"Sometimes we miss memories more than the person"
I walked into a store before I put my six-year-old younger brother name Gabe down from my back.
My nine-year-old younger brother Jesse and my 17-year-old older brother Robert together with my parents Lydia and Martin walked into the store.
"Hello, how can I help you today?" a young woman asked from behind the counter "We are here to pick up a cake under the name Russell" Lydia said.
"I think that Grandpa will be happy when he ses the cake" Gabe said "Oh yeah, I think that Grandpa Oscar will definitely be happy when see this cake" Lydia said "Will cousin Chandler and Griffin be there?" Jesse asked "Of course they will" Martin said "I spoken to my brother, he will be there in about an hour" Lydia said to her husband who nodded.
While we were all waiting for the cake, I noticed Robert staring at two girls around his age sitting over by a table in the corner.
He stared at them in a flirting way and they smiled at him, so I decided to have some fun.
"You know, nothing is going to happen if you just stare at them like an idiot" I said out loud which caused the girls to giggled before they grabbed their bags and left.
"Thank you, sis" Robert said sarcastically "You're welcome, bro" I said with a sarcastically smile before I looked at my mom "Mom, can I go down to the store around the corner, I need to buy a birthday gift for Grandpa?" I asked "Of course sweety" Lydia said "What are you gonna buy him?" Jesse asked "A picture frame and then I will put a picture of us in it" I replied "That sound like a good gift, I think he would love it" Lydia said.
"I will go with you" Martin said "Dad, I'm 14, I can handle walking over to a store alone" I said.
He is always so protected of me. It's annoying some of the time.
"I'm just not safe with my little girl walking over to a store alone with all those freaks out there" Martin said "I will be fine, it's just around the corner, I have my cellphone on me and I can fight a little bit from what you taught me" I said "What if you get one of your seizures?" Lydia asked "I have my walkman on me. It have always help me calm down" I said "Alright, fine. We will be meeting by the car in a 30 minutes, alright" Martin said "I will be back within 30 minutes" I said.
"Be careful you don't get kidnapped" Jesse said "I will" I said "And if she does get kidnapped, they will bring her back" Robert said and I furrowed my eyebrow at him "Very funny" I said sarcastically.
"But if she is attacked, The Umbrella Academy will come to save the day again" Gabe said "They are so cool, I have all their comics and action figures" Jesse said "And if a bad guy attack you, they will come and help you and maybe one of them will fall for you and you are gonna live happy ever after in your little pink castle" Robert said sarcastically "I'm not the girls from my class" I said as I looked at Robert.
"Beside I don't even like The Umbrella Academy, why would I fall for them, I rather stab myself with a fork than fall for one of them. Not a chance I will date one of them, it's never going to happen. I don't like them, in fact I hate them" I said "Why don't you like them?" Jesse asked "I just think they are so much showoff. It's like 'look at me, I have superpowers, I'm a superhero. I'm saving the day'" I said with a scoff "And they look ridiculous with those domino mask on" you replied "But they are superheroes" Gabe said "Just because you have superpowers, doesn't make you a hero" I said.
"Well, I don't think you such judge them before you get to know them" Lydia said "And that is why you don't have any friends" Robert said "Robert" Lydia said as she looked at him "What?" he asked "I did had friends, two best friends. But they stabbed me in the back. Then I got a new one, but she moved to another city and we lost contact" I said "But maybe if you try to open more up and try to talk to people and not be such a loner" Lydia said "And then you wouldn't be sitting by the cafeteria alone" Robert said "I do that by choice" I said "School's choice" Robert said "Isn't that your new nickname?" I asked and the two of us sent each other a death glare "Robert, leave your sister alone and Y/n" Lydia said and I looked at my mom "Nice save" she said and I smiled.
