girl meets yearbook

IT WAS yearbook time at John Quincy Adams and honestly, the group of friends was excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the hallway, it's yearbook time!" Riley said.

She and Farkle trudged down the hallway with a box of yearbooks.

"Hi, page forty-two." She said.

"Hi, pages twenty-seven, thirty-four, and fifty-eight. You're doing too much. You should calm down." Farkle said to the boy.

"Yearbooks! Find out who we are and what we really think about each other." Riley said.

"You wanna know what I think about you?" Maya asked Lucas.

"No, I do not."

"But I wanna tell you."

"I don't think you need to."

"I'm gonna do it anyway."

"Don't do it."

"It's been a while."

"I'm asking you not to do it."

"I'm gonna do it. You wanna run, or you want it straight in the face?" Maya asked.

"Well, I wanna run, but how would that look?"

"It wouldn't look good Huckleberry." Sophia said.

"You guys wouldn't judge me if I run, right?"

"Maybe." Sophia said.

"Come on, man. There's always another option."

Maya hahured in his face anyway.

"You okay now?"

"Hmm. That was good."

"You know else is good Yearbooks. All of our classmates say what they think of us." Riley said.

"Yearbook, find out how we'll be remembered. Guess what. You took another nice picture, you freaks." Farkle told Lucas and Thomas.

"Thanks, Farkle." Lucas said.

"How will you be remembered?" Thomas asked.

"Did they do it to you again?" Sophia asked.

""Most Likely to be Farkle" Farkle." Lucas read aloud.

"I didn't think I'd win it again this year, but I did." He said.

"What does that mean exactly, Farkle?" Riley asked.

"How should I know? They turned being me into a category."

"Hey, Riley won most likely to smile herself to death." Thomas said.

"Aw. Well, who wouldn't wanna go that way? I mean, when the time comes, why you gotta be a gloomy Gus?" Riley asked.

"Riles, I don't think they meant this as a good thing." Maya said.

"What did I get?" Sophia asked.

Bad question.

"Most likely to disappear." Thomas said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"Means your gonna leave without telling anyone, you just leave everyone behind." Thomas said.

Sophia stood up, "Where would people get that idea from?"

"They're making fun of me, and they're making fun of you two." Farkle said.

"What?" Riley asked.

"Would you stop smiling?" Maya asked.

"I'm not smiling, Maya. This is my upset face. This is smiling." She said making the weirdest face.

"You know what?" Farkle said, "I don't care what they say."

"Neither do I." Riley said.

"I don't care what they say at all."

"Neither do I at all." Riley said.

She turned around and yelled.

"How did this stuff even get in here?" Sophia asked, "You two are the editors."

"Wow, we must have very poor quality control." Farkle said.

"What did you get, Huckleberry?" Sophia asked.

"I got most likely to be okay with anything that ever happens." He said.

"How do you feel about that?" Maya asked.

"Well, actually, I'm okay with that." He paused, "Oh!"

"I'm not all sunshine and rainbows. I have a dark side." Riley said.

"And I'm not gonna disappear." Sophia said.

"Let me see your dark-side face." Maya said.

She couldn't even make a dark side face.

"Look, guys, we're not gonna make a huge deal out of this, are we?" Thomas asked.

"Who cares?" Lucas asked.

"It's only what everybody thinks of us." Sophia said.

"What's more important to you?" Lucas asked.

"What you think of yourself or what other people think of you?" Thomas asked.

"What I think of myself." Sophia said.

"Yeah." Farkle said.

"And what I think of myself is that it really bothers me what other people think of me." Sophia said.

"Well, forget about it. It's not like you can just turn around and be someone new." Lucas said.

"Yeah." Farkle said.

Farkle backed away and ripped his turtleneck off and put a beanie on.

"This is me now." He said.

"Farkle?" Riley questioned.

"Nope, Farkle is gone. You will never see him again."

"Farkle you can't just change like that, not right now anyway." Sophia said.

He walked up to her.

"I think you should change to Sophia." He said.


"Maybe if you change you'll stand out and people won't think you'll disappear." He said.

With that, he walked into the classroom.

Lucas approached her, "Are you seriously going to change?"

"He's right." Sophia said.

"Sophia this is stupid." Maya said.

"He's right."

She looked at all her friends and walked into the classroom.

History: Mr. Matthews

"Okay, what have we got here?" Mr. Matthews asked.

He walked in and Farkle was leaning against his desk.

"I'm Donnie Barnes." Farkle said.

