voice hoarse. Louis smiles.
"If I think you should you will. If I don't you won't," he shrugs. Harry takes a shuddery breath and nods his head. "Relax."

This is what he wants, what Louis is willing to give him. He can trust Louis. Louis loves him. He reassures himself of these things before he starts to suck on the tip of Louis' dick, hand still working the rest of him. His other hand comes up to massage his balls when Louis turns the plug back on.

Harry thinks it's back on three but it switches off. He is confused, looks up at Louis just as the plug switches to level one and the two.

The heat builds in Louis' stomach, hips stuttering as he presses further into Harry's mouth. He comes when Harry starts crying, nearly sobbing as he pulls out. He wipes Harry's eyes and kisses his forehead as he swallows.

"What's your colour?" Louis asks as he pulls Harry to sit next to him. Harry clings to him, tears trailing down Louis' chest. Louis rubs gentle circles onto Harry's back.
"I-I don't know," Harry gulps.
"We'll say yellow to be cautious then," Louis says.

He gives Harry a drink, smoothing down his hair.
"D'you want anything to change?" Louis asks and kisses Harry's cheek. He strokes his hands down his side to calm him down.

"Can you tell me what you're going to do?" Harry requests shakily. Louis nods his head.
"That sounds great, baby. You lie back and relax."

Harry lies on the couch, head on the arm and body stretched out in a long line for Louis to admire.
"Now," Louis smiles warmly, sitting at the end of the couch and holding Harry's ankles. "I'm going to lift your legs and shuffle forward until they rest on my shoulders and I can sit closer to you. Is that okay?"
"Yeah," Harry smiles, closing his eyes as he relaxes into the couch and Louis' touch. Louis does what he said he would, hands brushing so gently down Harry's thighs and up his sides that he giggles.

"There, you've got a beautiful smile," Louis compliments and kisses his knee.
"Thank you for being the one to make me smile," Harry says and his voice is smooth, calm and light. Louis nods his head. This is going well.

"Are you okay if I turn the plug on again, darling?"
"That sounds lovely."

Louis can tell that by the way Harry has relaxed, words slow and hushed and limbs loose, that this is achieving what they wanted it to. They wanted it to help Harry relax when he's stressed, help him take a step back and not think for a little while and enjoy himself.

He turns it onto the first level, lets Harry adjust and peppers kisses on Harry's skin wherever he can reach, then presses the second button that makes Harry's back arch more and his dick twitch. Louis murmurs a soft 'good boy' into his thigh, sucking a mark into the pale skin.

"Would you like me to take this off?" Louis questions as he mouths as the base of Harry's dick where the ring is.
"Do you want to take it off?" Harry counters. Louis smiles slightly.
"Okay, you want me to make the decisions. I can do that," Louis says, watching Harry relax more. "I'll take the ring off. But you can only come if it's untouched."

Harry nods his head rapidly, sobbing as Louis pulls the ring off. Louis kisses his dick gently.
"Good boy," he praises, flicking the vibrations up to the third level. Harry's cries get louder, hands going to pull at his hair. Louis makes a sad noise and shakes his head.

"No, baby, no," he soothes, pulling Harry's hands away from his hair. He turns down the vibrations and holds Harry's wrists together. "I know this is hard, Harry, but I know you can do it. You've been so good and you just need to hold on a little longer, okay?"

Harry nods his head, choking out an 'okay'. Louis doesn't let go of his wrists but he turns the vibrations back up. He kisses Harry's cheek, his jaw and his lips.

"C'mon, love, close your eyes. Focus on how good this feels, how much you want to come. You're so close. Right there, just let go. Come, Harry," Louis urges, voice low.

Harry comes with a loud wail of Louis' name as his come shoots onto his chest, some reaching his neck. Louis immediately turns the vibrations off but doesn't remove the plug just yet.

He shushes Harry's cries and whimpers, kissing his temple gently.

"Hey, baby, well done. I'm so proud of you, such a good boy," he murmurs, praise falling past his lips easily. He ties Harry's hair back and kisses his head again.

Harry mumbles incoherently and pushes his face into Louis' neck. Louis smiles and rubs a comforting hand down his back.

"I know," he whispers even though he really doesn't know what's going on in Harry's head right now. "Let's get you into a nice, warm bath."

He gets Harry to drink a bottle of water and takes out the plug before he gets them into the bath, washing him gently and slowly.
"How do you feel?"
"I love you," Harry manages.
"And I love you, too, sweetheart. But right now I need you to tell me how you feel," Louis smiles, helping Harry out of the bath and sitting him on the towel covered toilet seat. He kneels down in front of him and uses another towel to dry him off.

"Good," Harry says, smiling up at Louis as he dries his hair. "Warm. High. Blurry?"
"You'll be warmer when I get you in bed," Louis adds, kissing Harry's cheek sweetly. "Come on, babe, bedtime."

He holds Harry close as they walk to the bedroom because his legs are shaky and he clings tightly to Louis. Harry grabs Louis' hand after Louis has tugged pyjamas over his hips and is leaving his side to get his own.

"Thank you," he whispers. He kisses Louis' hand, holding it to his mouth before letting go.

Louis puts an episode of fresh prince of bel air on quietly and leaves the room. Harry whines.

"I know," Louis sympathises. "I'll be back in two minutes. Can you count to one hundred and twenty for me?"
"Okay," Harry says quietly. He focuses on what Louis has asked him to do, still wanting to be a good boy for him.

When Louis comes back with two cups of tea and two doughnuts, Harry is concentrating hard on his counting, mumbling the numbers.

"Hi, baby," Louis says gently. "What number did you get up to?"
"One hundred and seven," Harry smiles.
"Well done. Good lad," Louis grins and kisses Harry's hair. "Have your doughnut before your tea, don't want you to burn yourself."

They eat their food and drink the drinks and talk until Harry feels like himself again. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, blinking slowly and Louis thinks he's trying to sleep so fixes his pillows. But he opens his eyes wide after a couple of seconds and throws himself at Louis.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you. You're amazing."

Louis chuckles, kissing Harry's lips gently.
"Is everything okay? Do you hurt anywhere? How d'you feel?" Louis asks.
"I feel groggy but that's just because I feel like I've been asleep. I- was that subspace?" He asks nervously.
"It seemed very similar to what I've read, yeah. Maybe we'll play again and you'll find out that experiencing that was extreme or barely anything when it comes to how you react. You were so good, Haz."

Harry glows under his warm praise and he tucks himself under Louis' chin. Louis strokes his back gently, easing him into sleep quickly.

The next day they talk about whether or not they want to continue with it, how they both feel about what happened last night and what kinks they'd like to try next. Any queries are addressed and they're both glad that it's worked out so well. 

And then, a couple of days later, they're moving house and Louis is putting his old place up for sale.

It's beautiful, just like they'd imagined. They unpack their clothes and books and films, music playing loudly as they sing along. Harry unpacks all of the kitchen items while Louis sorts out the living room.

Zayn, Liam and Niall help them sort the last few bits so that the house isn't cluttered and they can settle in easily.

Once everything has been unpacked, Louis and Harry both topless because it's August and it's hot. Louis is delighted to see that Harry has changed out of his jeans and has put in ridiculously short shorts. He comes behind him in the kitchen, hands holding his hips as he sucks a mark on his shoulder.

"Welcome home, baby."

There was a lot more sex in this than I anticipated...

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