
Harry is going to New York before either of them know it, Louis driving him to the airport and kissing him in the car so they don't get spotted. But there are always paps at the airport waiting to see stars come and go.

So they get spotted together, a blurry picture that only Louis and Harry know for definite is them kissing.
"Ring me when you land, okay?" Louis says.
"Yeah, Lou. I'll see you in a few days. Thanks."
"Good luck babe."

Harry is always tired after flying so he goes straight to his hotel, ringing Louis on the way there.
"Hey, Haz. You alright?"
"Yeah, just tired," he yawns, apologising for the loud noise.
"It's okay, love. You get some rest okay? The big days tomorrow. You excited?"
"God, I can't wait," Harry grins. "I'm over the moon."
"I'm in an interview today," Louis says. "I'm wearing on of your shirts."

Harry grins.
"Yeah? I bet you look amazing in it. All the models on my runway can't compete with you."

Louis grins.
"You're pretty fit too, Haz. I've got to go get my makeup done. So I'll call you later, okay?"
"Yeah. Bye babe."
"Bye Haz."

The taxi driver stares at him through the mirror, nodding his head a little.

Weird, Harry thinks.

He goes to sleep as soon as he is in his hotel room, waking up at 11 New York time but 4 in he afternoon in London.

His assistant rings him to remind him about his interview at five. So he showers and gets dressed and makes his way to the studio.

As soon as he is there he is having his makeup done and his hair styled. He goes around the room in which the interview is being filmed and shakes everyone's hand, introducing himself. He meets the interviewer, hugging her before they sit on opposite chairs.

The red light in the corner of his eye is almost painful but he slaps on a smile anyway.

After a few questions about the clothing line and the launch she changes topic.
"So... Is it true that you and Louis Tomlinson are together?"
"Louis and I are very good friends," Harry chuckles. "He's very supportive and a lovely person. Very talented."
"He has been spotted wearing your clothing recently. How has he got it so early?" She asks, desperate to find out something.

"I gave it to him after he came to my show. He said he really liked them so I thought I'd do a friend a favour."
"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two? You've been pictured holding hands and getting very cuddly."
"I'm a very affectionate person," Harry shrugs.

After his interview he surprises the interviewer with a dress from his clothing line, laughing and agreeing to take a picture with her when she jumps and claps her hands excitedly.

He rings Louis at ten, just before he's going to sleep.
"How'd your interview go?" He asks as he pulls the blanket around him.
"It was okay. Got asked a lot about you. Yours?" Louis smiles.
"God, she was adamant that we are together," Harry chuckles.
"Wow! How ridiculous," Louis says sarcastically.

"Are you going to come to the party when we finish filming?"
"If you would like me to."
"I'd love it. And then if hope you would accompany me to the premier too?"
"Would be a pleasure," Harry grins. "I think that would make it a little obvious to people though."
"Well by then, we would've been together for three months. You think we'd be able to tell people?"
"I guess that'd be a good time to announce it. But we will see closer to the date."
"Yeah? That's okay, love," Louis says gently. "Have you eaten dinner?"
"Yeah, I had it after my interview. Have you?"
"Yes. Liam invited me round for tea."
"Are you going to go to sleep?" Louis asks.
"Yeah. Night Lou. I'll see you soon."
"See you soon, Haz. Night."

The next day Harry is up early, showering and eating breakfast before dressing in a suit and styling his hair carefully. A makeup artist comes round to do his makeup and then he's on his way to the shop.

The party is in a large club, next door to the shop stocking full of Harry's clothes. There is a lot of press ready to take pictures and give it publicity.

When Harry arrives he goes to the shop and says hello to the manager, thanking them for he opportunity. The press follows him as he goes into the club, shouting questions at him about Louis and his clothes. He answers the ones about his fashion before excusing himself into the club.

He walks around, making sure everything is right, the fabrics meant to match some he used in his clothing line. Magazines with Harry on the front and about his line are stacked around around the club for people to take.

There are pictures of Harry from his most recent photo shoot on the walls. A few people are already milling about, designers and models, agents, celebrities. The 'party' officially starts at seven but people arrive earlier to come and look around and mingle.

There is a DJ playing some music quietly for now, turning it up a little later on. There are people walking around with trays of martinis and champagne and others with small snacks for when people arrive.

There is a bar where you can order other drinks for the rest of the night.

"Hello everybody," Harry says through the microphone, grabbing every body's attention. "Thank you so much for coming, it is absolutely unbelievable how many of you have showed your support. The first shop in America to have this line in stock is next door, so a very big thank you to them. This is an amazing opportunity that I can't believe I have been given and I'm glad I can share it with you all."

The crowd claps and cheers and Harry blows kisses, giving the microphone back to the DJ before he begins to mingle.