"Really, Farkle, of all the names in the world you could pick for another personality, you pick Donnie Barnes?" Maya asked.

"You don't get it, do you?" He asked, "I'm Donnie Barnes, regular guy."

"I'd see that movie." Mr. Matthews said.

"Donnie Barnes is the real me.
Farkle Minkus is my goofy other personality."

Lucas stood up, "No, you're Farkle. Look, I'll prove it to you."

Lucas flipped the nameplate and had Farkle on it.

"See?" Lucas asked.

Farkle flipped the nameplate again and it read, Donnie Barns Regular Guy.

"How did you possibly do that?" Thomas asked.

"I don't wanna be most likely to be Farkle. Face it, cowboy. There's a new pretty boy in town. Thank you I am.." He hesitated, "Donnie Barnes."

He sat down.

"Are you gonna do something because this is where you do something, right? Are you gonna do something? Is there a lesson? You got a lesson? Is there a lesson?" Lucas asked.

"Iceland." Mr. Matthews said.

"Iceland!" Lucas shouted, "You all fixed? No? I don't think he's all fixed. If that was Riley or Sophia, you know you'd fix them."

"Sit down, Lucas."

"Oh, you know I'm right." He muttered and sat down.

"Iceland and Greenland." Mr. Matthews said, "What do you think about them, Mr. Barnes?"

"When I look like this, I don't have to think, right, Lucas?"

"Dude, I won the Scholar-Athlete award."

"Ooh, nerd alert!" Donnie said.

The majority of the class laughed.

"Iceland and Greenland, anybody?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"Iceland is a land of ice." Riley said.


"Then Greenland is a land of green." Sophia said.


"Then who cares? Stupid countries don't even know who they are. Stupid countries." Maya said.

"The Vikings discovered this beautiful green country." Mr. Matthews said.

"I come from Vikings." Farkle said.

"You do?" Lucas asked.

"You don't know me."


"So, the Vikings, they didn't want anyone else taking their new country, so they decided to name it Iceland. Everyone figures it must be cold. Nobody wants to go there." Mr. Matthews said.

"So they made everybody think of it in that way even though it wasn't true?" Sophia asked.

"That's right. Then another Viking comes along, Erik the Red, and he discovers a land of snow and ice. And he wants everyone to go there instead, so he names that Greenland and everyone goes there. The jerks!" Mr. Matthews said.

"So you're saying the perception of a thing doesn't make it so?" Lucas asked.

"I'm saying people are always gonna say stuff. How you react to what they say is what makes you the person you are."

"So don't react." Sophia said.

"That's right."

"Just keep on smiling." Riley said.

"Would you, please?" Mr. Matthews asked, "Lesson over."

"And nothing anybody else says is ever going to make me feel any different." Riley said.

"Hey, Maya, Thomas, congratulations on winning favorite couple." Yindra said.

"I feel different." Riley said.

"How is that possible?" Thomas asked.

"How could anybody ever see me and Thomas and I as a couple?" Maya asked.

"Everybody does." Yindra said.

"But we're so much alike." Riley said.

"And they're so different." Darby said.

"But we're like a summer rain."

"And they're like fire." Sarah said.

"Daddy, remember when you told me not to react?"


"I'm gonna react."

"Sophia, can you help me?" Mr. Matthews asked.

She slowly rose her head up.

"Matthews, people think I'm gonna disappear and I don't wanna disappear, I'm going to react."

Hopeman Residents

"That thing I don't want people to think I'm gone when I'm actually there." Sophia told her grandmother.

She explained all that has happened today.

"You want to change because of what your yearbook says?"

"It's what other people think of me."

"What does Farkle think about this?"

"Farkle is now Donnie Barns and Donnie Barns think I need to change so people think I'm there."

"What about Riley?"

"Riley is going to the dark side."

"What do you think?"

"I think I should change."

"I'll see what I can do?"

"Thank you."

Her grandmother sighed, "Come here."

The two of them went upstairs and walked towards Sophia's closet.

"Why are we here?" Sophia asked.

"Since you want to change we are gonna put all the stuff that isn't your way."

Sophia's grandmother was wise, very wise. She knew what was happening because she's been through it before.


After an hour or two they had packed the clothes into the closet.

"Okay and lastly is this jacket which I don't remember you having."

Sophia turned around and saw the letterman jacket Lucas bought her.

"Keep it or put it in the box?" She asked.

"Where does the box go?"

"In my room just in case you want something back."

She was hesitant before answering, "Put the jacket in the box."