"But your mom is right, maybe it's best if you start to opened more up and start to talk to the girls from your grade some more, make some new friends, it will be good for you" Martin said "I don't need friends" I said "Everyone does" Lydia said and you let out a scoff "Well, it is not that easy" I said as I put my arm on cross in front of my chest before letting out another scoff.
My mom let out a smile as she walked closer to me before she crouched down so she was in my eye level "We are just worried about you sweetheart, you don't get out that much, and you are not very social, you need friends, be with someone your age" Lydia said "I had friends, look how that ended" I said "Sweetheart" Lydia said.
"Listen, I don't want to talk about it. I will go to the store and buy a gift for Grandpa, I will be back within 30 minutes" I said a little aggressive before I turned around "We love you" Lydia and Martin said "Yeah, yeah" I said as I waved my arms while I exits the store.
"Go with her" Martin said as he was looking at Robert "But--" "Please just do it, her bad heart, so just go with her just in case she gets one of her seizures" Martin said "She haven't had one of her seizures for months" Robert said "Please son. Just in case" Martin said "Alright, fine" Robert said before he let out a sigh as he walked out of the store.
"Sis, wait up!" I heard Robert called as he ran up to me "Did dad sent you?" I asked "Hey, I don't like it either. Beside someone have to watch out for you" he said as he ruffled my hair "Stop that" I said as I push his hand away.
"Poor that guy that is gonna marry you one day" he said "Who say I want to marry someone. I mean who want to marry me" I said.
I didn't lied, I mean who want to marry someone like me, with my issues and personality, I'm too much to handle, so nobody want to marry me, not even date me or even fall for me.
But maybe that would be good cause I would dead when I turn 50 anyway. Maybe even sooner with my ill heart.
Maybe that is why it's best I don't have any friends or a boyfriend. I don't to leave more people behind. I don't want to hurt or cause more people anymore pain.
"Hey, lighten up little sis. One day you are gonna meet someone who can handle all your issues and all your shit" he said "And that comes from you, who is a real playboy. You remind a lot of Joey from the TV serie 'Friends'" I said "Well, thank you sis, I will take that as a compliment" he said and I rolled my eyes while I let out a scoff.
He is so annoying, sometimes I actually wish I was all alone in the world.
The two of us came to the store and I turned to look at my brother "Can you stay out here and wait?" I asked "Why?" he asked "Cause it's enough that you went with me, but I don't need someone watching me 24/7. It will only take 10 minutes. Beside I know you didn't wanted to follow me" I said "Fine. But I know that dad will kill me if I return without you, so I will be waiting right over there" he said as he pointed on a bench down the street that was close to a café.
I raised a brow "Hey, I don't like babysitting you either, but Dad will kill me. So we just have to deal with it" he said and I let out another scoff before I turned around and walked into the store.
I bought the gift to my Grandpa and I put it in my bag before I walked out of the store.
I looked towards the bench to see my brother talking to girl around his age and I could see that he was so focus in flirting with the girl that he didn't notice me.
I let out a chuckled as I rolled her eyes before going through my bag.
"Not ready my ass" I heard a voice said and that was the last thing I heard before I saw a blue light in front of my eyes at the same time I felt someone bumping into my shoulder and then everything went black.
Y/n opened her eyes to see that a white florescent lights nearly blinded her, forcing her to close her eyes again.
After adjusting her eyes to the bright light, she noticed that she had some kind of oxygen mask on.
She looked around to see that she was in some kind of huge white room.
Her eyes looked to the right to see a monitor next to her and she could hear voices outside the room.
She was so tried and exhausted that she couldn't keep her eyes opened and they closed again.
While they were closed, it was like she could feel someone grabbing her, and she felt a blue flashing light again before the person put her down again.
Y/n thought nothing of it, cause she was too tired and exhausted that she thought that she was just dreaming things.
After a few hours, she opened her eyes again to see that she was in a different room, this one was bigger, but all the lights were off and the room look like, no one has being here for years.
She also noticed that she didn't had the mask on anymore.