He takes countless pictures with celebrities, reuniting with his friends that he doesn't see enough because of work. Singers, actors, authors, journalists, sportsmen, the lot.

When there is chaos at the door Harry takes it upon himself to sort it out.
"What going on out here?" He asks as the security guard stands in front of be paps.
"There's someone trying to come in. He won't leave and they won't stop bugging him."
"Who?" Harry asks.
"Harry!" He hears a soft voice call.
"Lou? Let him in, he's my friend."

Harry drags Louis past the cameras and crowd, not believing his eyes.
"What're you doing here?"
"I wanted to surprise you," Louis grins.

Harry wraps him up in a tight hug, closing his eyes as he buries his face in Louis' neck.
"Thank you so much. You've just made this night perfect."
"Surprise," he grins, kissing Harry's collarbone because Harry is blocking his face from paps.

"What about work?" Harry asks when he pulls away from the hug.
"I'm happy to skip it to see you," Louis whispers. "Now, where can I find a drink?"

The paps shout requests to get photos of them together as they have done with each guest, Harry greeting all of them individually and stopping for photos. So he and Louis pose together, Harry's arm around Louis' waist and Louis resting his arm around Harry's upper back with his hand on his shoulder. They smile as they take photos, grinning at each other too.

Harry winks and pulls Louis into the party.

They stay together the whole night, many of Harry's guests coming back over to talk to Louis and some of them already know him.

"I'm so proud of you, love."
"Lou," Harry exclaims, wrapping his arms around him again. "You're so fucking great. Thank you so much!"
"Welcome, babe."

Harry lifts his head to kiss him gently, keeping it sweet just in case.
"C'mon, let's go sit down, I have to stay the longest."

Louis chuckles and easily goes with him, slumping onto a couch next to him. He leans into Harry's side, sipping on his drink.
"Where are you staying?" Harry asks.
"Uhm, my manager booked me a room in some hotel."
"So you wouldn't accept the offer to stay in my hotel with me?" Harry pouts.
"Maybe. How many more drinks can I have?" Louis jokes, kissing Harry when he pouts even more. "Y'know what? I will. I'd love to stay the night."

Harry smiles smugly, throwing his arm around Louis' shoulders as he kisses his temple.
"My suitcase is in my car. We can get it before we go, right?"
"Course we can, Lou."

Harry gets someone passing by to take a picture of him and Louis. They stand up, Louis in front of Harry. Harry wraps an arm around Louis' chest, pulling him back so he is pressed against him. Louis turns slightly to smile up at him, about to turn back when the person takes the picture.

They thank him and look at the phone. They're smiling at each other, Louis staring up into Harry's eyes as they relax against each other.
"This is lovely," Louis whispers. "You have to send me it."
"Obviously. But for now, Instagram can enjoy this one," Harry says, flicking onto the photo where they're looking at the camera.

He captions it 'Look at who came and surprised me in New York! Much love @louis_tommo'.

When they get to Harry's hotel they turn their phones off to stop the constant buzzing come from them. Louis comes out of the bathroom only in his boxers, smiling tiredly at Harry.
"You alright, love?" Harry asks, shirt half way off when he turns around to face Louis.
"God you're gorgeous," Louis breathes. Harry smirks, shrugging his shirt off and hanging it on the corner of the chair.

"Come here," Harry says, kicking his shoes away from him. Louis walks toward Harry, hands resting on his chest. "How did I get so lucky?"

Louis blushes and slides one hand up to Harry's hair, the other resting over his mark.
"Just kiss me, you fool."

Their lips meet, both of the boys smiling too much for it to be much of a kiss, pulling away to laugh after a few seconds.
"Are you going to come to bed?" Louis asks.
"Yeah. One sec."

Louis gets the chance to watch Harry undress, eyes lingering longer than hell admit on Harry's crotch. He is lean but muscular and absolutely gorgeous. It really doesn't surprise Louis that he's a model. Harry crawls in beside Louis and kisses his head. Louis kisses his jaw and gets comfortable cuddled against Harry's chest. They fall asleep quickly, wrapped up in each other and faint smiles on their lips.

In the morning Louis wakes up first, always been one to adjust to flying easily. He hops in the shower and gets dressed in a jumper and pair of jeans from Harry's collection, living the outfit together. As he makes a cup of tea for himself and for Harry when he wakes up he looks through his mentions on Twitter.

There are lots of him and Harry from last night, always touching somehow. The pictures make Louis smile and he glances over at Harry's long sleeping body in the bed.

Harry wakes up when Louis kisses him repeatedly.
"There's a cuppa waiting for you, love."

Harry smiles sleepily, rubbing at his eyes as he crawls out of bed.
"Thanks, Lou. Sleep well?"
"I slept amazingly," Louis grins.