"Okay. Now that's done we can go through your mom's old clothes."

"Why would we do that?"

"Because she had a sense of style. Now take that box of all your clothes and put them in the back of my closet."

Sophia picked up the boxes and they headed towards her grandmother's room.

"Okay now your mother is not the greatest at times but she did leave her clothes here just in case you wanted to have them."

After forty minutes or so she finally found something she liked.

"Are you sure you want to change?"

She looked over her shoulder and saw the box of clothes in the closet.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Well wear it tomorrow."

"Okay, I got to go check on Riley."

"Have fun."

Bay Window

"You are being ridiculous. Is there anybody more ridiculous than you?" Topanga asked.

"Knock, knock." Donnie said and climbed through the window.

Sophia walked in through the door, "Who's there?"

"I'm Donnie Barnes!" He said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really miss, "ladies."" Maya said.

"That's a catchphrase, and Donnie Barnes don't need no stinking catchphrase. You know why? I'm Donnie Barnes. Shplidow!" He said.

"Okay, I'm out." Topanga said.

"Riley, I came over to check on you. Because, well, I kind of expected this. Donnie Barnes, regular guy."

"Morotia M. Black. Shplidead inside."

"I feel you."

"And who are you?" Riley asked Sophia.

"I'm still SophiaAnn just with a girly side."

"Why did you change?" Maya asked

"Cause Donnie Barns said to, he said if I changed then people who see me differently."

"Let's say we play by our own rules?" Donnie asked.

"Shall we sit and ponder on the ridiculous futility of caring?" Riley asked.

"Let's do it."

"You get me." She said and they sat down at the window.

"Stop. Riley, is this about the me and Thomas best couple thing?"

"That doesn't affect me at all."

"We need Riley and Sophia back."

"There is no value to the existence of Riley."

"I'm still me Maya, I just have a girly side. I used to wear shorts, pants, high tops, plaid. Now I wear flats, skirts, and pink."

"The last time you wore pink you were seven, we need Sophia to get and Riley back to get Farkle back."

"There is no value to the existence of Farkle, dude."

"Guys, listen, okay, I know you're hurt." Maya said, "I know what people say can be upsetting, but I have no interest living in a world without Sophia, Riley, or Farkle. And I'm not going anywhere until you three come back. You hear me?"

"Maya, the people you knew aren't here anymore." Farkle said.

"Then can you please tell me where I can find them?" She asked.

"They're in the yearbook." Sophia said.

"Keep in touch and have an awesome summer." Riley said.

"Knowing you three is so hard." Maya said.

She climbed out the window.

Riley cut off the light and sat back down.

"Okay it's too dark in here and I have to go." Sophia said and hopped out the window.


"Mom, I need your help." Maya said.

She walked into Topanga's with a bag and a wig.

"Oh, I don't think I've ever heard more beautiful words come out of that little face."

"You're a great actress, waitress, right?" She asked.

"Well, some have said my crowd person number three in hey, mister, watch out for that car was life-changing."

"Hey, mister, you should have watched out for that car, yeah!" She said with some type of accent.

"I need you to turn me into Riley and Sophia."

"Does Riley or Sophia need to say, "Hey, mister-""

Maya cut her off, "No."

"No? Well, is she willing to?"

"I don't know how to do what they do, all right? She fixes things. I break things, and Sophia is what keeps us together. We need someone to be them." Maya said.

"You wanna be Riley Matthews and SophiaAnn Hopeman, you gotta get inside their soul." Katy said.

Riley and Topanga decide to walk with Sophia to Topanga's.

"My soul motel has no vacancy.
It is fully occupied by scary Jack-o-lanterns and candy corns." Riley said.

Topanga laugher, "Aw, dark Riley is really scraping the bottom of the Halloween barrel, now isn't she?"

"You didn't teach me enough bad things." Riley said.

"I'm so sorry, honey."

"Sophia, we need you back to fix Farkle and Riley. It's what you do." Maya said.

"Maya I haven't changed the only thing that has is my style and a little bit of my personality. I'm also learning something along this journey of Hopetown."

"This isn't the Hopetown I know, Hopetown has the real you in it." Maya said.

"Was she ever even there?" Sophia asked.

"What if we are fixed? What if this is who we're supposed to be?" Riley asked.

"Ma, you gotta help me out here.
If she's not gonna be here, I will.
Show me how." Maya said.

"All right, but before you become another person, understand that you may learn things about them you didn't know before. You may learn a secret even they don't know about themselves." Katy said.

