"Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous, love is never boastful or conceited. It it never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful"
Y/n woke up before Five and she was able to get out of his grip and out of bed without waking him up.
Five used to be a light sleeper, he had to be when he was younger due to random training sessions, in the apocalypse whenever random storms came on, and when he was in The Commission in order to keep himself and Y/n alive. He could wake up with the single sound.
It used to be hard for me to get out of his grip without waking him up, but this time I managed, maybe it was because his guard wasn't up because we have won.
I looked at him with a smile as I remember how in the first years of the apocalypse both of us wound always covered our faces up most of the time, to protect ourself and our lungs from the air that was practically lethal. It wasn't until we were 18 that we pulled off our masks as the air finally turned back to breathable. But that time, Five have grown a small beard and my face have also changed into a more adult look.
I reached my finger up to his jaw and stroked it. He was so incredibly handsome. He was so incredibly attractive and I didn't understand why I weren't attractive to him when I first met him, but I was happy that I won his heart and he was able to win mine.
I lay a kiss on his cheek before I walked out of the bathroom, going to the sink.
Then suddenly a drop of blood landed in the sink and I furrowed my brows as I looked at the blood before I look up in the mirror that was above the sink and I saw blood under my nose.
Why do I have nose bleed?
I think that it was weird, but maybe it's effect from the fight. So I thought nothing more about it before I wash my face.
I then took off my clothes and got in the shower, turning the water on.
Then suddenly there was the sound of a whoosh.
"How dare you taking a shower without me?" Five asked as he started taking his shirt off "I didn't want to wake you. Beside I didn't knew if you wanted" I said "I will never say no in taking a shower with you, if I ever do, I want you to punch me right in the face" he said and I smiled while he took the rest of his clothes off.
He just stood there, staring at me.
"Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna join me?" I asked and he smiled before he went into the shower with me, standing behind me.
I let the water stream down my body, my arms crossed over my front as he moved closer to me.
"You're so beautiful" he murmured as he moved closer to me "And you are so handsome" I said.
While the water was pouring down at us, he removed a piece of my wet hair away from my shoulders before he started planting kissing on my left shoulder.
I closed my eyes, taking in a silence while he was pressing soft kisses across my shoulder and collarbone.
I could never get enough of him. I love when he kissed me like that.
His lips moved from my shoulder to my neck, planting more kisses. I smiled as his lips came into contact with my skin.
I then turned around before moving closer to him, pressing my lips against his while wrapping my hands around his neck.
His lips were soft as they skimmed the skin before moving down to kiss my chest. His hands came up to grasp my breasts in his hands, feeling them out before his thumb skimmed over my nipple.
He put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer so our bodies was pressed against each other.
Typical his teenage hormones.
"This is not exactly like kissing in the rain, but it's close" I said "Yeah. Remember when we were dancing in the rain and after that we kissed?" he asked and I nodded "I remember every second with you and I always will" I said "So will I, forever and a day" he said before pressing his lips against mine again while bringing my body even closer, even so they couldn't get any closer.
"I love you, forever and a day" he said between the kisses "I love you too, forever and a day" I said as we kept making out.
My hands ran through his wet hair while his was running through my wet hair.
But then suddenly I felt something by my lower parts and I looked down to see what it was.
"Really Hon" I said as I looked back up at him "Sorry" he said "You have to control that" I said "It's hard when I'm doing something like this with you" he said "You used to be better in controlling it" I said "Well, I'm in my 16-year-old body again, so my teenage hormones" he said and I rolled my eyes before kissing him again.
"Okay" I said as I pulled away "We better do what we actually was meant to do in the shower and then maybe we can do that after" I said before I turned around, grabbing the soap "Do my back and I will do yours" I said "With pleasure" he said before he grabbed the soap and started scrubbing my back.
Light jazz music was playing in the background when I walked down the stairs. I had changes clothes and I had my walkman in my pocket and my headphones around my neck
I over to the buffet before I put some food on my plate and walked over to sit by the table where Klaus and Diego was sitting.
