I Feel Nothing


[Third Person Pov]

Peridot was concerned, 9 has been in his lab for 3 days. She didn't check on him till now because she thought he needed space, but this may be too much. He hasn't even contacted anyone. She knocked on the door of his lab.

Peridot: 9? Are you in there?


Peridot: ...9?

She pressed her ear to the door.


Peridot: What the.....9?


Peridot pushed the door lightly, it opened a bit. That was another red flag, 9 always locks the door.

Peridot: 9 I'm coming in!

Peridot pushed the door open and looked for 9. His lab was noticeably more dark and dirty, making Peridot a little nervous. The thudding got louder and louder the deeper she went in. She eventually found the source of the sound, 9 banging his head against a wall.

Peridot: What the?-9 stop! You can crack yourself!

9 stopped for a moment and looked at Peridot.

Peridot: Woah!

His eyes were red, like, really red, like he's been crying for the past 3 days.

9: ....How did you get in?

Peridot: ....Huh? O-Oh, uh, the door was unlocked.

9: ......Oh......

He turned aroumd and started banging his head again. Peridot walked up to him and grabbed his shoulder.

9: *sigh* What do you want?

Peridot: 9, you've been in here for three days, I'm starting to worry. What are doing in here?

9: In studying nunya.

Peridot: What's nunya?

9: Nunya business.

Peridot: What is nunya business?

9: ...Nevermind.

Peridot: 9...I know we aren't close enough for this question, but what is your past?

9 froze completely and his eyes widened.

9: ......Out.

Peridot: What?-


Peridot jumped a bit when he yelled.

9: I-I-I'm sorry I just....I....

9 buried his face in his hands.

9: Please...just leave....

Peridot: .....No. I...I can't just leave you here. 9 talk to me.

9: Why do you care?

Peridot: ...Because you're my friend 9. And I'm here for you.

9: .......Sit down, this gonna take a while.

Peridot nodded and for comfortable.

9: You cannot. Tell. Anyone.

Peridot: What happens in here, stays in here.