His mum always told him stuff he believed to be bullshit about soul mates. 'They complete you, make you feel happy all the time. You'll feel like everything's better when you didn't know it could be.' But now that he's met Harry he knows it to be true.

Harry drinks his tea quickly before getting in the shower. Louis lounges on the couch, replying to fans on Twitter and posting his own photo of him and Harry.

'Surprised this one last night by flying to New York for his opening. Proud of him ❤️ @harry_styles'

Harry sees it when he is brushing his teeth, grinning at his phone.

He walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist, smirking when he sees Louis' eyes widen and cheeks flush.
"Never seen a boy naked, Lou?"
"I think you're forgetting we're soul mates. You affect me more than anyone else has or will."
"You can't just say that," Harry groans, looking through his case for some clothes. "I find soulmate talk very hot."
"Well," Louis smirks. "I can certainly use that to my advantage."

Harry gets changed in the bathroom again, a pair of white jeans and grey t shirt on.
"Want to go out for breakfast?"
"Yeah sure, Haz," Louis grins, accepting the kiss Harry presses to his lips before they get their coats on.

They go to a nearby cafe, happy to have somewhere quieter and closed in rather than being surrounded by people.
"Any work today?" Louis asks around a mouthful of bacon.
"Uhm, a photo shoot for cosmopolitan and then a short interview with them  I think. You can come with me, unless you have other things to do."
"I actually have a casting for a new film. So I can do that while you're out and then you can let me treat you to dinner?" Louis grins, holding his hand out for Harry.

Harry's tongue pokes out to wet his lips as he links their fingers together.
"I would love it. I'm kind of worried about the interview though, as I don't know if they have any incriminating pictures of us."
"Haz," Louis softens. "You could just smile and they'd forget what they said. You have nothing to worry about okay?"
"Yeah," Harry smiles. "You're so wonderful, Lou. Thank you for being here for me."

Louis just smiles back.

Louis is finished with his casting audition before Harry is finished with his work so he calls Liam while he waits in the car.

"Alright Lou?"
"Good thanks, you, Liam?"
"I'm alright, finishing my last scenes today. How'd surprising Harry go?"
"It went great," Louis grins, looking out of the window so he can see when Harry comes out. "He was so happy and we spent the night in his hotel."
"Ooh, sounds fun. Have seen a lot of photos of you today."
"Yeah, the press are desperate to get a story about our relationship."
"I am too," Liam laughs. "I'll ring you back later, I'm meant to be getting my makeup done."

Harry sits in the passenger seat, leaning over to kiss Louis in the cheek.
"You alright, Lou? How'd it go?"
"Really well I think. I hope anyway. How was yours?"
"Great. They asked more about my hopes for the line than my involvement with you. They still asked whether I was happy with my current relationship status but didn't ask what it was."

The dinner they have is classy and they have fun, making jokes and just enjoying each other's company. They get papped as they walk back to their car together.

Harry and Louis fly home together on Friday, parting ways when they reach Harry's house. Louis kisses him slowly and passionately before he leaves.

They text each other in the lead up to the party on Sunday, ringing each other before bed on Saturday.
"I know that we've only been together for like a week but it feels like we're so much closer than we should be. It's kind of scary," Louis says through the phone.
"It's because we're soul mates, babe," Harry smiles. "It's normal for that to happen. People used to elope as soon as they found out. If you think it's rushed, I can slow it down if you-"
"No Haz, it's fine. I like you a lot. It's just overwhelming to think that I'm more than likely going to spend the rest of my life with you. It puts pressure on us to not mess this up."
"Yeah. I know. But I don't think we will."
"Me neither."

The party goes smashingly, everyone loves Harry and don't question it when Louis sits in his lap. They dance the night away until the early morning.

The next weekend Harry takes Louis on a date, the one he promised on their first one, to get him his favourite food. Louis orders a large bacon, cheese burger with chips and a full fat Coke.

Louis moans like he's in a porno.
"If you moan like that during sex I sure am a lucky man," Harry teases.
"Shut up, Styles."

While they're having dessert Louis clears his throat and puts down his fork.
"I think I'm ready to properly tell our close friends and family about it. Are you?"
"Yeah, Lou that sounds great." Harry is grinning like a madman, unable to be anything but happy when it comes to Louis.

So that evening they go back to Louis' apartment, Harry rolling his eyes at how fancy it is. Louis tells him to shut up because everything in his house is probably designer.

Harry rings his mum while Louis rings his. Their conversations basically both go the same.

"Hi mum. So I want you to come around one day, I've got something to tell you. Gemma is coming too, and Zayn."

Louis' conversation is nearly identical but with his friends names swapped in. They invite them over to Louis' house the upcoming weekend when they're free from work. Harry rings Gemma while Louis rings Liam. And then Harry rings Zayn, his best friend. They speak over message a lot as it's hard to find time to see each other but they're often in shows together and whenever Harry's looking for models Zayn is the first one he calls. Always.