"Good morning Y/n/n" Diego said "Good morning" I said to them "Good morning, sis" Klaus said "Good morning" I said "So did you and Five had fun last night?" Klaus asked and I looked at him with a raised eye brow "That is none of your business" I said "Come on, I wanna know. How is Five in bed?" Klaus asked "You are a weird person, but you are sweet in your own odd way" I said before I looked at a young boy over by the buffet.
"Who is the kid?" I asked "That is Stanley. My allegedly son" Diego replied and Klaus and I looked at him "That little delinquent is your son?" Klaus asked "Allegedly my son" Diego said and Klaus laughed "That's so funny!" he said as I got up before walking over to the buffet to get a glass of juice.
Then Five came up the buffet "Good morning Love" he said "Good morning, Hon" I said and he gave me a quick good morning kiss on the lips.
"What a round last night?" he asked "Yeah, pretty wild, I feel a little weak in the knee" I said and he smiled.
Five was wearing some black jeans, a white T-shirt with dark blue checked on and a white shirt underneath, he had a light brown vest on and a fedora on his head. The fedora was checkered blue with a black band around it and a small feather on the left side.
"I can see you have chosen an outfit that fit your age" I said and he chuckled.
"Are you really wearing a fedora in public?" I asked "And what if I am?" he asked before taking off his hat and put it on the counter "God, no, don't take it off, it's cute" I reached to take it away from him and placed it back on his head.
"How did you sleep?" he asked "Good. It's a long time since I had such a good sleep" I said "Yeah, I notice, cause you didn't elbow me in the face or kick me in your sleep this time so that means that you had a good night sleep" he said "Well, I only do that when I have nightmares which I don't have anymore, now that I know that everything is fine. The only thing I need right now, is to see my family again" I said "And you will" he said "I know, I think the only reason I haven't gone over there right now, is that I need to find out how to approach them" I said and he nodded before his eyes landed on Stan who was sitting over by on of the couches by the wall, eating food.
I could see that Y/n was were a little shaky cause from her heart so I kept an eye on her. I didn't try coddle her because I already knew that she'd end up shutting down. It was something I learn during the apocalypse and that was one of the many things I knew about her.
"Who's the kid?" he asked "Diego's son, your nephew" I said and he nodded again before he grabbed his mimosa drink while I grabbed my glass of juice.
Five followed after me with one hand tucked into the pockets of his jeans while carrying his drink with his other hand.
"Wait, who's...Who's the mother?" Five asked Diego as he looked over at Stan.
"Lila" Diego answered "Excuse me?" Klaus asked as we all widened our eyes "Whoa, I should have expected that" I said as I sat back down on my chair before I took a bite of her bagel.
"Whoa, Lila's here?" Five asked "Was. She dropped him off in my lap last night then bolted" Diego said "I don't much care for that one" Klaus said "Don't" Diego said as he pointed his finger at Klaus.
"Technically, she's family" Five said "She was trying to murder us, like..." Klaus said and thought for a moment, trying to wrap his head around the time travel "Yesterday" he said "Yeah, like I said 'family'" Five said before he put down his drink on the table "That is true, Five and I hated each other so much and now we're a family" I said.
"Is she coming back?" Five asked Diego before he turned around to grab a chair from another table.
"Well, she goddamn better be, because we got more important things to be dealing with right now!" Diego said out loud causing Stan to look at him "Calm down. Shh" Klaus said to Diego "Be nice to him Diego, he's only 12" I said as Five sat down between me and Klaus.
"Be nice to him Diego, he's only a kid. I understand you are mad at Lila. But that is not a reason to yell at an innocent child, it's not his fault that he is your son. So don't blame him, you're the one who got down dirty with Lila in 63', not the kid, it's your fault that you didn't wear any protection, that's on you" I said as I pointed on Diego.
I then rested my head on my husband's shoulders. Five smiled before he stole a bagel of mine from my plate and placed a light kiss on my head.
"You two are so sweet" Klaus said as he looked at Five and I "Why'd you marry him?" he asked "Dehydrated" I joke and Five smiled as he nodded his head.
