Earth Mission

(Yes I know this took forever)

[Third Person Pov]

[About a week later]

Peridot and 9 were walking around Homeworld.

9: We've done everything for today, and once the warp pad is repaired, we should be able to warp to it from anywhere. In the mean time........

He stopped walking.

9: ......I don't really do anything in my spare time....I have no idea what to do.

Peridot: Why don't you add more upgrades to your limb enhancers? That's what you usually do.

9: I have no more necessary upgrades to make.

Peridot: Oh...well, want other missions?

9: No, I have literally nothing to do.

Peridot: ....You could.....accompany me....

9 slowly turned to Peridot.

9: ....And do what?

Peridot: What we did earlier, talk.

9: Hm, you seem...quite keen on being around me.

Peridot blushed and frowned.

Peridot: T-Think nothing of it. I just want to know my partner better t-that's all....

9: Ha ha. Well, I suppose I have nothing else to do. What would you like to talk about?

Peridot: ...You.

9: I...beg your pardon?

Peridot: I'd like about you 9. Like I said, I want to know my partner better.

9: You sure there isn't another reason?

Peridot: S-Stop teasing me! Clod!

9 chuckled a bit, still not smiling.

Peridot: Do you want to or not?

9: ....Heh, fine, ask me anything. Within reason obviously.

Peridot: Well...what do you think of me? Be honest, I can take it.

9: You're a brat.

That made Peridot a little angry.

9: But, you are smart, and confident, in you're own way, and...I won't lie, you are nice to look at.

Peridot chuckled teasingly, making 9 blush.

9: It's just a compliment.

Peridot: Was it?

9 blushed deeper.

Peridot: Nyeh heheh! You cant handle your own tactics!

9: ...And that's what I found strange about you Peridot.

Peridot: Me? I'm not strange! You're the defective gem here!

9: I know. It's just that, you insult me often...very often, but, yet you still want to be near me. Even of it is just business, it's...perplexing.

Peridot started blankly at 9.

Peridot: I...don't quite understand it's a...strange feeling for me aswell.

9: I guess that's something I like about you.

Peridot: Huh? Like?

9: You aren't as predictable as other gems, I thought you'd be like the other Peridots I've worked with in the past. But unlike them, you're at least trying to get along with me. You...actually....

9 shook his head.

9: Next question.

Peridot wanted to know what he was going to say, but she did say she wasn't going to talk about is he didn't want to. Plus, pushing the question might damage their relationship.

Peridot: Hm...well...

9: Actually, I want to ask you something. What do you think of me?

Peridot: Well, if you must know. Despite my slight distaste for you, you are incredibly intelligent. And I admire your knowledge of machines. All in're above average.

9: Ah, I how do you feel about me?

Peridot: Huh? What's the difference between this question and the last one?

9: Well, we have already established what I think about you. But how I feel about you?

9 hesitated for a moment.

9: .......I know this is sudden, and I don't know why....but I feel comfortable around you.

Peridot: What? How can you feel comfortable around me?

9: Well, I suppose it's because of what I said before. People have tried to use me in the past, and although we may not like eachother, it is nice to know someone wants me more than just personal gain, even if it is just business.

Peridot: Wait, you've never said anything about being used earlier. Who tried to use you?

9: ......Let's just say there's a reason why my guard is always up. Why I don't like to be with others. Why I.......nevermind...

9's expression had a slight hint of fear in it. Peridot was genuinely concerned about him.

9: Anyway, back to my question, how do you feel about me?

This should be an easy question, but ever since their talk on the ship, Peridot isn't actually sure. Maybe it's because she knows something horrible happened to him and she feels bad. Whatever the reason...she just doesn't know.

Peridot: me again another time....

9 raised an eyebrow.

Peridot: I...*sigh* need to think about it.

9: Um....ok?

Peridot: You know what, forget this, let's focus on the mission.

9 got an alert on his tablet.

9: Speaking of.

9 pulled his tablet out.

9: Hm, well that was quick. The pad is repaired. We should head there immediately.

Peridot: Affirmative. The faster we get this done the better.

9: And Peridot? I want an answer for my question, if you don't mind.

Peridot just rolled her eyes. They began to wall to the nearest warp pad. She immediately started to think about how she could answer the question. Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed 9 wasn't with her anymore. She turned around and saw him just standing there, staring at something with a blank expression. She followed his gaze and saw he was looking at a gem couple. One had just given the other a flower and the two happily hugged. Peridot snubbed her nose.

Peridot: Why do love companions show their affection for each other publicly? It honestly feels like they're showing off. Wouldn't you agree 9?