9: ...*sigh* Alright.

~~~1000 Years Ago

9 was walking around Homeworld with an Amethyst guard, his girlfriend actually. They've been together for 100 years. Except...well....

Amethyst: Did you make it yet?

9: U-Uh...n-n-not yet, sorry. I uh, should have it done by next-

She smacked the side of his head.

Amethyst: You'll have it done in 3 days.

9: O-Ok.

The Amethyst smiled and put an arm around him.

9: So uh...I found out how-

Amethyst: I didn't ask.

9: Oh uh, sorry.

Amethyst: Stop talking.

9 kept his mouth shut.

(Peridot): Wait, why would you be with someone who harms you?

(9): I used to be an idiot Peridot. Some foolish-fool desperate for any kind of love, even if it was one sided. She'd always do what she'd wanted to me to get what she wants. And she somehow managed to convince me every time that it was my fault.

(Peridot): That's....that's horrible!

(9): It gets worse.....

Amethyst: Peridot!

9: Y-Y-Yes dear?

Amethyst: Where have you been?!

9: I was just walking.

Amethyst: Where?

9: A-Around....

Amethyst: Peridot, do you want to make me worry?

9: N-No!

Amethyst: Then from now on you have to tell me where you're going, no matter where it is.

9: But-

Amethyst: OK?!

9 nodded.

(9): She controlled everything I did. Where I went, who I was with, how I did things, everything. I couldn't even have a moment without her down my neck.

(Peridot): Why didn't you just leave her?

(9): I told you, she convinced me it was all my fault, and she did what she did out of love. Heh, can't believe I fell for that. Of course, she didnt really care about how I really felt, but I was to stupid to see she didn't really love me back. For hundreds of years she's hit me, yelled at me, even cheated in me once, and I still couldn't tell. Heh...desperate for love....

(Peridot): ...If this is getting uncomfortable-

(9): I want to finish....please, I want you to know. The thing was, she expected everything from me. Whether or be tools, compliments or something more...explicit. Whatever she wanted, I gave it to her.

(Peridot): What?! Why would you want to live like that?!

(9): I don't know why. I don't know why anyone would want this lifestyle.

(Peridot): So...how did you get out of it?

(9): ....Someone saved me....

9 and the Amethyst were walking around Homeworld.

???: Excuse me Peridot!

A lapis came up to them. Her hair was long and she had freckles.

Lapis: I need your help with something. Can-

Amethyst: He can't, sorry.

Lapis: Uh....I was asking-

She noticed 9 looked very uncomfortable.

Lapis: Is...is he ok?

Amethyst: He's fine.

Lapis: He doesn't look like he is.

Amethyst: Psh, don't you feel great babe?

9 nodded.

Lapis: ....What did you do to him?

Amethyst: What do you mean?

Lapis: Hey, Peridot look at me.

9 hesitantly looked at her.

Lapis: Listen to what I'm about to say, you don't have to be with her. You know that right?

9 looked a little surprised, like he never even thought of this.

Amethyst: We're done here. Come on Peridot, let's go.

She started walking away, 9 stayed.

Amethyst: Peridot....come on....

9 stared at her, then slowly walked to the Lapis.

Amethyst: What are you doing? GET OVER HERE!

9 flinched when she yelled.

Lapis: He clearly came to his senses. He doesn't want to be with you! You can't force him!

Amethyst: I can! I've done it before, I'll do it again!

The Lapis picked up 9.

Lapis: Hang on.

She grew water wings and flew away, 9 in her arms. 9 looked down at the Amethyst, who had a look of pure anger. The look horrified him.

Lapis: What did she do to you man?

9: .......What didn't she do to me....

Lapis: Hey look, don't worry. I promise I'll keep you safe. Come on, let's report this to a Diamond.

9: You say come on, you're the one holding me.

That earned a small chuckle from the Lapis.

(9): She saved me from her and we became good friends. Yellow made sure that the Amethyst didn't came near us. She didn't exactly believe us, but she didn't want to take any chances. That Lapis was much nicer. Everyday she'd make sure my well being was ok. We talked, joked, messed around, eventually, we got together. Obviously I was scared, bit she always put me before everything and when I was around her I felt...safe. She was mon douce petite fleur.

(Peridot): ....What?

(9): It means my sweet little flower.

(Peridot): Well, what happened to this, "sweet little flower"?

(9): .....Brace yourself Peridot....

9 walked to what looked like an abandoned building. He was tasked to salvage anything he could find. 9 was not a fan of this place, it was dark, damp, and eerie. Has he went deeper in, he heard something.

???: Help...someone help me....

It was following by what sounded like a punch. 9 got the feeling someone was kidnapped and followed the cries. The closer he got, the more scared he became. As he got closer, her could her the voice more clearly.

???: Please stop....

9: ...Wait....*gasp*! Lapis!

9 went from cautiously walking to full on sprinting. If this was Lapis, he had to save her, no matter what. Once o get deep enough, he found a horrific sight. Lapis....chained up, with multiple devices of torture everywhere. They used these on gems they captured during the gem war to torture them for information, and here, it's being used on an innocent gem.

Lapis: Peri.....dot....help....

9 froze with fear and just as he was about to act, Amethyst came from nowhere.

Amethyst: Look closely you waste of space.....

She had a blunt weapon in her hand. She slowly walked up to Lapis.


9 eyes widened and he ran to her.


He was to late. Amethyst hit her gem with full force. Lapis' eyes rolled to the back of her before poofing. Her gem fell to the floor and shattered on impact. 9 stopped and he fell to his knees.

9: .....You....shattered her....

Amethyst: Hey...this is your fault.

9 stared at blankly at the gem. If was just a bit faster....he might've saved her. Tears to roll down his face, but his expression didn't change.

Amethyst: Heheh, have fun living with this.

She walked away laughing. 9 sat there, still just staring at the gem. For a brief moment, he felt like ending it. There were several things around that could shatter him. But for the next moment, he felt....nothing. He didn't feel sad, scared, happy...nothing. He couldn't feel anything, he was...emotionless. But then...he did feel something....rage. He wanted to make that Amethyst die for what she did. He wanted to make her suffer. He had to do it, for her. After everything she did to him, he was finally pushed to the limit, he had to make her pay. And then he got an idea, he knew just what to do. He stood up, looked at the shattered gem one last time, then left to set his plan into motion. The first thing he did was find the Amethyst and confront her.


Amethyst: Isn't it obvious? Beacuse of her, I lost my toy. Of course I had to shatter her. And you know what? No matter where you go, or what you're doing, or who you're with, I'll be there, and I'll make sure you're never happy again. I will always have control over you Peridot, remember that. Shattering that Lapis was just the beginning, you better watch you back...and your front.

9 looked shocked, then she booped him on the nose and left. When she did, 9's expression immediately changed to a more serious one. He held out a small recording device and played back what she said.

9: Alright, now let's get started on phase 2.