Both of us knew that we could have left each other or killed the other, but we didn't. Even if we were the last people alive, we were made for each other. Committed even in death or separation.
Then Vanya walked towards the table "Where's Luther?" she asked "Who cares? Probably out for...a run" Diego said and stopped himself when he saw Vanya with her short hair "...a run" he finished.
"Nice haircut, it suits you" I as I lifted my head off Five's shoulder said "Thanks" Vanya said "Mmm!" Klaus said as he swallowed his coffee "Love the haircut" he said as he waved his hand at her and she smiled.
"So, I, uh, talked to Marcus last night" she said "Wait, what? You talked with the enemy? By yourself?" Diego asked her "Somebody had to do something" Vanya said "Who elected you, Vanya?" Diego asked "It's, uh, Viktor" Vanya said "Who's Viktor?" Diego asked.
There was silence for a few seconds before she spoke up "I am" she said and you all looked at her understanding what she meant by that.
Viktor looked at his family hesitantly as we remained silent while we processed the information "Uh, is that an issue for anyone?" he asked and Klaus let out a chuckled.
"Nah, I'm good with it" Diego said "Yeah, me too. Cool" Klaus said as he put some nuts into his mouth before eating them.
"Why would we have issues with that, I mean a member of the family is half monkey" I said "True" Diego said "I'm good with it Viktor. I have no problem with it, people should be who they wanna be. Beside two members of my family is like that and I accept them, so I'm also accepting you. You are family Viktor so of course I accept you. I'm glad that you found yourself" I said "Thanks Y/n/n" Viktor said "Of course Vik" I said with a smile.
"Truly happy for you, Viktor" Five said and Viktor looked at him before Five raised his brows "But last time I checked, you don't speak for this family" he said.
"Okay, it's fine, okay? Marcus totally gets it" Viktor said as he sat down between Diego and you "He doesn't want a war any more than we do" Viktor said "What are you talking about? He tried to homicide us!" Diego said "So did Lila, and you had a kid with her" Klaus said "That's true" I said "That's not the point" Diego said as he turned to Klaus.
"We made a deal. He's gonna give back Five's briefcase, then we're gonna get out of the timeline. I'm gonna meet him later today for the, uh, the handover" Viktor said and Five let out a smile while Klaus clapped his hands in relief "Oh, thank God!" he said.
"Nice move Vik. But what is even your plan when you get the briefcase?" I asked "To go back and fix what ever we did back in 63' so we can go back to the original timeline" Viktor replied "That don't sound that bad" I said.
"That's a rookie move. Dude is playing you" Diego said "Oh, really?" Viktor asked as he was looking at Diego "Yeah, but maybe we can use this. And we turn it back on them, and then we wipe them the hell out" Diego said "Diego, stop, please. And you're not gonna, like, do anything today" Viktor said.
"Expect bond with your spawn" Klaus said and patted Diego on the shoulder "Alleged spawn" he corrected.
"Listen, I will get the briefcase, and then we will all go back and fix the timeline" Viktor said "Hey, we're not going anywhere! This is a perfectly acceptable timeline" Five said "Yeah, why don't you tell that to Allison, who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here!" Viktor said and my eyes widened for a second.
Poor Allison, she most be heartbroken, I know how it feels losing a kid. I'm still grieving over it, even so it has being years since Milo died.
God I miss me so much, every day.
I actually wish he was here with us, also Adam even so he only lived for a month, I still miss him everyday.
"Not to mention, we've been replaced by a bunch of blobs and cubes and birds and shit!" Diego said.
"News flash, geniuses! It's not about us! Take a look around. If you hadn't noticed, there's no doomsday. There's no apocalypse. The sun is shining. Birds are doing whatever the hell birds do" Five said "Five is right. That's all that matters. We're done messing with time. I would prefer a timeline where there is not another adult version of me out there now considering my physical state yes. I would like the possibility of seeing my family again, this timeline is safe. We're not bothered by the Commission or another apocalypse. No one is trying to kill us and we're all together. It's a fresh start for all of us" I said "Exactly. And Y/n/n and I are officially retired and we're gonna enjoy it together" Five said before he turned in his chair and Klaus sniffed at Five as he got up from the chair before walking to the buffet.