"Riley, this is your last chance, or else, I become you, and know all of your secrets." Maya said.

"Nonsense. It's impossible to become somebody else." Riley said.

Katy made a circle around Riley.

"I love today." Katy said, "Today is even better than yesterday, and yesterday was the best day ever! I'd think about tomorrow, but I am afraid I'd burst into sparkles. Oh, there it is. There it is."

"If you were better, perhaps I'd gasp."

Katy walked over to Maya and Sophia.

They flipped their hair, "Stop it."


History: Mr. Matthews

"I can't walk in there." Sophia said.

She was wearing the outfit that she picked out yesterday.

"Why is that?" Maya asked.

Sophia didn't even dare to look back.

"Because Lucas is right there and he's gonna judge me."

She finally looked back at Maya.

"What the heck are you wearing?"

"I'm not Maya, I'm Riley Matthews." She said.

She just looked at her.

She wanted to say something but didn't really know what it was.

"Okay, since your Riley, I guess I can walk in."

"Maya? Sophia?"

"Lollipops, and circuses, and things that rhyme with that." Maya said.

Lucas completely brushed off Maya and walked to Sophia.

"You changed." Lucas said.

Sophia sighed, "Thomas didn't."

"Hey." Thomas said.

"Where are all your clothes at?"

"They're put away Lucas and I'll probably never touch them again."

"Where's that letterman jacket at? It's put away isn't it?"

Her smile dropped, "Yeah."


"Because people think I'm disappearing, they think I'm becoming Riley and Maya, I'm not the person you met on the subway. I was Riley and Maya, now I'm me."

"This is your solution, Maya?" Thomas asked her.




"No!" They both shouted and sat down.

"Please be back to normal. Please be back to normal." Mr. Matthews said walking in.

"What's up, hambone?" Farkle said.

"Don't worry, daddy. I'm going to fix everybody right up." Maya said.

Mr. Matthews screamed, "Sophia?"

Sophia smiled, "I'm me, Matthews, I'm not Riley and I'm not Maya, I'm me."

Lucas stood up, "All right, you know what? It's Lucas time. You're the best Farkle we got, and everyone knows it."

"And you are a complete ray of sunshine. And you are not."

"And you are the person I met on the subway regardless of who you say you are right now."

"And that's who we are. I don't know what this is. But I do know that if you let someone say who you are, then you really won't be who you are, and you certainly won't end up being who you were meant to be."

"If you end this with Iceland or Greenland, I'll give you an A on the report right now. Because you are the only one in here you and Thomas are the only ones recognize." Mr. Matthews said.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna stay Riley. I know how much everybody would miss me if I did." Maya said.

"No, no, stay Riley." Sarah said.

"Yeah, you're a good Riley." Darby said.

"Wait. You like us all like this?"
Sophia asked.

"We like Riley. We don't care who plays her."

"What about Maya and I?" Sophia asked.

"Nothing we do matters." Riley said.

"Sophia, you're the most secure person in this room. You have a great life." Lucas said, "Why would you change?"

"I mean, okay, not a great life. I mean, your family life could be, you know, better. But at least at school, you're, great, and, uh you're here a lot. Right?"

"Stop talking." Sophia muttered.

"Little help, please. Donnie Barnes?" Lucas asked.

"I think people should be the best person they can be."

"I agree." Sophia said.

"Riley Matthews is the best person I can be. Maya is gone, and you're never gonna see her again. World peace. And bunnies!"

"Sophia?" Lucas questioned.

"I'm staying the way I am and you won't change that."

"All right, you all say I'm most likely to be okay with anything. Well, I'm not okay with any of this.
I'm not okay with all you guys not realizing that what you say about people matters. And I'm not okay with you guys thinking what people say about you matters." Lucas said.

"You know what happened after everybody went to Greenland because someone told them to?" Mr. Matthews asked.



"Black swan?"

"Pink and colorful."

"They all died." Sophia said.

"Yep." Mr. Matthews said.

"What? Really?" Sophia asked.

"Really. They came to an inhospitable, uninhabited ice ball named Greenland because someone said it was pretty, and the first thing they did was die.
The jerks! So please remember, you shouldn't pay attention to what everybody says. Because if you listen to everybody else, you just might end up crashing your little ships onto the rocks." Mr. Matthews said.

"But you should listen to the people who care about you." Lucas said.

"Because they have your best interest at heart." Thomas said.

"Right, buddy?" Lucas asked Farkle.

"You're much more than just a regular guy." Thomas said.