They don't tell anyone what it's about but they think a few will have a good idea.

Harry rolls over and rests his head in Louis' lap. Louis smiles down at him and runs his hand through Harry's hair, scratching gently at his scalp. Harry's eyes close, a hum falling from his lips. They flick the T.V. on but don't really pay attention to it at all.

"Have you had sex?" Louis asks. It takes Harry by surprise because neither of them had spoken for a few minutes.
"No. My mum always told me it was right to wait for my soulmate. I tried fooling around a little with people when I was younger just to try and figure out my sexuality but it always felt wrong. There was never someone that made me want to do it. So I haven't. You?"
"Same. Except the fooling around part. I was really uncomfortable with my sexuality when I was younger because a lot of my friends were homophobic so I felt like I was weird. So no, I haven't had sex either."

"Harry Styles cheating on Louis Tomlinson with Ellie Goulding?" The telly says. Both boys sit up straight to stare at the news reporter on the screen.

"Bullshit!" Harry says, absolutely fuming as it goes on to display a picture of her from his launch party.
"Haz," Louis frowns. "Why're they saying that?"

Harry softens and turns to cradle Louis' face in his hands.
"Lou, they don't even know we're together so how would they know if I'm cheating? Which I'm not. We've just spoken about how we're both gay and we're soul mates. Why would I cheat on the person who is literally perfect for me?"

He leans further in and lets his lips brush against Louis'. Louis smiles slightly and presses more heavily against Harry, arms wrapping around his neck.
"Thank you, Haz."

Louis goes to make a cup of tea, grinning when he feels Harry's arms wrap around his waist, pressing his front to Louis' back.
"Y'okay Lou?"
"I'm great," Louis smiles honestly. "I was wondering if you'd want to stay the night?"
"Yeah?" Harry smirks and Louis can feel it on his skin where Harry has pressed his face into his neck. "That'd be lovely."

So they cuddle in bed with a cup of tea and a Hunger Games movie on. They scroll through Twitter, Harry being a little shit and favouriting tweets about them being together. Louis takes a picture of the two mugs of tea and posts it on Instagram. 'Tea with friends ☕️'

They fall asleep happy and excited to tell their family.

They don't see each other through the week because both of them are busy with meetings and interviews. They text each other and ring each other, tweeting at each other sometimes too. But Harry gets to Louis' on Saturday either a box of chocolates and a teddy bear.

"You're so lovely," Louis coos, pulling him into a hug. Harry grins, glad Louis likes them. "Come in, beautiful."

He kicks his shoes off and hangs his coat up, leaning down to kiss Louis. Louis smiles, pulling back after a few moments to go and sit on the couch.
"Want a chocolate?" Louis asks, patting the space beside him. Harry sits down quickly, moving his arm so Louis can lean into his side.

"Heard anything about the audition?" He asks, looking at Louis' phone as he scrolls through Instagram. Louis holds up a chocolate for Harry who takes it into his mouth, letting his lips wrap around Louis' fingers. Louis clears his throat and Harry smirks.
"Yeah, they called me back and I went on Thursday. They said they'll ring me soon."
"That's a good thing, right?"
"Means I've made the short list," Louis nods, popping a chocolate into his own mouth.
"Well done, babe. Didn't doubt you for a minute."

Louis turns his head to kiss Harry, lips fitting together and moving slowly, Harry cupping Louis' cheeks. When they pull away they both have smug grins on their faces.
"Are all of your sisters coming?" Harry asks.
"Yeah, I want you to meet everyone important to me. Because now you're important to me too."
"You're fucking amazing."

Their family arrive at one, some filling in later than others. Liam and Niall come in first, pulling Louis and Harry into a group hug between them. Niall introduces himself to Harry but they don't mention why they think they're there. Instead they go over to the couch and make themselves comfortable. Harry and Louis wait at the door, pressed against each other, Harry's arm around Louis' waist.

Harry's mum and Gemma show up next, Gemma hugging Harry quickly before moving on to Louis.
"I'm Harry's sister, Gemma, good to meet you Louis."
"Lovely to meet you," Louis smiles politely.

Harry's mum sends them both a knowing smile and hugs Louis, patting Harry's shoulder as she goes to speak to Liam and Niall.
"You think they know?" Harry asks.
"I think they assume. But they'll know soon."

When Louis' mum and siblings come in Louis brings them to sit with everyone else. He and Harry stand and look at everyone.
"Introductions?" Harry suggests.
"Gemma, Harry's sister," Gemma says, raising her hand to wave at everyone.
"Harry's mum, Anne."
"Niall, Liam's soulmate and Louis' best friend."
"Liam, Niall's soulmate and Louis' best friend."
"Jay, Louis' mum."
"Lottie, Louis' sister."
"This is Felicite, Pheobe, Daisy, Doris and Ernest," Jay says for everyone.
"My friend Zayn is running late, stuck in traffic," Harry apologises.