"Is he wearing aftershave?" Klaus asked them "I'm concerned" he said.
"Y/n" Viktor said and I looked at him "Well you talk to him?" he asked "I'm sorry about this, but I agree with Five. Yes I would prefer a timeline where there is not another adult version of me out there now considering my physical state yes. I would like the possibility of seeing my family again, this timeline is safe. We're not bothered by the Commission or another apocalypse. No one is trying to kill us and we're all together. It's a fresh start for all of us" I said.
Then the lights in hotel suddenly switched off all at once before it flickered back on a minute later.
"Come Y/n/n" Klaus said as he gestured me to follow him as he stood up from the table "Why?" I asked "Just come" Klaus said "Alright" I said before I got up, following after Klaus who walked over to Five that was standing by the buffet looking around as he think that it was weird about the lights.
"Hey. What do you say we get outta here, huh?" Klaus asked him and he looked at him "Take a little...road trip" he said "What are you talking about?" Five asked "I'm talking about a sojourn to the countryside. You and me, the wind in our hair. Thelma and Louise, on the open road" Klaus said and Five let out a scoffed "You know they die in the end, right? And I would prefer if my wife didn't die for a second time, thank you" he said while he took some food on his plate.
"Holding hands, living our best life, my little cherub!" Klaus said before he leaned closer to Five as he crouched down to his height while Five scooped a spoon of fruit on his plate.
"Listen to me. I nearly died from Luther's sleep farts last night while you and Y/n was having fun" Klaus said and you rolled your eyes "We need to get out of here, get some fresh air!" Klaus said as Five walked around the buffet before he stopped and turned to Klaus.
"Okay, I'll bite. Why me, Klaus?" he asked "Because you said...you said you're retired, and that's what retired people do. And don't you deserve some fun? And Y/n, our sweet Y/n is coming with us. You are coming with us right?" Klaus asked before he looked at me "Maybe a road trip can help me with the courage to finally approach my family. So I'm in" I said.
"There's no lobsters" Five said "Excuse me?" Klaus asked "There were three lobsters in that tank a minute ago" Five said "Yeah, well, you know, maybe Chet blended 'em into a morning smoothie" Klaus said.
Five tried to hide his smile as he looked back at Klaus "You're an idiot, but I'm in" he said "Whoo" Klaus said before he turned to me and kissed me on my forehead which cause me to pull away.
"Do that to me again and I will punch punch or find a brick and hit you in the head with it" I said "You wouldn't do that, you like me too much" Klaus said "Do you really want to bet on that?" I asked as I raised a brow "You better take her threats seriously, Klaus" Five said "Alright, I wouldn't do it again" Klaus said "Good. Thanks, bro" I said as I patted him on the shoulder before walking back to the table.
"Did you hear that, she called me bro?" Klaus asked as he looked at Five "I heard it" he said "I feel so speciel" Klaus said and Five smiled.
The sound of a woman humming gently was heard as Luther slowly opened his eyes and he could feel someone dipping a rag on his forehead.
"Mom?" he asked as he opened his eyes "Why do people keep calling me that?" Grace asked and Luther let out a groan "Where am I?" he asked "The Academy, silly. Everybody's waiting for you" Grace said "The Academy?" Luther asked confused before he sat up.
He then heard indistinct chatter in the background and the sound of a blender whirring from another room.
Luther grabbed a broom before he walked out of the room and into the gym, ready for fight.
He saw Sloane standing by the blender while Ben, Jayme, Chris, Fei and Alphonso was sitting by a long white table, eating as playful string music was playing in the background.
"Ah, there he is" Alphonso said as he looked at Luther.
Sloane turned her head to look at him as the blender stop whirring "Please, join us" Fei said.
"It's okay. Nobody's gonna hurt you" Ben said "Smoothie?" Sloane asked with a smile as she hold a smoothie out to Luther "Oh" he said as he looked at her with smile "Yeah, thanks" he said as he lowered the broom before he let out a chuckled as he grabbed the smoothie while Sloane took the broom.