She looked at him, he was still staring, but now he looked....sad, and his mouth was quivering as if he was about to cry....

Peridot: 9?

9 shocked his head and wiped his eyes.

9: Y-Yeah. I uh, I agree.

His voice was shaky.

9: No time to lose, let's.....let's just go.

9 began walking faster than his usual slow pace. Peridot looked at him with confusion, but decided not to ask, not now at least. She caught up with him and looked at him with concern.

9: It's nothing to worry about, focus on the mission.

Peridot: Peridot looked at him for a while before getting her serious face back and nodding.

~~~Homeworld Warp Pad On Earth

Amethyst: They fixed it?

Steven: What does that mean?

Pearl: I......don't know.....

The Homeworld warp activated and all the gems got worried. Garnet picked them all up and used her gauntlets to hang on the side. Peridot and 9 came on the warp pad. 9 stomped on the pad to make sure it was stable.

9: Hm....well these robots did a good job.

Pearl: Who are those two?

Garnet: I have no idea....

Peridot activated her tablet and started to record her audio.

Peridot: Log date, 312. This is Peridot, accompanied by 9-

9: Greetings.

Peridot: -performing Earth hub maintenance check.

Steven: Peridot! Her name is Peridot and the other one is 9! .....What kind of a name is 9-

Pearl and Amethyst covered his mouth.

9: Warp repair was a success. All 79 Tentabots and Robinoids deployed and accounted for. *sniff* Ugh, what is that horrible aroma?

Steven: I guess I haven't showered in days.

Peridot: Ignore that for now. We should head to the next part.

9: Hm, I suppose you are right. Preparing to locate and manually activate

9 looked down to see one of his robots cracked and clung to his leg. Peridot looked down and saw one of her robots cracked and bumping into her foot.

Steven: Aww...they're like a mom and dad and the little ones are like their babies.

Peridot and 9 looked at eachother with raised eyebrows. 9 nodded and so did Peridot. Peridot put her foot in her bot and 9 used is limb enhancers to pick up his.

9: ....These are useless now....

Peridot: Agreed.

Peridot crushed her bot and 9 tore his on half making Steven gasp.

Peridot: .....You got a little something on your face.

9 scooped the goo of his face and flicked it away.

9: Shall we access the domestic warp?

Peridot: That sounds like a good idea yes.

The two walked off the pad. 9 started to sniff again.

9: Ugh, it's like it......has a source....

9 looked at where the gems were hiding and narrowed his eyes.

Amethyst: He knows we're here.

He started walking over to them until.

Peridot: 9! We have a dilemma!

9 rolled his eyes and went to Peridot.

Peridot: The sight may have been compromised.

She showed him a crying waffle.

9: Crud, we have to leave now.

He pulled out an E.M.P device.

9: I worked so hard on these.

Peridot: You'll make more.

9 activated the device and the two warped away, destroying their robots in the process.


Peridot: Sight has appeared to be compromised, bots destroyed and retreat successful.

Peridot put her tablet away.

9: Well that could've gone a little better.

Peridot: Well at least we know someone might've been there.

9: ....So do you have my answer?

Peridot: Huh?

9: For my question?

Peridot: Oh,, I don't.

9: *shrugs* I'll give you more time. For now, I'm leaving. If you'll need me, I'll be in my lab.

9 began to walk away and saw the couple from before. He stared at them for a few seconds before shaking his head and walking off.

Peridot: Were you in a relationship before 9?

9 stopped for a moment, and looked at Peridot. Then he turned away.

9: .....Yes, I was.

That shocked Peridot, and 9 left to go to his lab. Peridot looked at the couple, and immediately started thinking about 9's past. He's never really told her anything about it.

~~~9's Lab

9 was tinkering with his limb enhancers again. He didn't need to, but he was trying to distract himself from the couple he saw, but he couldn't get them out his head. He was trying so hard to forget it, but he just couldn't. Then he figured out why, that flower, that stupid flower. 9 pit his face in his hands. He started to remember the past, his past with...her.

9: ......Mon douce petite fleur....(My sweet little flower)

He couldn't help himself, he cried. He really didn't want to remember, but he did. This more helpful for him though, he had all this emotion pent up, and now he can just let it all out in piece. But what he didn't know, was that Peridot was watching, just out of sight. She looked at him sadly. 9 stopped crying and wiped his tears.

9: It can't do anything now...forget her.

9 immediately went back working.

Peridot: (.....Who is her?)

[A/n Pov]

Yes I know this took forever. Yes I know I need to work on my schedule. Yes I know this is shorter than how I wanted it. Yes I know I suck., have a dancing Peridot.

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