"I'm Louis," Louis smiles.
"I'm Harry. So we need to tell you something," Harry grins, looking at Louis and nodding his head.
"We're soulmates," Louis says, grabbing Harry's hand.

"I knew it!" Liam shouts, jumping up to hug him. He pulls away and hugs Harry too. Niall is sat on the couch still, pouting, and Liam goes back beside him and kisses his head.

Their mums come and hug them, squeezing the boy that isn't their son tightly. After a lot of teary hugs everyone sits back down on the couch and Louis and Harry sit down on the armchair together.

"Can we see your soulmarks?" Liam asks.
"Mine swears. Is it alright if-"
"They don't know, it's okay," Jay soothes, wanting to see it herself.

Louis rolls his sleeve up and holds his arm out.
"What a lovely way to introduce yourself," Gemma reads. Harry grins and pulls the collar of his shirt down.
"God, Lou," Jay chuckles. "Poor Harry."
"I'm happy with it," Harry says, looking at Louis. "Because it's his."

Louis curls further into Harry's side and kisses his chin.
"Want to order pizza?" Harry asks everyone.

So they sort out what pizzas they'll order and sit with the opposite families. Louis sits between Gemma and Anne.

"So how did you two meet?" Anne asks.
"I went to his show a few weeks ago and went to introduce myself and that's what came out," Louis smiles, pointing at Harry's mark that's still on show.
"You've been seen a lot in the media too," Gemma says.
"Yeah, we've got a lot of publicity with Harry's new line and my new film coming out soon. We've been photographed a few times on dates and such but we didn't expect it to be this big of a deal to people."
"When are you going to release it to the media?"
"My premiere is at the end of July so near then," Louis smiles.

Harry sits next to Niall and Jay who hands him Doris. He grins and bounces the baby on his knee.
"So you met at your recent fashion show?" Jay asks.
"Yeah, when he came up to me there was a lot of journalists around so after we realised what happened I sent them away and we went somewhere private to talk about it."

"Niall, why d'you look so sad?" Harry asks. "Is it me? Do you not like me? What have-"
"No," Niall sighs. "It's not you. You're great, Harry."
"Sorry, Niall and I - our marks are different so we're still finding out how to deal with it. Ni, do you want to go make yourself a drink?" Liam explains.

Niall nods and walks into the kitchen. Harry smiles apologetically. Liam pats his shoulder and begins to ask about him and Louis but is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Harry gets up and opens it, hugging Zayn. Finally.
"Everyone this is Zayn. Zayn, this is... You can just mingle."

"Haz!" Louis calls. Harry looks at him and smiles, walking over to him.
"Yes, love?"
"Can you get me a cup of tea?"
"Of course."

Harry swears when he walks into the kitchen.
"What the fuck?" He shouts. Niall and Zayn pull apart from where they were snogging against the counter.
"Harry- listen!" Zayn rushes. "It's complicated but it's okay, we can explain."

"You'd better," a deep voice says from behind them. Liam is stood angrily in the doorway, face red and arms crossed.

"I'm your soulmate," Zayn deadpans.

Harry leaves the room when Liam asks him to, apologising to Louis and asking if he can speak to him in private. They go into the bedroom and Louis wraps his arms around Harry.
"What's wrong, love?"
"Zayn and Niall were kissing. And Zayn said he's Liam's soul mate. I'm so confused."
"So Niall and Liam have two marks each. Liam's says 'I'm your soulmate' and Niall's says 'Nice to meet you, blondie.'"

"Zayn was always so private when it came to his soulmark," Harry whispers once he's let it soak in. "Holy shit. New couple. Or trio. How does it work?"

Louis giggles and kisses Harry slowly.
"They're soulmates, Haz. It will work."
Harry nods his head calmly and presses his lips to Louis' again.
"Now how about we get that tea?" He grins and they walk out hand in hand.

When they go to the kitchen Zayn, Niall and Liam are all teary eyed and huddled together.
"Zayn, this is Louis. My soulmate. I guess I've met yours now."
"Haz," Zayn sobs and runs forward to wrap himself around Harry. He clings on for dear life.

Harry lets at his hair and comforts him as Louis does the same to Niall and Liam.
"Now what's all this about, Z? You've just found both of your soulmates. This should be the best moment of your life."
"I have two. And they've already been together for ages. I'm not going to fit in, they won't like-"
"Zayn Malik, you stop it right now," Harry reprimands sternly. "They are your soul mates. That's because you're perfect for each other. You three have been put together because you'll work better as a three. That's just how it's meant to be."