"You must be starving" Fei said "Oh, uh..." Luther said as he walked over to the table while Sloane sat down "No, I...I probably shouldn't" he said before he spotted something on the table "Is that cashew butter?" he asked "Cashew butter, almond butter, sunflower butter, tahini, Brazil nut" Sloane said "Wow. You know what? Now that you mention it, I am feeling a little bit, uh, peckish, actually" Luther said "Help yourself" Alphonso said as him, Jayme and Fei was sitting on one side of the table while Ben, Sloane and Chris was sitting on the other side.
"Thanks" Luther said and went over to a sit that was across from Ben and between Fei and Alphonso.
Luther took a sip of the green smoothie "Wow" he said softly, surprise in how good it tasted.
He put the smoothie on the table and he sat down before he started grabbing some food.
Sloane smiled at him as he smiled nervously while he glanced at them.
"So, we know you're Number One, but we haven't been formally introduced yet. I'm Ben, Number Two" Ben said "It is so good to see you again, buddy" Luther said before he chuckled.
"Why does everyone keep looking at me like that?" Ben asked as he glanced at his siblings.
"Because you've been dead for 15 years" Luther answered as he looked at him and Ben raise a brow as he looked back at him "'Dead?' What do you mean, dead?" he asked and the others glanced at Luther.
"Kind of a long story" Luther said with a nervous smile.
"Anyway, I'm Fei, Number Three" Fei said "Alphonso, cuatro" Alphonso said "Sloane. Five" Sloane said and Luther looked at her "Hey" she said with a shy smile "Hey" Luther said with a smile.
"I'm Jayme, Six" Jayme said.
"That's Christopher, of course. Number Seven" Ben said as he pointed on the cube next to him and Chris said something.
"Oh, don't mind him. He's in a bit of saucy mood today" Ben said as the rest of the Sparrows let out a chuckled.
"He wouldn't get it" Alphonso said "It's just so--" Sloane said with a smile and small laugh which made Luther let out a laugh.
"Wait, uh, what about, um, Number One?" Luther asked "What about him?" Fei asked "Where is he?" Luther asked and Ben grabbed a butter knife before he stabbed it onto the table causing Luther to let out a gasp in shock.
"That's what we'd like to know" Ben said as the others looked at Luther causing him to lean forward a bit "Are we playing a game?" he asked Ben "Whatever game the Umbrellas are playing, you're gonna lose!" Ben said in a threatening voice as he put the butter knife on the table again.
"You took our Number One, so we took you" Ben said as he pointed his finger at Luther.
"Wait, we took Marcus?" Luther aske confused before he let out a chuckled "Why would we do that?" he asked "Act of war? Death wish?" Jayme said "The last time we saw him, he was with your sister" Sloane said "Which one?" Luther asked "The little one with the big powers" Fei said "Vanya? Huh" Luther said confused, not believing that Vanya would do something like that.
"Well, I gotta say, it does not sound like Vanya to go and kidnap anybody" Luther said before he chuckled "You know, having said that, I am usually the last to know about these kinda things" he said "You're their Number One. Shouldn't you know everything?" Ben asked "I know. You'd think so, Ben. Discipline has never really been our strong suit. It's pretty much a free-for-all over there" Luther said before he chuckled but the others just glanced at him like he was idiot.
"So, listen" Luther said as he put some Cashew butter on the bread.
"This sounds like an easy fix. I'll head back. I mean, my family's probably worried sick about me, to be honest. And if they have your guy, I'll send him back without a scratch. All right? No harm, no foul" Luther said as he looked at them.
"Hows' that sound?" he asked as he look at each of them "Good?" he asked as he looked back Ben who just stared at him with a rise eyebrow "Great" Luther said.
But as he was about to stand up, one tentacles grabbed Luther's shoulder before it push him back down on the chair.
"What's the rush? Stick around till Marcus is back" Ben said as the tentacles disappeared into his stomach.
Chris then started speaking menacingly as he float over to Luther.