Was what she saw before a dream?
I sat up in bed before looking around confused, my head was fuzzy and my vision blurry.
I lifted my hands, rubbing my eyes a few times before I looked around "Mom, dad. Gabe, Jesse, Robert!" I called out but nobody answered.
"How the hell did I ended up here?" I asked as I looked around.
The machine next to my bed was turn off and the light above me were all turn off.
The place looked dead and empty, like there haven't been anyone for years.
I was really confused in how and why I was here.
"What is happening?" I asked as I got out of the bed. I looked down to see that I was wearing the same clothes I was wearing that day I blacked out.
I looked around to see my bag over by a table so I walked over to the table and put my bag on my back, grabbed my walkman and my headphone that was also on the table before putting them in my inner pocket.
"Okay" I said before walking out of the room.
The place I was some kind of basement and I walked up the many steps of stairs before I came to a door.
I took a deep breath before I put my hand on the handle and opened the door and what I saw was a shock which make me freeze.
Everything was destroyed and in ruins, burning with orange flames.
It looked like a warzone, something I have only seen in the news, in movies and TV series.
"What the hell" I looked around.
There was not a single soul, no sound of car engine or loud chatter. It was dead silent. Not even the sound of birds could be heard.
"MOM. DAD" my voice cracked into a sob as I began looking around for my family.
I didn't even recognize the area was in "ROBERT, GABE, JESSE. ANYONE!" I shouted while walking around the area, in hopes to get a response but nobody answered.
I was really confused in how and why I was here, I tried to pinch to see if I was dreaming, but I felt it which mean that this wasn't a dream, it was real and I started breathing heavily "It's okay, Y/n, take some deep breath. Calm down" I said to myself as I was freaking out and I could feel that I was about to have a panic attack.
I quickly pulled up my headphones that was connected to my walkman. I put my headphones on before I pressed play on my walkman and I started taking some deep breath while I had my eyes closed and I was feeling myself calming down as I could hear the music.
You see I have a weak and ill heart, not like that I can't survive and made some hard choices or it can't handle me running fast.
I can get panic attacks and seizures, if I'm too nervous, scared or stress or angry. And if it's get worse and if I don't calm and I don't get control over my galloping heart beating, it will collapsed, my heart will pound too much and it's simple stops which mean I will get a heart attack. And my anxiety don't make it better.
My panic attacks, seizures and my anxiety can get my pulse to start raising and pounding too much which will trigger my heart to start beating faster and that is not good for my heart. It need to have the normal beating.
My family was told by a doctor that I needed something to help me when I'm alone. Therefore my family bought me a walkman to help me with this and it have helped me a lot, therefore I was glad that I still had it on me.
"That's it" I said, taking some deep breaths as I could feel my heart beat slowing down.
But then the sound of footsteps was heard which caused me to opened my eyes and I turned around to see a person farther ahead, looking at me.
I took off my headphones as we were staring at each other.
As the person took a step forward, I took a step back while I put my headphones back in my inner pocket.
I then turned around before running into a tall building that was in ruins.
I didn't knew who this person was, they could be dangerous, they could be some psycho that is looking for the next person to kill.
They could be the person who have done all of this and want to kill me.
I could hear footsteps approached which caused me to crouched down so my body was hiding behind a small pillar before I grabbed one of the many bricks that was laying around me.
I have big trust issues and you can't blame me from what I have being through. Therefore I think the best way was to hide and find something to defend myself.
I continued walking towards that building, my brows furrowed deeply, unsure if the yelling I had just heard and the figure I just saw was real or part of a hallucination.
I mean it could be my mind messing with me, but I have only being here for a few hours, and it don't go that fast for your mind to mess with you.
I tightened my grip more around the brick I was holding as the sound of footsteps grew louder.
The person stopped right next to me, and I saw that it was a young boy with short dark brown hair that almost looked black.