He pushes Zayn towards Liam and Niall who have let go of Louis and welcome Zayn into their embrace. Louis rests his head on Harry's shoulder.
"They'll be okay. Now you make the tea and I'll entertain our guests."

Harry makes lots of tea and places them on the coffee table, bringing in a little bowl of sugar and milk too. He sits next to Louis and looks expectantly at everyone.
"Ooh, the pizzas here," he smiles when he notices it on the table. He goes back to the kitchen, tells the boys that the foods arrived and grabs some plates.

Harry and Louis feed Doris and Ernest their bottles after they've eaten their own dinner. They sit beside each other with a baby in their lap, cradled carefully in their arms as they press the teat of the bottle to the babies' lips.

They grin at each other and smile as Lottie takes a picture of them.

Liam, Zayn and Niall sit together for most of the night and they get along like a house on fire, just like soulmates do.

They all take photos together and tag them with the hashtag:'family time' on Twitter and Instagram.

The world goes crazy.

When Harry and Louis fall into bed together that night Louis sighs and looks at Harry.
"I hope Zayn, Liam and Niall are okay."
"I know, love. But they'll tell us if anything happens. Like you said, they're soulmates for a reason."
"You're right. Would you like to go swimming tomorrow?"
"I think that'd be lovely," Harry grins.

He kisses Louis slowly and sweetly, holding each other like they are the air they breath. Louis whimpers into his mouth and rolls on top of him, straddling his hips. Harry's hands move to his hips, moaning as he feels himself getting hard. Their hips move against each other as they pant into each other's mouths.

Their lips move like they've been kissing each other for years, tongues tangling and teeth nipping. Louis grinds his hips down as Harry pushes his hips up, their dicks rubbing together through the cotton of their boxers.
"Holy shit," Harry groans as Louis kisses down his neck. Louis smirks and bites his collarbone without the mark on.
"That my line," he mumbles and begins sucking on his skin, hips still moving quickly as they get closer to orgasm. Louis' lips travel up to Harry's jaw and start making a mark there too, teeth grazing his skin and making Harry since.

"Lou," Harry moans, pulling him up by his hair to connect their lips. "God, Lou."

They kiss messily, teeth clashing and lips parted. Louis' hips stutter and he moans loudly as he comes in his boxers, whimpering as Harry continues until he comes too.

Louis collapses against Harry's chest and kisses the nipple closest to his mouth.
"Wow," he whispers, breathing heavy. Harry chuckles, fingers running through Louis' hair.
"I know. That was great. But I think we're in need of a shower."
"Would you like to join?" Louis smirks as he stands up.

Harry gets out of bed straight away, practically running after Louis to the bathroom.

They wash each other with soapy hands and small kisses to wet skin. It's intimate and lovely and a very good opportunity to feel the other up. Harry takes the chance to mark Louis' neck too, sucking on his skin beneath his ear as he spends a little too much time washing his bum. Louis squeaks and giggles, batting at Harry until he moves away.

When they get into bed they actually roll over together, Harry spooning Louis and fall asleep in peace.

They don't go swimming the next day as Louis gets called up for a meeting with  his agent. He kisses Harry as an apology and promises they'll go to lunch to make up for it. Harry Potters about in Louis' place until Louis comes back to pick him up.

"How'd it go, babe?" Harry asks from where he's sat on the couch watching television when he hears the door open.
"Haz!" Louis says excitedly, standing by the door. "I got the role!"

Harry jumps up and opens his arms. Louis runs and jumps into Harry's arms, burying his face in his neck as Harry spins them. Harry catches Louis by his thighs, chuckling.
"I knew you'd get it, Lou. I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you," Louis grins as he lifts his head up to kiss Harry. "Now, I believe I promised you lunch?"

When Harry has been dropped home by Louis Zayn rings him.
"Have you seen the most recent pap pictures of you?" Zayn asks.
"No, I've just got in. And I didn't see any paps. Why?" Harry says as he sits down on his couch.
"They've got lovely pictures of the bright purple mark on your neck. And Louis'."
"Fuck," Harry sighs, rubbing his forehead. "We might have to tell people sooner than we thought."

He keeps Zayn on speaker while he messages Louis.
"There's been a lot of articles talking about you both meeting your families last night and then showing up together with marks like that," Zayn explains.
"Ugh," Harry groans. "I hate the press. I mean they're lovely but they aren't half nosey."
"You're the hottest couple going. Of course they're going to want to know what is happening."

"Speaking of the hottest couple," Harry grins. "How's the hottest trio?"
"Uhm, I'm going to their house for dinner tonight actually. They seem really excited and I'm a little less worried than I was last night."
"You've got nothing to worry about. You three are soulmates. You're destined to be together. Maybe being a three way is a little unconventional but you will be fine."
"I hope. Listen, I need to go, I need to get ready."