"My family will come for me" Luther said as Ben wipe his mouth with a napkin "Wonderful" he said with a smile as he put the napkin on his plate "In the meantime, make yourself at home" he said before he grabbed his plate and stood up "Oh, and, uh...before I forget, if you try to escape, Fei's birds will peck your eyes out and make a nest inside your skull" Ben said calmly and Luther looked at Fei who chuckled before she grabbed her plate and got up "Cool" Luther said in a voice like he didn't like it at all.
Ben then sent Sloane a nod before he left.
"So, what do you like to do for fun?" Sloane asked Luther causing him to look at her.
After we had eat and Y/n and I had circled the different places we wanted to see along the road trip, we got into one of the hotel's cars before Klaus drove down the road.
Y/n was sitting on the car's backseat as Klaus was driving the car down a long and empty road that was between two long fields of grass.
I was sitting next to Klaus as the song 'Oogum Boogum by Brenton Wood' was playing in the radio.
Klaus slurped his drink loudly before he put the cup down.
"This actually isn't so terrible" I said "See? Told you" Klaus said.
"Come to think of it, my whole life I've been under the gun. Missions for Dad, working for the Commission, trying to survive the apocalypse, surviving multipel murder attempts" I joke the last part as I took a quick glanced at Y/n who was sitting on the backseat and she smiled before she grabbed my hand.
"I was always looking around every corner, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's nice to just breathe" I said "Good for you, man. Retirement is suiting you" Klaus said as he nodded along to the music that played over the radio.
"And the best part is that you are here with me" I said as I looked at Y/n who smiled before she gave me a quick kiss.
What would I do without this beautiful angel by my side.
"Oh! Uh...All right!" I said before I leaned forward in my seat and I opened the glove compartment before I took out a map "So, Y/n/n and I have circled all the roadside attractions along the way" I said as I unfolded out the map of Pennsylvania.
"I'm not sure we're gonna have time..." Klaus mumbled "We have the Brownsville Big Nickel" I said as I looked at the map "Oh, Ricky's Bakery has award-winning pies--" Y/n said "If you just let me explain..." Klaus said "Or there's this Cow Henge" I said before I glanced at Klaus "That's it--Don't---" I said with a smile.
"Listen to me" Klaus said out loud causing me to look at him "Just shut up for two seconds, okay? Just two seconds? All right?" Klaus said "Okay" I said before I folded the map back up "I'm all ears" I said as I turned to look at him.
"We are going to Pennsylvania to find my birth mother. Yay!" Klaus said and cheered "Excuse me?" Y/n and I asked.
You gotta be kidding me.
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I just need somebody to come with me for emotional support" Klaus said "Oh, emotional support, like a Schnauzer?" I questioned annoyed "I knew that you wouldn't come if I told you, so what was I supposed to do?" Klaus asked.
I can't believe that I was tick and not by anyone, but by my brother Klaus.
"You're goddamn right. I wouldn't have come, Klaus. You know why? Because I am supposed to be retired!" I said out loud "I know!" Klaus said "This was supposed to be a carefree road trip with my wife" I said "Well, it still can be, babe" Klaus said.
"If you two keep arguing, I will take the wheel and kick you both out of the car, then you can walk unless I run you both over" I said.
I was getting tired of their childish behavior.
Five looked back onto the road before his eyes then landed on a road sign.
'Ball of Twine'
"Ball of Twine? Klaus, turn!" Five said before he grabbed the wheel "Ball of Twine! Turn" he said as he turned the wheel causing the car to turn "What? Five! Five!" Klaus said before he also grabbed the wheel "It is one of the best ones! Come on!" Five said out loud and turned the wheel causing the car to turn sharp.
'Cause both of them was turning the wheel each way, the car began to veer to the left and right, avoiding the cars going by "Five, we're gonna die! Whoo!" Klaus shouted as he had his hands on the wheel "I don't care! Let's go!" Five shouted as the two was having their hands on the wheel, struggling to turn or not and I fell backwards.
Klaus stopped the car at the Ball of Twine and the three of us stepped out of the car before we walked closer to the Ball Of Twine.
