
this is set in 2019. please don't leave hate for this being current frikey. i love and respect Jamia and Kristin and would never force frikey upon Mikey/Frank, ever.

.Tw/ mentioned eating disorders

The trashcan by his feet that was once filled with scrunched up artwork was now filled with the sickening stench of vomit. He was sick as a dog, he had been for a long time now, but he couldn't take a break with the deadline of his comic fast approaching. Instead, he had his bucket for puking into and a couple boxes of anti-sickness pills

."Liam you son of a fuck.." Mikey grumbled as he erased the characters face with the end of his pencil. Mikey had the same passion for art as his brother did. Collapser was his very first project, Liam James was the protagonist and damn, Mikey couldn't get his face to look right.

He was getting used to the taste of vomit rushing to his mouth. He didn't expect it all suddenly. He began gagging and retching, desperately scrambling for the trash can and grabbing it just in time for a mouthful of vomit to pour out and into the can.

"What the hell is going on with me?" He muttered, spitting out a chunk of half digested food. "Frankie?"

Frank was like Mikey's best friend, his other half, his partner in crime, whatever cheesy names they could come up with. They were meant to be, that was for sure.

.Frank quickly rushed into Mikey's office, seeing his pale, weak husband hunched over the desk with a trash can of vomit between his legs. Mikey looked at Frank, with bags under his faded, exhausted eyes. His lips were chapped and cracked and he looked a mess.

"Again baby..? You poor thing.." Frank cooed. He took the bucket away and lifted Mikey up. Mikey was actually quite light, Frank could easily pick him up and carry him around if he wanted to.

"No Frank, i gotta work.." Mikey weakly mumbled, attempting to scramble away from his husband but putting up zero fight. "Oh God...my stomach hurts so bad.."

"I'm worried about you. You've been getting really sick recently.

"He gently lay Mikey in the middle of their bed, removing his leather jacket and gently stroking his cheek. Mikey stunk badly of sweat and vomit, but that was the least of Franks concerns as sweat continued to pour down Mikey's sickly face.

"And i'm getting kinda fat too. These jeans feel really tight all of a sudden." Frank took that as an opportunity to shimmy the jeans down Mikey's legs and toss them across the room. Mikey was right, he was gaining weight. It was strange since Mikey had been vomiting so often recently
.''I don't think you're fat, maybe its just your hormones. Since you started taking your anxiety meds more, i think they've made you gain a little weight. But you still look so gorgeous to me."

Frank and David were the ones to force Mikey to rehab and therapy, after a lengthy fight with alcoholism and anxiety. He was doing good and was sober for a number of years now, life seemed to be looking up for him. After all, he knew with Frank by his side to support him, nothing bad could happen.

"I don't see what you ever saw in me." Mikey said with an exhausted sigh. He was even trying to hide the fact he was overworking himself with his comic by hiding his eye bags with concealer and foundation. They were so dark that it looked like he'd been punched in both eyes, Frank was genuinely concerned someone was beating Mikey up and he was more than ready to fight the fucker that dared laying a finger on his husband.

"Everything, i saw everything in you baby. Now you get some rest, and shout me if you need me, okay? I'll get you some water and some crackers."


Mikey must've slept half the day, cause when he woke up, it was dark outside. He could hear the TV playing faintly from downstairs, and he could still taste the foul taste of vomit lingering in his mouth. The trashcan that was filled when he went to sleep was now empty, Frank must've emptied it despite how much he hated the smell of puke.

There was a glass of water with cold condensation on the glass, and a plate of crackers and a little pot of cheese. Mikey still felt awful, but he thought having something to eat might settle his nausea.

He grabbed a plain cracker and nibbled it first before taking a bite. He was gagging at the thought of eating while he felt so ill, but he ate it anyway cause he knew Frank would want him to try. The first went down easy with a glass of water, hw lay back against the pillow, sighing while he fought away a massive wave of nausea.

"Fuck...The deadlines next week.." He muttered to himself. The publishers of Collapser expected issue one to be completed that week, Mikey was only on the third page. He felt sick, but he had to get himself out of bed to work on his comic.