So Harry puts on some music and begins drawing up some ideas for his summer line.

He draws swimsuits for both men and women, putting them in his folder before he moves onto kids designs. He's wanted to have a children's line for a while but had stayed focused on the adults clothes until he got big enough to pull off another line.

He draws nappy covers for little babies and shorts. He draws summer dresses and vests. The drawings begin to age, the clothes intended for kids under ten and then he works on clothes for teenagers.

While he's immersed in colouring them and playing around with patterns and styles, Louis rings him.
"Are you in bed yet?" Louis asks. Harry frowns.
"No, what time is it?"
"Love, it's nearly eleven O'Clock."
"Oh shit. Uhm- what's up?" Harry says as he puts his paper away.
"I just wanted to hear your voice," Louis says honestly.
"Well, I'm happy to talk. What did you have for dinner?"
"Stir fry. You?"
"I missed dinner without realising. I've been drawing up some ideas and didn't realise what time it was."
"Get your coat on," Louis says.
"What? Why?"
"We're going to get your dinner."

Harry chuckles and tells Louis he'll see him in a minute. He gets his coat and shoes on, pulling his hair back into a bun. Louis beeps his horn outside of Harry's house, grinning when Harry steps out.

Harry sits in the passenger seat and leans over to kiss Louis.
"You need to be careful not to overwork yourself mister," Louis reprimands but kisses him back anyway. "My agent said we can ignore the paps but are welcome to release our relationship any time we want."
"Maybe we could do it sooner than your premier?" Harry suggest, looking shyly down at his lap. "I mean, everyone is pretty much just waiting for confirmation that we're together."
"I can set up an interview for both of us together any time we want. All we need to do is say the word and anyone would be willing to have us."

"When do you think we'll do it?" Harry asks. Louis glances at him, resting his hand on his thigh.
"When do you want to love?"
"I don't know. Because the sooner we do the sooner we stop hiding everything. But then it also means we'll probably be followed nearly everywhere."
"We can get security guards. And once they have the story they shouldn't bother us anymore, a few paps here and there maybe but when we tell everyone they won't have rumour to spread and get readers from," Louis reasons.

Harry sits quietly as he mulls it over.
"The only time we'd get a lot of attention would be when something happens with a) your clothing line. b) my acting or c) our relationship. Like if one of us gets pregnant or we get married kind of thing."
"Is that something you'd want? Kids? Marriage?"
"One day, yeah," Louis says with a small smile. "You?"
"God I used to dream of having a family when I was younger. Then I became immersed in work but I'd still love to have one. So when do you think we should tell everyone?"
"We've been together for nearly a month. Most celebrities tell the press pretty much as soon as they find their soul mate so I guess there's no time like the present. We can go and talk to my agent tomorrow, see what she can do."

It's exciting to know that they'll be free to do exactly as they please soon and that they'll have a family one day too.

"McDonalds?" Harry grins. "Are you forgetting I'm a model?"
"You're fine, love," Louis laughs as he pulls up to the window. "Get what you want, Haz."

He gets a grilled chicken salad with sweet chilli sauce. Louis gets a cheeseburger and both get a Diet Coke.
"You think I could stay at yours?" Louis asks shyly. "I think it'd be good to spend time in both places. And then we can go straight to my agent tomorrow."
"Yeah that sounds great. And you can look at my designs, see what you think."

They sit in Harry's living room as they eat, side by side. Once they've finished they lean against each other and look through their mentions on Twitter. Harry cocks his head and makes a confused noise.

"Harry Styles tells cab driver about Louis Tomlinson," Harry reads. "Fuck sake."
"What?" Louis scoffs.
"I rang you while I was in the taxi. My driver must've heard what we said."
"Click on it," Louis presses.

'Whilst in New York Harry Styles talks to cab driver, who will remain anonymous.

He said that Styles used pet names towards Louis. He called him 'Lou and babe.' It was the day Tomlinson had an interview with Sky and wore Styles' clothing. Harry told Tomlinson that he looked better than all of his models.

Is this just a fling or are they soulmates? Find out more...'

"Wow. That was a dick move," Louis sighs. "But I guess we don't have to worry for much longer."
"True. C'mon, I could do with some sleep."

They brush their teeth and get into bed together, legs tangling and skin touching.

Louis' agent is happy to see them, locking the door behind them.
"Nice to meet you Harry, I've wanted to meet you for a while." Harry smiles and nods his head.
"So we want to reveal that we are soulmates," Louis says bluntly. "I want to arrange an interview and we will probably announce it on social media too."
"We'll get an interview set up quickly. And then we'll set a date for it to be revealed. Any ideas when you want to do this?"
"What's the soonest we can do it?" Harry asks.
"End of the week."