When the boy turned to look at me, I swung my arm at him, hitting him in the face with the brick which caused him to let out a grunt as he fell to the ground.
I let go of the brick before I turned around and started running away "WHAT THE FUCK!" I could hear the boy shouting. He didn't sound happy and who would when they just got hit with a brick, I was surprise that he was not out cold. But I didn't hit him that hard.
I ran across the street ahead of me but suddenly the boy appeared in front me in a blue light which caused me to stop.
How the hell did he do that?
The boy swung his fist at my face, hitting me, knocking me to the ground.
"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted as I rubbed my jaw "Yeah what the hell" the boy said as he wipe the blood that ran down from his left eyebrow off "That was payback" he said.
I scanned the boy, he looked familiar, he had short dark brown hair that almost looked black and green eyes. He was wearing a blue school uniform. A dress shirt, tie, and vest underneath a blue blazer with matching schoolboy short, and with blue shorts and black knees length socks.
"Is that really how you treat a girl?" I asked "If they hit me in the face with a brick, then yeah" he said as the two of us glanced at each other with a killer glare before I got up.
But then I swung my arm at him, hitting him again with another brick I had pick up.
"WHAT THE FUCK, AGAIN, REALLY!" the boy shouted as I started running, still holding the brick.
But then the boy appeared again in front of me in a blue light which caused me to stop.
How the hell can he keep doing that?
I swung the brick at the boy but he dodged it before he then vanished from in front of me in a flash of blue light which caused me to look around confused.
How can he do that?
The boy appeared behind me before he wrapped his arm around my throat "Can you calm down" he said but but then I bit his hand causing to scream in pain and I then headbutted him causing him to stumble back.
I'm glad my dad taught me how to fight and defend myself.
I turned around before I swung a kick at his face, but as he hit the ground he disappeared again before he appeared behind her and as I turned around, he punched me in face, just with a stronger hit which caused me to fall to the ground.
"You done?" he asked as he wipe the blood off his face and I looked at him as I was panting.
He didn't look happy, and who would after they have being punch with a brick two times and they bitting in the hand by the same person in less than a minute.
Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face (whoa oh oh)
There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down
"You are a spicy one" he said as he looked at drop of blood on his fingers "Who taught you to fight like that?" he asked "My dad" I replied "Well, skill dad" he said and I let out a scoff as I got up.
I know life would suck without you (whoa oh oh)
"What's your name?" he asked "Why do you care?" I asked "Cause you just hit me in the face with a brick two times, mess it up a bit, you bit me in the hand and then kicked me. I think you owe me a name" he said but I just let out a scoff before I turned around but then he suddenly appeared in front of me again in a blue flash light.
He have just met me a few minutes ago, and he make me want to wrapped my hands around his neck or at least break one of this bones, that is a new record.
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
You're an asshole but I love you
"How are you doing that?" I asked "Tell me your name and I might tell you" he said as he gave me a sarcastic smile.
And you make me so mad, I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
You're the only love I've ever known
"If you don't wipe that smile off your face I might do it with a brick" I said and he let out a chuckled.
But I hate you, I really hate you
So much I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
"No manners I see" he said "Only for people that deserve it and you don't" I said "You have a temper princess" he said "Stop calling me that" I said a little aggressive "Then tell me your name" he said and I let out a sigh "Y/n Russell" I said "Beautiful name" he said as he tilted his head a bit while a small smirk spread across his lips as he put his hands in his pockets.
Nothin' else can break my heart like
True love, true love
It must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you
Why does a small part of me, like that smile?
Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings
Just once please try no to be so mean (whoa oh oh)
Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E
I now realized who this boy was. He was one of the kids from the Umbrella Academy, the famous crime-fighters who wears domino mask and I knew which one of the kids he was.
Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance!)
You can do it babe
At the same time, I wanna hug you
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
Five Hargreeves aka Number Five.