"You know, we should buy one of those old cameras and take photos of us" Y/n said as her and I was looking up at the large Ball of Twine "Yeah, that would be nice. 'Cause we don't have pictures of us together" I said "Well, we couldn't find any cameras that wasn't broken in the apocalypse and we didn't had time after we joined The Commission. The only picture I have was taking from that time where we have just got married in the town hall" she said "That is also the only picture I have of us" I said.
"Yeah, you know. I don't know why, but I thought it'd be a lot bigger" Klaus said from behind Y/n and I "Seems pretty big to me" I said as I tucked my hands into my pockets while I kept my eyes on the ball.
This is nice, feeling the freedom and the peace and quiet.
"Ehh" Klaus said "Here's the real question. How do you know your birth mother is in Pennsylvania?" I asked before I turned to look at Klaus.
"Well" Klaus said as he took off his sunglasses "Because I was on the ass end of a two-week bender, and I can't tell you the exact date because we were boofing Xanax and the whole business, but Amy Winehouse was at the top of the charts" Klaus said as he walked up to Y/n and I.
"So that puts us somewhere, where? In the mid to late aughts? I helped myself into Dad's office, looking for the key to his safe cause he had Pogo lock up all the stealables. But instead, I found a treasure trove of our family history told in expired check stubs. I was too messed up to, uh, do anything about it, too scared to look her up. But always in the back of my mind, I wondered why she sold me off for three grand. I mean, come on, she couldn't have held out for five? Six?" he said "You see anything about my mother?" I asked and Klaus shook his head "No. Sorry" he said.
I had to admit, Klaus was not the only one that wanted to know where he is from. I wouldn't mind to know who my real mother was and where I was from.
"Why now?" Five asked "Well, duh. Dad disowns us. Grace isn't Grace. Ben's...gone. Now just felt like a good a time as any to find out who I could've been if I didn't grow up in this stupid family" Klaus said.
I know about Reginald buying Five and his siblings when they were babies just for his own good and how he raise them have always brought me to tears.
I was an emotional person and that sometimes took over me, especially in the situation I was in at the moment. My emotions were strong, sometimes they were my greatest gift and something my greatest nightmares.
"Well, can you really call what we had a family?" Five asked "No. It's more like a--" "Institute for Snarky Delinquents" Five said as he finished Klaus' sentence and Klaus let out a smile and a laugh "And not a good one at that" Five said before he looked up and let out a smile.
"But what is family? What is it?" Klaus asked and we looked at him "It's like some kind of giant...ball of twine that can never be untangled" he said "A giant ball of obligation I've been pushing uphill my entire life" Five said as he looked back up at the ball of twine.
"And the older you get, the bigger it gets. And the more you try an untangle it..." "You watch it roll down the hill..." Five added to Klaus' sentence as he cut him off.
"And what's the point?" the two brothers said at the same time before they turned to each other.
"Hey, I'm glad you came along" Klaus said and Five looked at him "You're a good brother" Klaus said and I smiled.
I was glad that finally there was one in Five's family that actually appreciate for everything he has done.
I blinked a few times with my eyes like I was shocked by that sentence and I was actually shocked to hear those words coming from other than Y/n.
I was not used to compliments therefore I didn't know what to say or how to react since this was the first time I have heard someone that wasn't Y/n say a compliments to me. I have done so much for my family. Saving them from the apocalypse, twice. Using my powers to rewind time, to bring them back to life. Putting my own life at risk to save them, risking everything in order for them to survive and no one in my family had being grateful or addressed words like that to me, they have all blamed me for the things that haven happen, except Klaus.
I smiled as I could see that those words impact on his heart and mind.
"All right, all right. You say nice things about me now" Klaus said and pointed at him as he noticed his brother's reaction.
But Five just turned around before he patted his brother's shoulder "Let's go find your stupid mother" he said before walking towards the car.
Klaus smiled as he turned around "Love you too, tiny dancer!" he said as he ran after him with a smile.
"The harder you try, the better impression you set on the people around you"
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