~~~Diamond Court

Zircon1: And as you can see my Diamond, there is no evidence that this Amethyst did such things to this Peridot.

Amethyst got a sly smile on her face, 9's Zircon was sweating. Even though witnesses say they've seen her abuse him, there was no concrete evidence that said she did.

Yellow Diamond: Well, I see no reason to keep this going. Amethyst, you have been proven not-

9: May I interrupt my Diamond?

Zircon1: Ha! What? Why? You don't have any proof!

Zircon2: What are you doing?

9 handed her the recording device.

9: Play it.

His Zircon was skeptical, but at this point she'd try anything. She played the device and held it high. 9 stared directly at Amethyst, he found it a little funny that her once confident face slowly turned to one of shock and fear when she heard he recorded everything.

9: It's what they say, think before you speak.

Zircon1: M-M-My Diamond! This must be fake! I-I-It-

Yellow Diamond: Be quiet. It's clear that my initial decision was a bad one. Amethyst, you are guilty. But thankfully for you, you are one of our more stronger Amethyst and I can't risk losing you. The worse you'll get is rejuvenation.

9 wanted more, but going against a Diamond is a...less than good idea.

Amethyst: No.

Yellow Diamond: What?

Amethyst: I'm not letting him get away with this....

She suddenly bolted towards 9, everyone was shocked, expect 9. In fact, this is what he wanted. Just as she got to him, he used his limb enhancers to grab her arm.

Amethyst: What the?! What are these?!

9: Oh, just a little something I've been working on. See, I thought you'd try to attack me, and you can get close enough to break the usual Peridot limb enhancers, so I thought, hey? What if I make enhancers with more range and power? So here we are.

He grabbed all four if her limbs with his enhancers, and pulled her close to him. 9 pulled out a drill like device from his gem and looked at Yellow Diamond for approval. She simply nodded.

Amethyst: W-W-W-Wait! What...what happened that guy who was really nice huh? The...the guy who showed real emotion?

9: ........Emotion....is weakness. Logic is strength. And what's logical, is that you die....so, farewell.

9 ignored her begs to stop and began drilling into her gem. He was completely unfazed her screams. She. Deserves. Everything. Without even realizing, 9 had shattered her. And once again, he felt nothing. Not joy, not satisfaction, nothing. 9 put the drill back in his gem and sighed with annoyance.

Yellow Diamond: Well Peridot, I must I'm impressed. You chose logic over emotion, we need more people like you.

9: Thank you my Diamond.

Yellow Diamond: And you're clearly a lot smarter. You know, when I want you specifically, I'll let them know to send 9. That's you're name from on ok?

9 have her the Diamond salute.

Yellow Diamond: Good, you are dismissed.

He nodded and began leaving. He looked at the Zircons who had horrified looks on their faces. He looked at the shattered gem, then back at them.

9: Get over it.

9 left the room a whole new person. He wasn't the nervous pushover he was, not anymore. He was serious, not held back by emotions, amd he loved it.

~~~Present Day

Peridot sat in silence, still processing what she had just been told.

9: I've had trouble showing real emotion since then....but....when I think of that Lapis.....I can't help but cry....she's the only one who...actually cared about me.....

9 looked down at the ground, and there was a long moment of silence. Then, 9 felt a hand in his cheek. He looked at it, it was Peridot's. But her limb enhancers were on the ground, it was her bare hand. She then pulled him into a hug, shocking him.

Peridot: If.....If there's anything I can do to help you....please tell.

9 was silent for a moment, then began to tear up.

9: You being here for me is enough.

He hugged her back and cried on her shoulder. Peridot held him close, she didn't care if this seemed unprofessional, she didn't care about anything really. All she cared about was being her for him. And that's what she'll do, that's what they'll both do. They'll always be there for each other, always.

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