Even so I was never interested in the Umbrella Academy and wanted nothing to do with them, I was still forced to listen to my younger brothers talking about them all day long, everytime I was watching them.
"Are you not gonna tell me your name?" I asked "Why should I?" he asked "Look who don't have any manners now?" I asked and he untucked his hands from his pockets.
"Don't you know who I am?" he asked before he let out a chuckled "Five. Five Hargreeves" he introduced himself as he stretched his arm towards me but I just gave him the finger which caused him to chuckled "I would have down the same" he said as he lowered his hand.
You're an asshole but I love you
And you make me so mad, I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
"I knew you were him" I said "So you do know about me?" he asked "Yeah, well my younger brothers do" I said as I brushed some dust off my clothes.
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you
So much I think it must be
True love, true love
"Well, Five Hargreeves it was not nice to meet you. Bye" I said as I walked passed him "Where are you going?" he called out after me "Away from you" I said and he let out a scoff.
I took a deep breath before I decided to follow her. Which I don't really get why I did it.
It must be true love
Nothin' else can break my heart like
True love, true love
It must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you
I notice how that annoying boy name Five kept following me and everytime I stopped to see if I could find anything, he stopped and put his hands in his pockets before he looked around, acting like normal.
I turned my head a little bit to see that he was farther behind me "Stop following me!" I shouted before I turned around and continue walking forwards which made Five follow me.
"Stop following me, it's creepy!" I called out but he didn't stop. He kept following me, like a lost puppy. It was so annoying.
"Okay, that's enough" I said before stopping which caused him to stop as well before he looked around.
I picked up a rock before I turned around and throw it at him, hitting him in the left shoulder causing to grunt in pain "HEY" he shouted at me "HEY YOURESELF. WHAT IS YOUR PROBELEM, REALLY? WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?" I shouted at him "Isn't there anyone else you can annoy?" I asked "I don't think there is anyone left alive" he said "Then cling yourself to a mannequinen, I don't fucking care, just not me okay. Stop following me or else I will throw a brick at you again, I think your face needs a third time" I said.
Think it must be love (I love you)
I think it must be love (I love you)
Why do you rub me up the wrong way?
"Listen" he as he took a step closer to me "I think we better stay together" he said and I let out a scoff "Hey, I don't like it either, but since we might be the last two people left alive, it will be a good idea to stay together. It's more safe" he said as two drops of blood felled down from the cuts on his face that he have gotten from when I punched him two times with a brick.
'Maybe he should take care of it before it get infected'
'Wait why do I care about that? Pull yourself together Y/n'
Why do you say the things that you say?
Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be
But without you I'm incomplete
"No" I said "But--" "No but. Stop following me, or I will be the only person left alive" I threated before I turned around and began walking away "You need me!" he called out and I stopped before I turned my head to look at him "Why do I need you?" I asked "'Cause I can travel through time and space" he answered "Then get us out" I said "It's not that simple. I overrated my powers, which is how I landed here. Now I just have to find a way back. I don't have the full control. But when I find a way out, I think you want out too, and if we are gonna survive this, it's better to stay together" he said.
I think it must be
True love, it must be true love
It must be true love
"How do I know that you're not gonna kill me?" I asked "How do I know that you are not gonna kill me?" he repeated as he pointed on me "Cause I'm not kind of person" I said "Well that is hard to believe after what you just did. I mean you have already punched me two times in the face with a brick" he said "You deserved it" I said "You deserved the punch too" he said "Listen, I don't like you, in matter of fact, I hate you" I said "Trust me the feelings are the same. But we don't have to like each other, let's just stay together until we get out of here or until we find another survivor" he said.
"Alright, but as soon as we are out of here, we are gonna go our separate ways and never see each other again" I said "I couldn't agree more" he said "And you are not allowed to fall in love with me" I said and he let out a small laugh "Never gonna happen. I rather set myself on fire. And you are not allowed to fall in love with me" he said "I rather stab myself with a knife" I said and I put my hands on cross in front of my chest.