"Aw, Thomas, you're a very sweet guy. That's why I always liked you since I fell into your lap on the subway. It's why we should have been favorite couple, because we're so much alike. You know, it's like we're two sunshine-y people from the same sunshine-y family. That's why I like you so much. It's like you're my brother. Oh." Maya said, "It's like he's your-"

"What?" Riley asked.


"What just happened?" Riley asked.

"Uh, nothing. Nothing happened.
I don't wanna be Riley anymore.
Only you're Riley. I'm Maya. You're Sophia and you don't dress like this. We don't care what you say. We're not crashing our ships. Come back. Come back right now." Maya said.

But the bell rang.

Bay Window

Maya was ripping off Riley's black drapes.

"Wow. There is a lot of light in this world." Riley said.

"If you let it in, yeah." Maya said, "You know who taught me that?"

"Us." Sophia said.

"The real you, yeah. "We need you back, Riley and Sophia. If you wanna listen to what people say, listen to the right people. Listen to me. I'm Maya."

Riley only smiled.

"Maya." Sophia said.

"Yeah, cinnamon roll."

"Your mom told you that you might find out a secret about Riley."

"Did you find anything out about me that maybe you should tell me?" Riley asked.

"No." She said.

"Did the bunny and the puppy really kiss?" Riley asked.

"Absolutely, Riley, they did."

"But I know that the pony didn't actually talk." She said.

"I can't keep anything from you."

"That's because I'm a smarty-pants." Riley said.

"Yes, you are." Sophia said.

"Can you please fix everything now Sophia?" Maya asked.

Sophia nodded.

"There it is.

"Hey, let's go to my place before we go to Topanga's." Sophia said.

"Okay." They said.

They let Riley change back into her normal clothes before heading off to Sophia's.

"Why are we in your Nana's closet?" Maya asked.

"I have something in here that I need."

Sophia pulled out the box and dumped all the clothes on the floor.

"What are you looking for?" Riley asked.

She grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and a pair of regular shoes.

She also grabbed the letterman jacket.

"Let me change and we can go."

"Where'd you get the jacket?" Maya asked.

"Someone very special."


The three of them walked into Topanga's.

The two mothers clapped at what they've seen.

"Yeah, we know who we are." Riley said.

"And you know who you are." Maya said.

"You're Farkle, and it's a state of being." Sophia said.

"There's only one, and everybody who cares about you knows that." Riley said.

"You are in your own category, Farkle." Maya told him.

"I'm glad you guys are back to normal. I love you both any way you are." Farkle said.

"So you're gonna come back too?" Lucas asked.

"No." He said.

"Why not?" Thomas asked.

"Because people change. I think you know that better than anyone. And I think it could be a good thing." Farkle said.

"What?" They asked.

"You don't have to call me Donnie Barnes. I made that up. My name is Farkle Minkus. I'm growing up.
And I don't know what's gonna happen next. But you guys are my best friends, so deal with it." Farkle said.

He walked out of Topanga's.

Sophia followed behind.

"Hey, Farkle."

"You don't have to talk to me Lucas and Thomas already did."

"I know that, but I still want to talk to you."


"What I wear." Sophia said.

"I didn't mean anything I said, that was all Donnie Barns talking."

She smiled, "I believe that Farkle, but like you, I'm not gonna wear pants every day."


"Because I didn't know who I was without you being you."

"Did you really think you were Riley and Maya made into one person?"

"Yeah, but now I know that I'm me, SophiaAnn Hopeman."

"That's good to know Sophia."

"Thank you Farkle."


"Cause you believe in me."

"No problem Sophia."

"I got to go but have fun with this new style of yours."

"I will and have fun with yours."

"I will."

Sophia walked up the steps and followed Lucas.

"Hey Huckleberry."

"Hey Hopeman. So are you changing your style forever?" He asked.

"No, but I am gonna wear this jacket a lot more."

"I'm glad."

"Me too."

"Hey. Guess what?"

"What?" Sophia questioned.

"I like you very much."

"I like you very much too."

Word Count: 4047

Updated on: November 7th, 2018

Okay this has to be one of my other favorite chapters ( this is probably a lie and it was )

I would like to thank everyone for 27k reads

Also note that is I would to make Sophia and Thomas favorite couple I wouldn't work. At least I don't think it would work because Maya would become Sophia and I just don't know it might would have worked.

I highly recommend you listen to Reaper by Sia cause it's my favorite song ( not anymore )

Next Chapter is Girl Meets Semi Formal

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