Louis excuses himself to the bathroom when they're back at Harry's and Harry waits patiently for him to comeback.

When Louis takes a lot longer than expected Harry goes and knocks on the door, pressing his ear to it.
"Lou?" He asks. "What's wrong?"

He can hear sniffling and he is sure it's Louis crying.
"Nothing, Haz, I'm fine."
"Don't lie to me Louis. Let me in."

The door unlocks, revealing a puffy-eyes, snot-nosed Louis. Harry hugs him tightly, keeping him close to his chest. He kisses his hair and rubs his back soothingly.
"What's all this about, babe?" He asks, letting Louis tuck his head beneath his chin.

He walks him over to the couch and grabs a blanket. Louis goes willingly as Harry pulls him into his lap, curling against his chest. He is still sniffling, wiping his eyes frantically. Harry grabs his hands and kisses them, keeping them away from his face. Louis pouts at having his hands restricted but doesn't fight it.

"I remember coming out," Louis says quietly. "And it was horrible. I didn't get even an audition for like two years. I was ridiculed and my old manager tried to push me back in the closet. My new agent is lovely, I had an interview where I spoke out about what had happened. And everything was okay. It just made me nervous about releasing any personal information to the public."

Harry takes a moment to think of what to say.
"Well, we don't have to do it if you don't want to. I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he says slowly, kissing Louis' knuckles again.
"I want to," Louis promises. "It's just a little scary, I don't want history to repeat itself."
"I promise you, it won't. We've got each other and everyone is hoping we're together. They will love it when we tell them. And if they don't what will happen? I am your soulmate."

Louis doesn't reply, simply kisses Harry's chest and closes his eyes. Harry  pulls the blanket around them tighter.

Harry smiles sadly when he hears the soft snores coming from Louis.

That Saturday Harry and Louis post the picture from Harry's launch, the one they kept to themselves, on Twitter. They both caption it 'A month ago I met my soul mate. And today the world will too.'

Then they're rushed to an interview, both of them sporting one of Harry's jumpers. They hold hands as they sit on the couch, Louis bouncing his knee nervously.

"It's okay, love. We can do this together," Harry soothes and kisses his temple. "Right?"
"Yeah," Louis sighs and smiles at Harry.

The interviewer looks more than pleased to meet them and to cover their story.

"So, today we're welcoming Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson who want to speak about the rumours regarding their relationship."

The camera zooms out so it can see all three of them.
"It's lovely to have you," the interviewer says, leaning back in her chair with a smug grin. "It is rumoured that you two are together?"
"Well, we're here to dispel any rumours," Harry smiles, thumb rubbing over Louis' knuckles. "Louis and I are in fact together."
"Congratulations," she nods. "But now that we know this, the question on everyone's lips will be whether or not you're soulmates. Are you going to disclose that information today?"

"We are," Louis says when there is a slight pause. "We are soulmates. Actually, the moment we met was caught on camera by some reporters. I'm sure we could find it if we looked."
"What does this mean then, for both of you?"

"I'm over the moon to have met Louis and I've never been happier. He's been incredibly supportive and I hope I can do the same for him," Harry says smoothly. Louis grins up at him.
"Couldn't have said it better myself really. I am so lucky to have Harry as my soulmate, couldn't have asked for someone better."

They talk about how they met for a little bit before they request for a little privacy from paps while they're out together. And it's done.

Harry and Louis can't stop smiling, a permanent grin on both of their faces. They go straight home and don't leave Louis' place until the next day when the interview is released. They log out of all social media on their phone to stop the notifications and spend the day together.

"Love, I made breakfast," Harry says when Louis grumbles and tries to roll away. Louis turns his head head to Harry and smiles sleepily.
"Carry me down?"

Harry grins and picks him up, carrying him down the stairs bridal style and placing him on the couch. He drapes a blanket over him to keep him warm before bringing in their breakfast. It's pancakes and bacon and Louis kisses him as he thanks him and begins eating.

Neither of them can resist the temptation of turning on the television to see the reaction of their announcement. Louis sits in Harry's lap as Harry leans back on the couch, enjoying each others touch as they watch.

There isn't a bad word said and Louis and Harry log back into Twitter, thanking their friends for the congratulations.

"Hey, new rule, no technology once were in bed," Louis says when Harry is on his phone under the covers. Harry smiles and turns it off, rolling over to face Louis.
"Of course, babe. I like that rule."
"I like you," Louis says, fingers tracing Harry's cheekbones and jaw and lips. Harry sucks his finger into his mouth devilishly.
"I like you too. A lot."
"Good," Louis grins and kisses Harry one last time before he turns off his lamp.

The future holds a lot for Louis and Harry. And neither of them can wait.

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