Quietly, so Frank didn't know, he walked out of the bedroom and into his office, but he didn't expect to see Frank at the desk with the comic in his hand. "Hey, what are you doing out of bed? You should be resting.."

Mikey just rubbed his eyes and feigned a yawn. "I'm feeling better now, think it's just a bug. What are you doing with my comic?"
"I was reading it. I'm really excited to see what happens to Liam. Thats a really nice name, Liam James. Guessing you took James from your own name?"

Mikey nodded. He swivelled the chair around so Frank was facing him before he found a comfy position on Franks legs, sitting and facing forward on him. Frank could feel the sweaty, clammy body on top of him, Mikey smelt bad of sick and sweat, but he didn't complain since Mikey wasn't feeling great. Despite Mikey's lie, Frank knew for a fact Mikey didn't feel well.

"You're so pretty." Frank said with a giggle, hands on Mikey's slender waist. Mikey was gaining weight, he never used to be that heavy. Frank knew better than to tell his partner they were gaining weight, maybe it was a good thing. For a year before their marriage, Mikey suffered with anorexia and bulimia, and though he was better now, he still had his bad days.

"I feel like...death." Mikey grumbled, his hot breath against Franks neck. Mikey knew something was wrong, he never gained weight that fast. Sure, since his eating disorder days were behind him and he finally decided enough was enough, and he attempted to put weight back on, he seemingly couldn't. He had always been slender, no matter what he ate.

"My poor baby. Maybe we should take you to a doctor, its been a few weeks and you've not been doing well at all. Not to mention you wanting to eat everything or absolutely nothing. What's going on..? Is it about your eating disorders..?"

"No. Its...nothing like that." To be honest, that phrase made Mikey's skin crawl just thinking about the horrific aftermath of his disorder. They put him in a mental hospital and he wasn't allowed to see Frank for a full two months while he got 'better'. He came out feeling crappier than before. "I think i just caught a stomach bug or something. I wouldn't dare to think about that bullshit anymore."

He spent a full year trying to make himself 'perfect', and the eating disorders didn't just affect him. It affected Frank; it was scaring him to see Mikey's weight and health rapidly declining, all because his (at the time) fiancé thought Frank didn't love his body anymore. Frank adored Mikey, regardless of his weight, or lack thereof. He was waiting with a big smile and a hug ready for when Mikey came out of hospital. Just like always, he supported Mikey throughout recovery.

"You can always talk to me if you're feeling bad again. Not talking was what got us into that mess and i cannot watch you go through that again. You understand me, mister Iero?"

Mikey giggled, his face moving closer to gently press a kiss on Franks lips. "Got it. So what do you think of my comic? You think its gonna sell?"

"Definitely! I mean...Jesus, you're an amazing writer based on the little overview you wrote and your art is...so amazing. I fucking love you, you're so talented! Now go brush your teeth, you smell of vomit"
Mikey just groaned, clinging to Frank tighter and burying his face into his neck. He wasn't about to let go of this hug no matter how many times Frank would ask, he was too comfy to move. "Shh...Let me cuddle you.." He grumbled.

"You can cuddle me after you brush your teeth. Get up."Frank gently pushed Mikey down so he landed safely on the floor, Frank laughed as he heard Mikey grumbling something about hugs and not being bothered to brush his teeth.He scrambled to the bathroom, his vision becoming blurred as he walked towards the sink. It was just a wave of pure dizziness and nausea as he felt like the room was spinning around him. He tried calling out for Frank but all that came up was a sickening taste of puke.

He couldn't make it to the toilet and he doubled over, clutching his stomach as its contents of water and crackers emptied onto the tile floor. Once he was done, he was about to get Frank to help him clean up when another dizzy spell hit him. He stumbled a little, wiping the sick from his chin, before collapsing onto the cold floor, right into a puddle of his own puke


All credit for the first 6 chapters and the idea for this goes to the original author my_frerard__romance and I thank them for letting me complete the book.

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