"Alright" I said as I let out a disappointing sigh "Hey, I don't like it either. In fact I hate it too" he said.
Nothin' else can break my heart like
True love, true love
It must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you
I rolled my eyes, this is the worst things that have ever happen to me and that beat waking up from a coma to find out that an apocalypse has happen.
Of all the people in the world, I had to get stuck with this boy, one of the people I hate the most.
I was stuck with Five fucking Hargreeves.
But it's just temporary, it's not like we will be stuck with each other for life, right?
I really hate this, but it might be better than being alone. I really hate that boy, but why does a part of me like him already?
Yeah, he is handsome but no way in hell would I fall for him and even if I did, he would never fall for me.
I really hope we get out of here.
But maybe I should give this boy a chance.
I remember what my mother always told me, never judge people before you get to know them.
So maybe I should give Five Hargreeves a chance, he might not be that person I think he is.
I really hate this, but it might be better than being alone. I really hate that girl, but why does a part of me like her already.
Yeah, she is beautiful and spicy but no way in hell I would fall for her, and even if I did, she would never fall for me.
But maybe I should give this girl a chance, she might not be that person I think she is.
True love, it must be true love
It must be true love
Then I spotted a newspaper laying on the ground.
I didn't look at Y/n as I stepped around her to grab the newspaper before I lifted it up while Y/n turned around to see what I was doing.
I moved the paper closer to my face and my eyes widened "Holy..." he said "What?" Y/n asked but I didn't answer and she snatched the newspaper from my hands before her eyes scanned it.
"April 1st 2019?" I said as I saw the date on the top of the newspaper before I looked at Five who nodded.
"How did you get this?" I asked but he didn't answer "Five Fucking Hargreeves, answer me when I'm talking to you. How do you get this?" I asked as I pointed on the newspaper.
"I found it right there" he said as he pointed on the ground behind him.
"It doesn't make sense" I said "How so?" he asked "Because before I woke up from a coma it was 9th Juni 2003" I said "Yeah so?" he asked "So why does the newspaper article say April 2019?" I asked "Because that's the date. The date this happen" he said before he took a deep breath "I think we are in the future" he said and my eyes widened "So you are saying that I we are 16 years into the future?" I asked and he nodded.
"Never stop believing, because miracles happens every day"
A/N: I think it would match that the Reader and Five met in the apocalypse and had a hate to lover relationship, cause I loved those kind of relationship and also I have planning other Five Hargreeves Fan fiktions where most of them are not an enemy to lover story and I only have another one where the main character meet Five in the apocalypse but they don't have a hate to lover story.
And since I already have publish a Five story where he meet the main character in The Commission and they have a hate to friends, to lover story, I think it would make sense that I made another story where Five meet the main character in the apocalypse and they have a hate to lover story.
The Reader's first meeting with Five in the apocalypse, like how you punched him with a brick two times and you biting him when he tried to wrapped his arms around you to calm your down. Some of it I was inspired by a movie I saw and first I was not gonna used it, but then my friend and I talk about it and it would make sense that the Reader would do that to Five since that all of the temper is because of the anger issue and is also in the personality and both my friend and I would probably have done the same.
I mean you wake up to find out something terrible have happen, you are scared and alone. Then you see a strange person and he start running towards you.
You don't know that person, they could be dangerous, so you have to defend yourself. I would have done it cause you don't know who it is.
I mean I wouldn't have walked up to them and giving them the hand, acting all nice, I would have done what Reader did.
Fun fact: Y/n Russell is actually kinda another version of Jane Griffin that is from one of my other books called 'partners in crime' if Y/n had spend more time in The Commission, like if she have spend her whole childhood there, she would have being like Jane, a part of her personality is like Jane, but most of her is sweet and kind.
Hope you like the book so far. Vote or comment if you did.
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